A User Review of BuyRushOnline.com
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Lakers64
on Fri, 8 Apr 2022 at 21:39
Lakers64 said on Fri, 8 Apr 2022 at 21:39...
So I've been on Telegram lately and there has been a lot of talk about where to get reliably good poppers through the mail. One of these websites – BuyRushOnline.com – ended up catching my eye, as they seem to be a relative newcomer to the popper game (est. 2020 per their website). I looked them up and bought a few things to see what they have to offer. Everyone, this is what I noticed…
The first thing you see on their webpage is a coupon code for 15% off all orders. Unlike other websites, they have no minimum order to take advantage of this deal. They even offer free shipping on all orders over $20. Considering that a 30 Ml bottle of Rush goes for $20.22 on BRO, this is pretty convenient
I ended up getting a couple of the popper mix packs off their Promotions page. They offer 4 packs of various types of solvents, so I went with the 30 Ml and European packages.
The European solvent package was a large part of why I tried these guys, and I was not let down. It contained half Amyl and half Pentyl solvents of varying strengths and sizes. All of the solvents received were Everest brand products, and my expectations were more than met by them. Good clean, strong hits with no headache afterwards. They all made me very loose and uninhibited. Great stuff.
They also have a pretty decent selection of regular 10 and 30 Ml PWD solvents, as well. I saw most every type of Rush and Jungle Juice available, as well as other PWD classics like Iron Horse, Locker Room and Brown Bottle. Not too shabby.
While the Euro mix pack was of their own choosing, I was able to pick which solvents I wanted in the 30 Ml pack. So I went with JJ Platinum, Super Rush Black, JJ Gold, and Brown Bottle. These all arrived within days of ordering and they were some of the realest poppers I've had since my college days. I was impressed.
Last but not least, I was glad to see that they take credit cards. Most US suppliers do not, and this can sometimes create a messier transaction. But not here. Basically, they send an invoice from an "unrelated" company to your email address, which can then be paid by credit or debit card. You pay the invoice, they send the poppers. It's that simple.
All in all, BuyRushOnline.com offers a lot of bang for your buck. With large 30 Ml bottles selling for $20 a pop (and more like $15 if you buy a mix pack with the coupon code), this is a particularly good choice for anyone tired of spending $30+ at the sex shop for similar items. However, their European line of products is what really sets them apart, as well as their novel approach to credit card processing. Very user friendly, with excellent & available customer service. My overall verdict is that these guys are well worth a look, and perhaps even a return visit. 5 stars.
ROY-GBP said on Mon, 11 Apr 2022 at 07:13...
Any PWD product not produced in the USA is fake. They are using the trade dress without permission and not paying any royalties to PWD. They are pirates in the EU that have the balls to sue other EU pirates over trademarks and trade dress they have no rights to. ALL licensed PWD products will say "Licensed by PAC-WEST DISTRIBUTING NV LLC" on the back of the label. All you guys in the the EU thinking you are getting genuine PWD are not. Simple as that.
Lakers64 said on Fri, 15 Apr 2022 at 19:46...
Dude, I am in the USA. I don't know where you got that I was EU, but I am not.
This company, BuyRushOnline.com, is also based in the USA. Which leads me to believe (based on all the info I have) that their PWD is the real deal.
To be honest, I'm more impressed by the European selections and their ability to take credit cards. This is different than my experience with most US based retailers so I just thought I would share my experience with them. Sorry if it wasn't 100% clear where I'm from.
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