Really Decent Stuff :)
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Techman
on Thu, 13 Dec 2018 at 20:01
Techman said on Thu, 13 Dec 2018 at 20:01...
Just had a delivery of the latest batch from my regular supplier. Really good stuff, clean and strong - totally hits the spot!
Big T said on Fri, 14 Dec 2018 at 03:52...
I too have received a batch and yes very good quality and potency! I use a small jar with a lid and dip a piece of clean paper towel into the bottle and then put it in the small jar. When I’m ready I unscrew the lid take a good deep breath, hold as long as I can and WOW!
Snake is the man!
PopPop said on Tue, 18 Dec 2018 at 15:56...
Works well with a protein shaker + a piece of cotton wool at the bottom.
Rush RIP? said on Thu, 20 Dec 2018 at 08:41...
Snake is what? Using a jar is a waste. poppers cannot be stored like that and any person in your place can find it. Poppers are flammable and can also burn skin...if some guy drinks it then you got a problem.
PoPpOP said on Thu, 20 Dec 2018 at 12:10...
Do they also burn through plastic?
Just wondering about the protein shaker.
Anonymous said on Thu, 20 Dec 2018 at 22:53...
If you leave the liquid long enough it will burn and react, sure.
PopperbaM said on Mon, 31 Dec 2018 at 17:26...
Depends on the plastic used, like your poppers comes with a plastic lid on top of a glass bottle? Likely x
Mam said on Wed, 2 Jan 2019 at 18:10...
What is that pointy cone thing in the top made of? Plastic I guess. Those screw lids seem to crack sometimes. Is that resin or plastic - might be a dumb question - please be kind. Anyway, they seem to be a form of strong brittle plastic resin or something...
Bigwig said on Tue, 29 Jan 2019 at 15:23...
You clearly know nothing about plastics. I will not mock you, it is too easy. I spent a large part of my professional life in rubber, but plastics are where it's at these days. If you made a statement like that at The Bi-Annual Plastics Industry Meeting Party (PIMP) then I hate to think what might happen. You would likely end up bound up with sellotape with a gherkin stuck up your arse. They are wild guys! I remember one year <deleted> a dead swan, a empty jar of Vaseline, and a Basil Brush glove puppet! Happy days.
You should familiarize yourself with the ABCs of this important industry before opening your gob.
Calm said on Mon, 25 Feb 2019 at 14:26...
Bigwig, calm down child no need to have a fit.
SlipItIn said on Sun, 7 Jul 2019 at 22:20...
So who is your supplier?

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