Where can i buy real amyl?
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Rainbow
on Sun, 11 Aug 2019 at 13:15
Rainbow said on Sun, 11 Aug 2019 at 13:15...
I was born way after the good old days of poppers. Reading the comments people talked about how strong and good amyl poppers were make me wanna try amyl nitrite so badly. I have tried all the new formulas here in the USA and they are truly crappy. Only one hit and they never give me the high feeling again. Also, after several days after i opened the bottle for the first time, the liquid became sticky glue and freaked me out. I would appreciate if someone could introduce some sources to buy real amyl nitrite. I live in the USA. I heard that Locker Room Marketing in Canada produces amyl nitrite for export purpose only. I wonder if some of you in the USA purchased from Locker Room? If so, how did you pay them and how was the quality? Many thanks.
Mam said on Sun, 11 Aug 2019 at 14:12...
Locker Room sell their leather cleaners only through authorized dealers. The product contains pentyl nitrite / or iso-pentyl nitrite (I cannot recall which).
You will not find their products in the USA. You might find Jungle Juice Plus, a signature brand, but it will contain butyl I think. I read somewhere that you can find iso-amyl in some US brands, not sure if that helps you, but maybe. It could be nonsense, and there is a lot of misinformation about, but maybe that would suit you. It would be helpful if one of the chemically minded folks explained what iso-amyl is...
For the record: there are many here who wax lyrical about "the liquid..sticky glue" Jako?
wtfchuck said on Sun, 11 Aug 2019 at 14:26...
Actually, Butyl Nitrite is more reactive than Amyl (Pentyl). I would encourage you to go the Butyl route as it is not only more reactive. But, many of the old school formulas "from the good old days of poppers" were Butyl Nitrite. Amyl also has a tendency to cause more phlegm (congestion) and coughing after prolonged usage. I DIY my own Butyl Nitrite and would also tell you to look into DIY as a better, safer, cheaper and more satisfactory alternative to the OTC crap on today's online market. Even if these websites claim it is Amyl (Pentyl), or Butyl? What you receive often times could actually be cut down with waste products as a by product during manufacture. These mysterious "labs" out in the hinterlands do this as a way to maximize profits. They might claim you are buying Amyl (Pentyl), or Butyl Nitrite? Often times what you get is in fact Isopropyl. Most people have no historical basis to know how to properly compare the actually effect they experience. The Isopropyl crap is made with the same kind of Isopropyl alcohol you can buy off the shelf of your local Wal Mart. Most people know Isppropyl causes damage to your eyes with prolonged usage. Which brings me back to DIY. Why even deal with all that crap and deception? Just my 2 cents here, Man!
Rainbow said on Sun, 11 Aug 2019 at 19:03...
To wtfchuck: pardon my ignorance, what do you mean by DIY and OTC? If DIY is a better way, i would like to try. But how do I DIY my own butyl nitrite?
Vollmilch said on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 08:29...
OTC will be "over the counter". I only saw that abbreviation before in financial papers, so like an OTC Option, OTC Market. I think Chuck means mainstream manufacturers is all crap. I do not really agree with that but isopropyl is to avoid, yes.
Rock said on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 09:24...
Some OTC stuff is ok but hard to find and lots of crap out there
wtfchuck said on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 13:23...
DIY = Do It Yourself, and yes, OTC is Over The Counter. Hit me up in my private email and I will get you some guidance regarding DIY.
Rainbow said said on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 15:11...
Rainbow said on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 11:37...
I read a lot of comments here saying that we should stay away from Isopropyl. But the thing is we never know what substance is in the bottle even though the seller claims that it’s not Isopropyl. Any trustworthy sellers that don’t deceive us? Please list them.
Dingleberry said on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 15:44...
So where would I find a “recipe” for DIY poppers?
Neil Johan Coggins BA said on Mon, 12 Aug 2019 at 16:37...
An interesting and informative thread. I intend to include a character who makes "moonshine poppers" in my next novel. Currently he is only a minor character, but that may change. I would also like to see the recipe.
Madeplentypoppers said on Wed, 14 Aug 2019 at 20:11...
I DO NOT recommend making poppers. There will be problems and you won't know how to troubleshoot because you are not a chemist and you will be inhaling something that is likely impure and containing any number of unknown and toxic impurities.
Amyl/pentyl nitrite is the least toxic and so you can enjoy it much longer.
Locker Room sells to the USA via European sites. You are going to have google more to find them.
wtfchuck said on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 14:34...
Hey Madeplentypoppers,
You say..."I DO NOT recommend making poppers." ... "Locker Room sells to the USA via European sites. You are going to have google more to find them."
- ------------*
To put out a blanker statement such as yours is absolute Bullcrap. Interestingly, you end your warning with a marketing plug for 'Locker Room'. The fact is, OTC companies know they are screwing the public and are worried of an ignorant public becoming informed and knowledgeable to DIY and their shenanigans. This fact applies to damn near any facet of life. The truth is, DIY is entirely focused on harm reduction, both to your health, and your wallet. Commercial alkyl nitrites (amyl, pentyl, butyl, isobutyl, etc.) have become a dangerous, toxic experience. Learn how to make your own safely with DIY and mitigate the health risks associated with over the counter junk.
I've already listed my personal email in this thread and have invited anyone interested in DIY to message me so I can steer them toward a safer, cheaper and far more satisfying experience. To date, one person here has taken me up on that offer. That same offer still stands for those of you with discerning and open minds!
Madeplentypoppers said on Fri, 16 Aug 2019 at 16:24...
You failed to mention one thing....there will always be problems and if someone is NOT a chemist, they won't know how to fix them. They won't know what's wrong. Anyone can read a simple procedure, but without a full chemistry understanding, and a way to test for purity, there will be lots of problems that the "simple procedure" won't or cannot address. There's plenty of disgruntled popper inhalers who are well aware that OTC poppers are highly inconsistent in quality as you alluded, but this POINTS to one glaring problem....lots of makers, but VERY HARD to get consistently good poppers. If it's not easy for them, why would it be EASY for DIYs.
wtfchuck said on Sat, 17 Aug 2019 at 14:52...
Can you make a bowl of cereal, or a batch of chocolate chip cookies, provided you followed a recipe? You are really making a mountain out of a molehill here. "There will always be problems"? Please elaborate on these ever present "problems", based on your own experience. The procedure and lb equipment is the same, the ingredients are the same. The amount of the ingredients, based on a (0.50 mol) batch, are the same. This is a very straightforward process, rinse and repeat if you will. I have made numerous batches and have yet to have any "problems". Strike that, one batch wasn't up to par and I realized the most important ingredient (NaNO2 - i.e. Sodium Nitrite) was degraded. I then simply refined that same batch of NaNO2, again following a very simple refining process, and was able to refine the once bunk NaNO2 to a lab grade quality. That was the only "problem" I have ever encountered.
Madeplentypoppers said on Sat, 17 Aug 2019 at 14:58...
You may be so kind as to direct us all to those OTC makers who are so adept at making poppers that they don't have any problems??? We would all like to know where to shop. Surely, as easy as they are to make, following a simple recipe, there is some outfit you can recommend???
Wowza said on Sat, 17 Aug 2019 at 23:20...
Not wishing to butt in BUT the problem with poppers generally only started when the Chinese started flooding the market. They copy everything and that is all over the US market, right? I understand China products are crap. Why would PWD suddenly decide to change their successful brands? Like Coca-Cola suddenly saying "oh screw this we will just make some brown liquid crap and it will be OK" It didn't happen. You just need to know where to look, man! It is difficult sure, Chinese even copied the red cap Rush!
wtfchuck said on Sun, 18 Aug 2019 at 14:54...
We are going in a circular pattern here, Man. The entire premise of my posting here regards DIY (Do It Yourself), thereby avoiding the "OTC makers" in the first place! I was "direct" readers here to go the DIY route.
No, the problem with PWD regards the death of it's owner (Joe Miller). The formula they used when he ran the show was different than todays. Miller's death along with U.S. legislation against Amyl are the culprits. Even then, many of the "old school" poppers were Butyl as it is more reactive then Amyl.
Wowza said on Sun, 18 Aug 2019 at 17:50...
>The formula they used when he ran the show was different than todays.
Oh OK, thanks. What is the difference with these 2 formulas? So it was Iso-Butyl Nitrite 4 Rush, Bolt, Hardware, and it is now what....propyl, iso-amyl, cyclo-hexyl, mix? which..
wtfchuck said on Mon, 19 Aug 2019 at 16:26...
It's a mixed bag of deception. I had seen an article from an Australian publication which actually did a government sponsored laboratory study on various brands of OTC products to determine if the actual contents within the OTC labelled bottles was what they claimed. I believe they determined that only 1 out of the 4 products they tested was verified to contain IsoButyl as the bottle claimed. The rest claimed Iso Amyl, Pentyl, etc.. and those were actually IsoPropyl. So, they might label them as Butyl, Amyl, etc... but, what is actually inside is many times not what the label says. Here is the link to the actual study... https://www.tga.gov.au/testing-alkyl-nitrite-poppers
Wowza said on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 at 20:55...
wtfchuck: Australia is full of Chinese copies, there is a whole discussion about that some place. The Chinese put cheap iso-p into a bottle and don't give a shit if the label is bullshit. Oh...errr yeah and that is a surprise!
You said that PWD changed the formula. No they didn't/ iso-butyl in Harding Street and iso-butyl now. No change, man! Regulators coming down on amyl nitrite was in the 60s when Miller was not involved. PWD didn't invent iso-butyl, Hassing did. PWD bought out Hassing and changed to butyl. Joe Miller did not invent anything, he bought the company from Jay Freezer's mother when Jay died. So when those guys set up in Indiana then it was just the same as in SF. He died, yeah, not good...but his twin brother sold up and real PWD Rush, Hardware is the same it always was. I don't want a fight, man, but this is just wrong what you are saying.
Blame the Chinese fakes, not the OTC mainstream. Blame the adult store buyers who get a cheap iso bottle that looks cool for less money!
Madeplentypoppers said on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 at 22:47...
I don't know the long history of commercial poppers in the USA from personal use. But I do know how the various nitrites smell and effect. And based on effects and odor, the poppers I did buy in the years leading up to Joe's death were much more like amyl nitrite. I could take long whiffs for extended sessions and NEVER suffer side effects as I do with butyl, isobutyl and isopropyl. And butyl smells like sweet spray paint, isobutyl smells like sweet nail polish remover and isopropyl has a sickening sweet scent. Nothing I used in the few years before Joe died smelled as sweet as those.
Madeplentypoppers said on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 at 22:51...
And normal chain amyl nitrite has a very subtle odor....never as sweet as the others and not bitter either. It's hard to describe because it's so subdued. Not the others....their scent hits you smack dab on the head.
Wowza said on Wed, 21 Aug 2019 at 07:24...
Butyl should smell like old socks, raw and pungent. Amyl should smell like tropical fruit, sticky sweet.
Original Hassing butyl was branded as Locker Room (like a joke on the aroma)
French / Canadian amyl was branded as Jungle Juice (like the fruit)
PWD had state of the art bottling machinery. Any significant o2 exposure in bottling will kick start degrade and create weird astringent aromas. The other factor apart from the bottling tech: that little white pellet. Hey! that was important.
This is 2nd hand info; but it kinda makes sense to me. What I never understood was how iso-pentyl nitrite fits with amyl. I have pentyl now, and it seems good without side effects, but defo not as hard hitting as old school iso-butyl. I see people talk about a "slutty" feel and I get that, it is a good butyl signature note.
wtfchuck said on Wed, 21 Aug 2019 at 12:31...
For somebody who throws around alot of information, it still is confounding how ill-informed you actually are. As someone who actually used PWD when Joe Miller ran the show. I will tell you anything with PWD today is not the same. By the way, Butyl was banned in 1988. Didn't mean a damn thing as manufacturers could still blend their actual alcohols as a work around. Look up and compare Pentyl and Amyl, you might be surprised.
Wowza said on Wed, 21 Aug 2019 at 20:35...
I will try one more time: CHINESE COPIES. Or even good old US copies!
"with PWD today"
& where did you get that "PWD" Rush today? from a bookstore? Check out real PWD product before making these wild assertions about "blends".
Even since Rush found it's position as the number 1 brand it was copied. Captain Rush (the cartoon guy) waged a war against knock-off Rush since way back. Phoney Rush used to contain cyclo and probably still does. It might contain a nasty blend of propyl too now, no idea.
You are now saying that GLP (PWD never manufactured anything before 2010) changed the formula post-1988 & that U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission ban. That would mean that Miller did that! He didn't. What are the exclusions to the ban? I mean how were you enjoying iso-butyl nitrite post 1988? CPS ban was not a total ban on butyl in 1988, just a restriction on sale.
"could still blend their actual alcohols as a work around."
I really would like you to explain what you mean by that. I am reading it as: you say that post-1988 poppers manufacturers concocted some new formula? But wait: the bottles and the publicity all state it contains iso-butyl nitrite. BTW: I am not interested in online drama, I am just stating facts as I know them. Keep a cool head, yo!
Mam said on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 06:21...
Nobody like a smart-ass, Wowza. The information you are providing is from zombie threads by THE RUSH HOUR and others.
@Neil Johan Coggins BA: No! you have done this before. Do not even think about it.
Madeplentypoppers said on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 13:29...
All the OTC poppers I have purchased since Joe Miller died HAVE NOT had the same effects. So I would conclude that what's in the POST Joe Miller bottles is NOT the same compound in the same ratios.
Butyl alcohol smells just like sweet Krylon Spray paint because that paint contains this alcohol. I have Tokyo Chemical Butyl and Isobutyl alcohols...as well as one-pentanol. Butyl and Isobutyl have the strongest odors. Pentyl has the least. This is also true of the corresponding nitrites. I once bought a pentyl alcohol from an in house supplier and it did smell like DIRTY SOCKS...it was foul and degraded. Isopentyl nitrite is more apt to smell fruity....perhaps like bananas or a tropical fruit. But it also degrades into a nasty vinegar and fish odor.
No Limits said on Thu, 26 Sep 2019 at 12:56...
Maybe you could invent a volatile nitrite that does not degrade when she hits the ambient air we breathe, Professor? Or maybe like a vacuum tent, with a scuba diver thing to suck on, would work? Too much. Yeah maybe....so volatile nitrites degrade, get over it. The one that degrades the least is isopropyl and so it has a longer shelf life, good for retailers yeah?!
Amylpop said on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 14:00...
Not sure if it is really amyl but just placed my first order yesterday with poppers-aromas.eu
Already got an email this morning confirming the shipment.
Can’t wait!
Had Rush mostly, and just tried double Scorpio.
Whatever said on Tue, 1 Oct 2019 at 17:53...
@Amypop: I already tried several of their products and for me it was a waste of money. They are okay but I doubt that are genuine amyl nitrite. I have been a long time user since the 70's and I remember the effects of amyl nitrite capsules and none of the products I tried came close. I agree with wtfchuck that the problem began with the 88 ban. Rush poppers went straight down hill from there. Nothing but junk and dangerous chemicals being pushed as being the real deal. For those of us that remember the PWD Rush of the 70's, we know it's bullshit when they say "The Original Rush". I have been on a long quest to find something compatible and it wasn't until recent years I found uspopshop that is now defunct thanks to the owner deciding to set explosives off in his area.
Wowza said on Tue, 8 Oct 2019 at 21:40...
What happened in 1988? Facts? According to what I read above the CPS somehow changed the structure of iso-butyl nitrite, as opposed to imposing straightforward sales legislation. Now, and here is something maybe, were you getting BUTYL nitrite in pre-1988 Rush? If so, I might see some logic here.
Those amyl capsules were one-hit wonders. How many came in a pack please?
Popperinvestergator said on Sat, 14 Dec 2019 at 07:08...
I have been searching for original poppers
The company based in France is "poppers-aromas.EU" they are using the amyl nitrite(used years ago the ampules) for most of products, they do have some other formulas. Check them put n do some reading it appears they are allowed to manufacture that formula. I tried to order but my bank card was not able to use for international online sales. So make sure if using CC you are able to purchase. If anyone wants to order and can processing using a CC post me back I would to grab a few bottles if someone wants to help me out.
Cheers larry
ian smith lu said on Wed, 22 Apr 2020 at 13:39...
i luv it up my arse,wen im on poppers
popbeginner said on Fri, 1 May 2020 at 08:58...
The posts I read here were very informative. However there were no clear solutions for us amateur users as to what and/or where we should pursue purchasing a legit product. The quest for obtaining legit poppers still remains open. Please advise.
Nickey said on Sat, 19 Sep 2020 at 04:11...
I want to buy a bottle of Amyl Nitrate
AaBm4Ever said on Fri, 16 Oct 2020 at 14:57...
As for what happened in 1988 correct me if I'm wrong, but the CDC thought or tried to connect poppers with the AIDS outbreak. After that many things went down the tubes.
Billy Reed said on Wed, 23 Dec 2020 at 18:41...
I remember the Rush from the late 70's early 80's...
I also remember what happened when things started to change.
The only thing I see here is a lot of the same confusion.
How is anyone supposed to figure out a solution when everyone is at each others throats (no pun intended).
Amyl-Nitrite vs Butyl-Nitrite vs Iso-Butyl-Nitrite vs Pentyl-Nitrite
Can WTFChuck or Rainbow PLEASE clarify what the difference is, the effects they had upon the body, etc. I remember that the old Red Cap Rush relaxed EVERYTHING and gave me a nice chubby to boot.......The old Jungle Juice formula would relax you but made me randy as fuck as well. Now? Well, lets just say that I never trusted the Chinese to walk my dog let alone get me off... so, there's that.
Look, I have a group of friends here that are asking me to investigate DIY vs OTC because they can't make heads or tails out of all the disinformation out there. I know that the distillation process is probably pretty straight (>.< forward. A little help would be great instead of all the bickering.
Wantthebesthigh said on Thu, 31 Dec 2020 at 07:56...
Hi ..I want the best high, im willing to make them or buy them. I want amyl but I cant find them can anyone help? My email is fistsofdaggers@live.com thanks everyone!!
coolion said on Sun, 3 Jan 2021 at 09:36...
I bought "The Real Amsterdam" in Summer 2020 very good quality it was Pentyl Nitrite - CAS 463-04-7 ... in November 2020 I bought it again it was
Hexyl Nitrite - CAS 638-51-7 ... and this was bullshit! I got a red head nothing more.
Is this a fake Poppers?
BlueDevil said on Mon, 22 Feb 2021 at 20:32...
What's the difference between amyl nitrate & amyl nitrite? Poppers-aromas.eu only sell's nitrite. I've been looking for the old shit for a long time & it's very aggravating. I just want a simple solution . Where and how to get it . I don't want to buy anymore crap! But I've got to have something. So what's the strongest stuff available?
Nitritespecialist said on Wed, 24 Feb 2021 at 00:56...
There are tons of makers of pentyl nitrite in China. I don't know the quality, but min quanitity is 1 kilogram.
Amyl NITRATE has one more oxygen atom per molecule and it makes a big difference compared to amyl NITRITE.
Rushmen said on Sat, 6 Mar 2021 at 21:40...
Hey guys i bought poppers on www.popper4you.com
Great quality i am satisfied . I bought 4pcs and i get one more for free
BttmsUp said on Sat, 24 Apr 2021 at 22:29...
Hi every1 from canada looking for real nbutyl or amyl if any1 diy very interested or if any1 knows of a reputable site much appreciated cheers!
@Poppersking said on Thu, 13 May 2021 at 06:55...
Goldencockpoppes.com. He makes real amyl in small batches.
bottompig said on Thu, 29 Jul 2021 at 19:49...
Hey wtfchuck, I didn't see your email in the thread, could you repost that? Or, email me at fyprell1138@gmail.com? I'd love the recipe
PopperDIY said on Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 20:34...
Hi wtfchuck or anyone else who can email me how to diy the best poppers as I am in Africa so diy is my only option.
Please email me @ jayzetdejager@gmail.com
Gasmic862 said on Tue, 17 Aug 2021 at 18:51...
I first discovered poppers in the late 1970's. I have used them off and on since then. Poppers from he 1970's to 1980's had desired results. I never had the side effects that myself and others that use them now have. Unfortunately, what I buy from shops and mail order seem to be either diluted with other chemicals like fingernail polish remover, rubbing alcohol, or other solvents. They do not have the oomp that products like Rush and Bolt had in the 70's and 80's. I no longer buy any brand. They lost me as a customer.
Brock said on Thu, 16 Sep 2021 at 00:01...
OMG! All of this arguing and bitching. I haven't a clue as to the majority of what you guys are talking about with all of these different ingredients. I do know that what is sold in the US is crap! What I bought years ago was "the bomb", but no longer. Someone from France told me to by it there and ship it here. I have absolutely NO IDEA HOW TO DO THAT, nor do I understand their money exchange vs ours. Anyway, he says that Amyl Nitrate is the top of the line. I have been using Jungle Juice for years and I am now very disappointed in it. It gives me HORRIBLE headaches, it becomes sticky, burns the outside of my nostrils and usually doesn't do anything for me, whatsoever. Can someone please help me understand all of this? How does one order from France to the US?
Thanks So Much!
Dror said on Mon, 11 Oct 2021 at 04:36...
Hey. Can anyone email me diy for poppers. Please dror_81@hotmail.com
Goldencock is just more headaches said on Wed, 20 Oct 2021 at 04:23...
@Poppersking you're full of shlt, GoldenCock sells Pentyl (maybe even isopentyl) and labels it as "Amyl"... basic, causes headaches, smells like appletinis and the effects are like everything else.
Needer said on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 at 17:29...
Well i read all the shit on here i guess ima say is that i wont find anything that will help i want some but then again everyone is saying shit aint right DIY would be awesome but what else can i do inhale spraypaint ? If anyone sells a good product hit me up thanks
Nickey said on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 at 23:38...
Looking to buy real Rush Poppers
GoldnCockPoppers said on Fri, 7 Jan 2022 at 21:47...
FYI, amyl=pentyl, and isoamyl=isopentyl. I label products for what they are and do not add any “appletinis”, thank you very much. Headaches are individual based on your own physiology, that changes with age.
Yasir said on Tue, 1 Feb 2022 at 11:06...
Where can I buy poppers
D said on Fri, 4 Feb 2022 at 20:36...
This year I found that almost all poppers do not have my desired effect big swings between head heat smell and body rush...body alcohol percentage also changes some effects with certain poppers. There is a difference in nervous system excitation and vasodialation. Don't exactly understand the chemestry of it yet...
Nardo said on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 at 05:06...
Did anyone have a good recipe for DIY? Looking to make some at home just need some guidance.
Paxman said on Tue, 15 Feb 2022 at 20:17...
I've only had the "oomph" feeling once. My local adult stores carry a crappy product that burn the nostrils and just some dizziness. I'd pay a premium to find what once was.....
AJ13 said on Fri, 8 Apr 2022 at 01:31...
Hi please can you email me on jenzalexander66@gmail.com for the diy formula please...
Kai said on Wed, 20 Apr 2022 at 17:31...
Hi I’d like more info on DIYing my own poppers or finding a reputable site to buy off of. If anyone can help, please reply to the thread or like others, email me recipes or links at DivineVulpesChannel@gmail.com
eddy said on Thu, 9 Jun 2022 at 13:06...
amyl nitrate cannot be sold in the EU. any claim to be amyl nitrate are false
Jdkorn37@gmail.com said on Tue, 28 Jun 2022 at 03:43...
Since they all switched to the iso blends, if I take more than a handful of sniffs, I have vision problems for 2 to 6 weeks. Depends how hard I go. But I sniff 2 10mg bottles I will have face blindness and light sensitivity for up to 6 weeks. Sometimes I can recognize it starting, but in the moment I'm like oh a few more then regret it for weeks. Someone mentioned jungle juice previous formula, it didn't give me that problem but the current one does. Amyle never gave me side effects other than shove that there as hard and far in as you can. Also I tried using the poppers_aroma.eu website and their card not working. I tried every card I own and they all were rejected but I've heard great reviews from them and genuine amyle. Idk. Point is I need to find amyl, found a guy on etsy once and it was ok. Weak, and one of the bottle leaked during shipping. Keep me posted. Good luck everyone.
Alexandersaur said on Sat, 3 Sep 2022 at 11:47...
Damn, hope I’m not too late to the conversation. Would love to learn how to DIY from a pro. Please if anyone would be so kind: alexandersaur@iCloud.com
Strandedwithnopoppers said on Mon, 30 Jan 2023 at 06:14...
I'm just looking for good poppers. Not this garbage you get at the sex shop now. I want the stuff that would make you feel like your having cold sweats, heart pounding, body would just relax like almost trippy feeling and the sex would feel so euphoric. This new stuff just goes away in seconds and you gotta keep hitting it over and over. Please someone direct me to the right place to purchase.
4 decades said on Sun, 19 Mar 2023 at 10:25...
New to the game? If you're lucky you may become a size freak. So start shopping for toys. You'll want a long one, and a wide one. The long one should be flexible enough to make a right turn but not so flexible to bend back, and forth. 30 inch will go up 9 inches, guide a turn to the left 5 inches, guide a turn up to the diaphram, then turn to the right across under the diaphram. That's as far as I ever got. A good crazy grind is a wide one. 3 inches wide for full 8-9 inch penetration, and a 5 inch wide stretch with a cone plug is as much as I ever did. Best for grinding is butyl. Proply will do just fine. Not as relaxing of the soft muscles. But sometimes it's better that way. The main things to be careful of when DIY is the acid mix. Rehearse with water first so you get the equipment functioning right so you don't have to deal with a fast drip with the acid mix. Keep baking soda right there, and wash any acid spill on your skin immediately. with that to neutralize the acid.Rubber gloves, and safety glasses. Go slow. All the ingredients are cheap as dirt. The sodium nitrite by the 10 pound bucket will last the rest of your life. Keep it dry by getting a smaller well sealed bottle for working with. Buy from ebay in a plastic bag inside a thick plastic bucket. The method for either butyl or propyl is on youtube. Keeping the mix uber cold is essential. Use salted crushed ice jackets. I use a 3 pound sour cream container to hold the receiving mixing glass, and a pint sour cream container for the drip syringe epoxied through a hole in the bottom. I don't use the glass mixers used on youtube. Can't see how to keep the addition beker cold. I use large plastic syringes both as the dripper, and to separate the aqeous from the poppers. Also for measuring the ingredients. When it comes time to add baking soda to neutralize the acid when the mixing is done I have a small jelly jar full of water saturated with backing soda. Suck out as much aqueous as you can. Pour a third of the soda mix in, and swirl gently several times over 5 minutes. Do that 3 times so you don't see any reaction to the acid baking soda mix. Let sit for another 5 minutes then separate the water as much as you can. Add a table spoon of pure magnesium sulphate epsom salt stir with the electric stir until the surface shimmers. Suck into bottle, and let sit for 4 days opening once a day until you get a popping pressure when you open it. reddy to use. The baking soda acid neutraizing wash prevents most of the cought causing effect. But the 4 dy venting wait also does the same for other reasons. The magnesium epsom salt removes water which prevents it from decaying too fast.The ingredients are 25 sodium, 44 water, 31 alc, 50 acid Water, and sodium mixed until clear. put in freezer. frozen alc, and acid add acid into alc not the other way freeze overnight. then do the you tube drip mix instructions. . .
key man said on Fri, 28 Jul 2023 at 18:11...
Ware in nj can you by some

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