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Who are the mid-terms?

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Jimmy Feral
on Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 14:27

Jimmy Feral said on Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 14:27...

All day long the news stations are carrying on about the "Mid-Terms" over in the USA. I cannot make head nor tail of it, sounds like an exam to me. Donald Trump is going to loose his house or what? My wife's hairdresser told her that it is really important, and something about a load of caravans causing a big stink. We used to belong to the Caravan Club and I cannot imagine that lot causing a kick off. Snooty bunch they were as I remember. Maybe they are different - like Hells Angels - over the pond? All I know is there is a lot of noise about it, and it is doing my head in.

Anonymous said on Tue, 6 Nov 2018 at 17:03...

Stick to Emmerdale. Stay away from the news channels for a few days/ you are too thick. Boris, Aaron or Nigel will tell you what to do when you are needed again.

MJ said on Wed, 7 Nov 2018 at 04:15...

Jimmy, the mid-terms are the Congressional elections in the middle of a Presidential term. The “House” is the House of Reprentatives, currently controlled by President Trump’s Republican Party, and they are likely to lose control to the Democratic Party.

Also, what you call a caravan we usually call an RV, for Recreational Vehicle. The caravan in the news is a large group of migrants making their way from Mexico to the Southern U.S. Border.

Hope that helps.

Jimmy Feral said on Wed, 7 Nov 2018 at 09:23...

Cheers, MJ. I was at a mates house last night and he had Fox News they explained it better than those plummy mouthed remoaners at the BBC.

And for reply to the other guy: I obtained 4 O levels at night school and while was wife was away I ran our B&B. That involved accounting, dealing with customers, management of staff, and advertising. If I am so "thick" then how come I increased customer satisfaction and profit? I am proud of my achievements.

Mam said on Wed, 7 Nov 2018 at 16:06...

I love those RV homes. I would like to spend a few years driving through the USA, it is a beautiful country. I might park it for a few months in the South. I like the food from that region. Real life gets in the way, but maybe one day.

Meldrew said on Thu, 8 Nov 2018 at 13:41...

Actually a caravan of brigands intent on establishing the Socialist Caliphate of Arizona, bulldozing chapels and erecting transgender toilet facilities and Inca temples. I do not believe they are affiliated with the UK Caravan Club. I am sorry to hear that you found the aforementioned a "snooty bunch" that is not my experience. I can assure you they are not involved in trans national invasions resulting in the mobilization of US troops.

PJ said on Thu, 8 Nov 2018 at 23:31...

Refugees. Desperate people who are the victims of mindless electioneering/ a caravan of. Sounds like a near biblical term to me and very weird, like everything else these days.

deecke said on Tue, 13 Nov 2018 at 10:04...

The house is usually in controll of opposite party, that's how it historically goes in US. The rest is controlled by republicans, they really didn't fight for the house.

PJ said on Tue, 13 Nov 2018 at 22:58...

Trump didn't fight for it then? Oh OK, so he won really, right? Trump is now stoking an unseemly spat with Macron. You can imagine Reagan or Bush, or even Nixon, behaving this way?

Meldrew said on Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 11:43...

It is unfair to compare Donald with Ronald, George, or Richard. A more illuminating comparison would be with a significant (and more relevant) historical figure. Yosemite Sam or P.T Barnum spring to mind. You should apply context when seeking to reach a valid conclusion. You should also pay more attention and attend to personal hygiene issues.

User147 said on Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 17:11...


PJ said on Thu, 15 Nov 2018 at 16:06...

Serious issue, guyz. It is easy to laugh, just as with Jacob Rees-Mogg, but the reality is chilling. Whipping up populist outrage against imagined enemies leads to one thing....division. Ever heard of divide and rule? Who gains from all this? Ask yourself that.

Gandolf Crotch said on Wed, 21 Nov 2018 at 12:30...

The Caravan Club are snobs. I have camped at certain sites across the country in a small tent. In the morning I used the communal showers; I got the cold shoulder from others when attempting to be civil. One man threatened to hit me! I watched him later (from behind a bush) and saw he had a very large Volvo. My only conclusion was that he considered me socially inferior, and my polite offer to soap his back to be impertinent.

Mam said on Sat, 24 Nov 2018 at 09:35...

More crazy nonsense!

BIGBALLS said on Sat, 24 Nov 2018 at 12:12...

You guys talk a right load of old bollocks. As for you Gandolf: you are lucky that dude only threatened to hit you.

yen said on Wed, 28 Nov 2018 at 15:24...

you are big fool, any guy will think you want to screw if you ask to put soap on him in a shower. If you have some poppers then it is very obvious. in USA you can go to a men only bathhouse and it is OK but no way at a camping sites!

Gandolf Crotch said on Tue, 4 Dec 2018 at 18:01...

Thank you for your illuminating opinion, yen. It had not occurred to me that he might have taken my offer as a solicitation. In Turkey it is quite normal to soap up in male only environments. This can be done without suspicion that it might lead to any unspeakable outrages.

I had a similar encounter when I offered my "free holistic prostate examination" service at my local rugby club. No sooner had I entered the showers, with nothing on but a shower cap and a pair of rubber gloves, than a terrible row broke out. I was chased out into a steamy locker room and subjected to rough treatment. My charitable work was condemned -by those who took it upon themselves to chastise me - and I was sectioned under The Mental Health Act! All this because of a simple misunderstanding! No poppers were involved, only my services as a practitioner of alternative medicine, and a jar of fair trade coconut oil.

I beleive in Donald. said on Sat, 26 Jan 2019 at 11:28...

I was just reading the latest news on some website I found. Apparently the wall is being demolished by an army of Nixon-era hippies! This means that the USA will soon be swamped with tortilla munching bandits. It also means that animals can migrate northwards! So leopards, elephants, tigers, and man-eating spiders from Amazon are on the move. The only safe place will be Alaska (too cold) wow!

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