Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Wenis
on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 at 23:47
Wenis said on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 at 23:47...
(If you want to see picks 1st link is at bottom)
This is a full and intense and talkitive review of my exp with i am not affliated with buyrush ór any other popper sites. I am a consumor who enjoys strongly and loves using poppers for sex and jacking off
In the review i will cover absoulty everything possible.....
So first , as ive done with all my companys i order from. Is reach out to their custmer service via email, and aquire some info 1st. (This can advoid u if say u reach out nd never get a reply back. Then its oviouosly a scam site or one with extremly poor custmer service which u dont want) but i talked with the guy at and i confirmed what i needed to such as shipping time and how he stocks only legit products which is really the most important question nd i confirmed accepted payment methods, he was nice and respectful and polite and anwsered all my questions. Ofc when talking to any popper company u shuld mention in the sense of cleaning with it. As in saying. Which product is the strongest cleaner cuz i got alot of really dirty leather nd i need something super strong. Or which is ur most popular cleaning solvent.
Ok nd just to get the symantics out of the way. I orderd on jan 2nd. Paying via zelle. Zelle was very easy to use. Ive never used it intill now but plently of banks offer it. He also will take cash app (very easy as well) money orders or checks i think. But unfortanly no cc or debt. However if a company dosent offer cc/debt it isnt cuz its a scam. Its cuz cc/debt cards seem to flag or give a hard time sometimes wen buying ur cleaner supplys
I ordered 1 SUPER RUSH 30ML bottle nd 1 AMYL 10ML bottle (amyl products on their site are reffered to as amy just for legal loophole purposes fyi, its not a type o nd the product is 100% real)
So my total was, with stardard shipping , 43$ USD, which is a very good price if u ask me
A few days after i placed my order, he contacted me.... Nd said he was srry but the 10ml amyl was acutally out of stock. And shuld not of been able for you to order it. But an error occured on the site which allowed you to. However my shipment of amyl from france shuld be here in about 2 or 3 days, so unfortanly ur order might take a bit longer than expected and 4 the delay and incovenice, im going to UPGRADE YOU TO A , AMYL 15ML WIDE MOUTH BOTTLE. Nd im like oh snap bet. H yea ill wait a few more days 4 the free upgrade
So my package, w delay, arived on jan 10th. Wen i order jan 2. Ide expect the shipping speed wuld of been fine. Like 4 days or something. If the site didnt hav an error. But o well MORE AMYL 4 ME !!!!!!!!!! H YEA.
As you can see in the pics. Tht is how the box arrived... And containing my 2 beautiful items.... 100% legit 30ML SUPER RUSH. And 100% legit AMYL 15ML WIDE MOUTH BOTTLE
And i culd not be happier with the products i recived. Now the super rush. I kno is legit quaility. As it has all the correct markings on it. And its hollographjc pwd logo top. So yea its legit. Looking just like my black label 30ml wen i got it. Since it was un opened... I left it tht way. As i currently hav like 5 open bottles already i want to increase its shelf life and stagger my collections decompt time a bit. So just trust me its real. But i didnt open it nd try it. (Ill update just to confirm in the comments when i do) nd if i notice a differnce in strength from the super rush to the black label rush
Now the AMYL what we all have been waiting for. Confirmed legit right from France. Now this sweetheart is a magicain. magic. This stuff is great. Its smell is like ide describe it is Black Licoriceish but SWEETER. Its a nice nice smell its got. Now i kno amyl is not as strong as isobutyl. So i was wondering how it wuld feel. But when i sniffed it nd got its effect. Dam. Its strong. Its plently strong. Plus its longer lasting considerably. Which comes in handy. As wen u hit ur bottle trying to time the peak with the cum shot. Nd u hav a short window with isobutyl or secbutyl. But with the sweet n-amyl you hav a much longer window. It is great great sruff. (Also why risk the import urself. If u live in usa. By ordering nd having ur package caught at customs. When u can let buyrushonline do it 4 u !!!!!!!!! ) thts an easy choice/decison ever. Also ill mention. Buyrush imo has a good selection. Yes they r missing certain things. But i can tell by my order they stock quailty. So ill also add. Nd my camra on my phone wuldnt focus enough it get it. But right on my 15ML AMYL WIDE MOUTH BOTTLE. Theirs small writing on it tht says "n-amyl" so it identifys it 100% correctly. And no its not isoamyl or pentyl. Its STR8 N-AMYL thts the good good stuff. The orgional poppers where made of. The jackpot shit stuff baby. So now wen i sniff nd whack i use the n-amyl along with an isobutyl popper. Or my isobutyl-secbutyl vhc popper. Great combo imo bc the isobutyl will give u tht stronger inital punch 2 it. But the amyl is like a nice wave. But its still strong. Its differnt oviousaly. But i was afraid tht it wuld be 2 weak. IT IS NOT. Its fantastic stuff. Also ill say ive noticed no side effects from the n-amyl. Just like i noticed none from iso/sec-butyl either. Well besides one thing since ive started using poppers ive noticed ide hav to blow my nose an extra time or 2 the next day. But i wuldnt even call tht a side effect. With the n-amyl i did cough 1 time. Not like a bad cough tho nd i think thts just from the smell. Like a session where i use it. Coughed 1 time. Then the next session i had i coughed 1 time 2. And the 3rd session i didnt cough at all. So i wuldnt even count tht as a thing or an issue. And i posses something ilegal now hahahahaha try to come take it from me goverment f u !!!!!! Lol. I strongly recomend n-amyl. Spefically the acutal AMYL brand i got baby. And i strongly recommend to get quaility poppers. I cant acutaly rate their shipping speed with the unexpected delay. But ide give their custermer service an A+. Ide give their product an A+++ Price an A- , culd be a bit cheaper i guess. But i aint complaining. This sites now added to MY GREEN LIGHTED LIST OF BUYERS. I recommend you all do the same. And thts it, Cheers !!!!! and Pec !!!!!!! (By WENIS)
(Feel free to comment away, as we all look forward to discorverying new popper sites to buy from and great quaility poppers to inhale !!!!!!!!! Also leave ur site recomendtaions and i might give 1 of em a try next and drop a FULL MASTER REVIEW ON EM !!!!!!!!!!!)
Link to pics below
Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 at 18:54...
From my experience, n-amyl nitrite doesn't smell like sweet licorice. But perhaps they added an aroma. I couldn't read the label in the pics except that it said made in France and the other was made in the USA.
I bought the halo PWD 30 ml isobutyl nitrite twice in the States. One bottle was super strong, but not much physiological/mental pleasure. The second bottle was weak, acidic stuff that made getting banged feel like shit.
I have noticed a group of effects that are associated with most poppers that are reasonably pure and fresh.
Mental: dreamy, relaxed, super charged libido, increased energy
Physical: increased heart rate with beats heard clearly in inner ear
increased breathing, sometimes like running a marathon
increased sensitivity and pleasure to certain erogenous areas
and the hallmark sign....strong ass relax/numbing effect
Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 at 18:55...
I would add one more physical sign:
a slight of the hands
Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 at 19:01...
Signs that poppers may not be fresh or pure enough include the following:
Increased heart rate, BUT weak and not enough to overcome the lowering of the blood pressure.
Ass relaxes somewhat, but your number one dildo doesn't feel too good.
Nipples aren't nearly as sensitive.
No sense of increased libido. Erotic thoughts and images don't suddenly become amplified and real.
There is no euphoria, no increased energy....just a take it or leave sensation. Good poppers will make you look forward to each new session...each new ride.
Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 at 19:11...
The label does say n-amyl on it.... Ill try to see if i can get a better pic of it later. The halo pwd 30ml, i wonder wut tht bottle looks like if u hav a pic. Never heard of it b4. But since 1 was good nd 1 was bad. Did u buy them from the same place? If so maby they had some issue or it was old stock. Ide add in the physical effects. Of feeling very warm or flush in ur face. Which is good. I call ig jelly mode wen i huff cuz my dick nd balls feels like im holding a pile of jelly. Nd the eroginous areas like my balls makes me want to cup them or squeeze them. Also with the porn im watching the skin turns into looking like jelly so nice to see tht asshole flex on the screen or wink. In atleast 1080p high quaility hd . i want a 4k vr so bad nd just put some butts up on the screen infront my face while i whack super hard staring directly into asshole !!!!! Nd cum so good. Sounds like Heaven. I also wanna take my bottles with me to the strip club , H yea !!!!!
Wenis said on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 at 19:15...
Nitritespecialist(my bad didnt mean 2 imporstant u) The label does say n-amyl on it.... Ill try to see if i can get a better pic of it later. The halo pwd 30ml, i wonder wut tht bottle looks like if u hav a pic. Never heard of it b4. But since 1 was good nd 1 was bad. Did u buy them from the same place? If so maby they had some issue or it was old stock. Ide add in the physical effects. Of feeling very warm or flush in ur face. Which is good. I call ig jelly mode wen i huff cuz my dick nd balls feels like im holding a pile of jelly. Nd the eroginous areas like my balls makes me want to cup them or squeeze them. Also with the porn im watching the skin turns into looking like jelly so nice to see tht asshole flex on the screen or wink. In atleast 1080p high quaility hd . i want a 4k vr so bad nd just put some butts up on the screen infront my face while i whack super hard staring directly into asshole !!!!! Nd cum so good. Sounds like Heaven. I also wanna take my bottles with me to the strip club , H yea !!!!!
Wenis said on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 at 19:17...
Nitritespecialist , nd what wuld u desribe as n-amyl smelling like. Thts not excatly how it smells. Just what came 2 mind wen discribing it. But basically it has a sweet smell 2 hit. Hard to desribe. Smells good. Nd kindly like a sweet candy or something
Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 at 02:57...
My n-amyl smelled more nondescript....only slightly sweet.....perhaps it wasn't pure enough.
The Lockerroom products I bought from Europe(France) were presumably n-amyl....though it didn't say it on the label and the owner of LockerRoom wouldn't tell me. Their poppers had a more complex odor....of chemicals...not especially pleasant or agreeable, but not caustic either.
I did buy the two 30ml halo IBN from a local store. Once I buy one dud, I won't buy anymore. And right now, I'm having too much fun with my brews of isopropyl nitrite to try something else.
Aurora said on Tue, 17 Jan 2023 at 11:48...
Hey, thanks Wenis for the in depth reviews!
So …out of what’s available these days, which poppers give the
strongest effects in terms of arousal, libido, euphoria as such?. Or is it very much down to the individual ey..
Is it the n-amyl /Everest?. As that seems to be more expensive from
Wenis seems happy enough enough with his!…
I never got to experience the Joe Miller era…but the brown bottle/junglejuice/blue boy I got from 2013 to 2016 here in the U.K was incredible. It was like being inside the videos!, now I’ve a got a nice new 55 inch OLED tv hehehe.
Im still chasing that quality. I’ve been wondering what the chances of getting delivered would be a order from Buyrushonline to the U.K.
Best Regards and happy popping y’all!.
Wenis said on Wed, 18 Jan 2023 at 19:50...
Aurora ty nd i hav another review coming out 2. I just got the product today. Idk if buyrush ships to uk u wuld hav 2 check. And the type of n-amyl bottle i got is only mentioned multiple times in the review. Oh yea. Along with mutiple pics , of the imgur link , tht ig u didnt c. Its about attention 2 detail !!!!!! . i believe i just scored a pentyl popper, u guys will kno soon (Nitritespecialist thnks 4 ur feed back, the n-amyl shuld smell kinda sweet. Not with all those chemical smells u got nd probely why they wuldnt str8 up tell u wuts in it. Ill look up a pic of halo popper , probely looks cool
Aurora said on Wed, 18 Jan 2023 at 21:39...
Yeah all good thanks Wenis, I saw the links and pictures. I made sure to thoroughly read your review!. No worries!,
Buyrush does ship to the U.K I’ve found but i could also use
I tried blue boy pentyl recently and it didn’t do much for me unfortunately.
I will be 39 this year so wanted one more little whirl before I retire my bottle sniffing days
Wenis said on Wed, 18 Jan 2023 at 22:02...
Aurora yes dont retire from popping !!!!!! It works well with the vagina right ? Like wen i gave my hooker a pop it opened her right up instanly. Nd now shes the only girl on the planet to of had my dick head tht far up her coochie. H yea !!!!! Ide say go with buyrush. Cuz poppers aroma culd be sezied cuz they r use to catching their parcels. Probely less shipping 2. Nd i believe popperaromas is good but ive seen questable posts about their quaility. Nd their was defiently a time where they changed some things nd products suffer. Or u culd order from both nd compare nd double ur chances of getting quaility shit !!!!! Ty 4 reading my post !!!!!!!! -Wenis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Aurora said on Wed, 18 Jan 2023 at 22:22...
Hi Wenis!. I can’t speak for vaginal effects because I’m a guy. 😂.
I just like the name Aurora.
But I’m glad you had such a great time with your lady .
Great idea about ordering from both, I’m tempted to get some soon.
Before the ban came in here in 2016 I ordered 100 bottles lol. I tried to ration them … but the effects were too nice mmmm!
What fun I had, it was like being in heaven several times a week!
Thanks for your advice on ordering!.
Wenis said on Wed, 19 Apr 2023 at 03:05...
Hey guys just to update this thread. Srry im a little late. The 30ML SUPER RUSH bottle i recived was excllent. Great quaility. In comparison to the 30ML RUSH BLACK LABEL i bought from my local sex shop which was legit as well. Imo the super rush was stronger. Now idk if thts always the case or what others wuld say. Bc possibly the super rush i got from was maby fresher than the black label from my sex shop tht culd of been sitting around 4 awhile and also those bottles in the sex shop are in a glass case which has florresent light bulbs right above it on the cealing however the bottles are closed but they culd be absorbing some ammount of light from it degradeing them faster. And to think of how many custermers are coming in regularly into the small sex shop in a local city thts not 2 big. Like not a major city or a city tht has a high gay population. I wuld bet tht buyrush online has a faster turn over. And everytime ive been to my sex shop they look to hav the same ammount which further proves they arnt selling as quick. But yea.... Thts my follow up. And my vhc was stronger than both of them btw

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