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Butyl Nitrite in the UK

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Mariborry
on Sat, 13 Mar 2021 at 10:55

Mariborry said on Sat, 13 Mar 2021 at 10:55...

Like many frustrated Continental Europeans, I have looked long and hard for butyl poppers, given that the "new formulas" are pure shit. I have come across numerous articles which state that butyl is commonly found in UK poppers and that poppers in general fall into a "grey area" legally speaking, whereby politicians like Priti Patel are currently working to get an express legal exemption for them.

So can anyone give me a clear definitive answer: If I were to travel to the UK, could I find the real butyl stuff there, either in shops or via an online distributor?

R. Don said on Sat, 13 Mar 2021 at 11:37...

The EU (in their infinite wisdom) banned Iso Butyl Nitrite in 2006 after a lab rat died after forcibly inhaling it for 48 hours.

No UK shops, high street or online has been able to legally sell IBN since.

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 13 Mar 2021 at 14:38...

@Mariborry.....I'm in the USA and I've been making nitrites for 10 years....lots and LOTS of different brews. I have also bought 95% pure nitrites from large chemical companies in order to compare as a type of standard. FYI, n-amyl nitrite(NAN) is by far the most expensive commercial nitrite to buy. Example....at least $500-600 per 500mls for NAN and $150-200 per 500mls of Isopentyl or Isobutyl nitrite. N-butyl nitrite is just below NAN in price...high, but not as high.

In my opinion, NAN is the single best popper, which is the most likely reason it's marked up so high. It has the mildest odor, ample, pleasant effects and it wears off quickly without leaving side effects when sniffing straight from a bottle of it.

N-butyl nitrite is probably the second best...which explains why it's almost as expensive as NAN. It smells like sweet bananas and when left open in a room for a brief time, the room acquires a VERY VERY distinct locker room odor, as if someone just deodorized the athletic facility. It's NOT a sweaty, socks odor....that would be unpleasant. A sweaty socks odor is from impurities.

Now....there are two reasons possible that OTC poppers are NOT good....the distributors are just buying cheap isobutyl/isopentyl from chemical companies, rebottling and selling it as poppers OTC. OR, they are using degraded sodium nitrite to make their poppers themselves because the GOOD STUFF that large chemical companies sell is so much more expensive than food grade. So...two reasons....type of nitrite being bottled and quality of ingredients.

Nitritespecialist said on Sat, 13 Mar 2021 at 14:42...

I can say with great assurance, that once the SN degrades due to oxygen exposure....similar to iron rusting.....there will be a wide variation in popper product relating to both odor and effects...and all due to any number of impurities and their concentrations.

Mariborry said on Sun, 14 Mar 2021 at 11:08...

Thank you, Nitrite Specialist, for your informative comments. But what is the bottom line? Are you suggesting that I buy the stuff in bulk from a supplier? Is it not subject to legal controls? I live in Europe so I don't know whether I would be able to purchase it here. Do I just go online and look for a chemical supplier?

I am just someone who has always purchased retail, so all this is new to me. I certainly have intention of getting into lab work .. don't have the expertise.

Mariborry said on Sun, 14 Mar 2021 at 11:43...

Specific follow-up question: Can you use the stuff you buy from chemical suppliers (e.g. n-butyl) without any further processing?

Suicidal tinnitus said on Mon, 15 Mar 2021 at 09:43...

Comments get deleted.
Obviously the owner of the website don't give a fuck about health concerns with poppers just about promoting them.

I have had suicidal tinnitus since using poppers. when i ocassionally check this website out and see people taking a risk I think you fool.

Stick with weed or something.

Not fucking solvents. It is solvent abuse.

Stay away from poppers

BBBK said on Mon, 15 Mar 2021 at 17:31...

@suicidial tinnitus:I doubt very much your problem was caused by poppers. Your post is heavily opinionated and merely describes what you experienced. I bet even if poppers are the cause you might be the only person suffering from this condition by the cause you mention. For tinnitus, I have one ever since my 12th and using poppers even helps mitigate the constant whine. I sincerely hope you find your enlightenment in weed, for I seem to be immune to the effects of thc, even in a concentrated form.

Poppers are in fact an oil, even a very light oil that evaporates by room temp just like alcohol does. And just as with alcohol you have to be very careful using it. It both can cause irritation and burns to soft skin.

It seems JJ Jungle Juice gold triple distilled is a good gamble in the EU.

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 16 Mar 2021 at 18:59...

@Mariborry....I completely understand. I would suggest anyone who has a deep interest in poppers to seek out a small chemical supplier who caters to hobbyists and will send to residential addresses. Commercial grade poppers are as I described....not designed to be inhaled...so they may develop too much acid after they are made. In this case, it helps to remove the acid by washing in cold salt/brine/baking soda solution. Then anhydrous sodium or potassium carbonate will help dry and preserve it. All of those reagents/products are easy to get and cheap.

Nitritespecialist said on Tue, 16 Mar 2021 at 19:07...

@ringing ears syndrome....you may be the ONLY one that could have had the type of reaction to using poppers. That rarity of that example doesn't signal a dangerous chemical in my book and it doesn't prove cause and effect. Nobody knows EXACTLY what was in the bottle(s) you "abused" and whether or not there were other drugs in your systems or unknown health issues....like some genetic mutation.

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