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Blood drug test

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Helpme!!!!!!
on Sat, 12 Oct 2019 at 21:24

Helpme!!!!!! said on Sat, 12 Oct 2019 at 21:24...

Ok crazy night last night and used some Isobutyl nitrite poppers. Anyone know if I will pass a blood drug test on thurs or will they show up?
Any help is appreciated can’t find definitive answers on my searches.

helper said on Sun, 13 Oct 2019 at 05:49...

they dont test for poppers on drug tests, only the usual drugs that youd think of..marijuana, cocaine etc. so you should be fine

Anonymous said on Sun, 13 Oct 2019 at 07:47...

stress not...


Helpme!!!!!! said on Sun, 13 Oct 2019 at 12:26...

Thanks anonymous. Yes I did see that forum but only one person mentioned blood test. Just looking for an absolute definite.

Wowza said on Wed, 16 Oct 2019 at 17:54...

If you have behaved yourself today, you will be OK tomorrow. Drink plenty of water anyway. I say there is NO way anyone can check you for poppers use with a blood test. The results surely cannot mean....oh yeah right this dude was doing poppers....nah...it might show something, but how the hell can it be conclusively linked back to poppers. I don't see it. Madeplenty can always prove me wrong....he did say something recently which made me re-think.

Bottom line; you'll be fine.

Take it easy.. and what ever is going on in your life I hope it works out. Tests can be for job / or other things, yeah.

Meldrew said on Thu, 17 Oct 2019 at 19:03...

Stress not -- where did you learn that phrase please? The reason I ask is that it drives me mad! There is a guy on a TV ad who says it, the one where a bear scratches it's back on a trailer. That guy irritates me and so does the expression.

> Jobs

As a libertarian I find the idea of blood tests objectionable. I suppose I can see the argument if you are operating heavy machinery, or transport. Still the idea that an employer has the right to invade your privacy with a needle? I am wondering if there are occupations where this is mandatory, or whether this is an accepted norm, an employers' right. I can say I had never considered it before. I mean say you are a teacher of mathematics, or a lumberjack, what bearing does your private fun time have on the job you do the next day. You might as well test for post-alcohol symptoms as post-alcohol anxiety and depression is certainly a possible hazard.

I know that courts can mandate drug testing, that is not what I mean.

Oh and poppers are not drugs. If there is anyone who feels inclined to test for poppers (which they surely cannot anyway) that it is a sure indication that you do not want to be involved with them in the first place.

Mam said on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 at 11:07...

Seems pretty obvious that if you are endangering public safety (via intoxication of one sort or another) that your employer might be obliged to test. The only part of your "let's have a row" post that is beyond doubt: poppers are no drug. Correct.

Midair Collision said on Sun, 20 Oct 2019 at 11:20...

I am a former airline pilot, I resigned as I resented being challenged about my bohemian lifestyle - "unsteady on his feet" "wearing lingerie on his head" "smelt like a distillery" "punched a passenger" "urinated in the Wendy house".....oh really! You try landing a steel tube on a spinning strip while covered in vomit! You'd drink too...did they listen? did these show empathy?...no, they did not. All this because I polished off a few bottles of Johnie Walker in the hotel. Mind your own f___g business what I do in my free time.

Mam said on Sun, 20 Oct 2019 at 19:22...

Thank you for your satirical observation. <sigh> please remember that some post in order to get a reaction.Try being sensible and mature.

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