Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Mam
on Thu, 4 Aug 2022 at 12:55
Mam said on Thu, 4 Aug 2022 at 12:55...
Please post anything poppers related here while the technical stuff is sorted out.
Bottomboi said on Fri, 5 Aug 2022 at 11:50...
Hi why isn’t the site working?
Mr Bator said on Fri, 5 Aug 2022 at 21:33...
Site is working just fine. But it is being targeted with butt loads of spam new thread posts so for the time being just use the last couple of new topics.
Steph said on Sat, 6 Aug 2022 at 23:23...
Question (since I can’t seem to post a new thread: Fairly new to poppers. Someone online in my area claims they are selling Rush and Ram. From what I understand, Ram has been discontinued. Would that be accurate? I assume it’s either a really old bottle or a fake?
Mam said on Sun, 7 Aug 2022 at 07:07...
Hi Steph, I did not hear that Ram was stopped, it is an old classic from PWD (Pac West) so it's surprising to hear that. Where did you hear this please? I mean why would the manufacturer stop such a well known brand name?
Frank: said on Mon, 8 Aug 2022 at 05:12...
@Steph: The original RAM product was manufactured and sold by RAM Products in the United Kingdom (UK) starting around 1974. To the best of my memory, the product came in a small bottle and was pure n-Amyl Nitrite, and it was absolutely outstanding. RAM Products was also the original manufacturer of Jungle Juice, which was a combination mixture of approximately 20% Amyl Nitrite and 80% Butyl Nitrite. I believe RAM Products had to stop manufacturing their RAM product around approximately1985, if my memory is correct. RAM Products was / is an excellent, very well managed company; and to the best of my knowledge, it is still active, but only selling iso-Propyl Nitrite products IAW the current UK Government Medical and Health Board policy.
Liquid Old said on Mon, 8 Aug 2022 at 09:11...
I remember Ram here in the UK, it's been around a long time just like Liquid Gold. It was all good stuff up until 2007 before The EU poked their nose in and changed the formula to IPN.
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Mon, 8 Aug 2022 at 14:56...
So their "Jungle Juice" was majority butyl? it was a 1970's disco mix... you are sure of this, Frank? wow...1974. Interesting stuff.
Elvis said on Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 18:06...
Okay, here's one... Lets say you purchased a bottle of the good Joe Miller stuff from say 1986. And you stored it in the absolute optimal conditions. What the the odds it would still be useable today ? 50% ? 25 % ? 0% ?
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Wed, 10 Aug 2022 at 21:29...
0% and I have an old bottle somewhere...not 1986 later..still sealed.
Frank said on Thu, 11 Aug 2022 at 06:12...
@TDFG: In the early 1980's, I communicated with the owners of RAM Products via international phone call and postal mail letters. They informed me that their Jungle Juice formula was a mixture of amyl and butyl nitrite, and the butyl percentage of this combination was around 80% to 85%. Subsequently, other popper vendors [ LRM Canada, PWD, etc ] decided to exploit the Jungle Juice name and came out with their own popper product also called "Jungle Juice."
BrewMeister... said on Thu, 11 Aug 2022 at 17:07...
#moved Poppers Formula Chemistry
Ted said on Fri, 12 Aug 2022 at 20:01...
The Locker Room product is called Jungle Juice Plus. 80% Butyl would smell like a locker room, and it is said the Jungle Juice name comes from the fruity sweet aroma. I am not sure, but it would also depend on what the product type was, i.e room deodorizer or something else. Ram was also an original UK product perhaps, although it was always assumed to an old-timer from the PWD family. Locker Room is also a brand name, it is very confusing
A said on Sat, 13 Aug 2022 at 17:46...
Hope everyone is doing well.
We offer different major brands of popper, free delivery is available for a minimum order.
Please note that we do not mail our products, only pick up or delivery, no money upfront, you pay when you get your product in person.
For more info please email : jiangrihong0828@hotmail.com
Frank said on Mon, 15 Aug 2022 at 04:26...
@All Forum Readers: I recently received three popper products that were all manufactured by PWD. Two of the products are iso-butyl nitrite and one is alkyl nitrite. Upon sampling these three products, none of them provided me any pro-sexual effects at all - absolutely nothing. I am curious to know if other readers on this forum have purchased any popper products made by PWD and if those products provided you any noticeable pro-sexual effects. Thanks for reading this post.
ConsciousBeing.. said on Mon, 22 Aug 2022 at 16:05...
@Frank...thanks for the brief history of RAM poppers in the UK. Hopefully, it's factual, which is hard to tell since it appears all the people who were instrumental in establishing these popper businesses are either dead or choosing to remain silent. LRM is in the latter category.
The last PWD with halogram top I bought was supposedly IBN. It was potent, but didn't make me feel sexually charged. None of the LRM products had that effect either, although they mostly provided an ass relax effect.
It's true that pure butyl nitrite has a distinctive locker room odor that permeates a room if the bottle is opened a lot or left open. N amyl nitrite may possess more of a fruity sweet odor. Combine the two and I have no idea what the odor might be.
Poppers should do two major things:
Alter the mind/consciousness in a fleeting, but definitely felt way. For me, it's a dreamy, surreal, relaxed, receptive, slightly euphoric altered state of being..
Increase physical sensitivity, especially of the nipples and rectal/prostate areas. In these areas, orgasmic tension is noticeably increased IF stimulated manually via hands/pressure.
I believe these two properties, encompassing the mental and physical, are due to specific alkyl nitrite chemistries, relating to both purity and type.
It explains why once the contents of the bottle degrades, it no longer provides any good effects. The chemistry has changed too much.
Frank said on Tue, 23 Aug 2022 at 05:34...
@ConsciousBeing: Thanks for your response and comments.
The two PWD IBN products I purchased had a strong offensive odor but did not provide me any pro-sexual effects - or as you stated, did not make me feel sexually charged. So, they were both a waste of money.
I strongly concur with your observation and experience that a quality nitrite inhalant should cause or create the particular pro-sexual and very pleasurable affects you mentioned.
The best popper products I used back in the 70's and 80's would create the "slightly euphoric altered state of being" you mentioned, which was especially enjoyable when receiving oral sex. It just felt so relaxing and made sex so much more enjoyable and erotic. I also agree that the vasodilation effect on the rectal and prostate gland areas was significantly increased when these areas were massaged by a large dildo or fist, and it would lead up to an extremely intense orgasm.
Thanks again for your response.
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Wed, 24 Aug 2022 at 19:50...
whatever...anyway back in the real world...
Billy said on Thu, 25 Aug 2022 at 08:08...
Oh man the 70s, when we could dance all night
Why isn't it still the 70s
It must be the poppers fault!
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Thu, 25 Aug 2022 at 16:51...
It is indeed the fault of those pesky poppers! Nothing to do with the sands of time and "false memory" syndrome about the distant past.
Of course you can recreate the 1970s, like they do for those poor folks with dementia. So a glitter ball, flared trousers, kipper tie, Brut aftershave, side burns, and casual racism. Pass the Babycham!
BTW: J. Miller was not in charge of PWD in the glitter ball era, that would be a gent by the name of Freezer, and the business was in California, not Indiana. But hey! never let the facts get in the way of a shaggy dog story!
LondonPubShithole said on Thu, 25 Aug 2022 at 21:31...
@Dreadful....who the fuck are you to tell other popper users that they don't know what effects they have experienced with poppers now or then? Who the flying fuck are you to challenge other people's personal experiences doing any drug? Please tell us...we all want to know!!!
Billy said on Fri, 26 Aug 2022 at 08:43...
It's obvious, isn't it?
You could say the same about any drug. I took ecstasy for the first time in 1997 at a student house party. It was amazing!
If I was to try repeating the experience now, I'm pretty sure it wouildn't be the same and it wouldn't be the fault of the drugs.
Drugs act on your own energy. When you get older you have less of it. So the experiences won't be as intense.
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Fri, 26 Aug 2022 at 09:57...
Poppers are also not a drug, this nonsense about "euphoric altered state of being" is nothing but the simple effect of a 19th Century vasodilator which was probably noticed by a gay guy in 1960s New York - the age of "snappers" when amyl nitrite was sold in glass ampules. UK based scientists have proved this - what you "think" about volatile nitrites is not relevant, when the facts have been established. Like saying Donald Trump is a eunuch, you may "think' this, but it is not true.
This is just you again... spouting conspiracy theories based upon historical data you made up, the bollocks PWD amyl story for example, and fruity scientific blather that has been trounced by The Professor.
As we all recall you were hysterically enamored with LRM, until they did not reply to you, and suddenly their product went from hero to zero in a few hours. Your opinions are wild, inconsistent and peppered with references to nipples, and the prostrate gland. You are a fruity old chap for sure, I wish you well, but you shouldn't mislead others with your fairy tales.
LondonPubShithole said on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 17:46...
Well....it's now perfectly obvious that The Dreaded Flying Fuck Up is also the Professor, also PopChef and also Tom the PTSD'd Vet from NE.
Popperasswipe said on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 17:50...
Oh yes...we all knew that. If certain people say the sky is blue, even if it clearly is, the Professor will say no it isn't....just because he has a personal ax to grind.
PopperExpert said on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 17:51...
Oh yes...even if certain people quote his Nublu Wiki dissertation on how HE makes HIS poppers, he will disagree.....absolutely amazing.
BrewMeister... said on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 17:53...
Oh yes....anyone holding that type of long term grudge over someone they've never met is certainly sick in the head....hence the PTSD diagnosis.
Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 18:00...
Well....I've ordered all new reagents...all 3.....I spent over 200 bucks on the best reagents I could get. We shall see if this is the magic bullet. There is no doubt reagent quality matters, but I haven't been certain about how much. I may have an answer shortly. I'll be looking for good clarity, royal blue, and a green, transparent crude popper. I'll be looking for a good odor that stays good over the course of a few days to weeks. I'll be looking for good effects that are not ruined by off effects, such as a hot, uncomfortable flushing of the face, headache, or simply feeling like shit.
The Professor said on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 18:22...
Not for nothing, but The Dreadful Flying Glove predates myself AND yourselves as a member of this forum.
He's got your number, as do ALL of the members who have been around long enough to be exposed to your childish insanity.
You're ONLY hope of being taken seriously lies with a new poster who doesn't know they are being conned by a deceitful, ignorant liar.
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Tue, 30 Aug 2022 at 19:16...
As I said: I wish you well, I think long-term counseling may be the best option. Best of luck to you! and the numerous voices in your head, who seem to share obscene names connected to the anus. You are lucky you live in an enlightened scientific age, or it would Bedlam (Bethlem Royal Hospital) for you! or a ducking stool!
Fmv46 said on Wed, 31 Aug 2022 at 07:05...
Also there must be some kind of shadowban thing happening, you cant even search poppersguide a bunch of other stuff poppers related shows but you have to enter full website into address bar to get here. I tried a few ways and the search engine refused to show any links to site or forum
BADSASS said on Thu, 1 Sep 2022 at 11:45...
Trent Taylor is the man behind PDW.. He filed for the RUSH mark but does not hold the patent. The product is inferior. red top don't waste your money.
Anonymous said on Tue, 6 Sep 2022 at 18:09...
Yes. Good reagents is a good start. But how about the working skill. Sometimes someone can synthetisise chemicals although he does not understand anything about chemistry. Only follow the prosedure.
But if someone does not understand anything about chemicals it is better not to tell stories.
Nitritespecialist said on Wed, 7 Sep 2022 at 03:01...
Preparing to open The Anal Canal...NOW!
Good reagents: [A][C][T][I][V][A][T][E] ...
Progress: [ . . . . 100% . . . . ]
I have officially been turned into a woman.
The reagents made all the difference. [Remarks: Amen!]
Ddom101 said on Wed, 7 Sep 2022 at 10:22...
Anyone supplying locally in HK
Sheatherton said on Sun, 11 Sep 2022 at 12:05...
Best Poppers Videos Hello has anyone out here seen the poppers videos by John Foxhound they are really great just look up John Foxhound Videos you will love them so Hot
Total Top said on Tue, 13 Sep 2022 at 19:18...
@ Sheatherton great vids boy thanks for the info, he treats his boys the same way I try to, keep them poppered up and willing and hungry!!!
Anon1234 said on Fri, 23 Sep 2022 at 17:19...
Anyone have success with using gas washing bottle? I came across an article that mentioned this but what I found in application was that it was too slow to really do anything. I was using battery acid and not pure sulfuric so maybe that would make a difference.
Popper Video Lover said on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 at 03:16...
Wow the John Foxhound Videos are really Hot ! Thanks boy
Aurora said on Mon, 3 Oct 2022 at 10:55...
It’s been many years since the ban came in… but I still find myself thinking of the good old days!. I’ve tried Pentyl recently but it’s nothing compared to the Brown bottle, Jungle Juice i was getting from 2013 to 2016. Sigh.. what’s a guy to do. I hope they change the law in the future so we can relive the good times haha!
Billy said on Sat, 8 Oct 2022 at 10:49...
Aurora, now that you are getting older why don't you take up a different hobbt, for example backgammon or draughts?
Aurora said on Sat, 8 Oct 2022 at 14:24...
Billy, board games can hardly compare to such fun!. Haha!. Thanks for the suggestion though.
Rosa Klebb said on Sat, 8 Oct 2022 at 20:52...
Nostalgia for all that is past, we are but dust in the mind, my friends. Best to get a nice pair of warm bed socks, a box of candles, and a good book....like Armageddon by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the same dude who said 70 year old sex symbol Vlad Putin was "a miracle of God"...Krill owns a watch worth $30,000.
Deutschland said on Mon, 17 Oct 2022 at 04:15...
I can remember in 2008 or so rush poppers were availabel in germany and the were really good.
Than there was a law made and poppers were harder to get and not so good anymore.
Now since 1 or 2 years all poppers in germany ARD very bad.
1. What was the original very good poppers formula?
2. Is there a way to buy good poppers online (darknet) or from the US (isobutyl double scorpio)?
Ben said on Mon, 17 Oct 2022 at 17:55...
The original poppers formula is Canadian Pentyl Formula, based on pentilnitrit. Its legal. I ordered it from www.lederreiniger-online.de and it works well for me. They ship worldwide from Germany (also to Canada)
Billy said on Wed, 19 Oct 2022 at 09:44...
Deutschland, you could try Artisanal Cleaners or Golden Cock Poppers. They're small and reliable American manufacturers of isobutyl, n-butyl, isoamyl, pentyl, etc. They post to Europe and you'll get them in about 10 days.
Jimmy said on Wed, 19 Oct 2022 at 10:01...
What nonsense!
The original popper was amyl nitrite. Later iso butyl nitrite replaced it - for decades, until The EU poked their noses in 2007 and banned butyl and replaced it with iso propyl nitrite.
Rosa Klebb said on Wed, 19 Oct 2022 at 22:32...
The European Union did not replace it with iso-propyl, the UK did that for their domestic makers and sales. In Europa you will find Pentyl, which is the same as amyl nitrite anyway.
How is Brexit going for you, Jimboy?
Jimmy said on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 01:23...
How's your invasion of muzzies going, you ignorant kraut? We'll force feed the ones here pork until their guts explode once we have full control back. You shall lick the anus of the french for decades since they are not as pathetic to shutter all their nukes.
We'll keep our self-determination and currency in the meantime.
Stay warm up there.
Jimmy said on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 at 08:19...
The order to stop iso butyl nitrite in 2007 came from the EU Overlords.
UK Popper manufacturers had nothing to do with it.
In their quest to prove butyl cariogenic EU scientists forced rats to inhale butyl until eventually one of them died. This was the basis of their flimsy evidence,
MD_Bottom said on Sun, 23 Oct 2022 at 05:29...
I'm seeing some sites in Europe that have poppers with Hexyl Nitrite. Has anyone tried them? I know Cyclo-Hexyl Nitrite was used briefly back in the early 90's. I never tried them Being, I guess, a heavier nitrite, I would think it would be weaker than say IBN, but does anyone have any first-hand experience?
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Sun, 23 Oct 2022 at 09:41...
Alf Garnett lives! I doubt Alf ever used poppers though! It rather proves the point that Brexit loons are basically xenophobic.
Ben said on Sun, 23 Oct 2022 at 12:06...
@MD_bottom yes i tried hexylnitrite. it smells like flowers and it also works well for me. i ordered it from www.poppers-online.ch
Nigel said on Mon, 24 Oct 2022 at 15:55...
When they arrive by dinghy at Dover Labour luvvie dovies give them free iphones and designer trainers, then they whisked off to 4 star hotels. We must be mad, literally mad....
Anonymous said on Sat, 29 Oct 2022 at 17:24...
Rosa Klebb is the same person as The Professor, PopChef, Thomas P. from NE, the embittered disabled Vet. For some reason, the MOD on this site allows hate speech and bullying. It's no wonder the site is nearly shuttered.
Anonymous said on Sat, 29 Oct 2022 at 17:31...
Dreadful flying fuckup....is another alias of The Professor's....the embittered poppermaking fucker who took Vogel's and William Noyes amyl nitrite formula, tweaked it by switching to HCl, and then wrote a dissertation calling the formula his own. Vogel's from 1974 and published, and William Noyes formula are virtually identical and don't need any tweaking.
Rosa Klebb said on Sat, 29 Oct 2022 at 19:54...
Wrong, but hey anyone that claims that poppers cause people to "bark"....I am thinking paranoia and delusions often come hand in hand.
Perhaps you will explain why you think poppers might make me "bark"? You said that! You are a good comedy act perhaps, but I suspect you actually believe this. Did you "bark" after using poppers? Your sexual peccadilloes are fine with me, but please explain how barking fits in as a general rule. Is it only amyl nitrite that causes barking?
Anonymous said on Sat, 29 Oct 2022 at 23:36...
Putin and Trump always say "wrong" too. Sign of extreme guilt!!!
allbay said on Sun, 30 Oct 2022 at 11:07...
popper https://www.allbayshop.com/categoria-prodotto/salute-benessere-coppie/popper-aroma-sesso/
Rosa Klebb said on Sun, 30 Oct 2022 at 13:04...
Answer the question, why do you think poppers make you bark? This is a phenomenon that only you have observed and shared on another thread. Do nitrites also make you exhibit other canine behavior....maybe you have started eating from a bowl, doing a crap on the sidewalk, humping visitors legs, or licking your balls?
ProfessorShitHead.... said on Sun, 30 Oct 2022 at 13:55...
OMG.....quack quack quack!!! That's what the Professor's home brew toxic chemicals do to me!!! I'm loving it.....Quacking like a fucked up Duck is so so sexy!!!
Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 30 Oct 2022 at 14:04...
Now let's all practice forgiveness and forgive the Professor his blatant sins....namely his bullying.....well and then of course the fact he stole the Vogel and Noyes formulas(both available online), switched out the type of acid and then proceeded to call it his own. In fact, he whipped up a 38 page dissertation, explaining a formula that could be easily explained on one page. Presumably, he thought the more he wrote, the more Vogel and Noyes would become an afterthought.
The fact of the matter is....Vogel(1974) and Noyes(1933) describe the exact same formula for amyl nitrite and they BOTH work very well IF you use high grade reagents(not food grade), AND you do exactly what they say....especially during addition....the acid/alcohol mixture MUST, absolutely MUST be added to the bottom of the sodium nitrite solution at a relatively slow pace....1 drop per 1 to 2 seconds...using cold subzero temps for the cooling bath. Antifreeze works great for a super cold liquid bath.
Activated alumina is all that is needed to keep the popper fresh once it's dried and bottled.
There...all said on one page.
The Professor said on Fri, 18 Nov 2022 at 22:44...
too bad you're all talk and all failure. You'd think that one would learn, after 12 yrs of failing, that things change with time.
You persist in claiming success after only DAYS, and destroy your credibility when it turns to shit days later.

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