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Popper baiting

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Sniffer
on Sun, 18 Aug 2019 at 10:56

Sniffer said on Sun, 18 Aug 2019 at 10:56...

Skype anyone

PJ said on Sun, 18 Aug 2019 at 20:30...

Plenty of threads already:




Plus more if you look..

Anonymous said on Mon, 19 Aug 2019 at 15:49...

rather depends on who you are, snifer. Any stats or details about yourself.

Sammy said on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 at 12:46...

Hi I am told good looking, looking for fun, maybe more. I love autumn walks, crackling log fires, lazy Sundays, and big cocks. I hate negative people, heated arguments, and unkind behavior towards animals. I enjoy painting, cooking and partying with friends (especially those with XXL trouser snakes)

I am learning Skype. I believe that strangers are just friends you have not met. If I put my Skype handle here will people pop up on my screen or what? I have to be careful as I live with my girlfriend; she is not cool about other dudes. What is baiting? it sounds nasty like with bears or wild cats/

Anonymous said on Sun, 25 Aug 2019 at 16:44...

Big popper bating group is here:


Nothing to do with bears or wild cats! Unless you mean the guys with beards...then maybe. OP has a typo.. it is bate as in mastur. And yeah...leave skype on when you are having dinner with your lady...and some dude will appear waving his junk.

Major Hardon said on Mon, 26 Aug 2019 at 15:19...

You have a thing about dinner ladies? Me too! Two helping please! and don't hold back on the custard. I still use fax and telegram. If there is anyone out there interested in "fax fun" give me a shout. You should have access to a photocopier obviously!

Me: Verbal top in fatigues / mature silver fox / trimmed mustache.

Anonymous said on Fri, 13 Sep 2019 at 20:58...

I live in a lighthouse and often strike up conversations with passing sailors using semaphore. The responses have not been encouraging.

The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Tue, 17 Sep 2019 at 14:15...

I sent lewd messages by Morse code for many years into deep space. It is not as difficult as you might think, you can get most of the gear at Currys. For me it was an idle and amusing hobby. I imagined I was talking to Emperor Ming's daughter, Princess Aura. For example: suck on this you dirty Mongo whore is -.--. .--. -..- ..- -.. -.---. ..-..-.-.

Unfortunately last Christmas I was abutted by aliens. They did not look like Aura and proceeded to stick their long warty fingers up my arse-hole. This whilst tied to a metal table and hovering over Steavenage;I could clearly see the Westgate while they probed my violated sphincter. I was none too happy about being finger fucked by a grey dude with big eyes that smelt of Old Spice. However, I now accept I had it coming. In all communications be polite and respectful and see if things develop. It is a bad idea to start arousing randy alien life forms with sexually charged language.

Divorced 47 said on Mon, 7 Oct 2019 at 22:19...

Tell me about it! I have been "done" by aliens for years now, sometimes three times a day! If the library is closed, or it has been raining, then BOOM I am transported into a flying saucer. I have actually got used to it; I have even struck up a kinda rapport with one of them! I saw him reading a copy of Hello magazine - I was allowed to have a fag break during a particularly grueling "probe" - and we did have a giggle. If it helps you to think of it as "fingers" then that is OK, but I can assure you that is not what it is, dear.

Word of warning: if that one that smells of cheap after-shave likes ya, he WILL be back. I know him of old.

Do they have poppers in outer space....you bet your giddy aunt they do! Some of them are dead kinky too....but I won't go into that. It is'nt very nice, but I can tell you it involves ginger wigs and potato salad.

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