Artisan leather cleaners
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Bman
on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 at 15:34
Bman said on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 at 15:34...
Anyone ever tried Artisan leather cleaners ? They are a small family business. Make they’re own poppers. They make Artisan gold, boy and bear, king conra, and red beast. I read their about us and sounds like they love poppers and started making for their friends and branched out from there. Just wondering if they’re legitimate business or if their poppers are any good?
Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 at 16:24...
I have read pros and cons about their cleaners. I doubt that any operation has any QC protocols in place. That's why reviews are always inconsistent.
Anon said on Mon, 24 Apr 2023 at 18:54...
I haven't tried them. Stuff is so all over the place that I suspect that if you want anything that is consistently good, you have to make it yourself. I am strongly of the opinion that it should be made at most one or two days before used. I have only had one bottle from a manufacture that I complained to that was on par with a fresh batch and I suspect they gave me something just made to be nice. Every time I make a fresh batch, it is like sex incarnate. Like, I can't even exaggerate what it is. Anything store bought is like a shitty reminder. Shit goes from amazing to weird chemically reminder fast.
Bman said on Tue, 25 Apr 2023 at 09:09...
Thanks for the response all. There’s so much junk out there that as long as my credit cards not getting scammed from an illegitimate business, pretending to sell poppers, I’m willing to try a little bit of everything. I found a gem once before in US pop shops years back. then of course they were shut down. (Like Artisanal). so I’m looking for another one. I’m gonna buy a few bottles and I’ll post on what happens. If you want to win the lottery, you got to buy tickets.
Yum-Yum said on Tue, 25 Apr 2023 at 14:42...
do you mean popshop? u know he did not get shut down he went insane i guess but Artisinal is not the same, maybe some small thing stopped that one for a while...they will come back i think
Mickey blue eyes said on Wed, 26 Apr 2023 at 21:48...
@Bman why would.the good brands get shut down is the good formula illegal?
Yum-Yum said on Wed, 26 Apr 2023 at 22:57...
that guy he is talking about did some super crazy things...but not about poppers...he was charged in court about setting off homemade bomb, that was the popshop guy
nobody said artisan got closed down, it's not true
Duder said on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 at 13:07...
To clear up some confusion.
There is two small popper shops with simular names both having issues.
Artisal cleaners site is now 404
Artisanal cleaners is not taking orders due to payment being down.
One has anal in the name the other does not.
Have had artisanal and was decent. Havent had the other.
The Professor said on Thu, 27 Apr 2023 at 20:20...
There's Artisan leather cleaners (as in, we are artisans and we make cleaners), which has been around years ago, but looks to be out of business now?
And there's Artisanal cleaners (as in our cleaners are Artisanal) which is currently having a payment processing issue.
Bman said on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 03:55...
Yes, Artisanal sells Kaboom. And for me, that has been the best thing I have found anywhere. By far. Didn’t turn me blue ,didn’t make my heart pound in my ears, or make me dizzy from low blood pressure and I Didn’t feel or look like shit afterwards either. Had a super good rush for hours of nasty town USA !!!! Loved it. They use a granule preservative similar to Uspopshops. about a month after I found Artisanal the site says payment system down and it’s been like that for six weeks. So I don’t know what’s going on. Definitely the best stuff I’ve come across. Really hope they come back on line.
Bman said on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 03:57...
Artisan leather cleaners is a different company. Im interested but everything is out of stock. Waiting for a new batch. They make they’re own according to their blog.
Bman said on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 04:00...
@yumyum you are correct. I meant payment system down for Artisanal.
Bman said on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 06:39...
@mickey blue eyes. No I don’t think that is the case at all. I guess in my search over the years, the two best formulas that I personally have come across were from US pop shops, (which had a weird story about how they got shut down.) Most people know it. Google it. Very bizarre. And then I found Artisanal which, by the way, seems very similar to the formula of US pop shops. Not a coincidence both used a granular preservative. I haven’t seen any other company use a granular preservative. My frustration is , i’m not sure how long Artisanal has been in business, but once I found them, now, their payment system is down ! And for a while now. so I’m like WTF ?! Ciara is the person who responds to their emails And in the beginning she said that they had been blacklisted from credit card companies processing their transactions. That’s not unheard of. Most popper companies have had to go to Zelle or E checks or things of that nature, because of a federal law that passed involving the chemicals used to make poppers, and so they could not do transactions with credit cards. So I’m just thinking if you have a good product and you want to stay in business, let’s get the Zelle, Venmo, or cash app thing going. I’ve emailed multiple times and now it’s just crickets. No response.
Elvis said on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 15:51...
Yes. Early last year I think. I purchased their four bottle sampler. I found all four to be similar are rather weak.
Bman said on Fri, 28 Apr 2023 at 21:25...
@Elvis. Did you try kaboom? I found that it snuck up on me after 2-3 hits. Nothing the first hit, but it built momentum and took me to nasty town. More than any other popper that I have found out there in a long time. The poppers from US pop shop were very similar. They built momentum slowly. And little side effects. And what I loved about kaboom was I was not blue at all. Which is hard to find these days. That’s just not good.
Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 12:31...
@ANON.....I do not recommend anyone make their own poppers UNLESS they have access to buying high grade chemicals direct from the makers....for instance, they work for an institution with an account at Sigma.
Why? Because reagent quality is the single biggest hurdle to making good poppers that don't need distilled. I just paid $182 for all new reagents and all my poppers are weak crap, regardless of how I make them. I suspect my TCI alcohol, which up to now has been pretty good when first opened. But this time, it didn't pop upon opening and didn't smell aromatic. And all my brews turn out cloudy, which never happened before. The alcohols are complex chemicals compared to the Sodium Nitrite and they can degrade into a myriad of compounds, which can easily account for a whole range of odors and effects in an "undistilled" popper.
Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 12:36...
A group of chemists in the USA in 1914 set out to find out why the many available amyl nitrite brands were so highly inconsistent in terms of degree of purity. Some had hardly any active compount while the highest was around 80% if I remember correctly.
They concluded after many experiments that the purity of the alcohol was the single biggest factor in determining the purity of the "undistilled" amyl nitrite. They said if the alcohol is pure enough, it's not necessary to distill the amyl nitrite. They never mentioned the sodium nitrite, because I assume they didn't think it could be the reason of such high inconsistently among all the amyl nitrite brands.
The Professor said on Sat, 29 Apr 2023 at 22:08...
That's a JAPA article from 1914.
The gist of the article is that the British pharmacopeia mentions a 66% purity level (the author comments that in his opinion that purity level spec is too low.
The US pharmacopeia at the time, required 80% purity (a disparity of 14%) , the author comments that this is not too high, but causes confusion.
Elvis said on Thu, 4 May 2023 at 15:40...
Sorry dude. I was referring to a place called Artisan Leather Cleaners. Yes. I have tried Kaboom from Artisanal Cleaners. And it is quite good. I usually get their Flamin' brand. It has always provided consistent results for me. I did however get a dud last year. But Ms. C kindly added a replacement to my next order.
ZipZap said on Thu, 22 Jun 2023 at 23:52...
Artisinal is still down and not replying to email inquiries. Hope they’ll be back. I’d be good with a venmo payment option. I miss Kaboom!

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