Blurry vision after trying Double Scorpio Black?
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by JasonD
on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 19:31
JasonD said on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 19:31...
Hi, I'm new to poppers and have a question. I ordered some Double Scorpio Black and tried it, I sniffed 6 times in the course of 15-20 minutes, and afterwards felt a little bit off and noticed my vision seeming a little blurry, like hazy. Is this a side effect from using Isobutyl Poppers? I sometimes get blurry vision when I haven't had enough rest, but I wanted to be sure it wasn't the poppers that caused it. I heard Isopropyl can cause severe vision problems, can Isobutyl do the same? I don't have trouble reading text or seeing faces or anything like that, nor do I see any blind spots or color spots. My vision just seems a little blurry. Do you think trying this product caused this or could it just be me needing more rest?
Bill said on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 20:09...
Hi JasonD. I have the same Problem with a tiny blind spot also. Who else can help hier?
Nitritespecialist said on Sun, 11 Jul 2021 at 23:35...
I have seen a yellow halo using both IPN and IBN. Plus I have developed temporary ringing in the ears from both. How much is caused by the nitrite itself and how much is from impurities instead is unknown. When I was buying and using poppers in 2008-10 from various sources in the USA, I don't recall any visual or auditory disturbances. I don't know if this is because the poppers were diluted or made less volatile, by using vegetable oil, or if they were pentyl nitrite instead.
Josh VR said on Mon, 12 Jul 2021 at 09:45...
Check out 5 articles down - Isobutyl causing this issue - however just because there is only 1 article doesn't mean that it is not common place.
Alot of poppers users have no idea some of their health issues are as a result of their popper usage and I'm hoping my website will bring more and more people understanding the health risks while using poppers
Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 12 Jul 2021 at 13:20...
@Josh VR....I am aware of druggist articles from around 1900 that clearly state nitrites have unpleasant side effects, such as headache, anemia, low blood pressure and crazy fast heart rate. It was reported that adding carbon dioxide eliminated all these side effects. I don't know how and I can't find more detailed reporting yet. But if true, one has to wonder why this information would be suppressed to the extent that no one seems to know this.
Billy said on Mon, 12 Jul 2021 at 20:31...
Is the yellow halo something that you get with isobutyl, but not with n-butyl?
Josh VR said on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 01:59...
I'm beginning to sense a shift in your attitude.
from my previous interactions with you - you have suggested that there is no way amyl could cause half the stuff that it does,
but lately I have seen a shift in attitude.
Has my site done anything to encourage this, or are you sensing that there are alot more people that seem to be having the negative effects
Josh VR said on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 03:18...
that was to Nitritespecialist
Curious said on Tue, 13 Jul 2021 at 15:02...
>Has my site done anything to encourage this
why does your site contain a store???
Nitritespecialist said on Wed, 14 Jul 2021 at 00:47...
I have abundant experience whiffing the amyl group, factory made 95% and my own various concoctions of home brew. That experience leads me to believe strongly that the amyl group has the least side effects. The old journals, late 1880s to early 1900, reported side effects with amyl nitrite, BUT the chemists also reported a lot of impure amyl nitrite....much of which contained other nitrites, like isobutyl nitrite - due to the fact that a pure amyl alcohol was not often used. Or there just wasn't much pure nitrite in the amyl nitrite. Sometimes under 25%.
Billy said on Wed, 14 Jul 2021 at 22:22...
Hi Jason. Can you please update?
JasonD said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 08:21...
I'm still unsure if this was caused by the poppers or something else. My vision seemed to get better for a day then got worse again. Only other factors I can think of is possible dehydration(I definitely haven't been getting enough water and need to drink more) and lack of good solid sleep, since my eyes have felt sore lately. My near vision seems worse since I did the poppers but I can't tell if that was the reason or not. The cases I saw mentioning vision problems always mentioned color spots that remained, or blind spots in their vision(ie. being unable to properly read text up close due to some letters and numbers disappearing/being obscured by a blind spot).
Has anyone heard of any cases of vision problems with poppers where the vision was worse but not the dramatic changes I've been reading about with blind spots or far worse vision and such? I saw the article posted about the one Isobutyl case, however my vision change was my near vision being a little more blurry and unfocused, not my far vision like that person's was, and not to the extreme degree that person had either. So I'm not sure what to think, unless it's possible me being dehydrated or tired is causing this, because it doesn't seem to match what I've been researching about this stuff.
Billy said on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 at 10:07...
I think it is from Poppers. I have same issues. Your symptoms and a tiny blindspot. I see it when I blink in the sky. My vision is fogy and unfocused.
Anonymous said on Sat, 17 Jul 2021 at 14:05...
floaters....caused by ageing / injury...poppers will make more noticeable...often temporary.

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