New Formulas vs old at eupopshop
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by lookingthehardway!
on Tue, 7 Jan 2020 at 22:22
lookingthehardway! said on Tue, 7 Jan 2020 at 22:22...
I've ordered from eupopshop 5 or 6 times and found their product to be fantastic and their customer service to be exceptional,. My last was their old formulas, Gold, Push, Heat etc. I'm going to order again shortly but was hoping someone here could provide insight that has had their old formulas and how they compare to the new ones? Thanks!
Happy 2 said on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 at 16:49...
I´ve ordered a severel times the "new" formulas "passion,lovejuice and so on" none of them had an effect to me, so if you give me a hint where i can order some stuff with an effect in europe i would be very grateful.
lookingthehardway! said on Sun, 9 Feb 2020 at 00:29...
Happy 2...thanks for the information. I am disappointed that you haven't found the new formulas eupopshop very good. I was hoping that they were as good as I've ordered from them before they lost the original line up that came via USA. I'm in the same boat as you now as far as looking for decent poppers except I'm in Canada. I recently ordered from Toronto poppers site and they were expensive but I did receive them quickly. Unfortunately, they weren't anywhere close to what I had become accustomed to with the original eupopshop formulas. The poppers I got from Torontopoppers remind me of some I've bought when in Key West Florida on vacation the last few years...get a bit of a head rush then not much of anything...certainly none of the anal relaxation/warmth/horny feeling that I really enjoyed with the heat, push, gold, industrial, overdrive, injection etc that I could get from eupopshop. If anyone reading this has anything that could help. I too would appreciate it immensely...thanks much!
lookingthehardway! said on Sun, 9 Feb 2020 at 00:33...
Happy 2 ...forgot to ask...the new formulas that you tried did nothing at all? No effect as far as head rush, warmth...anal relaxation etc? Nothing? It seems off to me that they went from a great product to complete duds but I guess sometimes you can only sell what you can get. Truly sucks if this is the case. Again, any input from you or anyone else would be sincerely appreciated.
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