Roll on Brexit!
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Crispin
on Fri, 29 Mar 2019 at 16:35
Crispin said on Fri, 29 Mar 2019 at 16:35...
Looking forward to 13th April when us Brits will be freed from the shackles of the EU man & can start huffing the good IBN stuff again.
13th April will be one big party!!!
Slack Alice said on Fri, 29 Mar 2019 at 18:24...
I don't think good 'old style' poppers are coming back.
Steve R said on Fri, 29 Mar 2019 at 21:14...
I thought it was a British law to ban IBN NOT a European one. Isopropyl and Pentyl are dreadful and all they do is potentially damage your eyesight. I’m fed up of flying to a sex shop in Washington DC to buy IBN!!!
Club Tropicana said on Sat, 30 Mar 2019 at 15:50...
one big party where? The Kremlin most likely, as they will be the real gainers from all this. Europe divided is a Putin policy. @ Slack Alice: a fellow Larry Grayson fan..shut that door! Best ever Generation Game!
Do not expect the charming right wing ideologues to be changing poppers policy! Quite the opposite. Their tawdry form of popularism means that they can turn the clocks back to the late 1950s. Bring back the birch!
Meldrew said on Wed, 3 Apr 2019 at 14:51...
Not all Brexit supporters are right wing! Some are even from the libertarian side of the political spectrum. So liberal social views does not necessarily preclude being a Euro-septic. There are also plenty of crazy Marxists ( who believe in capitalist conspiracy theories) who do not like the EU. It is a mixed bag. If you are trying to say that those that voted for Brexit are a bunch of xenophobic morons who eat All Day Breakfasts when abroad...shame on you!
Slack Alice said on Wed, 3 Apr 2019 at 16:13...
Look at the muck in here.
I don't see the EU Butyl ban being reversed. Politics wont change it.
Billy said on Thu, 4 Apr 2019 at 06:42...
Where is the nearest country to the UK that you can reliably buy isobutyl?
Has anyone here tried bringing it back on a plane?
Saltfingers said on Mon, 8 Apr 2019 at 21:46...
Isle of Man. I usually row over in a dingy as it makes a nice day out. If you like you are welcome to join me - but be aware I listen to Radio 2 and I do not like small talk. No refreshments so bring some sandwiches and a Kitcat.
Ted Rogers was the king of the game show.
Meldrew said on Wed, 1 May 2019 at 13:19...
You clearly lead an interesting life. I had not considered the position of Manx Man in relation to Brexit. The Isle of Man is an anomaly stuck in the middle of the Irish Sea and has a curious three legged emblem. Did Manx Man vote leave? I recall they are known for social conservatism, rather like the good folk of Ulster, so I am surprised you can buy poppers there. But if you travel over regularly, with Radio 2 and Kitcat, then I suppose it must be the case.
Saltfingers said on Tue, 21 May 2019 at 08:38...
Not sure why you mention the three legged Manx God, Trihorn. If you are interested in folklore and ancient religions, then clearly state that fact. You will be rewarded with a cornucopia of rarefied knowledge and insight. If, as I suspect, you are making a ribald jest, be silent! I have no idea about the modern-day voting habits of the Manx, they are a fiercely independent bearded folk. The last Monarch of The Manx, King Leonard of Warts, lives in sheltered accommodation and is without seed.
Gitbald said on Fri, 24 May 2019 at 11:18...
"King" Leonard of Warts is not the King of The Manxers. He used to award (aka sell) medals in a pub in Douglas. He was the proprietor of Hot Gossip Unisex Hair & Nail Salon.
We are European! said on Wed, 29 May 2019 at 17:21...
Brexit is toast. The crazy Brexit Party - Farage and Widow Twanky - is basking in the sunshine now, but will follow UKIP into well deserved obscurity. It is clear Farage's suntan is from a bottle (like his US mentor's) - if you read the Euro results you will see more folks went with the Green / Lib Dem. Farage is a rabble rouser with a "man down the pub" attitude to complex issues. The reason he is the news is because of Corbyn and his granite-hard ideological stance. Hopefully Labour will wake up soon.
Auf Widdersehen Brexit - Bonjour Europe!
Beard&Belly said on Tue, 4 Jun 2019 at 12:34...
Shut your cake-hole! Thankfully The Trump Family have arrived in the nick of time to show us the way. We can look forward to a beneficial trade deal with the USA,;once we have removed the creeping vines of the Euro-Triffid that is choking the mighty Oak of Old England. I hope that Donald and his family get to enjoy some Morris Dancing during their glorious visit, or maybe a Punch and Judy show? We should be proud of folk traditions!
HRH Leonard of Warts et Aul said on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 at 07:25...
The nail salon is now closed and was only ever a small part of my business portfolio. I have no knowledge of poppers. I suspect they are a wicked import from the mainland, intended to debauch the morals of Manx, undermine our sovereignty, and promote incest. I have long campaigned against glamour magazines, that first appeared in Douglas in 2014. I have no dealings with The European Union whatsoever! They ignored my State Visit to Strasbourg and I ended up being the subject of ridicule and abuse by a gang of disorderly school children. The State Banquet was held in a nasty pub and organized by a man who subsequently sold pictures to the media. The accommodation was not of a standard acceptable to visiting Royalty.
The Court assembles at Calf of Man every third Wednesday in the month.
Baron Famman Kitterland presides if I detained elsewhere.
Arbodar said on Thu, 13 Jun 2019 at 12:42...
You mean in the country that almost banned poppers entirely 3 years ago. Yeah sure, the UK is totally going to become more popper friendly.
No wonder Leave won when you can literally make up your own fantasies about the future
Beard&Belly said on Sat, 15 Jun 2019 at 08:18...
You can make your dreams come true! Poppers or not. A return to traditional values like Ye Poor House (instead of the benefit systems), public hangings at Tyburn, and the ducking stool. The olde ways are the best....get used it to! I also call for the return of hereditary peerages - this way we can inject our political system with much needed new life.
Frilly said on Fri, 21 Jun 2019 at 07:45...
I voted Remain, but I am so freaking tired of the endless waffle, I will take anything if they will all just shut up! A lot of low-grade careerists have risen to the top on the back of all this hew-hah. I remember the days when politicians were dignified and serious; now more like rival gangs of school kids fighting! Depressing.
What about the big issues? No time for those. Housing? NHS? eh?
Beard&Belly said on Wed, 3 Jul 2019 at 15:19...
Shame that Nigel and the gang didn't take in whoopee cushions - that would have been a true Dadaist piece of political genius. Yeah the back turning was a cool gesture, but then they all sit down and let out a salute to the Brussels elite. Ode to Joy - old German song..not for us, Mein Herr.
I propose placing a statue on the Cliffs of Dover - two giant fingers appropriately arranged. Big pictures of the statue could be put in the arrivals area at Heathrow and Gatwick.
Meldrew said on Thu, 11 Jul 2019 at 19:51...
Sir Nigel can take his whoopee cushions and Doris Karlov to Washington. I am sure it would compliment the slapstick Harold Lloyd style of the current White House.
Finger Bob is a cuck said on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 at 21:04...
Club Tropicana, Nations have the right to self-government. It's not Putin who will rejoice but citizens of the UK who've had enough of the EU. I guess you'd rather be a puppet of the EU.
HRH Leonard of Warts et Aul said on Mon, 23 Sep 2019 at 17:31...
May God bless you, Finger Bob is a cuck! Self-government is the right of the Manx too. I would be pleased to receive you as a representative of your people at my Court. You and your wife are welcome to attend my Gala Dinner & Dance in November. There will be an after party attended by Terry Hall & Leonardo de Lion.
I am currently seeking friendly relations with Native Americans, if this could be facilitated through your good orifices, then that would be most advantageous to you. With all this talk of a back passage in the Irish Sea, to placate the Orange-men, I seek men of good-will to put to sea and defend the ancient fortress of Douglas.
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Fri, 27 Sep 2019 at 09:39...
I own a flotilla of duck head paddle boats (like 8 and two others shaped like a swan). They are currently moored near Skegness on Sea. My armada is at your service, your Majesty. It will be tough going for sooth, but I think we could be at Douglas by early November.
Phil said on Sun, 29 Sep 2019 at 19:00...
yeah yeah sure...Isle of Man is not part of the European Union. So those guys did not vote at all!! Leave or Remain. As for poppers....the European Union? Really? The UK law is a stand-alone, it is crap to pretend that every law is dictated by Brussels. Why should poppers get better because of Brexit! They won't. Isopropyl nitrite is a result of UK meddling, not European.
HRH Leonard of Warts et Aul said on Thu, 3 Oct 2019 at 06:45...
Your offer - whether a jest or not - is firmly rejected. The Euro-foe cannot be repelled with pleasure craft! They are heading for Douglas with huge container ships loaded with agricultural surplus, immoral French literature, and red-tape. There is talk in the Inns here of a giant Euro-Polder that will link our blessed soil with Belfast. The Isle of Man would then exist like a single testicle hanging on a giant phallus! By the beard of Trihorn, it shall not be!
Whilst it is true that The Kingdom of Manx is not currently part of the dark world of The Overlords of The Low lands, we are eyed as a tasty feast , much as a hyena eyes a magnificent grazing beast on the savanna.
In the unlikely event that your offer is earnest, I salute your stalwart heart, but forbid you from setting forth from Skegness. Do not telephone my sister again, you have no need of a mini-cab!
The Dreadful Flying Glove said on Tue, 8 Oct 2019 at 14:05...
We are already at sea, Your Grace. We will head for Menai Strait and await your signal. The two swans head the armada, and we proceed in the formation of an arrow head. We number sixteen men, and what we may lack in formal "education" we make up for in enthusiasm, belligerence, and a rare form of halitosis that will knock the enemy off balance. Ha! Forward lads...much peddling to be done before sun down.
superhung dreads said on Thu, 10 Oct 2019 at 15:12...
whoa crazy talk, guyz! lay off whatever it is you is overdoin'....peace, yo!
HRH Leonard of Warts et Aul said on Tue, 29 Oct 2019 at 11:40...
I have warned the harbour master and you will be repelled. I believe you to be either insane, or intent on creating a stunt, for the purpose of advertising an adult glamour magazine. I can assure you that there are no poppers on The Isle of Man if that is what you are after! My sister does not like being refereed to as Doxy, her name is Doxanne. Do not call her again.

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