Choice Circuit Cleaners is back - Review
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Jack Noff
on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 at 18:39
Jack Noff said on Wed, 20 Sep 2023 at 18:39...
So the old choice circuit cleaners seems to be back in Canada. They sent me an email and I ordered a bottle, $25 for a 15ml bottle, plus shipping. Good customer service, I got a tracking number and arrived no problem with shipping within Canada. Its just as good as it used to be, strong and has that dreamy quality I like. They claim it is Iso-Butyl, and I believe it, I accidentally got some on my nose and no burn at all. Check them out:
Nitritespecialist said on Thu, 21 Sep 2023 at 17:48...
Can you acquire electrolyte (AKA Epoxidized Oil) from condensers? You could claim it is for ingredients of cleaning circuits.
Jack Noff said on Fri, 22 Sep 2023 at 02:31...
Im not sure what any of that means, I just thought I would share because its the best I have have had since back in the day, and they can be hard to find in Canada.
Paul said on Fri, 22 Sep 2023 at 04:25...
@Jack Noff: Thanks for providing us this interesting update!
I attempted to visit the website your identified above and it appears to be inactive - I was unable to reach this website.
Can you please confirm for us if this website is still active or is this vendor now using another website address?
Thanks again.
Jack Noff said on Fri, 22 Sep 2023 at 15:52...
That website works, but you have to email them to order. Its:
Glossolalia said on Sun, 24 Sep 2023 at 06:40...
Im not sure what any of that means...
Epoxidized Oil is a co-inhibitory (intangible) by-product of logorrhea, Jack.
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