link to site claiming chemical I.D.
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Fake poppers exposed
on Tue, 17 Sep 2024 at 18:23
Fake poppers exposed said on Tue, 17 Sep 2024 at 18:23...
Hi, For me poppers ended when the after our gov cured covid and let the porn shops open. SINCE the nyc porn shops reopened I have wasted over $1000 on worthless garbage poppers. I have bought 3 great bottles with that $1000 of wasted money. I have maintained the poppers makers used covid to change their formulas. I have made many posts looking for a test lab to test the contents of the crap I have been fucked with- IF ANYONE knows a lab that will test poppers please post a link. Anyhow, here is link naming the new chemical.
I think this info is a drop in the bucket concerning the industry wide sale of fake crap.
StankWuggit said on Tue, 17 Sep 2024 at 19:50...
Is the referenced chemical name ethyl chloride? If so I think you are on the wrong track.
yo-yo said on Tue, 17 Sep 2024 at 20:21...
Nurse Ratched has left the door ajar it seems! I am sure there are lots of laboratories that will test your poppers if you PAY them. I will give it a go for lets say $1,500? All you have to do is send me a picture of the back of your poppers bottle and I will read it to you, Hexyl Nitrite? You owe me $1,500, Sr. Boca Loca.
I have wasted over $1000
WOW! you must be totally wasted on something to throw money around like that. You should have given it to an animal shelter, or do you think that stray cats are fitted with hidden cameras to spy on you? Let me guess who you are voting for.....DT?
Rush Lover said on Wed, 18 Sep 2024 at 05:54...
well, it is likely that porn stores in New York, and everywhere, are getting their poppers from a distributor. i read some place that it is Chinese who will copy anything, but yeah the formulas changed on poppers. ethyl is a can and you spray it
Pastor V de Gato said on Wed, 18 Sep 2024 at 15:14...
>>who you are voting for.....DT?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr for me! He has super off the wall theories about poppers and stuff like:
“If you in a lab put atrazine and a tank full of frogs, it will chemically castrate and force forcibly feminize every frog in there, and 10 percent of the frogs, the male frogs will turn into fully viable females able to produce viable eggs,”
who knew, but useful if you happen to have a tank load of frogs, some atrazine, and a sudden desire to castrate frogs i guess? we need politicians who talk about animals, guys... and not about eating them there cats and dogs, no.
My advice is don't buy poppers in a store, they are more expensive and usually Houston anyway.
Elvis said on Wed, 18 Sep 2024 at 18:45...
If you need help learning about Frogs, Alex Jones is your guy. He supports the popular theory that hormones in the water supply are turning frogs gay. Is he right ? Is he wrong ? Who knows. Is he a prophet sent by God to expose the truth ? Quite possibly. At least the people of Springfield aren't eating the frogs.
And poppers went downhill long before Covid. ( Which the government did not cure ) Our government actually helped fund the China Virus. I did get the Shang Shivers a few years ago. That's even after my first two vaccinations followed up by the recommended 17 boosters.
Harry said on Wed, 18 Sep 2024 at 19:55...
@All: I am 77 years old and have been using poppers infrequently since 1972. Up until approximately 1988, I was able to purchase real amyl nitrite from some store vendors that sold sex products for the male gay community.
Real amyl is a legitimate and superlative pro-sexual drug / vasodilator that immediately relaxes the anal muscle, which significantly enhances the sensual and erotic sensations of massaging, dilating, and penetrating the anus for massage of the prostate gland via large dildos or a fist. When inhaling amyl vapor while massaging my prostate with the tip of a large dildo, I was able to experience intense, total body orgasms.
The pro-sexual effects from inhaling real amyl vapor build slowly and last for about 90 seconds or more.
Over the past eight years, I have purchased and used all of the iso-amyl, pentyl, and n-pentyl nitrite products sold by the major US and European vendors. Not one of those products / formulas came close to creating the degree of vasodilation that I experienced from inhaling real amyl, and any mild pro-sexual effects that are provided are very brief, requiring the user to take multiple hits to keep the effects coming.
Based upon my experience with the current popper products, it appears to me that the manufacturers in Europe have weakened their formulas over the past five years. If you have never had the opportunity to use real amyl nitrite, you cannot know how inferior the current popper formulas are to real amyl. It is a very frustrating situation for this community that uses poppers as a pro-sexual drug to enhance sexual pleasure.
Matron said on Wed, 18 Sep 2024 at 21:55...
Nurse Ratched will bring your calming down pill soon, how about a nice episode of Matlock on CBS? That funny little bottle of nail polish remover (Locker Room) has been confiscated, deary. Mrs Cohen said it made her dizzy and reminded her of Studio 54 back in the day. Please be respectful to other dildos, or enemas, after 9pm!
poppersx,com said on Sat, 28 Sep 2024 at 23:21...
give my stuff a try, only $15 a bottle, sample pack for $40 (includes one of every kind i have, 4 bottles total)

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