Final evaluation of home brew poppers...
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Nitritespecialist
on Mon, 5 Jul 2021 at 16:50
Nitritespecialist said on Mon, 5 Jul 2021 at 16:50...
When I judge a popper, I am a harsh critic because I don't want any harsh or unpleasant sensations to accompany whatever high that might exist. I don't want a dirty high. All Joe Miller's poppers that I bought in 2008-10 were consistently good enough to deliver a high without unpleasant effects. That's the gold standard, not a commercial factory made product not designed to inhale.
That said, I can say with 100% assurance that there is a wide variety of odors and effects possible when making poppers for personal or OTC use. Why? It's safe to assume that there are any number of impurities that contribute their own effects and it's likely that a high level of purity, say 95%, might actually not be as good as 40%, depending upon the specific nitrite and the concentration of any impurities/diluents.
It is possible to get potency and sometimes longevity making poppers for personal and OTC sale. BUT that potency is likely to be accompanied by a dirty high. Consistency can only be achieved once a exact formula, chemical composition is known, and a professional lab with strict QC protocols adopts a method of synthesis that is known to produce a high quality product as specified by the known chemical composition.
Canuck SB said on Mon, 5 Jul 2021 at 23:31...
So is this post from bs nitritespecialist or the real deal?
Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 6 Jul 2021 at 00:15...'s the real one. I would add that the German method seems to hold more promise than some of the other methods, but the reagents still degrade over time and this can create variation.
As an example of variation: my last German brew was 15mls from 3 days ago. After I made it, it seemed different, so after I added some Kcarb, I put it the frig for 3 days. When I tested it today, it had plenty of potency, and a decent non acidic odor, BUT the effects were slamming....delayed, but slamming. For example, once the effects set in, it made you ride your toy as hard and rough as you possibly could, BUT with not much pleasure. It was all robotic. SO, I rewashed it in baking soda, brine and a drop of liquid dish detergent. It smelled sweeter and eventually hardly had any odor. The effects were still VERY potent, but this time there was more anal/nipple pleasure....nips got rock hard, prostate had immense pleasure, all under a mild trance. So two distinct variations with the same brew. And I'm not sure how right either variation is.
Billy said on Tue, 6 Jul 2021 at 08:14...
Why don't you find a new hobby, e.g. hiking?
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Tue, 6 Jul 2021 at 10:40...
@Billy: what's your hobby? Oscar Wilde impersonator? don't give up the day job in Burger King.
Canuck SB said on Wed, 7 Jul 2021 at 04:34...
@billy:I wonder if your IQ was high enough to recognize that this
Is a Poppers forum not a boy scouts club take a hike!!!
Ctcharmer said on Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 03:52...
I’m very keen to get in contact with you about your formula. I have a contact in Cape Town with a lab and would love to test and see if it works as well as the feedback. I’ve suffered maculopathy from the local trash and it’s almost completely useless.
Nitritespecialist said on Thu, 8 Jul 2021 at 13:52...
@charmer....isopropyl nitrite is EXTREMELY toxic. It only takes 5 minutes for me to feel totally fucked up. It can be fun for the first 5 minutes and then the body rebels to toxic effects and then a horribly long lasting sick feeling descends upon the body. And yes, you will see a yellow halo in the center of your vision that lingers.
That said, both butyl and isobutyl nitrite will also give strong toxic effects, especially if certain impurities are present. The most noticeable side effect is plunging blood pressure that makes you feel weak, depressed and like total shit.
The amyl group will have a much less toxic effect even with impurities present. It's the only kind I would recommend for home brew personal use because of this.
It can be very hard to identify the base nitrite(alcohol used) in a popper by smelling it, because any impurities present can impart their own characteristic odors. But, in general, they get sweeter smelling the fewer the carbons. So IPN is the sweetest and will start to smell like bitter rubbing alcohol as it degrades. BN is the next sweetest, smelling more like bananas/candy. IBN is the next sweetest, smelling more like a nail polish compound and not something edible. The amyls have the least sweet odor, sometimes fruity or ether like. They can have a medicinal scent with certain impurities.
The Professor said on Fri, 9 Jul 2021 at 00:54...
@Nitritespecialist said"
It is possible to get potency and sometimes longevity making poppers for personal and OTC sale. BUT that potency is likely to be accompanied by a dirty high."
Not at all the case in my experience; it's not difficult to make an extremely pure nitrite, and not intractable at all to stabilize it for months. A final post processing step and you're in the water; clean high with no lingering side effects, and very high potency.
The problems come when OTC vendors don't properly neutralize the product, and acids cause sore throat, burns, nausea, while built up decomposition products (nitrATES) cause dramatic blood pressure drops. Hell, even the outfit whose name implies that their product is created "..... in a traditional or non-mechanized way" had to learn through our forum how to properly neutralize their product (a product that, despite their name, utilizes an automated batch process).
@Nitritespecialist said"
Consistency can only be achieved once a exact formula, chemical composition is known, and a professional lab with strict QC protocols adopts a method of synthesis that is known to produce a high quality product as specified by the known chemical composition.
HCL or Sulphuric acid
Sodium Nitrite
Parent Alcohol (Pentyls, Butyls, Propyls, etc.)
Typically either a dropping acid approach, or a dropping nitrite approach
1. acetate of the parent alcohol
2. aldehyde of the parent alcohol (caustic aroma)
3. butyric acid (many possible odors, no effects)
4. formic acid (pungent)
5. nitrate of the parent alcohol (drastic blood pressure drop)
6. acetone
7. acetic acid (leads to acetates (aroma with little/no effect)
most prominent possible SIDE PRODUCTS OF DEGRADATION:
1. parent alcohol
2. butyric acid
3. 1,1'-diisobutoxy-isobutane (strong aroma)
4. acetate of the parent alcohol (aroma with no effect)
5. formic acid
6. nitrate of the parent alcohol (drastic blood pressure drop)

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