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Homemade sniffer bottle

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by MD_bottom
on Sun, 15 Aug 2021 at 06:08

MD_bottom said on Sun, 15 Aug 2021 at 06:08...

I made a sniffer bottle which works well. I take a poly-cone cap. Remove the liner and snap off the little center stem. Them I drill two appropriate sized holes in the cap, each about halfway from the center to the edge.

I cut a section of thin glass tubing (available on Amazon or Ebay), with a tubing cutter, and heat the ends with a mini-torch to smooth any sharp edges. Don't want to risk cutting my nose.

Then I take that tubing and insert it thru one of the holes, and use some UV curable resin to glue the tubing in place. So when you sniff, air is drawn down the glass tube, picks up the vapors and you get a pretty good hit. If you twirl the bottle before sniffing, even more vapors are created giving an even bigger hit. For an even bigger hit than that, sniff thru the tube instead.

NTBiman said on Sat, 21 Aug 2021 at 02:49...

Interest,ing, so does the intake tube go to the bottom of the bottle so the air you are sniffing is drawn through the liquid?
A diagram would be great…

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