How do poppers affect you?
Jack T. said on Thu, 26 Jul 2012 at 20:25...
This is a page to discuss the effects of alkyl nitrites in general, or the different formulas available (amyl, isobutyl, isopropyl – which works for you?), or poppers' effects in any particular setting (bedroom, nightclub)... And anything and everything else on topic.
Come on in and share your experience – or read what other people have had to say so far!
Raj - Dubai,U.A.E. said on Mon, 11 Feb 2013 at 19:45...
Though it is legally not allowed, but some of visitors from Europe bring it and have used a few times. It gives me head ache after use. But I love it..
Oliver D. said on Mon, 18 Feb 2013 at 18:51...
I am not new to poppers. Those small bottles played a big part in my first adventures in the "playground" of 1980s London.
Back then, you could see poppers just about everywhere. In my memory I have an idea of when I first found them: it was Heaven around about 1982. I walked into that passageway that runs through to the back cloakroom and suddenly a pungent incense hit me... it was unusual and I wondered what it was. The guy I was with laughed when I mentioned it and gently tapped the pocket of his Levi's. I just thought he was being a flirt.
So anyway, back on the dance floor, Eurythmics was beating out and suddenly it was that incense again -- quite nice but this time it was so powerful! I looked down amidst the strobing lights and there, in the guy's hand, was a bottle and he was doing poppers. Smiling--oh yeah, I remember he had a wonderful young face in that 80's clean-cut sort of way--he offered the poppers.
Next is a bit of a blur but I do remember feeling the lights and the music inside me... it was as if the whole of Heaven was going to give it to me. I felt a kind of animal instinct to get what I wanted, to be satiated... quite savage, really
In any case, I started to grind my body into my partner. It felt right. (Until then we had been dancing on the edge of intimacy.) Poppers proved an instant aphrodisiac and a breaker of ice. The guy responded in tune to the music and as we walked down the poppers brick road, we seemed to become like one. His hard torso was like a rock and I clung to it like to a cliff... below there was a promise of a hot sea for endless hours.
Time was stopped; it was as though I was just about one thing only, and that was something deep inside me, something raw -- perhaps an itch that demanded attention for all the years since I first saw a guy at the local swimming pool?
Love is a stranger in an open car; the taxi took us East. You can imagine that poppers featured heavily in the night that followed. I can only say that I had never experienced anything like it before. It was not like the nervous trysts of before; it was without union, without boundary. As I am writing, I have just recalled the guy in question even more vividly: his name was Will and he drove a delivery van.
The next morning I think he said something like, "f@%k you were hungry" and laughed. In any case, that first night led to lots of other meetings, the memories of which are just beginning to surface.
What I find interesting is that--in my mind at least--poppers are associated with particularly uninhibited, wild kind of sex (not the kind that I typically enjoy with a long-term partner). They satiate a more selfish kind of animal-like greed. I have noticed that if I see a poppers bottle these days (thanks to my gym workouts I still get plenty of offers) I instantly associate the aroma with some serious pleasure... a whole mental chain reaction starts. I suppose you might compare it to a hungry diner who sees a filet steak and his mouth begins to water; or more probably still, to a dog that sees a huge bone
Andy said on Sat, 26 Oct 2013 at 18:42...
My Wife and I regularly use Poppers during foreplay and intercourse, both anal and vaginal.
Have done for years.
The feelings of euphoria are great, and the feeling of almost animal lust and wanton abandon and release are phenominal.
We pour a small quantity of the liquid into one of those empty small herb or spice bottles found in the supermarket spice section. We place two or three cotton wool balls (no more than 3 as it restricts airflow) into the herb bottle to soak up the liquid and inhale from that instead of directly from the popper bottle itself.
We've had a couple of accidents in the past and spilled entire bottles over ourselves and the bed...not fun and kills the mood quickly!
This way, the liquid is safely locked up in the cotton balls, so it cannot spill, and the plastic flip-lid of the herb bottle keeps the liquid fresh between hits. Even if the cap is left open, you won't spill any liquid, so the 'sniff' (as we call it) can be thrown onto the bed and used when the mood takes us.
Great for anal sex, and increases my wifes desire and pleasure during the act.
It makes sex SO sensual...and that's coming from a bloke that's been married to the same woman for 25 years! (completely faithfully too).
We love poppers, try them - you'll probably love them too!
SFE said on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 at 03:54...
Unfortunately there are physical problems associated with poppers besides a basic headache (for some...). I have reason to believe they can damage joints- particularly in the knees, and I've had after effects of muscular tightness up to a day or two after a session of much use (a session of perhaps 8-12 hours of fucking). But I find it overall not something to put me off of using them. Non-addictive? Seems when I want to really get into some intense sex, the urge is there to go cop some more if I'm out. Yes, inhibitions drop under the influence, to a point of wanting to indulge anyone's sexual proclivities. Other than trying them I've zero interest in ever doing any substances (I don't even care for alcohol...)- these make things seem like only sexual indulgence is what "is". Yumm.
WW Smith said on Sat, 7 Dec 2013 at 03:35...
There is another interesting theory on how poppers work on the brain. The fact they dilate blood vessels tends to cause a significant drop in blood pressure, this is why they increase heart rate to keep up the flow through the overly relaxed vessels. But, this also seems to cause the body to react by shunting blood flow to the more important, more primitive parts of the brain. This reaction is what causes the impaired judgment, lack of inhibitions and an intensified feeling of raw, primitive, uninhibited sexuality. In short, it stops you from thinking too much and makes you feel more.
S Ellis said on Mon, 3 Feb 2014 at 23:24...
My husband is a user of poppers and I'm pretty sure his usage is quite frequent now.. I'm not so sure they are not addictive..
He has symptoms of very pale skin and his lips go very blue after usage and I have noticed even his hands and fingers under his nails go quite blue in colour too. I'm not a user and am really beginning to be concerned this will have a serious effect on his health.
ian (glasgow uk) said on Sat, 15 Mar 2014 at 19:49...
Been using them for years and after a session sniffing them with my gay lover , a few hours later had the same experience as the above female stated, blue lips and skin colour change and had a mini stroke a few hours later,
im a glutton for punishment and still using them
kosihome said on Thu, 20 Mar 2014 at 23:58...
I have used poppers for years. I am no glutton tho and have never had any of the side effects mentioned by ian or S Ellis. I enjoy them but overindulgence of poppers is going to have negative effects just the same as nay other drug or food /drink for that matter. Used in a reasonable manner, they are no more harmful to most people than a few beers.
Moggie said on Fri, 18 Apr 2014 at 14:59...
There's a lot of misinformation; it's not safe to use over long periods. Think about it, if you get blue lips it shows lack of oxygen in the blood, which means your organs are not getting enough oxygen, similar to when you have heart problems. I have used poppers and experienced this, it's clearly been an overdose as I'd been using during a long session. I now only use it over a shorter period and only notice a slight blueish tinge to my lips. The following is an extract of findings, see Overdose for the lack of oxygen:
The use of popper inhalants can also create a series of cardiovascular side effects. For example, the dilation of blood vessels can cause a severe drop in blood pressure, leading to dizziness, feelings of being lightheaded, and even instances of passing out. This drop can be especially dangerous to those who already suffer from hypotension, or abnormally low blood pressure. Using poppers can also increase your heart rate, producing the sensation of a racing heart beat.
Extended use of poppers may cause severe damage to your nervous system. The National Institute on Drug Abuse notes that both the central nervous system and brain may experience problems, including limb spasms and brain damage.
Other common side effects of popper vary, and include nausea and vomiting, loss of sensation, hearing loss, head pressure, flushing of the face and neck, skin rash, and feelings of restlessness.
Popper overdoses can result in heart failure, and can kill users through asphyxiation, with the inhalant crowding out oxygen from the lungs. According to the Mayo Clinic, signs of a potential overdose include dizziness, blue tinting of the skin and nails, extreme pressure in the head, shortness of breath, passing out, and a weak and fast heartbeat. If you are experiencing any of these signs, seek medical attention immediately.
itchy said on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 at 20:54...
can it give you a rash on your penis,if it comes in contact with the skin,any body help
itchy said on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 at 20:56...
what is the best way to take it,because I allways end up with a burnt nose??
Nick said on Tue, 13 May 2014 at 17:24...
I tried it for the first time yesterday and I felt amazing. A girl introduced it to me. Amazing head! Very fun.
Devin said on Wed, 14 May 2014 at 19:33...
Poppers is extremely dangerous; I have permanent brain damage because of that. .do not not use .
j blanco said on Mon, 14 Jul 2014 at 02:08...
So all you do is sniff don't put in microwave ....until white substance.....? Like special k
Jay said on Fri, 19 Sep 2014 at 03:26...
I've experienced severe joint pain after use and within half an hour I am coughing up chunks of green phlegm which lasts at least 24 hours severe headache and will cause temporary erectile dysfunction also can get bloody nose I feel it is addictive and can be very dangerous one time it made me so dizzy my heart beating so hard I had to get down on my hands and knees until it stopped and also being an athlete I am unable to run work out any time for at least 24 hours after use so I would say be very careful with this do not overuse
Chipper said on Mon, 29 Sep 2014 at 19:51...
Im pretty sure poppers have been causing my O2 sats to drop a lot.
steve said on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 at 08:00...
I need to buy poppers in uae any suggestions?
GaDXB said on Wed, 8 Oct 2014 at 22:34...
Yeah Steve, me too!
Ashley said on Sat, 18 Oct 2014 at 05:21...
Steve and GaDXB go to
It's cheap and they deliver worldwide...
mumbaipopperwhore said on Sat, 25 Oct 2014 at 10:39...
jungle juice gives me a headache. i love rush/titus/amsterdam gold. its an incredible feeling doing vodka shots + poppers + mdma
Bow said on Sat, 8 Nov 2014 at 17:36...
I used poppers last week and my lips as fingers went blue ... What should I do
Martin said on Sun, 9 Nov 2014 at 00:39...
A friend of mine suggested poppers while having sex. It was the best experience ever! I loved it and the sex was amazing.
Ones in awhile I'm buying one or two bottles and use it, til it has no more effect on me. I'm a little worried now, because I've bought a few bottles lately from different site, but it had no effect on me at all. It's like sniffing s bottle of water. It doesn't do anything on me. First i thought they sold me fake bottles, but after trying 4 different stores, i think it has to do with me. It's like I'm immune for poppers, although I've never used it that much and never overdosed it.
Am i the only one?
steve said on Sat, 15 Nov 2014 at 01:11...
I am gay and in to leather/rubber a lot and use them in clubs all the time martin and yes I believe they make u perform unsafe sex as I do a lot when on them also I find I have to use the big bottles now and a lot of them to get the same effect ,I have had lots of drient ones and I don't think any r any stronger then any others .I also use virgra with them and find it fine as the poppers may give you problems in the hard department and the virgra gives u it back so its a win both ways .All I would say if you do use em a lot the only problems I have is I sometimes get dizzy and I have a burnt nose some time .There r lots of other drugs you can take with them but becarefull what u mix toghtter with out knowing what it is going to do .its a free world if you like it do it I say
popperbob said on Sun, 16 Nov 2014 at 16:06...
what alternatives are there? because I find poppers really affect my breathing the next day
carnotex said on Wed, 19 Nov 2014 at 17:07...
I'm a gay bottom and often use poppers when having sex. With the right poppers, they can really enhance sex. I usually take once I've been penetrated and after getting into a rhythm with the top. With the right mood, partner and poppers the sex can be pretty amazing. All a bit hit and miss though.
pekitas said on Fri, 5 Dec 2014 at 07:38...
I smell poppers since 2005 and some times if l use very often i get erection problems,,
Nick said on Sat, 6 Dec 2014 at 00:01...
Who has some poppers I can grabs ?
Anonymous said on Sat, 6 Dec 2014 at 00:02...
In Dubai and got cash and up for fun.
topperxxx said on Sun, 21 Dec 2014 at 15:54...
how popper is useful for gay-top.Doe's it help in hardening n time enhancement of intercourse.
Anonymous said on Fri, 2 Jan 2015 at 12:21...
This number is incorrect. Please do not contact.
Vinny68 said on Sun, 4 Jan 2015 at 23:29...
I started dating this guy and he was a confirmed top only guy, and huge. I remember thinking that thing was never going to go into me and he handed me my first bottle, whispered 'inhale this slowly", and a minute later I was taking him without pain and out of my mind with pleasure. So I'm a believer. LOL.
Ampeli said on Mon, 12 Jan 2015 at 11:13...
I am in my 50's and have been using poppers since my early twenties. My wife and I use them together and on our own, and with me a lover of anal masturbation they are quite simply the ultimate aid to a prostate induced orgasm
For us the loss of inhibition brings out a sexual 'truth' in our activities that allows for a sexual liberation and indulgence in the type of sex play that would not happen without poppers. For example we have both accepted that we are hetero flexible, and as such watching porn and mutual masturbation and all sorts of other stuff besides allows a sexual expression that nobody in the world would guess of two 'normal' professional people
Ampeli said on Mon, 12 Jan 2015 at 12:46...
As a PS to my last post, the type of poppers is important. Isopropyl is a definite no no, it burns badly if spilt on skin and only works on a physical level. Isobutyl and to a slightly lesser extent, pentyl work on a psyco active level to produce some magic sexual moments
waj said on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 at 07:57...
Hey Nick hit me up at
rurede said on Sun, 18 Jan 2015 at 10:35...
I love the intensification of sensuality I feel with poppers. I always practice safer sex but I more freely give my bottom and admit. To longing for a hard stroke but a hung man
Scotto said on Mon, 2 Feb 2015 at 13:08...
I'm one with the penis when I suck it. The most extraordinary sensual experience one can ever imagine. Wooow.
isthatit said on Thu, 5 Feb 2015 at 10:17...
Seems like the only real appeal or use is for gettin it through the back there anyone who uses poppers for anything not having to do with "relaxing the back"? Must not be that euphoric or someone would have chimed in. Im not gay but im not strait or just open to whatever happens at a given time as long as its safe. This stuff seems dangerous as everyone is saying they go all "animalistic" on the if you dont mind following that action with a lifetime of expensive prescriptions to keep the other thing you picked up from the "hot stranger" in the club from killing you before your time. Sounds like poppers should come with some good strong condoms. Dont get me all for everyone havin fun however they please..but people who cant afford the pills are dieing every day...still
nick said on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 at 02:14...
Anyone have poppers?I'm also bi so anyone looking.
cityboi1971 said on Fri, 20 Feb 2015 at 20:30...
Question for any readers / users of poppers ...
This dude I've been hanging with uses poppers while giving me head, which is btw AMAZING .
We have already been high from very good weed, first.
My question is ...does anyone think i'm getting the actual effects of the poppers, even though I'm not using them myself. He inhales, blows immediately on me then sucks...
these sessions are super intense, and i am experiencing immediately some of the same responses as the popper users are describing?
So, does anyone think i'm absorbing some of it through the thin skin of my penis? Or is just the weed? Both?
I've had much more intensified orgasms, slowed time, bright colored lights, one with the dude, my penis feels humongous , etc...
What do you guys think?
jim R said on Thu, 2 Apr 2015 at 17:44...
Recently poppers have a real negative impact on me: I am really hard, sniff poppers and ooops ... it becomes soft! I lose my erection and cannt get it back.
Any idea why?
rimrim said on Sun, 5 Apr 2015 at 09:26...
I want poppers in Dubai, anyone have ???
ilokanoako said on Sun, 12 Apr 2015 at 11:21...
who's selling poppers here in Dubai? i want to order some bottles..and is it possible to put it on luggage/hand carry baggage when i am travelling outside UAE?
Sam said on Thu, 23 Apr 2015 at 04:52...
I used poppers one time and never going back. my eyes turned red and I read more about its damages. guys I know its fun and every person reacts differently to it. but its got some serious damages to your eyes especially when you get older. its just not worth it guys.
steve said on Mon, 1 Jun 2015 at 16:24...
My first experience with poppers was my first time getting fucked my Top friend was a Beautiful Black man and he was very well hung and I never thought I would be able to take him as I was struggling just trying to swallow him, but he took out this little brown bottle and said that it would help relax me and lower my inhibitions, put it under my nose and just told me to inhale it and WOW it was a feeling I will never forget and somehow I just lost my gag reflex and was able to swallow him full length I remeber looking up at him and he was cooing telling me how good I was doing, then later tried it again as he got me on his bed from behind I remember feeling him between my cheeks and he reached around with the poppers and gave them to me again, this time he had me take 2 or 3 sniffs in each nostril and WOW I remember arching my back and sticking my bottom up in the air and feeling his hands on my hips and feeling him sliding in and in, then I said that he was all the way in, my cock was so hard and after a little while and started pumping and pumping WOW I became a real bottom that night thanks to his knowledge and his POPPERS
brad said on Wed, 3 Jun 2015 at 11:02...
what a hot story Steve I also believe poppers helped me become the bottom I am and also find myself Very attracted to Black Men pass me the brown bottle please
Lucy said on Thu, 4 Jun 2015 at 06:21...
I've used poppers for the last 4 years on the weekends heavily and I'm worried I've damaged my brain. Im having really bad sensations my skin burns from the inside it's really awful and I swear all the time anyone else out there this happen too I'm really scared and don't know who to ask
Poppers are dangerous in the long run said on Tue, 9 Jun 2015 at 11:25...
10 Years of using poppers on and off here... for ages just mild effects of a slight headache now and then, a bit of fatigue and the usual mellow symptoms that wear off pretty fast... fast forward to ten years later and i have severe skin disorders on my face -- rosacea / dermatitis... my brain tends to be more forgetful, fatigue is much more then it was ever way before. Poppers are bad for the following reasons... the ingredients changed a number of years ago when they were banned so now there are tons of bottles containing bad stuff that in long term use will damage you badly.
The problem with poppers is that they are easy to get hold of and not expensive. Many websites do play poppers down saying they are not addictive etc but ultimately they are without you even knowing it most of the time. You become dependent on them for sexual gratification not being able to feel that intense feeling you felt sexually unless you use them.
Poppers down the line when the bad signs really start showing can potentially ruin your life... everyday things you take for granted are changed (bad skin on your face, bad eyes, fatigue, hard to stop using completely, bad heart etc)
A lot of companies making poppers extremely cheap and we will never know what are in them. Advice from someone who is facing a damaging time via poppers... leave them alone and stop. Whilst doing this you'll soon find that they are addictive but try and stop. Poppers are played down way to much but im living proof of how bad they can be!
brad bottom boy said on Thu, 18 Jun 2015 at 14:32...
I am a new bottom and I was first turned onto poppers by a dominate Top who told me that bottom boys love them when I did them I felt incredible total loss of inhibitions did anything only cared about pleasuring the Top. He told me a lot of Top Men carry them even if they don't use them because of the way it makes the bottoms so willing I agree it sure does that all you can think about is his Cock.
cj said on Fri, 10 Jul 2015 at 00:49...
love the last post but seems a bit creepy
Limerick said on Fri, 17 Jul 2015 at 19:03...
I'd like to hear what others think... My husband and I have been married almost 30 years, with grown children and young grandchildren. I found poppers in his car after he was out late. Would he use alone, in a car, for any other reason than to enhance sex? Suspicions flying here and I found a bottle in our garage (unlabeled but positive the same thing) about 17 years ago.
Yuddha said on Wed, 12 Aug 2015 at 22:07...
how I can buy this rush how much one small bottle
Let me know how much it's please email me @
headhunter said on Tue, 8 Sep 2015 at 20:35...
Hey guys,quick question I'm a tower top can poppers do anything for us tops, or is it just for the bottom boys
coupleinindiana said on Sat, 31 Oct 2015 at 18:43...
Me and my husband of 25 years love poppers. He introduced them to mea few years ago and he found them watching some porn of a woman who loved wrreaking her vigina. Anyhow I love them whwn we are havong sex. They totally relax me and put me into the moment. I have the most amazing whole body orgisims on it. Itis just that damn good. He cannot evwn touch me any where after I cum when I am on it as my entire body feels like it is my clit and super ssensitive after cumming. He likes them a lit but only draw back is a soft cock, but we have a magic wand massager and so we have fun on poppers using that! If you and your busband want some mind blowing sex try them. We found uspopshop to be our goto supplier. I love haze and he loves all but the green bottle and prefers injection. The good thi g about them is you can try thier diffeeant brands and find the one you like. Haze never gives me any bad side effects. If you buy 3 you get o e free. We have 12 bottles in our nightstand drawer after every order OMG I am so happy he turned us onto these amazing things. Oh and like one poster said we first tried it right from the bottle and well nothing really. We thing used an old empty vitamin bottle with a fliptop lid with 2 or 3 cotton balls and we dump half a bottle of haze in and let the bottle sit closed for 30 min. And wow....
coupleinindiana said on Sat, 31 Oct 2015 at 18:56...
I need to add we only use about once a.month. sonetimes twice. We both use to masterbate sometimes but we habe never experienced any bad side effects. Well I meam whwn we first strarted and until I found chill I was always getting a headace, I stopped but then gave it a try with haze and ill never stop. It is amazing when you sniff it in as I said.i am totally in the moment, when he is fingering me I keep asking for.more and have now been fosted and trust me I always want more it.turns me into an animal, a total slut who cant get enough in my pussy. When he is fisting me and I turn on the magic wand my pussy just gushes juices and whwn I cum it is as if my head is attached to one huge entire body feels like it is my clit.
we also fist him and. When I am hitting his.prostate he goes crazy.
Warning women that have never tried it. I am not and still not an anal girl. But we found by accident one night that poppers do relax your asshole. My hubby was going down on me and I was enjoying the experamce when I started to pass gass and it just escaped from me, there is no holding back at all. We laughed so hard that more.came with a shot of pee. So just be warned
Brian said on Sun, 13 Dec 2015 at 21:11...
New to poppers i first discovered doing some doggy , Although I am 50 and have been a DIY guy all my life , Woooo I have to go and buy the little brown bottle in the local sex shop , when I'm home alone and have all my toys set up I have a few sniffs and end up taking a big tick Dildo in my back door And one in my mouth It drives me wild I become a piss Slut bottom Whore , But I am still reserved as to how much and how often I shall be taking the little brown bottle as I am Type II diabetic , But it is a lovely buss
gary said on Wed, 16 Dec 2015 at 21:04...
What are us popper addicts going to do when this Psychoactive Bill is passed next year and becomes law?Poppers is one of the various Psychoactive things that looks like it might be banned and illegal to use and to buy.No sex shop here in this country will be able to sell them.I have used them for years and enjoy watching porn and having a good sniff at the same time.I become part of the film that I am watching.Why must all good things come to an end?! Sigh!
satyr said on Wed, 23 Dec 2015 at 02:53...
I'm married in my 40s & don't get nearly enough sex. I'm always looking for a way to spice up my "alone time". I tried poppers a few times over the years, but recently bought a bottle of Rush. My experience was both good and bad.
The first time I masturbated on poppers was an out of body experience! My cock was hypersensitive and it felt as if i was being touched by someone else, and yet that I was touching someone else too. My heart raced and i felt light headed. 10 or 15 seconds after each sniff, it was a speedy/trippy experience that lasted intensely for 45 seconds or so. I used it sparingly and was in heaven. It did make my cock softer at times, but the experience was so hot i immediately got rock hard again. I was on the edge of an orgasm for an hour, & I took a sniff right before I came. WOW! Pure ecstasy.
The next day I did it again. I'd learned the timing and intensity of the effects. I breathed it in deeper, and held it longer. Amazing.
That Saturday I was home alone and jerked off on poppers 3 times. I couldn't help myself. I wanted the intense pleasure again & again. I used more and more frequently. It was more difficult to stay hard, and the sensitivity was less. Obviously I was using and expecting too much of the drug, but in those moments I was chasing that first life changing orgasm. My inhibitions were definitely less & I even found I talked dirty to myself. I was overwhelmed with desire.
I learned I can't handle poppers. That's just me though. I abuse them. Over time they brought headaches and fatigue. It's a hangover of sorts. There's even a chemical aftertaste, exhaling the fumes long after the effects are gone - like a morning after a late night of drinking. I felt mentally slow and irritable too.
I ended up pouring out the last half of the bottle. They say it's harmless but not the way I was using it. If I could use poppers once every week or two, it would be the perfect pleasurable escape.
SirHeaven said on Tue, 9 Feb 2016 at 22:03...
Wow you guys all sounds good and some not so good but overall I must say I'm 34 gay male living I'm nj and I can remember a few guys using when I was a younger top boy I'm inquiring about poppers now because of course I'm a versatile guy who enjoys porn but I've also noticed that I have inhibitons and want to loose myself at some point with someone I'm totally into trying new things and want to master the art of masterbating .I've waited so long to become honest with myself that I want to enjoy safe fun hot animalistic pleasure with someone .so I'm off to ny to get some Rush🙌
SirHeaven said on Tue, 9 Feb 2016 at 22:04...
Wow you guys all sounds good and some not so good but overall I must say I'm 34 gay male living I'm nj and I can remember a few guys using when I was a younger top boy I'm inquiring about poppers now because of course I'm a versatile guy who enjoys porn but I've also noticed that I have inhibitons and want to loose myself at some point with someone I'm totally into trying new things and want to master the art of masterbating .I've waited so long to become honest with myself that I want to enjoy safe fun hot animalistic pleasure with someone .so I'm off to ny to get some Rush🙌
king said on Fri, 12 Feb 2016 at 11:33...
i have poppers here in dubai ... if u need leave ur number here i call u
kcbatebuddy said on Fri, 26 Feb 2016 at 04:01...
I used poppers in the late 70s and early 80s for some great beating off sessions. The formula was perfect--great high, no headaches or after effects. Perfect gooner formula. Now days, it all smells like you gcar's gas tank. I'd love to get a bottle again, but don't know what is the better brand. Any recommendations or web sites?
Lionup said on Sun, 28 Feb 2016 at 16:38...
Have used poppers and love them. Very surprised no one posted this warning:
ED medication should not be taken with any nitrates - be it poppers, angina medication, etc. You run a very real risk of a dangerous drop in blood pressure that can and has caused death. Please read the warnings on any ED meds you are taking.
Not trying to be a killjoy, just want everyone to play safe.
Be well.
Concerned said on Mon, 7 Mar 2016 at 20:07...
My husband and I had some car (well minivan) sex Sat night. We used Jungle Juice and took maybe about 8 -12 (don't remember, just an estimate) strong sniffs during the course of 2ish hours. It's now Monday and I'm still getting sudden bursts of dizziness and headaches. My husband (who had used these previously as a teen and evem recently while MBing) is also dizzy, has headaches and nauseous (vomiting) still as well.
I'm concerned we caused some kind of damage using it in an enclosed car for so long, didn't think about it until the next day that we didn't even have a damn window cracked or anything.
Anyone have such long lasting after effects? I'm starting to get worried.
Steve chicago said on Mon, 28 Mar 2016 at 12:33...
I recently got introduced to poppers by a top guy that I hooked up with thru an Ad I placed on Craigslist. We met and after some fun oral
Steve chicago said on Mon, 28 Mar 2016 at 12:41...
continued... After some fun oral foreplay, he was ready to penetrate my ready smooth shaved bottom, then he took this bottle of poppers and put it under my nose and told me to sniff slow and deep. I did... 2 long sniffs in each nostril. Wow! He slide inside me so easy, and I had a huge rush of pleasure as we had an awesome fuck session until he cummed really good. Now we still me once a week for our sessions and we do poppers right before penetration and I continue doing more sniffs as I'm getting it from behind. It the best feeling ever. I am so glad my new buddy turned me on to the magic of poppers. Very intense!
Solution To Concerned said on Fri, 1 Apr 2016 at 08:04...
If you have too much nitrates and need to detox them out you two better start drinking LOTS of raw green juices, chlorella and leafy salads!!!
Aussie Discreet ships internationally / UK says poppers are LEGAL!!! said on Sat, 2 Apr 2016 at 23:47...
Just answering Yudda and ilokanoako who asked:
"where can I get poppers?
I am in Canada and, after wasting lost of time with bullshit fake poppers, I finally found Aussie D!!!!:
AussieDiscreet aka located in Australia, they ship to Australia free and internationally they charge $30 and give a guarantee they will reship if it gets taken or if it arrives broken.
Aussie Discreet Ships to Canada, The USA, almost any countries except N. Korea and Iraq or Syria. They have the real deal and no fakes so far that I can see..
So far I have tried the Jungle Juice platinum and the Rush Liquid both where 30 ml and they were top shelf! say the Jungle juice platinum was my favourite but to each his own.
include a phone number for international orders
This slowed one order a few days.
Don't use a proxy or vpn because if your country does not match your IP it may hold up the order. happened to me once. but they emailed me and fixed it up.
They ship with no invoice. so if nosey wife or x lover open your package you can say "Whaaaaaat?" oh that must have been my arch enemy destro who sent that!
They basically hook it up for Canadians and people in countries that cant buy poppers due to bullshit laws that make no sense.
If your package is broken or lost they reship. as long as you take a picture of it.
Hope that helps.
In other news. The UK says Poppers are all good!!!!:
There is great news last month the UK debated whether to include Poppers in the ban on psychoactive drugs ban.
A leading politician outed himself by saying that poppers should be legal and that there is no danger for people using them.
They passed the bill and it excluded poppers from the ban. So the world may follow suit.
Check this news story
Mark said on Wed, 6 Apr 2016 at 22:44...
Anyone selling poppers?.
DAN BORG said on Fri, 8 Apr 2016 at 06:41...
Can Ladyboy use poppers
Dogger said on Sat, 9 Apr 2016 at 00:49...
Was out dogging a few nights back in a popular London Cruising area for gays.... there was a bottom guy there literally stuck to his bottle of poppers, he was taking huge sniffs every few minutes whilst bent over with his ass exposed in the air, a few guys were really taking advantage of his risky behaviour, i must admit i watched as i had never seen anything like it before but there was 4 guys really going for it, pounding him seriously hard taking turns.... this guy was just sniffing away on his poppers... it seemed to make him numb almost.
I got a bit worried at one stage thinking is he going to be ok.... im sure he was slipping out of it (conciousness)
With poppers im new to them and still very weary but im sure there must be a limit on how much you inhale... this bottom guy was clearly snifffing way to much and i noticed these 4 guys were fucking him bareback to extremely risky in a dogging area.
It was crazy to watch once one finished (came inside him) another guy took over and pounded very hard and rough.... once again this bottom guy just took hige whiffs of the poppers and was silent throughout.
More guys started to come over and crowd around with their cocks out - i hate to imagine how many cocks went in that guys ass that night and furthermore how many barebacked him and came inside... he was obviously oblivious at one point and the poppers had him a numb like state.... Id deffo say be careful with poppers dont take toooo much and dont let it stop you playing safe.
I seriously walked away after a while as guys took turns on this bottom, by time i had walked around for a bit and came back to that same area he was still there ass out nose to the poppers botttle getting fucked hard by someone els with another bunch of guys crowding around..... All i can say is this bottom must have woke up the next morning feeling ill
It made me realise what poppers can do if you go to far with them.... be careful people. Oh and for the record a few of the tops dealing with him also had a sniff of his poppers.... i think thats why they were fucking him bareback so roughly (they were in the poppers zone) i noticed a few others who didnt sniff the poppers had condoms ready
Aussie Discreet said on Tue, 3 May 2016 at 05:50...
We can ship poppers internationally.
They are the real deal
Life is too short for fake poppers...Aighnt nobody got time fo dat!
order here:
homer said on Fri, 10 Jun 2016 at 22:03...
Dogger: I jerked off to your story. So hot. Wish I was that bottom. Would have film the whole thing as a souvenir of the 46 cocks my ass made love to. Mmmmmmm
Khalifa said on Sun, 10 Jul 2016 at 20:15...
I want puy poperes
Khalifa said on Sun, 10 Jul 2016 at 20:18...
Leave number I can call to puy it
Siberian cub said on Tue, 19 Jul 2016 at 07:14...
I'm type two diabetic does anyone know if this has an effect using poppers , my experience was after two vodka and oranges we began to play using ps , didn't get to finish as passed out and vomited , kept vomiting till all empty but still very light headed and extremely difficult to stay awake , passed out again , made it bed , but got up later to have a pee and passed out again , I have no memory of passing out, my partner needless to say was panicking and kept an eye on me all night , I have never experienced this level of uncontrol before , and have a thobbing head this morning , it was hot yesterday and was working in my garden topless , would be grateful for any feedback !
Donnie said on Thu, 28 Jul 2016 at 15:04...
Just love poppers.
My load is almost double if i cum wth poppers.
Donnie said on Thu, 28 Jul 2016 at 15:05...
Just love poppers.
My load is almost double if i cum wth poppers.
Jose pink said on Mon, 2 Jan 2017 at 18:59...
Make me pee my pants
Riq said on Mon, 6 Feb 2017 at 12:57...
Popper are fantastic but there are serious side effects. I use them once or twice a year, one or two sniffs for that very special extreme anal penetration and that is all.
Shorty said on Tue, 7 Feb 2017 at 03:55...
Love poppers but they make me seriously hard on the breathing for days after using them.
domore said on Thu, 23 Feb 2017 at 22:03...
always liked poppers. Back in the 80's, Rush and Bolt were my favorite. All other brands seemed to not be as strong and left residual headache for a few hours. Few women I knew never heard of it until I turned them on to it. Even the most shy and prudish women I turned on to poppers turned into wild cats in bed. Only problem now is that Rush is $20 to $25 for small bottle and 40 to 45 for the large. have not found any Bolt for 25+ years.
Mark said on Tue, 28 Feb 2017 at 22:30...
Anyone Selling Poppers here in UAE?
Russ said on Mon, 27 Mar 2017 at 02:57...
Take a couple of whiffs 30 to 60 seconds before you know you can/are going to come...Then go for it, that i, stroke it or fuck as hard and fast as you can. Be sure to come within that first 60 or so seconds after the whiffs. IT WILL INTENSIFY YOUR OGASM AT LEAST 10 FOLD BETTER THAN THE BEST ORGASM YOU HAVE EVER HAD WITHOUT POPPERS!!!
As far aes bottoming goes, yes, it works to relax the anal sphincter; however, another arnd maybe simpler way for a bottom to achieve that is to simply bear down like you are trying to have a bowel movement, That will relax the anal sphincter, also. May sound backwards and kinda gross, but it works because that is the way the physiology of a sphincter works. ( Just be sure you have had your BM for the day before your session starts!!!).
Dxbboy said on Tue, 18 Apr 2017 at 23:02...
Can anyone tell where can I get in Dubai????
jonathan said on Fri, 28 Apr 2017 at 23:12...
My last partner and I used poppers all the time, and we LOVED them! He loved getting fucked, and one or two whiffs for each of us and his hole opened up wide for my hard dick. We always used Rush; sometimes we would get real amyl nitrate capsules, but they were harder to use. That famous little brown bottle got used every time we fucked; it opened him up as well as my eating out his hot ass, though that was fun too. And just before we would cum, another few whiffs and I my dick would blast off in a way it never did without poppers. For a long time after we broke up I would jerk off using poppers, and the orgasm was beyond intense, and I would shoot more than I thought I could. And yeah, that story of the guy taking all those hard cocks up in his ass, very hot, made me hard and had to go jerk off right away (damn, no poppers in the house).
Curious George said on Tue, 23 May 2017 at 05:56...
What is the maximum amount of times recommended to use poppers in an evening ?
Jeff said on Thu, 13 Jul 2017 at 00:33...
My wife and I are relatively new to poppers. Saw them used in porn, did a little research and we are soooo glad to find them. We are a kinky couple and we use them to open up both of us and while getting off. I read that refrigerating open bottles will keep them fresher, longer. I have never heard or read that before. Anybody have any experience with this?
Nova said on Mon, 21 Aug 2017 at 06:37...
Never used poppers but it sounds great will it make my cum load greater much reduced now I'm 76 nova
Warning said on Tue, 22 Aug 2017 at 04:20...
Poppers can wipe out your central vision. Stay away otherwise you may have serious eye problems. Google "poppers maculopathy" to find out more info. It's true, it's serious, it's happening.
the man beyond said on Fri, 25 Aug 2017 at 02:25...
So that explains the 'eye of God' I see everytime I do the poppers, especially the strong ones. I had a feeling it had something to do with the blood pressure on the optic nerve ending in the back retina of the eye. Thanks for the warning, Warning. I may never do poppers again. Maybe.
regret said on Sat, 2 Sep 2017 at 09:24...
dont over use poppers especially on weed (don't use them at all!). i used them for 9 months nearly every night with porn. started to feel head pressure didn't take any notice and continued, then one morning having coffee and a j my arms went numb felt dizzy like i was having a heart attack, went to the er nothing found. have done heaps of tests including methamaglobin blood test. nothing found. doctors aren't familiar with the effects of poppers. i now feel tired more,head pressure, eye floaters, blue and cold hands n feet, hair loss, feel dizzy at work hard to concentrate, had to quit weed my heart can handle it anymore, my heart beat is heavier and i feel my pulse (never felt it before) bad bowel movements, wake up during the night feeling sick. 6 months on i wish i never touched the fracking things. im hoping my body can repair itself in time. im warning everyone out there don't do messes with your heart and blood vessels, it can damage your body in ways you cant imagine.
Poppered up said on Fri, 13 Oct 2017 at 15:55...
I love poppers but am finding that some brands really seem to affect my lungs and breathing. Anyone found the same? What is the best to get enjoy the rush but not the wheezing and breathlessness afterwards?
eremite said on Sat, 18 Nov 2017 at 14:48...
There are many drugs that inescapably cause inflammation the source of multiple conditions - headache, joint aches, etc etc Now the little known secret ordinary black pepper (piperine) put in a capsule if you can - swallow - this will neutralise a digestive enzyme in the liver for a 4 hour window period - next having bought Turmeric caps, swallow firteen minutes after the pepper - without the digestive enzyme in play the anti- inflammatory effects of the turmeric are potentised 2000 fold it is said. The piperine may also increase the effect of pharamaceutical drugs so do not take in the 4 hour window period - and that includes Viagra - half the ammount necessary - poppers and viagra do not mix - are dangerous. So to rid yourself of drug after effects(drink included) you now know what to do.
Gary Brent said on Mon, 20 Nov 2017 at 23:03...
I have used poppers in the past such as Liquid Gold and I took the slightest sniff. Well, it burnt the inside cavity of my nostril. The bleeding did not stop for about 40 minutes or so. I had erectile dysfunction for the next month after. Never again. This stuff is known to steal all of the oxygen out of your blood. Much wiser now. Avoid like the plague.
Busman1598 said on Thu, 14 Dec 2017 at 17:38...
I love poppers! Makes my cock so engorged! The orgasm is so intense and the fun load doubles! Love them.
Drity said on Sat, 30 Dec 2017 at 15:54...
I had a good wank when I read about the guy getting fucked over and over, bareback. Would love to have seen it. I am a gay guy and sniff poppers when wanking over porn but I also use when a guy is fucking me. I am normally a quiet guy but poppers make me tell a guy to fuck me harder and faster and I lose all inhibitions. Risky but I love it.
Zenith said on Wed, 7 Feb 2018 at 20:23...
I'm a straight guy and have used poppers since 98, every once in a while. I'd say it triples the intensity of sexual pleasure. My friends think it's all about butt sex when I've mentioned about it or say that it's a gay drug. Well, maybe gays know something better then. It's almost like a mild psychedelic. Sometimes I close my eyes and can see very vivid erotic images in my head. One thing that pisses me off is that they often spoil quickly. I suspect that it's the additives (probably alcohol) collect moisture into the product that destroys the active compound. Then it starts to sting. The best brand was Ultra Rush. It was strong and lasted for a long time, maybe because it didn't have all the extra shit in it.
The boatman said on Sun, 25 Feb 2018 at 19:47...
I just love it. Means I can take the biggest dildos up my arse and one session my mate was fisting me before I knew it
Fucking awesome sensation. Have also given it to couples I have had threesomes with and the girls just let you do anything with them after they take it
The boatman said on Sun, 25 Feb 2018 at 19:47...
I just love it. Means I can take the biggest dildos up my arse and one session my mate was fisting me before I knew it
Fucking awesome sensation. Have also given it to couples I have had threesomes with and the girls just let you do anything with them after they take it
PukewhenIpopbutjustcantstop said on Sat, 9 Jun 2018 at 03:35...
Has anyone ever experienced a blue situation where your still are a wee bit blue the following day I've been looking through the posts but I've been blue for 3 days now and I'm not getting any whiter. I'm considering sunbeds but they give you skin cancer and I'm not doing that to my body
Mugukhan said on Fri, 15 Jun 2018 at 22:57...
I want to know is poppers legal in UAE Dubai
Bottomboy said on Wed, 1 Aug 2018 at 17:55...
I’ve tried several brand, jungle juice gives me a head acahe and Rush is not powerful enough. Penis goes limp instantly and I cannot get an erection when on it. I can still cum though, after lots of stroking and anal play. Anal play is what I use it for most as it really lets me open up and take it wider and deeper. The feeling is amazing! I believe it does have an effect in eyes and joints, I have a spot in my eye now (permanent) and my knee joints are always sore. I’ve reduce my use, but still use occasionally.
curiousinJapan said on Sun, 12 Aug 2018 at 14:41...
Anyone know if poppers are legal in asia?
toughballs said on Mon, 10 Sep 2018 at 03:36...
I've been using amyl for years and just love it.....! Use it for masturbating and with porn. There is nothing better than sex, any type, with amyl.
Mike said on Fri, 2 Nov 2018 at 14:45...
Be careful.
I / we have used poppers in sex for many years and agree they can be fantastic leading to a real sexual high for me, Lisa and other sexual partners who have joined us.
Certainly help you relax, get far dirtier sexually and enhance an orgasm but over use can kill.
It nearly got me. I had a brain bleed during a massive sex session. Maybe not all poppers but the hospital said they would have been a factor.
Use them but in smaller doses than we did.
Be careful.
Mike & Lisa
HiddenDesire said on Fri, 25 Jan 2019 at 21:10...
I’m wanting to introduce my wife to them but don’t know how to approach it without her finding out my hidden playtime
TexMarine said on Mon, 27 May 2019 at 23:54...
I’ve been using poppers for almost 40years now & it’s like everything in life guys - do it in MODERATION. If U gonna use heavily every day U gonna have problems. But 3 or 4 hits a couple times a week I have little or no problems or any side effects.
Gay ho said on Tue, 3 Mar 2020 at 10:04...
Was introduced to poppers by a man with a huge penis. He said I was too tight, and he did not like holes which were too tight. Asked if I wanted to try this. A sniff, and my whole body was flushed and I was extremely aroused. I was turned to a slut. Just wanted to be fucked and didn't care if my hole is torn. This man told me that my anus immediately opened up for him and he fucked me well.
Whenever I use poppers, I feel like the biggest slut and I just want to spread my legs and be fucked at all my orifices. I love it but know I must not overdo it.
Poleyanker said on Wed, 22 Apr 2020 at 18:39...
I've used then with men, women and alone for while. Love the experience every time. Been using poppers with penis plugs lately and it's the biggest rush yet. Taking the experience on camera blows my mind.
Brown finesse said on Tue, 19 Jan 2021 at 19:28...
Toronto man, straight and open minded. My first introduction to poppers was during a wild night of partying with a trans gf and her friend. It sent me into a seventh heaven as they enveloped my tool with their mouths and digits.
Poppers are said to be safe but I'm reading a fair bit of negative reviews concerning the side effects. Using logic, it only makes sense that constantly sniffing solvents over a period of time can and will lead to negative harmful effects on the body. I guess sparingly and in moderation is the key. Poppers are definitely an out of body experience.
Young pleaser said on Sat, 30 Jan 2021 at 05:32...
I'm trying them tomorrow to pop my cherry I'll let you know
Shafter said on Sat, 24 Apr 2021 at 20:04...
My wife and I use poppers occasionally and we love it.
Every now and again we have a session, where my wife watches some porn (usually very big cocks) and I go down on her whilst she watches.
When she gets to a certain level of horniness, she reaches for the bottle and has a long sniff on the bottle through each nostril. About 10 seconds after this I start to feel her cunt starting to spazm and her clitors gets very hard. I then have my big sniff on the bottle and then when it hits me I go to town on her pussy. She is soon back on the bottle and I then start seeing and feeling her cunt lips puffing up and her hole opening. She starts groaning and telling me how she would love to get one of those huge cocks on the porn video right up inside her. (She would never say anything like this ordinarily). Her legs open very wide as I slobber up and down her now very open slit and her ass starts to push up and down.
After three or four huge sniffs she is in another world. She says all sorts of outragous things like how she would live a few men to fuck her at the same time and then after another huge sniff she starts cumming very this moment I have a huge sniff and slide up her body and slide my cock into her in one movement. She is always open and very wet and I start to pound her very hard.
We both cum for a very long time and after we slow down we collapse and doze off for some time.
This only happens perhaps once a month, but it is the best sex you could ever want to have.
We are thinking of inviting another guy to make up a threesome with the same poppers and see what happens. I must say I cant wait to see her getting fucked after she's had a really good sniff on the bottle.
I'll come back and tell you how it went after its happend.
EverFuckedOnWeeD? said on Sat, 22 May 2021 at 04:02...
Never used poppers before, not that I’m against the use or anything. Just curious if it compares to climaxing while high on weed? Granted you don’t have the relaxing of involuntary muscle tissue, so prolly not good for anal, but when I’m good & high my orgasm lasts for what seems like minutes and is incredibly intense - sometimes it’s a full body orgasm.
If poppers can make you feel that good, I might have to try as weed is not legal where I live and I can’t always easily acquire it.
Justin said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 13:02...
The boiling point of isopropyl nitrite is 39 degrees. When the room temperature is 40 degrees, will it be dangerous? Will it explode?
Marc said on Mon, 2 Aug 2021 at 00:57...
I’ve been using poppers for a few years.. not too much just a few sniffs now and then during sex and one before orgasm.. I feel a euphoric warm rush that really makes you feel highly sexual and that you want to do anything.. I’ve had gay/bisexual sex on them with a safe friend who also uses them and I’ve also masturbated sniffing just before orgasm.. I’m also going to see if my wife would like to try just before she has her orgasm.. pace it out and don’t over do it, I use liquid gold as this works for me the best.. take it easy and you will have less chance of side affects, if you over do it you’ll get headaches etc.. also don’t use it every time you have sex just now and then.. if you take too much the liquid won’t affect you so much.. also don’t keep the bottle too long as the power goes and you’ll end up just sniffing the chemicals that are left that don’t do anything apart from give you a headache etc… done right you’ll have the best orgasms you’ve ever had.. your mind and body becomes so aroused incredibly sexual…
zig said on Tue, 20 Sep 2022 at 19:24...
just started using them to jo and play. they make me so euphoric and horny, i cum a lot more too.
Kelvinator said on Fri, 30 Jun 2023 at 02:24...
Very interesting reads. I'd be interested to hear about pentyl Nitrite popper experiences. I've tried a combination of n-Pental Nitrite & n-pentanol on two different occasions and had some interesting and puzzling effects. As expected and hoped for, my heart rate increased after a huff. After a bit, I had some bright "floaters" in both eyes. After a two hour session, with just a couple of huffs from pentyl, the rest of the huffs being from amyl and butyl, it felt like I was tripping, forgetting the most basic things, mind wandering, but really enjoying the porn video I was watching. This has only happened in the two sessions where I used pentyl. I saw some earlier posts mentioning some sort of psychedelic effect. I wonder if that's wjat was happening? K
stuffer said on Tue, 11 Jul 2023 at 04:49...
it's driving me crazy I want to get some for masturbating I usually jerk off for 45min to a hr sometimes even longer , so what brand do u recommend so I can take my jerking off game to the next fucking level..PLEASE LET NE NIW THE BRST BRAND YO BUY .... PLEASE AND SPANKS YOU!
Poppers Dubai NEW Number 587-781-0100 said on Sun, 14 Jan 2024 at 00:44...
Hey Guys, POPPERS DUBAI has changed their phone number! Heads up:
- *****NEW PHONE NUMBER is +1-587-781-0100********
To order, message them on the new phone number. Old number 323-1813 is expired.

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