Poppers and Plastic reactions
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by HornyWofl
on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 at 11:14
HornyWofl said on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 at 11:14...
I'm considering doing the "sippy cup" method using a regular 11oz water bottle, since they come with a one-handed type of lid, and they're the smallest kind of water bottles I can find. Obviously I'm planning to empty and dry first the water bottle.
Mostly because I can discard the whole thing afterwards in case the smell leaks after use, is just a pair of dimes a water bottle.
The issue here is if poppers can react short term with PE and PET plastics. The poppers will be on a soaked cotton disk (unless I get many advices against a cotton disk and switch to cotton balls) by pouring some drops of popper using a disposable pipette, they sell them for like ten bucks a hundred of them.
I'm a bit reluctant of just holding the cotton against the popper bottle, idk if I'm gonna end with way too much popper at once in the cotton or if is gonna pass right away though the cotton and end up touching some of it on my fingers, so the idea is to use the pipette, drop a specific amount of droplets on the cotton, that way I can easily experiment and adjust the appropriate amount of poppers the cotton should get, and get the popper in the bottle.
Some of the pipettes I've seen on Amazon are listed to be PE plastic, and other just say plastic, so I'm gonna assume they're all PE plastic
However I'm concerned for how Amyl Nitrite reacts with PE plastic. I know is not good for storage (aside of the UV degradation and such, but I want to know I'm not gonna create something toxic (that is not good like poppers), specially with the PE plastic pipettes, as they're gonna touch more directly the poppers.
I though as an alternative to use Q-tips, since they're cotton too, and now they sell with the stick made of paper instead of plastic, if it is safe for the poppers to just dunk a Q-tip into the bottle, and then put the soaked Q-tip on the sippy bottle, but only if nothing wrong is gonna happen to the poppers from touching the cotton and then remain on the bottle
The Professor said on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 at 15:14...
Water bottles are usually made of PET (a brittle, crinkly plastic) that unfortunately reacts with nitrite, you'll get an acrid aroma from the noxious gas.
Sippy cups are usually HDPE or LDPE, very soft and flexible, and importantly it doesn't create a NNoxiousgas with nitrite
Pipettes are typically LDPE, of they were stiff like PET they wouldn't be able to squeeze the bulb end quietly and smoothly
Ymmv, but we haven't had lingering nasty aromas from a spot cup material enclosure. We soak a cotton pad and put it in the enclosed airspace, and discard the cotton when done
HornyWofl said on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 at 06:23...
So the amyl nitrite vapors that formes from the cotton will damage and alter the whole thing in the bottle, or will only cause damage if I put them liquid directly into the plastic bottle?
I tried searching for the Rubbermaid bottles but they don't sell them. I'll look for HDPE and LDPE bottles, I guess Ill be able to just rinse and wash them after the session so I can store them without leftover fumes leaving smell on my room.
I've found a bottle that had the system that the sippy cup has with the straw that closes the lid, but is on a weird plastic called "Tritan" that's kinda a hard plastic but somewhat resistant to impacts since it has a bit of elasticity, on a sports store.
HornyWofl said on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 at 06:42...
I'm looking for LDPE bottles and the two kinds that appear the most are the ones used to pour distilled water into beakers for cleaning, and the ones you use to refill with ketchup/sauces.
They don't come with the kind of lid I had in mind, but I think the sauce ones should do the trick since the lid is basically attached with more plastic, but not as a single piece that can be closed with just a couple fingers
Maybe I can search more in case I see one of those bottles but with the proper lid
HornyWofl said on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 at 14:44...
I tried buying a single bottle in a cheap general store, to try out, I thought it would be LDPE but it was HDPE, despite being all squishy. The only issue with that sauce bottle is that nowhere near hermetic, will try later to see if actual fumes or smell comes out while is on idle with the cotton inside.
I searched again this time looking for HDPE, and I think I found the perfect ones
The first one is pretty much perfect unless poppers react bad with PP plastic too, I don't recall much info on polypropylene, maybe one saying it should be ok.
The second ones are all entirely HPDE. Both claim to be hermetic under normal conditions. They also sell them bigger if needed.
Al said on Tue, 27 Jun 2023 at 17:47...
ABS plastic - any thoughts on how resistant it is to nitrites? I'm wondering because I plan to tey a bit in a plastic essential oil diffuser, and don't want to create a bad reaction with the plastic

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