TIP - A Fresh Source - Top Shelf Brew... finally
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by wtfchuck
on Fri, 28 Aug 2020 at 17:43
wtfchuck said on Fri, 28 Aug 2020 at 17:43...
I wanted to share a fresh source that I can verify from my own recent order and experimentation is absolutely Top Shelf Brew. They brew fresh to order using only high quality, USA sourced ingredients and offer Butyl, Sec Butyl, or a Mix. This isn't the usual online Over The Counter (OTC) crap we have all had to be subjected to the past decade... or more. This isn't crappy Chinese knockoffs that arrive with damaged labels from leakage, give zero buzz and the usual side effects. No Sir, I wouldn't dare steer any of you down that well traveled road.
This Tip and referral is a true diamond in the rough. For those of you like me who have experiences stretching back to the 'glory days' of the late 70's, 80's, early 90's, this is as close to that feeling as I have experienced and the price is quite reasonable!
Anyway, do yourself a favor and click the links at the bottom here. See for yourself what they offer and you will be rewarded. By the way, for a few extra bucks, they even offer a cool pack shipping option for those of you still experiencing high Summer temperatures. I asked and they told me they only want their fresh product to arrive in it's purest, most pristine condition. No Heat, Air, Water, or Light is gonna damage their brew before it reaches you.
Who else out there offers this type of high quality product with that amount of Customer Care? I'll leave you to answer that question...
25ml Option - https://www.ebay.com/itm/ARTISANAL-SOLVENT-CLEANER-ALKYL-NITRITE-MADE-TO-ORDER-FRESH/193585652179
15ml Option - https://www.ebay.com/itm/193638918460
Bruce said on Sun, 30 Aug 2020 at 16:02...
Like the « brewed on demand » thing love to try but unfortunately in EU
wtfchuck said on Mon, 31 Aug 2020 at 13:13...
I meant to say... Highlight either the 25ml, or 15ml Option (https) address by holding down your Left mouse button and dragging across the entire https address, beginning with 'https' until it is highlighted in Blue. Then Right Click the Blue highlighted address portion. Then - COPY and PASTE - either of the following 2 https links (complete) address in your browser.
For those who have tried to actually "click the links" provided in the original posting above and are not tech savvy... Sorry for the confusion!
25ml Option - https://www.ebay.com/itm/ARTISANAL-SOLVENT-CLEANER-ALKYL-NITRITE-MADE-TO-ORDER-FRESH/193585652179
15ml Option - https://www.ebay.com/itm/193638918460
Billym said on Wed, 2 Sep 2020 at 12:17...
Do they ship to the UK? It isn't one of the specifically excluded countries on the eBay listing.
PopCultureClub said on Wed, 2 Sep 2020 at 15:44...
I understand you can reach them directly at artisanalcleaners@gmail.com
wtfchuck said on Wed, 2 Sep 2020 at 17:22...
Any questions can be directed to artisanalcleaners@gmail.com. They are always available to answer your questions and are dedicated to their customers being fully informed and completely satisfied.
Bruce said on Sun, 6 Sep 2020 at 13:59...
Message sent on my side, always eager to test new cleaners for my jewellry
Ry said on Tue, 8 Sep 2020 at 07:36...
Oh THANK YOU, 1000 times THANK YOU. I also long for the days of the 1980's when an OTC bottle would knock your socks off, and to be honest, you pants too. It's a miracle I still have any brain cells left after spending my early 20's in the 1980's. I've been searching for that same familiar old scent for nearly 20 years, and have yet to find it. I've read a number of your posts, and can tell you truly know your stuff. I don't know much about the technical aspects, but I've inhaled gallons of the original stuff, so I'll know it the moment I smell it. Going there to place my order right now. I must say, if it's the real deal, then you can't beat the pricing. Thanks again!
wtfchuck said on Tue, 8 Sep 2020 at 16:01...
No problem, and yes... 'the good ol' days'... Man, we didn't know how good we had it back then. Enjoy and thanks for the post!
Ta0 said on Wed, 9 Sep 2020 at 23:58...
I recently ordered from them, easy to deal with. I can see by USPS tracking it is on its way, will let you know when it arrives
Wanderin said on Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 13:13...
Anyone else ordered and received these? Love to hear your feedback. Did you order through EBay or contacting directly?
Ta0 said on Sun, 13 Sep 2020 at 15:35...
Got the package, fairly fast shipping, ordered via Ebay. I've tried the various iterations of Jungle Juice, Rush, Brown Bottle, Old English, Real Gold, Pig Sweat, Super 96, Double Scorpio, etc, etc. To me, this is the smoothest, longest lasting buzz, no headache, great hit I've ever tried. Don;t think I could go back to any other except this. It is expensive, but well worth the cost
Wanderin said on Sun, 13 Sep 2020 at 21:42...
This is good info, thanks!
Always poppers. Everything poppers. said on Sun, 13 Sep 2020 at 23:47...
Dear Ta0. I just ordered. It says arriving on the 19th of September. I hope it's good. If it's great, will be a regular customer. Tired of all the OTC stuff. Going to not do anything sexual this week. I threw away my knock off bottle of Rush which had turned rancid and my small bottle of English which usually just gives me a headache. Honestly, if Double Scorpio was stronger and a little bit cheaper, I would be a loyal customer but it' just too weak. Fingers Crossed. I had the good stuff from the good old PWD days and I can still remember the out of body feeling it gave me. Hope this at least is close to that feeling. Its really become a gamble with the OTC stuff. Got some PWD Hardwire product and was great. Next bottle was flat.
TopOfThePops said on Wed, 16 Sep 2020 at 12:50...
I tried Artisinal. First off, their Customer Service is very good. As for the actual product? I will tell you to try for yourself and reach your own conclusion as everyone has differing tastes, expectations, reactions, etc... My personal thoughts are that Artisinal is better than most OTC, hits clean and gives the impression of a strong product. But, I never felt the feeling I used to get from the Poppers I regularly used many years ago. I thought maybe it was just me and placed the bottle in the fridge for a couple days. Upon a second time trying the product I again felt the product hit clean, gave the sensations of a deeper experience than usual, but never took me there. As for side effects... I did develop a slight cough after those 1st two short duration experiments, which dissipated soon after. I had zero headache, but a slight tinge of a headache soon after trying the product which was relieved by Tylenol. I also noticed the slight change in skin tone and fingernails which also dissipated soon after. All in all, I was neither unimpressed, or impressed, just a bit better than average OTC products, not terribly expensive and on par with Double Scorpio in the current marketplace!
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Sat, 19 Sep 2020 at 20:22...
I ordered the product on a Sunday afternoon and received it in a Saturday afternoon. I will popperbate tonight and report my experience. Let me review the package itself. Small white box. Very discreet. Nothing says Poppers inside. Box feels sturdy. Bottle comes wrapped in pink wrapping tissue. Would prefer bubble wrap but nothing seems crushed. The cap seems a little off. It's on right but seems crooked. The liquid comes up a little lower than the sticker. My biggest pet peeves with poppers. No consistent volume. I prefer if the liquid reached the bottle neck. There seems to be a lite sticky film on the bottle. I don't detect leaks and the box and tissue were dry. They may have washed and reused a bottle. Not cool with me but could be a one off. Will report back after my popperbate session. If I like it may request the cool pack next time.
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Sun, 20 Sep 2020 at 01:51...
Update. The hit is weak. I'm going back into my popperbate session. I am hoping it builds over the next hour. Smells clean. Reminds me of Double Scorpio. My bottle of Rush Gold with the hologram cap sticker is stronger. My first impression is a little underwhelming to be honest. Will report back.
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Sun, 20 Sep 2020 at 03:01...
Without thinking about it. I'm disappointed with this product. It's weaker than Double Scorpio. There is not a real hit. It doesn't build over time. I went back to using my Rush Gold with the hologram sticker on the bottle cap. Would I order this again? Honestly, no but I might give the guy another chance and order with the cool pack to see if that makes a difference. It traveled from Florida to Texas so the heat could have damaged the chemical makeup in shipping. Although it has been cooler in my area. Most of us who would resort to buying from a mom and pop shop are looking for something with a major kick because we are tired of the over the counter stuff. I have no idea how to make poppers so I give the guy props for the effort and hey, maybe it's exactly what you want. The sticky feeling on the bottle was a little off putting to me and I don't know what happened since I could see no leak in the box or on the wrapping tissue paper. Yes, the cap was sealed but seemed crooked. Kinda of a bummer really. Glad I ordered the small bottle to try. Will probably give it to a friend to try and see what they think. Hey, if you are the creator of this product and you read this post. No hard feelings. I just have to be honest with this community. I am looking for a big hit when I inhale that stays with me. This was a let down.
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Tue, 22 Sep 2020 at 00:13...
Tried this product again last night. Not doing it for me. Would rather use Double Scorpio and DS is weak. Going cruising tonight. Will let someone else try this and get their opinion.
Marty McFly said on Wed, 23 Sep 2020 at 21:17...
Thanks for your review! Ah well, so the magic elixir eludes us still.
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Mon, 28 Sep 2020 at 21:04...
Still have the bottle. Smelled it last night. About as potent as water. Can't say it's rancid just has that old Poppers smell. Won't buy it again. So bummed out.
Marty McFly said on Tue, 29 Sep 2020 at 17:27...
WTF, then, wtfchuck !!! ?
McLovin said on Wed, 30 Sep 2020 at 03:28...
Got mine and schweett jezus I'm in blessed. But I'm on the east coast in SC. I think the Texas reviewer likely got a bottle that got cooked up by the heat sitting in a mail tractor trailer that was parked too long in a rest area while a lot lizard serviced the driver. Ordered the 25ML which I received and placed an order for the sampler pack - artisanalcleaners.com is the estore I try to avoid fleabag as much as possible. Ohh the sticky label is so you don't let the bottle slip outta your hard when holding your thumb on it. I thought that was a neat trick.
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Thu, 8 Oct 2020 at 07:15...
Glad you liked it. It was very weak to me. I just can't justify the price plus shipping or cold pack when I can walk to my local Condom Sense store and buy a big bottle that's stronger for $18.64 if I show my previous receipt. Double Scorpio is weak to me but far stronger than the Ebay stuff.
Marty Bater. said on Fri, 16 Oct 2020 at 03:17...
Anyone else have a review of this product???
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Fri, 20 Nov 2020 at 00:59...
I've been in contact with the company and the owner. I sent him an email with my review. Nice person. He explained that the heat could have damaged the product during shipping. He now offers a mild, medium and hot formulated blends for each persons preference. I ordered the hot and much to my shock. He included the mild and medium as a bonus for the price of one. Really great service. I want to give this product another shot and will report back. I plan on popperbating Friday night. Will report back. I felt it only fair I give this product another try. The weather is much cooler now so hopefully the product hasn't been damaged. He does offer a cold pack but at $25 I just can't justify it unless I am ordering $50 o $60 worth of product.
I will let you girls know.
Anonymous said on Fri, 20 Nov 2020 at 00:59...
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Fri, 20 Nov 2020 at 19:40...
Okay. The product now comes in mild, medium and hot.
The Hot hits the spot. The medium also hits the spot. Didn't try the mild. He seems to have tweaked the formula. Disregard my above review. Will continue to purchase the hot blend. Not as good as the old PWD days but damn close. It doesn't hit you strong but does build. I shot my load while using the Hot blend and ohhhhhhhhh baby. The gradual build is great. He must have started over from scratch because this seems like a totally different product to be honest. Not overly harsh and better than Double Scorpio now. 4 stars for the 2B Hot and 3 stars for the 12B Medium. He has little stickers on the top to identify the strength. If I had to guess, the mild 1B is the original formulation.
Just order the Hot and the Medium if you must. He has a special blend now along with these the featured offerings so will have to try that new product as well. I think it's called Mrs. C's Bitch formula or something along those lines.
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Fri, 20 Nov 2020 at 19:45...
Oh, regular shipping took 4 days from Florida to Texas. Weather is cooler now so don't think a Cold pack is needed. Probably would get one for the Spring/Summer months though or at least for June/July/August months for sure. He does need to improve his packing method. It's fine but could be better. He uses tissue style wrapping paper for the bottles. Bubble wrap would add better protection if the box gets crushed by the US Postal service in transit. I can tell he really wants users to experience good customer service so will continue to support his product. Would love to get a tour one day of his garage. LOL!
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Fri, 20 Nov 2020 at 23:34...
Again, Yes, the first shipment may have been a milder formula and could have been damaged by higher temps. It was early September so wasn't too hot but I don't exactly remember. Will be using it again tonight for a gooning session. Both Hot and Medium blend are great but did prefer the HOT since I'm a professional popperhead. He may have just rebooted and tweaked his formula. Not Sure but it is better to me now.
Snoke said on Sun, 22 Nov 2020 at 12:18...
Just placed an order for the hot. Seller has ZERO negative reviews on eBay!. This combined with what I have read here has me hella excited. 1000 thanks to wtfchuck for this post. I found this discussion by complete chance while I was looking for anything to give me information about the quality and reliability of the suppliers in China and Taiwan and now I may just have a top tier US based supplier. Will update after I receive and test the product.
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Mon, 23 Nov 2020 at 03:23...
I like it. Don't expect a big hit. It builds over time.
He sent me a replacement for the Ms. C Bitch formula. Should get it by Wednesday. Will try and report back. I didn't experience any of the usual side effects either. FYI
Wanderlust said on Thu, 26 Nov 2020 at 00:53...
This is encouraging, thanks AP.EP for sharing your experiences. I found the various instantiations of Double Scope to be very disappointing -- minor headache and almost no rush to speak of for me. I've now ordered the sampler (which is on sale right now) and a Mistress C from the artisanal website, I'll try to report back with a review. I am a casual and infrequent user so it may be a little while.
Snoke said on Wed, 2 Dec 2020 at 05:46...
This is a game changer. Product is top quality, no headaches, arrived quickly, and was packaged/shipped with care. A real diamond in the rough. I am completely satisfied. 100 stars!!
Wanderlust said on Sat, 12 Dec 2020 at 01:18...
The product arrived in three days intact through USPS (with tracking), and as APEP described, used only a little tissue paper between the bottles. Also the package is a thin cardboard. Fortunately in this case the box and contents were undamaged.
Edging session: Started with the Medium as a baseline. Very clean scent from the bottle. It was okay, gave a little pop but not a whole lot. I should have read APEP comment about expectations not to expect a big hit, that it builds over time. I may not have given it the opportunity to do so.
Next I tried the Mistress. I did not like the scent at all but maybe that's just me. The reaction was about the same as the Medium. Nothing amazing but certainly no worse that I've tried in the last several years.
I then moved to the Hot blend. Wow! Again the clean scent but this is potent and it hits hard (in a good way) so take it slow on this one. I went too deep the first time. To me this was far above the others but i need to adjust the frequency and intensity of my hits, which I'll practice next time.
I did not sample the mild this time around, sounds like it won't be at all intense but I expect there will be times when that is enough.
Also very important -- I had NO headache during or after. That's amazing.
Bottom line, perfect? No, but no bad effects either.
Price: Outstanding
Better than anything in the last several years? Absolutely
I'll probably get the Hot only on my next order.
Wanderlust said on Sat, 12 Dec 2020 at 01:27...
And thanks for the tip, wtfchuck!
poptart said on Sat, 26 Dec 2020 at 03:00...
Anyone try the newest offering called Kaboom? Wondering how it compares to the hot blend (Flamin').
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Fri, 1 Jan 2021 at 05:58...
I just can't imagine doing buisness with anyone else. The person behind this product is trying to serve this community with a great product and has sent me free samples. Please keep him in business. All his stuff is great.
Always Poppers. Everything Poppers. said on Fri, 1 Jan 2021 at 06:04...
I tried Rush a few weeks ago to compare. Yes, Rush is more of a stronger hit but you pay for it the next day in terms of the side effects.
Ordering Kaboom this week to try it out.
GroovyPop said on Fri, 1 Jan 2021 at 23:33...
+1 for the artisanal cleaner from ebay. Love the “hot” one. Just ordered direct from their website a couple days ago as they have a couple extra there not on eBay. So far so good. Should have the package Tuesday.
Starlite said on Mon, 4 Jan 2021 at 06:11...
Thread continued at
A. Tuesday said on Sat, 8 May 2021 at 15:45...
Try the sock method. That will knock you into the middle of next week.

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