poppers after age 50.
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Mr 56
on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 at 18:48
Mr 56 said on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 at 18:48...
Taking as an occation this topic "http://poppersguide.com/forum/12053" and as beeing a daily user at the age of 56 makes me wonder how bad is for my health,and my already declined libido...I hit about 2-3 times every day when i am having sex or watch porn.Does anyone have an opinion on this?Thanks.
its only me said on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 at 19:28...
I'm 51 but only been using for 4 years. Still love it.
PJ said on Sat, 30 Sep 2023 at 20:23...
You need the Professor to answer that. I do remember there was talk about volatile nitrites dumping things in the blood stream, as a by product of the process, but I find it (science) confusing. Best guess is: you should cut down considerably, Mr 56.
research man said on Sun, 1 Oct 2023 at 03:53...
methaemoglobinaemia – a blood disorder that causes inadequate oxygen supply to body tissue.10
Old GM said on Sun, 1 Oct 2023 at 14:42...
Mr 56
You are over using
Once a day twice a week
Grow up; your not a kid anymore!
Also over 50. said on Sun, 1 Oct 2023 at 19:52...
I am 51 (about to turn 52 in 4 months) and I can tell there is definitely a difference in how I feel the day after a poppers session now and when I was in my 20's or even 30's. I used to feel no side effects at all. Now I feel very tired and a bit depressed the day after. Sometimes I fell like a truck has run me over the night before, but that usually happens with certain brands of poppers. The sad conclusion, in my opinion, is that age definitely plays a big role in how your body copes with poppers and we just don't have the same lung capacity as we did before. The sensation while doing it, however, is still pretty much the same(which might the problem after all).
PJ said on Mon, 2 Oct 2023 at 09:30...
Yes, methaemoglobinaemia. I think that is why Also over 50 has a poppers hangover. There are some supplements that can help this, but really as other posters say: poppers is for the young.
The sensation while doing it, however, is still pretty much the same(which might the problem after all).
Good point! the sensation does not change I agree.
Skegness4Ever said on Wed, 4 Oct 2023 at 15:44...
Methaemoglobinaemia....blimey never heard of that one...sounds shit
octogenarian said on Fri, 6 Oct 2023 at 20:39...
i am older than 50 hahahaha....a lot odder! i still enjoy poppers when eye watch Jeff Stryker cassettes. if there is anyone in the Winnipeg region who wants to join me, I am free most afternoons after TWO P M . I have a sister in Saskatchewan
kevin said on Wed, 11 Oct 2023 at 20:13...
definitely cause low oxygen levels in the blood which your organs need to survive. I wear a pulse oximeter to measure it almost every time i use heavy. (the cost about $20 at any drug store). It just fits over your finger. Normal levels are 95+ with teh higher the better. Med articles say that below 90 is dangerous and should go to ER etc. I think that is for unexplained prolonged drops and the temporary drop caused by poppers. That said, tehre are some med articles where guys showed up in the ER with low blood ox levels, ie Methaemoglobinaemia. One or 2 short hits drops it from 94 ish to 90 ish. Heavier use, say hard hits on an doff for 30 mintues or more has casued it to drop to the high 70s and low 80s. It usualy comes back to around 85 after stopping for 3o mintues and getting some fresh air. The next morning its usualy back to 90 or close. Takes about a week of no use to get back to 95. im 64-jsut started using 3 years ago.
54 said on Sun, 15 Oct 2023 at 21:43...
Everything in moderation. However, one person’s definition of moderation is different to another’s.
Generally speaking, once a fortnight is probably fine. It’s strong stuff.
Methemoglobinemia said on Wed, 18 Oct 2023 at 09:36...
Hey, when you inhale poppers it damages your haemoglobin and it can' carry oxygen efficiently in the blood. Moreover half-life of the haemoglobin is 3 month or more, so it means that body takes lot of effort to rebuild the cells. That is why your lips go blue when you overdo it.
If you over the age of 50 it means that you have high risk of the stroke or heart attack, when you damage your haemoglobin it might not recover very fast and at the most critical time or any illness you simply won't make it, because one of the most important system in your body is functioning on 60%.
Wayne said on Thu, 19 Oct 2023 at 01:05...
73 here in excellent physical shape for my age, doing poppers for the last twenty years with no lingering ill effects. I always eat in moderation and exercise regularly my weight a muscular 160 lbs. I suspect that the previous older commenters may be in poor physical condition, over-weight, drink alcohol, have multiple health issues etc. I usually stick with isobutyl poppers and try not to over-do it. My favourite is thc edibles, poppers and my Njoy Pure Wand prostate massager. I try to keep the poppers to no more than twice a week. I mountain bike regularly to keep the oxygen flowing in the lungs. Moderation is key.
Also over 50 said on Sun, 22 Oct 2023 at 00:32...
I guess the number of hits you take in a session is what contributes most to the problem (more than how many times a week you use it). The post above that talks about oxygen levels dropping sharply with each hit really scared me. If that is true, I've been close to death on many occasions because I never take just one or two hits per session...
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