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Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by VZ
on Mon, 23 Dec 2024 at 18:04

VZ said on Mon, 23 Dec 2024 at 18:04...

Do not buy your solvents from this website. I placed a 50+$ order 3 weeks ago, paid in full through Zelle (put my order nb there as well), but they never created the order.

SCAM company, they will take your money and then they will never answer your calls/emails !!!

Gym said on Mon, 23 Dec 2024 at 22:03...

Total bullshit. BNO is not a scam company. In fact, they're very legitimate. You're probably a competitor who's pissed they are doing well.

Just last week, I received a first time order from them. And this was into Canada to boot. Placed the order on the 6th and received it on the 18th, 12 days later. As a result, I ordered from them again yesterday. They have a 15% off coupon now, up until January 5th.

Both orders (from the 6th and the 22nd) show up on my BNO order history page.

BNO may be a tad bit slow to reply to their website chatbox and/or emails right now but that's only because they are extremely busy due to Black Friday sales and the current holiday season sales. Their Black Friday sales overwhelmed them and, as a result, they were extremely apologetic to me and even offered me a coupon to use at any time.

Moreover, if anyone looks at their customer reviews, all they'll see is positive feedback.

So, again, stop with the obvious "BNO is a SCAM company" bullshit.

Here's my recommendation to potential new BNO customers: Do NOT pay any attention to this poster (VZ). They are full of shit. You should absolutely go for BuyNitrousOnline. Do not even hesitate. Red's an excellent stand-up dude and you WILL get your stuff, even if it is a day or two late. Time of year.

Poon said on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 at 21:01...

I once ordered from BNO. Service was good. Products were mediocre.

Gym said on Tue, 24 Dec 2024 at 22:26...

If I wasn't living in Canada, it's quite possible I may not be using them but based on my one experience with them so far (and my second order is already on it's way), along with what other Canadians have said about them, BNO appears to be exceptional for getting goods past Canadian customs and I don't mind paying a bit extra for that.

The method they use is truly ingenious and not what any other provider would ever do. They go well beyond the extra mile, so to speak. And that's why I appreciate them so much.

By the way, the product I received from them was exactly what I was expecting. Sorry yours wasn't.

Anon said on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 at 07:33...

Could it be, during the busiest period of the year, that he actually received poor service? His point could be valid. If anything, your response is just as biased as his own Gym.

Gym said on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 at 17:32...

The title of this topic was edited. The word SCAM was removed from it. Originally the topic was something like "BuyNitrousOnline SCAM" or "BuyNitrousOnline is a SCAM"


Receiving poor service during the busiest time of the year does not equate to a SCAM company. One can be angry or frustrated by temporary poor service but that doesn't give one the right to call a company a "SCAM" on a forum board.

Poon said on Wed, 25 Dec 2024 at 17:57...

3 weeks and no response is worse than poor service.

Gym said on Thu, 26 Dec 2024 at 01:43...

Sure, Poon.

To be extra clear, I'm in no way condoning "3 weeks and no response" from a vendor, but that is simply what VZ posted. At this point, who knows if any of what they wrote is even true.

None of us has a clue as to what VZ's real motivation was in calling BNO a "SCAM" (as it was written in the original un-edited topic title) and a "SCAM company" in their opening post. They posted that one time and never returned. But I can guarantee BNO is not a "SCAM company" and so can you, as evidenced by your previous comment here. A bit slow and lacking due to their not being sufficiently prepared for a very busy period of year, perhaps, but a scam company, no. And that's pretty well my only point: BNO, no matter what anyone may say about it, is not a scam company.

In my time as a lurker here, I've seen an overwhelming amount of people posting extreme low-effort thread topics and opening posts, and never returning to reply to any of the user comments left there. VZ is but one example.

Anyway, it's quite obvious that low-effort bullshit and/or assinine threads and posts are par-for-the-course on this forum. And until the owner of this website implements some clearly needed changes -- they claim to be rolling out some sort of "certified user" status in the future? -- I will continue to take most of what's written on this forum with a huge grain of salt.

Poon said on Thu, 26 Dec 2024 at 02:06...

Past behavior does not guarantee future performance. I can only attest to receiving a single order.

Gym said on Thu, 26 Dec 2024 at 04:31...


Yes, you've attested to receiving a single order in the past and that their service was good. Therefore, BNO was clearly not a scam company at the time you ordered from them, whenever that was. With me so far, Poon?

Over the last few years, many customers have had positive feedback/have written positive reviews about Red/BuyRushOnline/BuyNitrousOnline/BNO. In fact, I do not recall seeing any negative reviews at all.



And many more positive reviews on reddit as well.

Therefore, ar least according to all those customers, BNO is not a scam site. Still with me, Poon?

As for me, as a very recent new BNO customer, I just received an order from them (took 12 days in all to ship from the U.S. to me here in Canada). As a result of that first order, I placed a second order. Furthermore, both of my orders (the one I already received and the one that's on it's way) are clearly displayed on my BNO order history page. Lastly, I've had no real difficulty in contacting them/messaging them whenever I had a question. Payment option questions, requesting payment links, receiving tracking numbers, receiving automatic emails, etc...all emails were answered and received in normal timely fashion, with the occasional 24-36 hour delay in replying due to BNO being overwhelmed with processing orders at the busiest time of year. Totally understandable. From what I gather, BNO is still just a one-man, possibly two-man, outfit. But aside from what I'd describe as a couple of relatively minor hiccups, everything proceeded normally. In other words, according to my own recent experience with them, BNO is definitely not a scam company. Still with me, Poon?

And yet, here's "VZ" claiming 1) that they never got their order, 2) that BNO took their money and ran, 3) that BNO never created their order in the first place, and 4) that BNO never replied to any of their calls/emails.
But, yeah, let's all be sure to remove our brains from our skulls and believe "VZ" that BNO is a "SCAM" and a "SCAM company", and completely disregard everything positive that's been said about Red/BNO over the last few years including up till very recently.


Poon said on Thu, 26 Dec 2024 at 15:29...

Do you have a meth problem?

Swanton said on Thu, 26 Dec 2024 at 23:25...

I've bought multiple times from BNO and service has been ok. Poppers have been weak. Wouldn't call them a scam company but there are much better places to purchase poppers online such as maim labs who takes credit cards, or 4solvents, or a few others with good service and ez payments.

Swanton said on Thu, 26 Dec 2024 at 23:26...

I've bought multiple times from BNO and service has been ok. Poppers have been weak. Wouldn't call them a scam company but there are much better places to purchase poppers online such as main labs who takes credit cards, or 4solvents, or a few others with good service and ez payments.

Gym said on Fri, 27 Dec 2024 at 02:06...


There are definitely better places to buy from...if you're not Canadian.

The only reason I used BNO in the first place is that they're very efficient in getting poppers through Canadian customs. As a Canadian poppers user, I felt very fortunate to have found out about them. I was sick and tired of having 3 out of every 4 Euro orders grabbed by customs. Orders of 2 to 3 poppers at a time + overseas shipping ain't cheap for Canadians.

Now if BNO fucks up on me for whatever reason or gives me reason not to trust them anymore, my only remaining option is to have poppers sent to a U.S. address near the Canadian border, and then driving into the U.S. and bringing them back across the border myself. Either that or I quit using poppers.

I'm past the point of continually gambling on my purchases making it past customs. I've wasted too much money doing that.

By the way, since you mentioned it, BNO has multiple payment options, more than any I've ever seen in fact. And credit cards can be used by choosing the eBay payment option. Just saying...you know...for fellow Canadian users..

Anonymous said on Fri, 27 Dec 2024 at 17:03...

.if you're not Canadian.

how's that going for y'all?

Swanton said on Fri, 27 Dec 2024 at 19:47...

Thanks for the info. Sounds complicated with the cards. Usually if someone ones to checkout with a card they just enter there card info and hit submit. Have to click on ebay payments go to another page to enter info Sounds tiring lol. I'll pass for the future. Thanks though.

Gym said on Fri, 27 Dec 2024 at 22:19...


As far as buying/importing poppers, it couldn't be much worse. Thanks for asking.


I don't blame you at all. It's an understandable point of view for someone who has other easier options and who is living in a country where poppers are not illegal to buy. I'll assume you're somewhere in the U.S. or Europe?

Unfortunately, poppers-loving Canadians who don't want their orders consistently confiscated by customs don't have many choices. As I said in a previous post, BNO are quite remarkable for the way they ship their packages to Canada, totally unlike any other vendors I'd used in the past. They go way past the extra mile.

So for me to have to go through eBay in order to pay by credit card is not a big deal when considering it's either that (i.e buying from BNO) or high odds of having my shipments grabbed by customs (i.e. buying from other vendors). I'll take the little bit of extra time and work it takes (i.e. BNO/eBay) anyday.

Poon said on Sat, 28 Dec 2024 at 20:37...

If it’s not meth are you off your bipolar meds?

poppergooner said on Tue, 31 Dec 2024 at 01:58...

BNO is the best, especially if youre in the states. high quality, great customer service, plus they do the rebottling service which can be clutch.

CanuckBear said on Fri, 3 Jan 2025 at 07:24...

//are quite remarkable for the way they ship their packages to Canada

what's remarkable?

Gym said on Fri, 3 Jan 2025 at 17:59...


I will not disclose their methods here on an open public website such as this. I hope you understand.

Suffice to say, when a Canadian customer receives their shipment, they will be quite surprised to see the method used in order to evade customs detection.

Or...you can get in touch with Red yourself via his website's info email address and ask him directly. Tell him you're a potential new Canadian customer and would like some info on how they ship solvents into Canada.

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