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butyl nitrite the god particle

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Mickey blue eyes
on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 06:38

Mickey blue eyes said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 06:38...

is butyl nitrite what we have been missing.we all talk about the old style poppers (pre 2010).

we now have amyl, isoamyl, pentyl, isobutyle, isopropyl and a few others but the one that is missing is butyl or nbutyl.
it seems this was banned in USA and eu and a lot of other countries due to a dubious trial. I heard the gave mice doses the equivalent of a human doing poppers continuously for weeks.

anyway. is there any country which butyl nitrite is still legal to sell in leather cleaner form? or has it
gone the way of the ludes. just a fond memory

this is the last ditch if I don't find butyl nitrite I give up. I am not going to try to make my own.

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 12:56...

I have stated before, I bought 25mls of Butyl Nitrite from Sigma Aldrich, the largest chemical maker in the USA. It was over 95% pure.

At first, it didn't have much odor and gave me side effects within 5 minutes, at which point I was forced to stop.

I washed it in water and brine and retested it. It no longer made me feel ill, but it evaporates quickly and so didn't last long.

Odor was a very MARKED, VERY DISTINCT "deodorized" locker room scent....this was the odor permeating my room. Once fully evaporated, the residue in the bottle smelled distinctly like sweet bananas.

Were the effects mind blowing? I wouldn't say that, but then again I didn't have much chance to test it, since it evaporated so fast.

Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 12:58...

Anyone peddling a product they call butyl nitrite, that doesn't create a distinct deodorized locker room scent in your room when being used, is likely either NOT selling BN or selling a very degraded BN.

Mickey blue eyes said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 15:48...

I have heard from numerous people on different forums that the butyl nitrite from sigma and other chemical companies has some issue with it. some say the product has degraded by the time it was shipped and others suggest it is too strong for human consumption.

The Professor said on Mon, 1 May 2023 at 21:45...

Ken's trying to impress a newbie with ass smoke and lies.

He still tries to bang this chicken (the "I bought it straight from the best";-) over and over again.

You can discover his madness for yourself; just search this site with a delimiter (I suggest my screen name, because since I discovered that he had moved here, I've been revealing his constant barrage of lies, gaslighting, and fallacies, so a search might look like https://poppersguide.com/forum/ The Professor ).

To clarify; alkyl nitrites have various 'legitimate' non-sexual, non human consumption uses aside from making poppers. Sigma Aldritch does sell it at 95% purity (which sounds fantastic, but isn't), and it quickly becomes noxious for a living thing to inhale. There's nothing 'wrong' with their product; it just hasn't been produced with human inhalation in mind.

The whole poppers industry started as chemistry student exercises (Freezer and Hassing) resulted in Locker room and Rush. Butyl Nitrite usually has a compound called butyric acid dissolved in it. THis smells somewhat like cheese. body odor, vomit depending on concentration.

Butyric acid is responsible for the 'deodorized locker room' odor.

Butyric acid is ALSO one of the first steps in the degradation cascade of poppers.

Ken's denouncement of Butyl that doesn't smell like a locker room stems from the fact that I developed a procedure during prep to remove any Butyric acid from the parent Nitrite.

Thus, my product no longer smells like a locker room, but it ALSO stays fresher longer, and doesn't degrade into that barely inhalable shit that old butyl ends up with.

When ken isn't busy crawling on the floor, begging for the effects of his latest failure to wear off before he has to call 911, he skims the internet looking for anything to debunk my advices.

It funny as hell (to me at least) to watch him try to pull the wool over our eyes by either misunderstanding text from patents or 'researching' documents from the past two centuries that are no longer applicable or found to be untrue.

stick around long enough and you'll have to learn to skip over his posts like the rest of us if you want to get anything done.

Peter said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 06:48...

@The Professor: Thank you very much for your very informative response.
I started infrequently using "poppers" back in 1975, and over the past 7 years have been unable to purchase a popper product / formula (from either a US or European vendor) which provides the same enjoyable, pro-sexual effects that I experienced from the better popper products I purchased during the 70's and 80's.
I would be very grateful if you could please address the following questions:
1. Why is it that when I opened the cap of a popper product I used in the 70's and 80's there would almost always be a "hiss" sound released from pressure in the bottle, but there is never a "hiss" sound released from any of the popper products / formulas I have purchased in the past 7 years - except on rare occasions from a bottle of LRM Jungle Juice Black Label (pentyl nitrite)?
2. Was the pressure I mentioned created by the amount of nitrite in the product's formula? If so, is it possible that the amount of nitrite in most of the current popper formulas is very, very low, and not as high as it was in the popper formulas in the 70's and 80's?
3. Why is it that inhaling the vapor of the popper formulas back in the 70's and 80's would provide enjoyable, pro-sexual effects that would last for a period of 60 - 90 seconds, but almost all of the current popper products either do not provide any noticeable pro-sexual effects, or the effects are so weak that the vapor must be repeatedly inhaled every 15 seconds?
4. If amyl and pentyl are the same chemical (as some have stated on this Forum), why does amyl have CAS Number 110-46-3 and pentyl have CAS Number 463-04-7?
5. Why do the popper manufacturers add what I believe is 3 butanol - CAS Number 123-51-3 - to their amyl nitrite and pentyl nitrite products / formulas? What is the purpose?
6. Why do almost all of the amyl nitrite product / formulas [ CAS 110-46-3 and 123-51-3 ] I purchase from France have a very offensive odor when I open a new bottle and inhale the vapor? It is definately not the smell or odor of amyl I remember from the 70's and 80's.
7. Is it possible that almost all of the current popper products contain very, very little nitrite in their formulas, which is why they do not provide any noticeable pro-sexual effects?
Thank you very much for taking the time to address these questions for the benefit of those users who participate on this Forum.

The Professor said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 18:14...

wow, lots of questions; i'll give it a go

1. Back in the day, PWD poppers would hiss faintly upon opening. If you look at that in a clear bottle, you'[d see very small bubbles effervescing out of solution. That is Nitric Oxide (the active ingredient). Nitric oxide has a very low vapor pressure, it is a gentle thing, not a forceful pop.

It happens when the alkyl nitrite is super-saturated with nitric oxide (NO)

I have yet to find an OTC product that still effervesces NO upon opening; the vendors these days aren't making the stuff as well as they could be; there are some effects, like vasodilation, but as you say the pro-sexual aspects are very week or non-existant.

It IS possible to force an unsaturated popper to effervesce; just put a bit of carbonate in the bottle; carbonates neutralize acid, and from high school you probably remember that an acid plus a base yields a salt and water?

Well, with carbonates, you also get CO2 gas, which is what makes the bottle hiss when opening. It's a much more forceful hiss, with larger bubbles, and since CO2 is NOT an active ingredient, it says NOTHING of the strength or purity of the popper, it reveals that it still has acid dissoved in it.

2. Yes, juust like a rain-cloud, when it has absorbed all the NO it can, the excess will effervesce out of solution. This only happens aq few times, and is comparable to a litre of coca cola; carbonated at first and fizzy, but then goes flatif opened too much or held for weeks.

poppers are nitrosated, rather than carbonated, but you can easily tell if it is all it can be.

a. If the popper effervesces with faint pressure and tiny bubbles, it's super-saturated

b. Super-saturated poppers that have been stabilized with Potassium carbonate, or some other stabilizers, will NOT effervesce ( the stabilizer prevents gas evolution in the bottle (which starts the degradation cascade)

c. Stabilized and super-saturated poppers can still be distinguished from lesser poppers, in that, upon opening, super-saturated NO will tingle your nose a bit; not in a nasty 'burn your nose' way, but a very pleasant tingle and slightly numb sensation; unsaturated poppers won't do this, and you'll probably have complaints of dry nose (some even have nosebleed a day later).

3. that is usually also due to the product having less active ingredient, and having to continually inhale gets to be a drag if you want to have a relationsihpo with anything other than the rim of the bottle. It can also be due to the parent alcohol (which determines the vapor pressure) so if you are used to products from the 80's and 70's (which were Butyl nitrite (81% strength); if you now try any of the amyl/Pentyl formulas, they are at about 72% strength you'll likely be dissapointed.

4. Alcohols are subject to auto-oxidation without even opening the containers. is isoAmyl nitrite (aka isoPentyl nitrite) and 463-04-7 is n-Pentyl/amyl nitrite.

isoAmyl / isoPentyl nitrite is made from an isomer of Pentyl/Amyl (isomers have the same components arranged with slightly different geometry). The parent alcohol determines the vapor pressure (strength) and iso are a tish more potent than n (n means 'normal' as in perpendicular to the axis of the compound (a straight chain)

5. 123-51-3 is isoamyl alcohol, indicating that the product is isoamyl nitrite; alcohol nitrosation is a reversible reaction, meaning that the compo9und will eventually fall apart, back into its original constituents, they are also listing the alcohol as MOST OTC stuff tested contain about 20-5-% of the parent alcohol

6. the OTC stuff at those times was n-Butyl nitrite, not amyl (unless you got your stuff by prescription, but I think that ended in the late 60's). Those CAS# are for IsoAmyl/iaoPentyl and isoAmyl/Pentyl type poppers tend to degrade with a more obnoxious odor than sec-Amyl or n-Amyl. There's very little difference between these 3 when fresh or if stabilized and preserved well.

7. Yes, not to the extreme (as in being purposefully diluted) but failing to make properly leaves a very un-fun experience when compared to a properlyt nitrosated product.

I hope that gave you some answers?


Leopard Mask said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 18:17...

@Peter "but almost all of the current popper products either do not provide any noticeable pro-sexual effects, or the effects are so weak that the vapor must be repeatedly inhaled every 15 seconds?"
- Seriously? Even with modern stuff inhaling every 15 seconds would make you pass out!!

The Professor said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 18:30...

My text above says in #4

"Alcohols are subject to auto-oxidation without even opening the containers."

That doesn't belong in my reply, I was cutting and pasting CAS numbers into google on other tab, while ALSO composing a response to our resident idiot nitritespecialist. He claims that all alcohols can 'autoxidize' in the bottle without it being open in a riposte to me on another topic.

this being a fantastic example of his 'appeal to authority; fallacies, in which he imposes his OWN fantasies into published documentation (a lie by insertion) as proof that he is correct.

He's been doing this for years, and when caught, he abandons the topic, only to start up again with a new audience; proving that he's either a liar or a dunce (along with a healthy dollop of dis-respect for his audience)

If you are interested, the paper he cites does NOT say "Alcohols are subject to auto-oxidation without even opening the containers." it says that SECONDARY alcohols CAN autoxidize.

Which begs the question, what is autoxidation? and how can it happen in an unopened bottle? also, if you are using primary alcohols, why do you care what MIGHT happen to un-cared for SECONDARY alcohols?

The answer he didn't want us to find is that autoxidation doesn't mean what he thinks it does. It simply means oxidation (which REQUIRES expose to oxygen (not found in a sealed bottle) that develops without a source of ignition, like a spark or flame.

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 22:21...

Frank Taylor....a chemist back in 1914 set out to discover why amyl nitrite brands of his day were all over the map in terms of quality and he stated they had always been that way.

2C,H,,OH + H,SO, + 2NaN0, = 2C,H,,NO, + Na,SO, + 2H,O and a
slight excess of sodium nitrite used. The acid was gradually mixes with the
alcohol, the mixture cooled and poured very slowly to the bottom of a solution
of the sodium nitrite in three parts of water, keeping the whole cooled to 10”
or 12”. The amyl nitrite formed floats on the aqueous layer and is washed with
alkaline carbonate solution and dried over fused potassium carbonate. If absolutely pure reagents are used, the amyl nitrite so formed requires no distillation and is almost perfectly pure. With less pure grades of alcohol, distillation
must be resorted to.

What was true then....is certainly true now. Thomas the Professor has ZERO idea how pure anyone's alcohol is because he hasn't tested any of them. He simply ASS-umes everyone's alcohol is of the necessary purity as stated by Taylor....a real published chemist, not the wanna be one in Nebraska.

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 22:29...

I know for a FACT that isoamyl/isopentyl nitrite quickly degrades into a foul smelling odor as soon as it's exposed to air. N-amyl nitrite does not.

But they are both likely to contain impurities that make the experience of inhaling them worse. You either have to distill them or use the purest and freshest alcohol you can get.

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 22:34...

And as a matter of FACT....Thomas the quack Professor in Nebraska...the disabled embittered old VET.....always blends multiple types of alcohols together at once to make his tainted popper concoctions....which I know for a FACT(samples sent to me) are cloudy, turbid and smell worse than anything I ever made.

He has no idea of purity....because he doesn't test for purity and he mixes impure alcohols together with other impure alcohols and claims his methods are the BEST....LOL!!!

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 22:36...

And the fact of the matter is Thomas cannot direct anyone to a reliable source of great poppers because he can't make them himself, nor can any of his disciples BECAUSE they don't have a clue about QC protocols.

All Thomas does is bash Joe Miller, who actually was very successful making wonderful poppers for 30 years.

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 2 May 2023 at 22:41...

@Leopard.....it's not hard to make potent poppers that have strong effects, BUT these are typically toxic effects...and not the prosexual effects everyone wants.

It requires a discriminating sniffer to know the difference. A pure popper will not give toxic effects right away....nothing unpleasant at all. And it should build to a heightened, crazy fun intensity level with subsequent sniffs. Normal amyl is the easiest to take to the highest level(when it's pure enough), but Butyl and Isobutyl MAY work too....if pure enough and or made less volatile. IPN is certainly very potent, but the impurities can kill you.

Peter said on Wed, 3 May 2023 at 02:01...

@The Professor: Thank you very, very much for taking the time and consideration to provide me your comprehensive, informative, and intelligent responses to my questions. I am very, very grateful!!
Yes, I realize that back in the 70's and 80's most - if not all - of the OTC popper products sold in the US were a Butyl Nitrite formula, not Amyl Nitrite.
Interestingly, however, is that some of those butyl products - like RUSH - I could not use, because the odor for me was simply too offensive; while the odor of other popper product formulas was not a problem, worked very well for me, and provided excellent pro-sexual effects.
I need to clarify and correct my above comments regarding Amyl Nitrite to state that the only real Amyl Nitrite product / formula I purchased was from RAM products located in the UK, and that was during the period of approximately 1977 - 1984. Their RAM formula was 100% Amyl Nitrite and one of the very best popper products I ever experienced.
Thanks again for your time and very informative responses!

@Leopard Mask: I did not mean to imply that I inhale the popper vapor every 15 seconds over a long period of time, say 45 or 60 minutes.
I have erectile dysfunction and use a vacuum pump two or three times a week to "exercise" my penis by drawing significant amounts of blood and oxygen into the tissue of the penis. This is very important and a recommended procedure for males with erectile dysfunction.
When I conduct a "vacuum pump session" - which can be for 30 to 90 minutes - I will inhale popper vapor several times over the first 15 minutes, which vasodilates the tissue of the penis causing additional blood to flow into the penis much more quickly.
As an additional benefit, the blood flow creates a very pleasant and erotic feeling in the penis.
When I have used a very good quality popper formula, I will also feel a mild "pumping" sensation of my prostate gland, which has led to a mild and extremely pleasant involuntary orgasm.

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Wed, 3 May 2023 at 16:02...

Wait... he was "making" poppers for 30 years? Back in 2021, you said he was at it for 40 years, which is it? Neither is true, but it helps to keep some consistency, or your audience might think you are making stuff up. And do you still maintain the other story that he was secretly brewing up amyl nitrite, not iso / butyl nitrite? and it wasn't Great Lakes Products that was doing that then? It was definitely Joe Miller, a philanthropist businessman with a legal background, who suddenly started brewing up wonder poppers himself in secret. I don't know because you change your stories quite a lot, so it's difficult to keep up.

and LRM were once COSMICALLY AWESOME, but now SUCK because you ONCE got a bottle that was probably a duff from France?

Ian said on Fri, 15 Dec 2023 at 13:46...

It has ruined my life . Neuropathy and pain and unable to walk. Cognitive problems

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