N-butyl formula
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Madeplentypoppers
on Fri, 28 Feb 2020 at 22:09
Madeplentypoppers said on Fri, 28 Feb 2020 at 22:09...
N-butyl nitrite
8 grams SN into 8 mls DW
10 mls butyl alcohol into 10 mls muriatic acid...pour alcohol into acid and mix at RT and freeze.
With ice bath, slowly drip the acid/alcohol into cold SN solution. Use moderate mag stir.
Pipette yellow yield......should be close to 90-100 % yield.
Use damp lime to neutralize acid. Use a volume equal to around 30% of yield. Mix and let sit 20 minutes minimum. Bubbles will form.
Pour off into dry bottle and add anhydrous sodium carbonate and molecular sieve 4. Should smell sweet...a bit like Sprite Soda Pop.
It's critical to neutralize the acid and keep dry afterwards, lest popper go bad fast.
Madeplentypoppers said on Fri, 28 Feb 2020 at 22:20...
SN does go bad with exposure to air. Product will become less potent and less sweet smelling.
8 grams SN per 10 mls alcohol is sufficient to get a potent popper. When 9 grams or higher is added to 10 mls alcohol, the popper can become "too" potent leading to toxic effects quickly, such as blood pressure lows and visual disturbances.
Wet lime works better than baking soda to neutralize all the acids.
Poptart said on Sun, 1 Mar 2020 at 18:51...
What's DW and RT?
Madeplentypoppers said on Sun, 1 Mar 2020 at 19:50...
SN sodium nitrite
DW distilled water
RT room temperature
Anonymous said on Mon, 2 Mar 2020 at 13:24...
Hazer said on Thu, 5 Mar 2020 at 18:19...
Butyl nitrite is a component in anti-freeze. Amyl is a vasodilator medicine & U.S. Pharmacopeia states that amyl is safe. What tests were done on butyl? I know that in Massachusetts butyl is a Class D Controlled Substance.
Jacko said on Fri, 6 Mar 2020 at 11:08...
Thanks Madeplentypoppers.
When you say wet/damp lime, do you mean slaked lime (Ca(OH)2), or will damp garden lime (CaCO3)?
BBBkinky said on Wed, 20 May 2020 at 13:44...
I'm so fed up with bad quality crap on the EU and especially Dutch market. So looking for diy methods to produce the good stuff myself. Is there anyone willing to help me out with tips, formula's or procedures?
LearnedAmateur said on Fri, 22 May 2020 at 23:02...
Chemist here to add some feedback.
You haven’t stated what the concentration of HCl is. All components should be cold, as in stick them in the freezer until they’re at 0-5C. Certain components should be in excess - this goes in order from acid, sodium nitrite, then alcohol. The acid should be the separate addition; works far better if you have the alcohol and sodium nitrite together. Also, sodium nitrite does not go bad - not if it’s pure anyway.
Here’s an improved synthesis: to a stock solution of 25mL containing 8g NaNO2 in distilled water, add 8.1g (10mL) of n-butyl alcohol. Prepare a solution of sulphuric acid; to 20mL DI water, add 4mL of 91-96% H2SO4. Place both solutions in the freezer until they’re between 0C and 5C (32-40F). Then, dropwise, add the acid solution into the NaNO2/alcohol at a rate of about 2-3 drops per second, and swirl/stir the solution occasionally. When each quarter of the acid is added, pipette off the top nitrite layer into a sealable vessel. When all the acid is added and the n-butyl nitrite collected, add in a small amount of sodium carbonate and shake to neutralise any nitrogen dioxide that may be absorbed into the nitrite.
Congrats, you now have butyl formula poppers!
Jacko said on Tue, 26 May 2020 at 17:45...
Thanks Madeplentypoppers, have made 3x 25ml (double) batches with this recipe so far, each one better than the last. Fantastic stuff, much better than store bought here, and literally orders of magnitude cheaper!
LearnedAmateur, from reading around, commercial muriatic acid is typically 31.5% (20 Baume), though in my case I used 25% and increased the quantity of acid to compensate. This resulted in an excess of water, but it still seemed to work fine, as the water ends up in the salt solution at the bottom anyway. I dehydrated some Epsom salts to anhydrous (200C) and added the powder to the finished product to absorb any moisture that may have crept in.
Agree re chilling everything down first. I did this to be safe, using two ice baths, one for each solution, then slowly adding 5ml acid/alcohol at a time, carefully adding to the bottom of the nitrite solution with a polyethylene syringe while stirring. I then allowed the solution to cool for several minutes before each addition. I wish that I had a mag stirrer but manual agitation seemed to work fine.
I’m interested to try the H2SO4 based synthesis to compare. When you say sodium carbonate, will bicarbonate (baking soda) work OK or is this less preferred?
popperbaited said on Thu, 28 May 2020 at 04:53...
thanks for the formulas guys. could I just substitute the amyl with the butyl to remove the risk to my eyes/fovea problems.. could someone kindly post the recipe for the safe version (utilizing amyl and/or ??) and not the butyl nitrite. or is this a simplistic/naive ask? jj gold/black, amst plat f's up my eyes for months at a time.
Jacko said on Tue, 2 Jun 2020 at 00:04...
Hey popperbaited,
To the best of my knowledge, butyl has no impact on the retina: isopropyl is the one that can cause maculopathy in some people. Certainly I’ve had no issues or visual disturbances even with extended sessions using butyl, whereas I did previously with commercial isopropyl formulations, which I now avoid.
From older recipes I’ve read, the amount of amyl/pentyl alcohol required for synthesis is pretty similar to butyl, possibly it may be slightly higher due to larger molar mass? I’ll be trying this out myself as soon as I can get my hands on some amyl alcohol.
Chemistry feedback welcome from other posters on this point, I think madeplentypoppers might’ve posted an amyl recipe while back?
straightChem said on Thu, 30 Jul 2020 at 17:34...
My first Butyl Ester was a suxXxess !!
I was reading and studding for 2 months! I was logging everything that it was relevant to recipes. Making excels and calculations in order to compare the differences between all known recipes...It was a long jurney but not in vain. I,ve leaned so many thinks about chemistry !
But today things have arrived, and i made my first attempt. I decided to go safe and follow an official recipe from here:
Except from the separatory funnel I was ready and good to go.I calculated quantities for 20ml NBT and started...Believe me...you NEED a separatory funnel. Everything was in a mess because i had to use a lot of bottles to separate it ,but I manage to produce a A grade material ! No smell (maybe a little something like benzene but fully faded) Warm hit (mild heart bumping) and long lasting . No headache after all!
It ready worth it!
straightChem said on Fri, 31 Jul 2020 at 20:13...
Update : After using it in action (10 or more snifs) we vgot blue lips...
Oxygen saturation was about 90% and came back to mormal 99% the next day.
Is this normal? Is it part of the game to get a mild digrate to oxygen sat (mild methemoglobinemia ) or my formula is bad ?
please help
straightChem said on Sun, 9 Aug 2020 at 08:16...
ok i find the problem . I was using the same mols on SN and alcohol so the nitrite was to potent. Alcohol must be more than SN in order to make sure that all SN reacts .
Butyl is too strong .Gives me hangovers next day.
Better results with amyl

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