A "hiss" sound when a bottle is opened...
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by AK Maria
on Tue, 5 Apr 2022 at 12:51
AK Maria said on Tue, 5 Apr 2022 at 12:51...
Is it normal? When I just opened a new bottle, I noticed that there is a "hiss" sound, both in 10ml and 50ml bottles. I put it away after I sniffed it. I usually place them in the drawer of my closet, the "cool dark place" as it's been said. Then the next time I reopen the same bottles, I still get the "hiss" sound.
Btw, the room temperature is about 17-22 degrees. Is it has something to do with it?
Am I the only one?
Steve said on Tue, 5 Apr 2022 at 18:38...
Hello AK Maria ; I am pretty new also but I think that’s a good sign that they are fresh and not to weak, I know that when mine do that it always works great, Enjoy
Nitritespecialist said on Wed, 6 Apr 2022 at 15:41...
The hissing typically means it's fresh and potent. But it doesn't necessarily mean it's pure enough for human consumption. If you try it and you have any weird or toxic effects, it has toxic impurities present. If it's weak with little effects, it's dead, but can also still give some unpleasant effects, like rapid warming of the face in a very uncomfortable way.
Pappy said on Wed, 6 Apr 2022 at 22:24...
@Nitritespecialist: Thank you for your response to AK Maria regarding the "hiss" sound caused by the release of pressure when opening a new bottle of poppers.
Most of the popper products I purchased in the 70's and 80's would
give off the "hiss" sound when I opened a new bottle, and I assumed that meant the liquid in the bottle was fresh and potent, as you stated.
Over the past five years very, very few of the popper products I have purchased give off the "hiss" sound when I have opened a new bottle.
I think the only product that gives off the "hiss" sound sometimes is the LRM Jungle Juice Black Label (pentyl nitrite).
Steve said on Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 01:21...
Hello Pappy; I have noticed the same back then also a good hissing sound usually meant good poppers you don’t hear it to often these days
AK Maria said on Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 13:55...
Thank you very much for your answer! Yes, they worked, not weak at all!
AK Maria said on Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 13:55...
I did not get any toxic effects so far, I did not feel that I was uncomfortable in any way, or maybe it is not so obvious to be noticed. I am pretty new to this, I have been using poppers for like only months though.
Just like you said, poppers which is dead can also still give some unpleasant effects, I used poppers for the first time is offered by one of my friends. It's kind of harsh smelling, not pleasant, not to mention any like"sweet" smells or scents. I also had headache afterwards, not severe.
AK Maria said on Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 14:05...
BTW, I got my poppers with "hiss" sounds from China. I am not so sure if it's like "fake" because theres not any brands of poppers in China. Its kind of banned, I have noticed that there's people said that they got their bottles from Alibaba but it is not avaiable anymore.
I do not know about the exact brand of my bottles even though its printed "Fantasy Forest", I have looked it up on Internet but I found little info about it, mainly it's on sale in China mainland, Taiwan and HongKong. I want to know more about it, like whether it's amyl or propyl, or isopropyl... or something like that. But I couldn't. The scent is not too irritant, not like the previously one which my friend gave me. It's rather smooth with little side effects. Both the 10ml and 50ml bottle still got the hiss sound after a month yet I didn't use it too frequently, maybe like 2times a week, each time with 1-3 hits only. I noticed that the longer I keep it unopened, the hiss sound is more obvious
Anonymous said on Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 15:26...
@AK Maria....
I don't know anything about Chinese made poppers, but it sounds like you got some decent ones. Once the hissing sound is gone, the bottle is probably almost completely dead. You might get some last minute ultimate highs from it right before it's officially dead.
The isopropyl nitrite I've been making lately gives off lots of hissing. Locker Room Jungle Juice Black from Canada hissed upon opening. But the last bottles I got from them barely hissed, were weak and basically useless.
I think excess "sweetness" is not inherent to the nitrite itself, but can increase more as it degrades, especially if it's been preserved with a carbonate type neutralizer. For instance, isopropyl nitrite can degrade into a very sweet candy apple odor while n-butyl nitrite can acquire a candy like sweet banana odor as it degrades.
Isoamyl nitrite tends to become funky and malodorous. Some have said "camphor" like but NOT in a good way.

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