snake or
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by macoha
on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 at 22:06
macoha said on Mon, 17 Oct 2016 at 22:06...
seems it is best to just email snake
but if it fails am i correct, that this shop
sells good stuff?
i am in Poland
snake said on Tue, 1 Nov 2016 at 19:12...
Hi I'm still selling the good stuff
Mail me on'm
Santosh said on Thu, 3 Nov 2016 at 06:41...
I have tried a lot of poppers,long time ago there was like a very great rush,but now I have no feelings and feels nothing when using poppers. I just ordered a jungle Juice black label,on the bottle its stated mix of pentyl and isobutyl. There is no sensation and my nose got burn and it take a week to recover. Also illness sensation. I don't know why all those poppers shops are selling shit legally. I have try a lot of shop with shit results. Anyone knows which brand and shop that can be trusted? If there is a real popper with no illness feelings. So sad there is no more the real sensations when using a great popper. Any one share info please.
Andy said on Thu, 24 Nov 2016 at 17:07...
I'm waiting for an answer from snake too, I've heard a lot of good things about that guy.
Matt said on Tue, 29 Nov 2016 at 17:54...
I've tried several different kinds on the market but can't seem to find that lose all inhibition feel of a popper that I used to find 10+ years ago. Everything my partner and I have tried lately gives headaches, burns your nose and lose effectiveness very quickly after opening. If any one can give me advice on the different chemical make ups and which one may give this uninhibited feel, that would be great. It should also be noted that I live in the USA so I need reliable vendors willing to ship to me.
Used Power Poppers for the last several years and used to get genuine Amyl Nitrate Jungle Juice but the last batch I bought was a huge waste of money. It did not have the current labeling that Locker Room Marketing in Canada has so I'm assuming it was not legit.
Andy said on Wed, 7 Dec 2016 at 13:44...
Snake is genuine. See my review on snakes thread 'good stuff' 13th August
snake said on Sun, 15 Jan 2017 at 14:54...
Hi all
I'm still selling the good stuff
Mail me on'm
snake said on Sun, 29 Jan 2017 at 17:57...
Sorry chaps I left an incorrect email address to contact me.
Still good for the strong stuff
Boo said on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 at 04:29...
I want to report this company as illegal. Now being investigated by federal government.
Peter said on Sat, 15 Apr 2017 at 15:05...
Snake is firendly in first contact but not reliable in agreement of answers. No deal was possible.
popperkid/popperpunk said on Fri, 28 Apr 2017 at 03:20...
bought 2 bottles from snake, im in london, it arrived 1 day later, brown envelope fitted through my letterbox easy
absolutely no burn
Goodstuff said on Fri, 12 May 2017 at 22:03...
I bought the Radikal Rush from Germany, it was and they arrived in 6 days. They are awesome, very strong and much better than what is on offer in UK at present. They really do give a good buzz and no,coughing or headaches etc. They are advertised as limited edition and are the strongest Rush I have had. They do come in a different type of bottle, much bigger opening and the only negative is that the smell seems to be more obvious than when dying a regular bottle. The comms with the company was great and they followed up on the delivery, but they are sent regular mail but discreetly packaged in wooden box.
RIP Poppers said on Sat, 8 Jul 2017 at 11:45...
Hi All,
I have tried poppers-aromas the Gate 100% amyl nitrate don't waste your money
I have tried Power Popper/ the Rush and Jungle Juice Platinum they are rubbish they did arrive UK in 4 days undamaged but no aroma.
Bookshop opposite Euston Station I thought I had the genuine stuff asked for Amsterdam, under the counter, assured me it was good stuff and yes a waste of money very weak
I have given a true statement but please waste your own money if you don't believe me this stuff is very weak and some had no aroma what so ever.
I am not wasting anymore hard earned cash.
Naff said on Fri, 17 Nov 2017 at 15:17...
I have no reply from Snake.
Any help to contact him would be very appreciate.
Thanks to all and have a good day.
glasgow bhoy. said on Sat, 25 Nov 2017 at 09:12...
snakes stuff is the real deal.cleanest stuff I have had.
gistapo said on Fri, 22 Dec 2017 at 09:34...
I have purchased 1 bottle from snake, this is best ever poppers I have tried for now. Recommended!
Kinkytv40 said on Wed, 27 Dec 2017 at 15:07...
Hi all, have also tried loads of different makes and nothing comes close to the good old stuff. Gate from poppers-aromas about the closest thing but wouldn’t say that was particularly good
I’ve emailed this snake fellow to give his a try.
Who’s had stuff from him previously? Any ideas on prices and if it’s any good?
Snake said on Mon, 1 Jan 2018 at 16:50...
Hi all.if you need to contact me about the good stuff
Mail me on .... .uk
Post To Snake?? said on Thu, 31 May 2018 at 01:20...
So Snake?? Which email address is it exactly?? Is it Or the one below, when you said [quote]
"Sorry chaps I left an incorrect email address to contact me.
Still good for the strong stuff"
Snake said on Thu, 31 May 2018 at 07:26...
Please contact me on
Novice said on Sun, 17 Jun 2018 at 20:36...
Has anyone recently purchased poppers from Snake and if yes, please (1) rate the quality/ effectiveness of the poppers supplied by Snake and the (2) the reliability and speed of the service provided by Snake.
Thank you.
Pilgrim said on Thu, 19 Jul 2018 at 17:43...
Snake; please tells us a bit about yourself and about your product, how it's better than the others; say where you're located, are you a chemist and is your lab up to par, etc. thanks
Funseeker said on Sat, 21 Jul 2018 at 11:55...
I’ve had poppers from Snake and product was much better than the crap isopropyl that’s now sold in UK. Closest I’ve had to legit isobutyl in ages. If looking for poppers I recommend you give him a try. Delivery only took a few days, packaging was sufficient. What he sells is probably best you will get in UK.
Snake said on Sat, 29 Sep 2018 at 16:39...
Hi all was just to let you know I have a supply of the old style poppers
Came across it by accident but well chuffed
I'm on
For info

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