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Can we all just stop feeding the trolls????

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Had Enough of Twisted Beast
on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 at 16:43

Had Enough of Twisted Beast said on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 at 16:43...

I have had enough of hearing about twisted beast poppers and I think most of the community have as well, there is enough bad reviews on here to refute any so called claims that their product is any better than most of the current junk being sold as poppers, they are clearly pushing their product on here and the likes of Cornelious/altered beast are clearly working for the company.


Dirty said on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 at 18:10...

seems to me you are the troll! stirring the pot my old mum used to say...got anything to say about that, rambo? Corny seems to be a nice enough fella to me...you wouldn't last 5 minutes round my way..change your attitude, mister.

Poon said on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 at 18:16...

Enough is enough.

Had enough of twisted beast said on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 at 19:49...

@Dirty your nappy is like your head - Full of shit , grow up and get a life jackass, lol around my way lmao

Had enough of twisted beast said on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 at 19:57...

@dirty you sound old bitter and twisted, so old you used to gangbang with the Hebrews

Had enough of twisted beast said on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 at 19:58...

@dirty and your momma was so old she used to go to work on a dinosaur

Guttrunks said on Mon, 16 Dec 2024 at 22:27...

Gentlemen! what a lamentable spectacle we are now witness to, where the lofty heights of previous scholarly discourse here have plummeted into the murky depths of ignoble wrangling, a veritable tempestas vanitatis – a storm of vanity! Indeed, it is as though the very essence of intellectual rigor has been cast aside, forsaken for a puerile ludus of base insult and crude invective, akin to the lupanar of the ancients, where minds once sharpened by the pursuit of knowledge now wallow in the sordid muck of contemptuous diatribes.

Let us not, however, shy away from confronting this horrid veritas. We find ourselves now in the midst of a cacophonous murmuratio, a confusio of base lingua, as though the ludus of childlike insults were now the gravis and sole mode of engagement. One could scarcely imagine that the high-minded discussions of yesterday, filled with the loftiest dicta and crafted with finesse( I speak of The Professor himself), would now yield to this parade of puerile invective. The very air here stinks of foetorem, an intellectual morbus, one which only a few still retain the strength of will to combat.

O, how I lament the passing of an age of decorum and civility! The civitas of the mind has been invaded, nay, overrun, by the turba of unthinking souls who have abandoned sapiens in favor of iniquitas.

Futue te ipsum.

had enough of Guttrunks said on Tue, 17 Dec 2024 at 06:58...

@Guttrunks My you talk some shite. What a longwinded load of old codswallop

Guttrunks said on Tue, 17 Dec 2024 at 18:58...

The person above should be blackballed, as is the customary and time-honored practice when a member succumbs to the vile afflictions of disruption, disorder, delinquency, and sheer derangement. Such a condition is not to be tolerated in any society that seeks the preservation of decorum, dignity, and rational discourse. The habit of speaking in the vulgar tongue—a lamentable tendency, alas, so often witnessed in the ignoble ranks—is, as the Ancients have long noted, a most telling symptom of a mind unmoored from reason, teetering perilously upon the precipice of lunacy.

When a member of any esteemed society begins to adopt this reckless speech, their fitness for membership becomes suspect, and the prudent course is clear. They must be blackballed, and thus preserved from further tarnishing the reputation of all who cherish the noble pursuit of truth and discourse.

I await the opinion of others, I will however never engage, or acknowledge, the presence of this potty mouthed fatuus.

sorry to all members said on Tue, 17 Dec 2024 at 19:22...

sorry to all members I have offended and guttrunnks also, I was just angry at the way I was spoken to collectively

0ThongJim from X.com said on Sun, 19 Jan 2025 at 02:40...

Ah, good sir or madam, thou hast indeed struck a chord most resonant. Verily, the incessant prattle of these "twisted beast poppers" doth vex the soul and weary the mind. Methinks the community, in its collective wisdom, hath grown weary of such tiresome discourse. The multitude of ill-favored reviews doth stand as a testament to the folly of their claims, forsooth, their product is naught but a mere trifle amidst the sea of mediocrity.

Pray, let us not be swayed by the machinations of those who seek to peddle their wares with such fervor. The likes of Cornelious and his ilk, methinks, are but mere pawns in this grand charade, their allegiance to the company as clear as the noonday sun.

ENOUGH, I say, and let us cast off these chains of tedium and seek discourse more worthy of our time and intellect.

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