Beta Men should be owned by Women
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by WorshipWomen
on Mon, 25 Nov 2024 at 12:16
WorshipWomen said on Mon, 25 Nov 2024 at 12:16...
Who is in agreement to this ?
Elvis said on Mon, 25 Nov 2024 at 15:09...
First we screw up by letting women vote. Now you want to let them own a person ?
WorshipWomen said on Mon, 25 Nov 2024 at 16:51...
I am submissive so yes ha ha
Ye Olde Queene said on Tue, 26 Nov 2024 at 16:17...
You believe females should be in the kitchen, Elvis? You know you are not allowed to think like that anymore! Not since the bra burning bonfires of the 1970's. If you find yourself in a lift with Germaine Greer, or Jo Brand, keep your mouth zipped. Check Jo out on YouTube if you are not familiar with this dominant lady. I don't know what a beta man is, beaten man sure, is it the new thing nowadays. WorshipWomen?
WorshipWomen said on Tue, 26 Nov 2024 at 18:40...
@Ye Olde Queene
beta male
a man tending to assume a passive or subservient role in social, sexual or professional situations.
"there's nothing macho about him—he's a total beta male
I am a true beta male Ye Olde Queene
Elvis said on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 at 13:48...
You shouldn't worship women WorshipWomen. Men are the dominant species for a reason. Women are to be pleasing the men. Not the other way around. Sometimes all they need to know is the back of the hand.
Ye Olde Queene said on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 at 15:58...
I am shocked! I have rewritten an old fashioned ditty to kick start your reeducation program:
A woman, a dog, and a walnut tree.
Treat 'em nicely
The better they'll be
Treat 'em bad, ye shall see!
Bites and scratches all over thee.
@beta male: good for you! did you know that being a sub in a role play situation causes the release of brain chemicals? don't ask me what they are, but apparently it's true. Back in the day I played around a bit with these games, can be quite scary, as I recall. Enjoy life is what I say, whatever tickles your fancy.
WorshipWomen said on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 at 17:35...
@Ye Olde Queene
Ithink maybe you mean endorphins, I am not into the pain aspect of Domination buty enjoy many other aspects, there are various pleasure chemicals released during play.
Did you play as a Domme or a sub ? Are you Female ?
WorshipWomen said on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 at 17:38...
@ Elvis - I don't like the way you talk about Women, it's really male chauvinist and sounds rather misogynistic.
Rimjob said on Wed, 27 Nov 2024 at 20:24...
Elvis is teasing I think. I am totally into submission, it rocks
Elvis said on Thu, 28 Nov 2024 at 14:50...
Yep. I'm just messing with you WorshipWomen. I actually love women. ( except when they talk ) I just hope that I live long enough own a fully functional robot woman. Not sure where you are from, but there was a movie here in the USA awhile back called Cherry 2000. A man went on a quest to get his perfect robot woman. He actually ended up ditching her for a real woman. ( Stupid ) The woman who helped him find his Cherry 2000.
But good luck to you. Not really sure why you would want a chick who will treat you like shit though. Is that satisfying is some sort of way ?
WorshipWomen said on Fri, 29 Nov 2024 at 07:15...
I'm glad you are messing around Elvis, I found your previous comments offensive and unnecessary, but glad to know it was a joke.
I have no intention of a blow up doll or robot Woman no matter how functional and I detest all this modern AI rubbish, the world is headed for doom when we feel the need to replace humanity with robots and sex dolls.
I have Dominant found Women who treat me like shit very sexy from a young age, lets just say as I was rejected and berated by those pretty ans unattainable girls I also found it exhilarating and fused as I sexually developed mentally. My compulsion for it got stronger and stronger and when I was 20 came the internet and my sexuality all developed in the world of BDSM related fetishes and it all grew from there.
I had a few sexy encounters with Female Dommes but dream of finding one to own me and control me and make me Her slave.
WorshipWomen said on Fri, 29 Nov 2024 at 07:16...
found Dominan Women*
Elvis said on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 at 01:02...
Thank you for your candid response @ WorshipWomen. I do have a question though. Where do you ultimately get your satisfaction ? Would your dominant woman at least give you an orgasm ? Blowjob, HandJob, Vaginal/Anal sex ? Please don't tell me that after being a slave to a woman, you have to end up satisfying yourself ? I guess if you could jerk off onto her tits that would be okay.
But at the end of the day, where do you get your ultimate satisfaction from ? Just curious.
PJ said on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 at 10:32...
An interesting discussion at last I see that WorshipWomen is wise enough to know the root cause of his interest. It begs the question whether he is scratching a psychological wound, or just exploring his own desires. I mean to say; if you are aware of what caused this, would it not be more beneficial to seek counseling to resolve early life trauma? If the desire has no destructive effect, perhaps that is unnecessary and you should just plunge into a sea of pleasures. I am not sure which it is!
@Elvis: I think these things do not necessarily have a sexual element, but again I am not sure. Is the satisfaction created by the actual dominance, or a standard everyday sexual release. How are poppers involved? to intensify the experience perhaps. Only WorshipWomen can answer from his experience. There was a TV show featuring a lady called Kim Woodburn, I admit I always found her slightly thrilling, a guilty pleasure, so maybe it's a latent aspect of all our psyches. The human mind is a mysterious thing.
WorshipWomen said on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 at 17:59...
@PJ @Elvis @ Ye Olde Queen
It possibly does have what could be construed as a psychological wound and possibly could be a result of what could be considered trauma, but you have to fully understand the psychodynamics of trauma, trauma is only trauma if a person if frightened or traumatized. Take 10 people and subject them to a traumatic experience, if only 1 is traumatized and 9 don't even register it as a blip on their memory then you have to see trauma is purely subjective.
We also have to take what happens in our internal environment into deep consideration here, we ourselves interpret our external environment and how we interpret it is extremely relevant to what is happening in our internal environment.
Take a flashback for example, it's a psychotic reaction, a flashback doesn't exist in reality, 1000 million percent guaranteed, it isn't real, it's a psychotic reaction, we confuse our internal environment for our external environment and vice versa, and when we cannot tell the difference this is known as psychotic.
We are triggered by an external source or an external object, could be the smell of a fire (external source) for a burns survivor, or it could be the extreme resemblance of another human (external object) that resembles an attacker that triggers a survivor of domestic abuse. The external object triggers the internal object and communicates a threat and this then creates a flashback, but the flashback doesn't exist in reality, it is only perceived and feels very real.
Different people have different levels of tolerance, some people are very introverted, some people are very extroverted, how they interpret an environment is very different, in a loud and rowdy pub the introvert feels subjected to a highly unpleasant experience, whereas the extrovert feels perfectly in his comfort zone and seeks out opportunities, meeting new people or trying to copulate, or both.
So we can see how we interpret the environment as relative and how we perceive threat as relevant, I also think some people have an innate propensity to want to experience the unknown or unchartered territories.
I think my early experiences are linked to extroversion as well as a sexual desire, there is definitely a sexual element in all of this, I would not allow any and all to humiliate me, and in society I could quite easily be taken as an Alpha male, I do not purposely go out of my way to conduct myself in any particular way for people to perceive me as being Alpha, I just act naturally and how I am is different in certain environments, but even though I do act differently in certain environments, it is always still the result of me acting naturally.
I find attractive Women alluring to say the least, I have fetishes for Womens, Hands, feet, fingers, toes, I love breasts and legs and adore Womens asses, but the act of submission itself manifests itself only partly in the sexual appeal of a Woman, I would have to say from my best experience ever that looks and sexual attraction are at the back of the checklist, they do go a long way to enhancing an experience greatly, but the aura and natural dominance in a Woman is by far the ultimate chemistry for me.
I met a Woman about 15 years ago, she was not ugly but also not what you would call attractive either, she was however extremely into BDSM, very controlling and very much into roleplay and power play, we clicked immensely and I would have chosen Her over a very attractive Woman every time if the very attractive Women were not overly Dominant, to me even though the unattractive Woman was unattractive, she was the whole package because sexually we clicked and were like peas in a pod. It was unfortunate that she had a fiancée and got married, I wanted to embark in lifelong servitude of Her but it wasn't meant to be.
I hope this answers your questions, if not please ask away.
WorshipWomen said on Sat, 30 Nov 2024 at 18:03...
I get satisfaction from a blowjob or handjob yes, or by giving oral, giving a rimjob or giving foot worship.
I must confess I have a passion for pussy denial though, I haven't had sex since 2013, I love pussy denial and full time permanent chastity and orgasm denial would be exquisite for me.
Elvis said on Tue, 3 Dec 2024 at 12:47...
@ WorshipWomen
Thank you for your well thought out and detailed reasoning behind your obsession. It appears to be a combination of both Sexual as well as psychological.
WorshipWomen said on Tue, 3 Dec 2024 at 16:24...
@ Elvis
No probs, it really is a mixture of both, I guess as I was developing sexually humiliation became fused with my sexual desires and feelings and stemmed from there, an amalgamation of emotions fused in with it all

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