Wrong ingredient from Poppers Rapide?
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by crunch
on Wed, 3 Jul 2019 at 00:54
crunch said on Wed, 3 Jul 2019 at 00:54...
I normally go for "Fist Big 24ml" which WAS excellent. The ingredient is supposed to be pentyl, is strong, smells nice and lasts at least a month for me. The latest bottle I bought smelt straight away like the dreaded propyl, went weak after about 10 days evaporated much faster and now stinks like vinegar. Is there a more reliable supplier?
Vollmilch said on Wed, 3 Jul 2019 at 08:53...
Did you ask the retailer?
>went weak after about 10 days
IPN does not degrade fast - pentyl does - IPN is more resilient, hence its appearance in many street level stores.
>stinks like vinegar
Oxidization cus of exposure to oxygen. So it has degraded, as there was exposure to O2, probably caused by heat swelling.
So it is a duff bottle and not an ingredient change. That happens sometimes, especially with pentyl nitrite, so you are.. IMHO.. wrong. Nothing to do with being reliable, it is a fact of life that occasionally you will get an oxidized bottle. Even happened with the fabled PWD Indiana back in the days of old.
crunch said on Wed, 3 Jul 2019 at 10:56...
No, I just sent them an email telling them that they'd sold me a bad one.
They haven't as yet replied.
Oxidised, that makes sense, it wasn't right from new.

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