how to avoid skin burn
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by dave2016
on Mon, 26 Sep 2016 at 06:56
dave2016 said on Mon, 26 Sep 2016 at 06:56...
I do love the scent of poppers so I got burnt under my nose despite uisng chapstick, lipbalm, even liquid band-aid. any ideas ? pls?
rabbit said on Fri, 30 Sep 2016 at 03:00...
I got burn marks under my nose as well about a week ago. I let it heal for a few days, but I regrettably used poppers again while it was still healing and made the burn even worse. It was really red and was blistering. If yours is blistering, apply antiseptic cream to prevent infection. I did that and thankfully it didn't get infected. Once it has healed enough that it doesn't leak fluid, use aloe vera to speed up the healing. It'll become really dry and start to peel as well, but make sure you don't scratch it or deliberately peel it. Mine still hasn't full healed yet (it's currently in the peeling phase), but most of the redness has gone. Just refrain from using the poppers at all while it's healing, don't do what I did.
rabbit said on Fri, 30 Sep 2016 at 03:04...
and in terms of avoiding the burns, I've started to always wipe the rim of the bottle with a tissue before inhaling. Sometimes when you store the bottle away on its side, some of the liquid stays on the rim. Also, don't stick your nose too far into the bottle. I had a big 30ml and once I had used half of it, it was difficult for me to get the fumes since the liquid was so far down the bottle. If that becomes the problem, transfer the poppers to a smaller bottle, so you won't be shoving it up your nostril.
Popper-stim said on Tue, 22 Nov 2016 at 09:35...
I converted a dust mask by cutting off the filter, taping over the unnecessary holes, fitting a neoprene tube that would fit in the neck of the bottle. One can then put the mask on and place the tube in the TOP of the bottle, NOT in the liquid, and snort away for a big safe unburning hit! Have fun with your DIY skills!
RadS said on Thu, 9 Feb 2017 at 14:12...
To prevent poppers burns stick a small piece of masking tape right over the area which usually burns. Remove after your session is complete. This ridiculously simple solution is 100% effective even though it might make you look like Hitler jackng off!
jwpalm1045 said on Tue, 14 Feb 2017 at 23:21...
One trick that I found effective is to take an empty water bottle, throw some cotton balls in it and pour the popper liquid. The cotton balls absorbs the liquid and that works great. No nose burn. The problem though is its only great for one session. Once it dries up you won't get much of a high. So if your looking for multiple uses maybe the masking tape idea might work. Though that wouldn't be so hot in a hook up
RadS said on Wed, 15 Feb 2017 at 07:31...
Hi Jwpalm - I did feel self conscious at first using the tape trick with others, but after a hit or two they don't seem to worry about it.
jamlin said on Fri, 3 Mar 2017 at 18:50...
I've mostly inhaled from the bottle but this year I thought of putting some cloth in a glass spice bottle and droppering (or pouring in a hot pinch) some of my isobutyl (English Premium) and giving it a moment. The high was better and more efficient and the external skin burns and spills were eliminated.
But another posting on this site said to use "hemp cloth" and not to use white cloth as he said the bleaching interacts and creates Dioxin!
I am not a chemist but if true, this is a very dangerous carcinogen.
So I ended up with a piece of a tan sock and about to try it out. Hope the synthetic in the sock's fabric won't kill me. Where does one find hemp cloth anyway?
RadS said on Sun, 5 Mar 2017 at 06:47...
Hemp cloth is burlap - available at the hardware store.
maxx said on Wed, 8 Mar 2017 at 06:45...
I use poppers regularly and I accidentally got some on my penis, I now have a burn, what can I do?
RadS said on Fri, 10 Mar 2017 at 03:37...
maxx - What part of your penis was affected?
Incognito said on Tue, 28 Mar 2017 at 07:44...
Masking the affected areas is best way to prevent popper burn. I really enjoy using "Bears Own" for masturbating to anything digitally, whether it being cam girls or tube videos. It's like a different reality. However, unprotected areas cause this popper burn all the time. It's ingredients are Isopropanol, Isopropyl Nitrite.
I think the best solution would be to make a latex nose mask that also covers the top lip, with two tubes that insert into the nostrils. This shall prevent the bottle opening and any liquid / fumes directly contacting the outer skin. The vapours would go up the nostrils through the tubes.
BadgerPants said on Thu, 11 May 2017 at 22:58...
I get burned all the time. I think it's due to the fact that I'm often trying to get maximum mileage out of my bottles, so I often have bottles that are a couple months old, and (like rabbit mentioned) I have to work a little harder to get fumes, so I'm more likely to touch the bottle to my face.
I should try to remember to wipe off the rim more often, as this is usually happening when I'm jerking off to porn.
I also think the shape of my nostrils is part of the problem. They're not particularly unique to look at, but they slope down quite a bit at the base, but curve and flare up a bit in the center, so it's hard to get the bottle close enough to be able to get the fumes without accidentally having the bottle touch my face.
When fucking (I'm versatile, so I've experienced both sides of the equation) it can also be pretty hard to get a good whiff, depending on what position you're at, how slippery your hands are, etc, without angling the bottle in a way that's likely to spill or get the rim wet.
I was bottoming once, and a clumsy too dropped the bottle on my chest and it all spilled all over my chest and torso. He just picked it up and screwed the lid on. I had to repeat myself a few times that I needed to rinse it off and wipe off with a towel, which I wasn't happy about, but that's kind of another story.
I was super lucky, though. Even though I had direct contact to a large portion of my skin on my stomach, chest, and collar, and it stayed there for a good minute and a half, almost nothing happened. Part of the area turned a little bit red, like a very mild sunburn, but it never crusted, scanned up or peeled.
Seshmonster.98 said on Mon, 14 Aug 2017 at 09:19...
I used poppers over the last week and I've managed to get a burn from it due to someone catching my hand whilst trying to inhale, what's the best solution for the burns on the top of my lip and on my nose as I am in a bit of pain with them and how long do they take to heal?
youngguy567 said on Sat, 26 Aug 2017 at 09:19...
I was cruising and sniffing poppers with a sexy older daddy and I put the bottle into my pants (ck briefs) which were around my ankles, once I had finished sniffing. I think some of the liquid may have leaked out perhaps lido not on properly as when we had cum I got dressed got back to my car and realised the bottle was still in my pants! Took it out and my balls stung a little so I think it must of got into contact. Now a few days later I've looked again and I have like a dark red scab on my scrotum which I think must be where the poppers burnt my skin. I've been putting e45 cream on it and washing regulary. Anyone any other advice? Or how long it will take to heal? Is say it's about 5 cm long
ralph said on Mon, 28 Aug 2017 at 19:34...
Been using poppers for years. My experience with burns on the nostrils is that they seem to occur if the popper bottle's rim touches your skin. I use a drinking straw also - one end in the bottle (NOT in the liquid) the other end in my nose. Fumes can burn also. Older poppers also seem to cause more burning but not sure why. The best first aid is to put some salted warm water in your hand and soak your nostrils for a minute or so. To camouflage popper burns try a little calamine lotion on a Q tip - lightly dab. Will help dry the burn out.
John said on Mon, 4 Sep 2017 at 22:15...
Wash your face after a session. A lot of these chems will break down skin cells even after inhalation.
Ralph said on Mon, 2 Oct 2017 at 17:49...
Popper burns are chemical burns. Put some Lavender essential oil on a Qtip and dab the burns around the nostrils. Will help then skin heal quickly.
Aloe vera said on Thu, 12 Oct 2017 at 10:22...
Dont play with fire.It is the best way to avoid skin burn.
All poppered out!l said on Mon, 23 Oct 2017 at 05:48...
OMFG! Finally a forum to discuss too. Crap the dreaded popper burn on your nose!
First Aid:
I find that Vaseline helps with the irrational and he skin from getting at crusted.
Not gonna lie I totally peel any thing I can at the first sign of crust.
I also then use make-up (that foundation crap that's liquid) hey when you have to go to work and deal with the public you'll do anything!! .
-lot of good ideas will definitelys try the whole salt waterMC c thing
While inhaling :
I'm conscious of wiping the bottle before inhaling or handing off to another person. Definitely helps
Cotton balls in an orange medicine script bottle seems to do the trick and you can always refill as are into it.. (Definitely has been the best trick to date)send
That DIY tip- buddy mind creating a DYI video? cuz I totally got overwhelmed just from reading your directions. Please& thanks
A gas mask w/ hose and canister - ok I this once year ago and it was AWESOME! However the equipment was not mine and never really looked up where to purchase that equipment. Hot scene though!
Lol said on Fri, 29 Dec 2017 at 07:30...
Ugh thank god I'm not the only one who have had this problem I thought it was something else. Some friend of mine made me sniff some poppers with him just for fun and he SPILT the bottle all over my nose! I look like a burn victim
Ineedfisting said on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 at 13:16...
Use your lube arsejuise etc to lather the outside and inside of your nose don't inhale real hard,along with the other mentioned wipe the top of the bottle etc. and just love it
Ineedfisting said on Sun, 31 Dec 2017 at 13:23...
I did forget to mention keep it cold(far longer and better lasting I have an ice bucket to put mind in between hits )and if your real keen net search popper training porn
Righel said on Sun, 7 Jan 2018 at 06:02...
I got it the first time many years ago.
Since I did not know what it was I did not treat it right and it actually evolved to something similar to chicken-pox and the only thing that stopped it was antibiotics.
Now I learned that zinkpaste is very effective directly after so I have a tube in my bag just in case always
Though I also experienced more burns the longer the bottle have been opened so that is definitely something I need to research, got some great tips here so hope that the zinkpaste will help someone as well
Nova2 said on Sat, 3 Feb 2018 at 10:54...
Just liberally dab some Vaseline around your nostril before your session. As long as you're not hoofing so much up your nose that you rub all of the Vaseline off then you'll be fine. Even if you do, reapply.
Genuinely better than looking like Hitler - I really hope that no one tried to do that.
whistleblower said on Sat, 24 Feb 2018 at 21:28...
Use a tube into the bottle, not the liquid ( a Sinus drenched in poppers can make your eyes water and might make your nose a no-go place for breath for a while) and sniff through that.
Try to avoid plastic though, because it can react and possibly cause toxins. Aluminium, or stainless steel. Some pens, propelling pencils, etc., have bodies that are suitable, or glass tubes can be used, if available.
Tycus said on Sat, 3 Mar 2018 at 11:31...
- Yes to the script bottle and cotton ball trick.
- No to the burns, the "Oh this on my upper lip? Razor got me!" bullshit
Will said on Sun, 4 Mar 2018 at 23:01...
I have burns now under the nose. Looks like cold sores. Hide and heel makeup stick should sort it for work. How long do they last? Taught me a lesson. Old poppers. Bin them.
Poppers Pete said on Sat, 31 Mar 2018 at 13:50...
I like poppers when doing tame stuff with guys in cruising pubs and saunas. I have had burns on occasions, have some this morning from last night's misdemeanors, I have now binned the bottle, I had had it for ages I think throwing old bottle away after no more than a month and buying new the answer. Also gives opportunity to try different brands. Purple haze for example literally causes you to see the brand nsme on the.bottle lol. Will also try putting vaseline on first too, try prevention rather than cure. The diy ideas sound good, but I am a ham-fisted old poof lol, so too complex for me.
FNLN said on Mon, 9 Apr 2018 at 18:31...
I've had good luck with what I refer to as touch discipline - if my finger touches the top of the bottle it doesn't touch other skin, as I've found just the residual amount that remains on my fingertip after plugging the top of the bottle between hits is enough to cause a burn on the side of my nose when I close one nostril to inhale.
Also applying coconut oil to my nose and upper lip makes for a good last resort (inevitably I forget the above and end up touching my nose mid-season) and protects my skin from vapor with particularly strong bottles.
JockJacker said on Thu, 12 Apr 2018 at 20:42...
I’ve always thought that the burns were from my nose touching the rim of the bottle. So I’ve started inhaling through my mouth only. But I still get the fucking burns on my nose! I have no idea why. The trick that has worked best for me is to apply some lip balm to the skin around my nostrils. It doesn’t totally prevent it but it’s not nearly as bad. And you don’t look like I may try the drinking straw trick too. I’m glad this forum exists.
Lou said on Fri, 20 Apr 2018 at 16:43...
So happy this forum exists! I too have found the older the bottle, the worse the burn. I seen a video on YouTube awhile back, the guy suggested pouring a little into a cotton ball & putting it into one of those drink bottles with the straw that folds, no burns & you save fumes when you fold the straw. Works pretty good. Will definitely try some of the ideas listed here too. Sometimes I just get too horned up & go straight for the bottle & get it too close to my nose.
Also, in my experience, the bigger bottles are not really worth it. You would think you're getting a better deal, but in my experience they lose their potency quicker than the small bottles.
Incognito said on Mon, 28 May 2018 at 03:53...
I now use a ballpoint pen lid; tapered end in nostril (you may have to pierce a hole) and wider end in bottle. Bend the clip fastener horizonatally so it stops going in too deep. I no longer getting any burns.
Louis said on Tue, 29 May 2018 at 00:27...
I use a nipple of a nirsing bottle. Cut the top of the nipple a little bit, and push into your nose. It looks funny, but once you suck popper through nipple’s connection part of bottle, you can feel the vapor directly into your nostril. I think it works with just a dallar shop’s one. Sorry mom
Ree said on Mon, 11 Jun 2018 at 01:14...
Thanks for all the tips on how to avoid popper burns in future. I have just been burnt under the nose by poppers. Intiaaly I have been putting Vaseline/ lip balm/ paw paw ointment.. during the course of the night blisters started developing and it was feeling very irritated. I started reading forums about it and realised despite me cleaning the area throughly, any chemical residue was actually being held onto my skin as the Vaseline was creating a seal around my skin to keep the chemicals there which is why during the course of the night it got worse.
I wiped of all the Vaseline and instead put Savlon on it which is an over the counter anti-septic cream. It immediately felt soothing and after a couple of hours the blisters had gone down and the area had started drying out.
Finally some helpful advice as opposed to telling people you can do nothing but wait and just not to take them in the first place. Super unhelpful once the damage is done folks.
So there you have it Salvon antiseptic cream will heal and soothe your popper burn quickly.
No One said on Thu, 14 Jun 2018 at 17:10...
Use Vaseline or other as barrier, Wipe bottle top, use new bottles only and do so carefully, wash nose immediately after.
Once my nose is burned and peeling it seems to continues to do so for some time.
Thomas said on Fri, 22 Jun 2018 at 02:05...
I am finding that with some nostrils get this sticky gooey feel...even if I try wash off the poppers after use. Not sure why there is residue.The burns tend to show up a couple days later. Not sure what to do...perhaps retire use there certain brands better than others or are they all.made in same batch and bottled separately.
Gaybottom said on Sun, 8 Jul 2018 at 16:11...
I ride a 10 inch dildo,along with poppers and a little beer for an ass gasm,I'm addicted to poppers and and a huge cock..they go hand in hand. .but I need to stop the burn. ..
Word said on Fri, 10 Aug 2018 at 15:29...
Recently, probably because the bottle was old, I was getting red itchy areas on my weiner! I thought it was an STD but realized it was more likely from getting the residue on my fingers then jacking off right away. Since the bottle still has a kick, I figured I'd use it til it ran out because I'm cheap anyway lol. But I'll ditch this and see what a new bottle does. Also have the peeling nostrils
Ariel said on Tue, 21 Aug 2018 at 13:30...
I agree with No One.
Use Vaseline to create a nice layer (not too thin) on your nostrils.
Always wipe the bottle top before coming into contact.
After sex, gently rinse the vaseline off with soap and pat dry. Should be good!
Does anyone remember the 'good old days' when poppers did not burn your nose and were made from real Amyl?
boo said on Wed, 12 Sep 2018 at 10:21...
Poppers go off, when they are a month old they will burn, new bottle will not, to make the old bottle fresh again top it up with 99% isopropyl alcohol.
Rafael said on Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 21:32...
I have been using a pomade like the ones used for babies in their groin, to avoid irritation. In America a pomade like A+D can do the job (or any other that has zinc oxid in the formula). You just have to put that on your nose after using poppers and sleep with it. It has been working for me.
Anonymous said on Wed, 10 Oct 2018 at 02:44...
Hello !
Please suggest a solution as i get this easily .. initially the skin turns a little red, Painful and when it starts healing the skin starts getting worn off which i am keep to pull .. as it looks bad skin coming out around the nose .
popsiqueen said on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 at 14:44...
This is what you do! go to ebay and search 'poppers lid' someone has designed a nozzle to go onto your poppers bottle so no liquid touches you at all. genius
popsiqueen said on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 at 14:55...
I realised most of you may be from the USA and the ebay product is on the UK version- which is fine because they post there too. thought i would be a kindly neighbor and get the direct link for you.
Cumbump said on Mon, 22 Oct 2018 at 04:27...
Are there any that burn less?
I cut the finger of a rubber glove put it over the bottle, cut the tip off, works pretty well.
RadS said on Sat, 29 Dec 2018 at 05:58...
Have ordered a set of aromatherapy tubes through Amazon...will report the results as soon as I know. Grew tired of the Hitler tape approach.
JJB said on Wed, 20 Feb 2019 at 01:58...
Use cavilon cream or cavilon spray on your nose before using poppers. They’re barrier cream/ film that will protect your skin from getting irritated. Thoroughly rinse your nose with water after use. Then apply some moisturiser and a silicone-based anti-scar gel around affected areas. If it’s really red and you have to go public, use liquid foundation/ concealer then set it with a powder foundation. Severe cases shouldn’t last no more than 3 days following this regime. But usually clears 1-2 days. Have fun! I’ve also used my trusted lip balm by Nuxe (honey based, honey has antibacterial and healing properties) which is quite effective as well. But no one wants to see a glossy nose so cover it up.
NPA said on Sun, 31 Mar 2019 at 16:14...
Someone sniffing poppers and sucking my dick, simply burned my penis head. Now after 4 months, the texture of my dicks head wich contacted with poppers is different, and if someone just jerk me or suck me, now it gets red again and if I fuck, it gets very red and I think I simply fucked my skin forever. I will go to visit a dermatologist this week and no one is going to suck my dick while sniffing this shit again.
KH said on Sat, 20 Apr 2019 at 05:17...
The same thing that NPA mentioned seemed to happen to me. A guy inhaled poppers orally and then sucked my dick. I noticed a redness on the head of my penis just a minute after we were done. It has now been over a month and the redness/burning sensation has not went away. Is there anything I can do about this?
LJ said on Wed, 29 May 2019 at 14:37...
I dipped a cigarette end into the poppers and then took the cigarette out of the jar. There was about 1/2 inch of fluid on the smoke. I then pulled on the UNLIT cigarette. It was super intense but I'm suffering side effects. I think I have infected my lungs from doing this. Any else have issues doing it this way? I can hear popping/wheezing when I breath in, coughing up a ton of stuff, and I cannot smoke a regular cigarette because it hurts my lungs too much.
Eric TX said on Thu, 11 Jul 2019 at 20:43...
I used poppers with no issues for years. Then about a year ago I got the dreaded ring around my nose. It took me a few more times to figure out any of the brands would cause them. I had read about Double Scorpio. The creator of the product experienced the same issue with burning. Decided to try them by first putting a drop under my wrist. No reaction!!! I then took the leap and sniffed them. No more burns!!!! If your skin reacts to poppers I recommend this brand.
b8tor said on Mon, 22 Jul 2019 at 20:14...
wow, so glad to find this forum. Have used poppers for years and only recently have i been getting nose burns. Had just healed up and after 1 short session, i am burned again. ill try some of the tips i found here and hope for the bets. i have tried vaseline and other various creams under my nose but they dont help. new and old bottle get same results.
i like the idea of cotton in a presciption bottle. ill try that next. there must be a better way,
RadS said on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 12:45...
Eureka! All you have to do is buy a cheap little set of plastic nasal inhalers through Amazon. Drill a hole in an old poppers lid, attached the inhaler over the hole with picture mounting tape and bingo you've got yourself a poppers inhaler that will not burn your nostrils. I've been using this invention for 6 months and I guarantee it works!
RadS said on Thu, 15 Aug 2019 at 12:52...
Note: the hole you drill should be as close to the diameter as the nasal inhaler as possible. After attaching with the mounting tape it is, of course, necessary to carefully cut away the interior diameter of the mounting tape using an exacto knife or the like. The tape seems to need to be replaced about every 3 months or so. Stronger versions of the tape are available at Home Depot.
Anonymous said on Wed, 21 Aug 2019 at 11:37...
How long after using the poppers does the burn appear? My boyfriend has his nose peeling and he is blaming something he did last Friday. It's Wednesday today...
NYCQns said on Mon, 2 Sep 2019 at 23:34...
Had a hook up with a usual dude and I was laying with my back on bed and him well fucking me and he sniffed popped held it to my nose (while still fucking) and it spilled bottle touched my nose and the rest spilled on upper lip. I had to spit it out and had a rag nearby so i wiped it off, big mistake should’ve washed it off. After fucking continuously and using popper I noticed the discoloration which was obvious so I covered it up as a cold. Nose got red, far more than my tan skim color. Began to dry and peel. Vaseline helped but not enough as Aquaphor. That healed better and quicker despite having to wear it and apply it continuously. Now when playing with my big dildos I just 1-apply aquaphor or Vaseline through rise of popper 2- wipe rim of popper in case my nose touches it. 3-inhale gently to get the vapor withought pulling the liquid with pressure. 4- if needed I’ll use a thin cloth like piece (ofChicopee sport towel) to inhale from that mesh. So far so good but the discoloration is still there. I grew my mustache and goatee to cover it up but def gonna see a dermatologist to see if there is an ointment for discoloration :/ def toning down on the use of it
Popadom Jack said on Mon, 18 Nov 2019 at 19:52...
I got nostril burn because it touched the wet rim of the bottle. Best to dry first with a tissue, then sniff
Tre Machiatto said on Fri, 29 Nov 2019 at 07:16...
Hey there. I found Petroleum Jelly to be the secret. I rub a little bit on my nostrils before using poppers, and again afterwards. It definitely works for me and hopefully it does for you as well. Another thing I try to do as much as possible is wipe the tip of the bottle before inhaling to minimize the amount of liquid that gets on skin. Try the petroleum jelly and hopefully it works for you like it does for me.
Just my advice said on Thu, 5 Dec 2019 at 10:07...
When you get lower use a sock and pen stretch over and pop a hole or two
Advice said on Mon, 9 Dec 2019 at 19:18...
I rub Vaseline around my nostrils and under my nose this really helps cut down the burn
Love the High but not the burn said on Tue, 31 Dec 2019 at 12:01...
As a popper lover, I can say I have been burnt a lot. One lucky night I was playing around with an ex porn star, and he shared a little trick with me that I have used for years now.
He suggested that I find a glass spice jar with a screw on lid and a pepper shaker top with holes. I think my jar was for paprika, Fill the jar with cotton balls, and half of the poppers liquid. Put the lids back on and wait for the cotton to absorb the liquid. All I have to do now while fooling around, is unscrew the lid and breath in the aroma threw my mouth without ever getting burned again. I also have the choice of taking off the pepper shaker top and sticking my nose into the jar and take some long deep inhales.
The whole thing looks like a 4 inch high poppers bottle. And if I keep the lid tightly on it and keep it in a cool place, I get a high from it for weeks. If you need more of a kick, put more liquid in the jar.
damnkid said on Mon, 20 Jan 2020 at 14:49...
Hi, i just burn my skin using popper under my nose. Any1 know how much time willl cost to take again the color of my skin? im scared u_u
Frankster said on Thu, 21 May 2020 at 16:34...
An old boyfriend kept his poppers in the freezer to avoid the problem of burns which get worse as the poppers age.
Dandan said on Tue, 28 Jul 2020 at 18:07...
Got burned underneath my nose it blistered at first then peeled off, it’s still pretty red tho, doesn’t hurt it’s just pigmentation I do see it’s gettin a little lighter but it’s been a week and a half and still pretty red and noticible, do any of you know how long it takes for it to completely go away?
Brady said on Thu, 17 Sep 2020 at 02:17...
I burnt some on my cheek on my face and it’s been 8 months and still looks a little red but looks like a scar too. Will it go away?
RadS said on Sun, 27 Sep 2020 at 19:40...
Have any of you guys tired my nasal inhaler trick yet? I've been doing it for 2 years and have had zero burns! I keep one for me and another bottle (unmodified) for when I have a friend over.
NotADoctor said on Mon, 30 Nov 2020 at 22:07...
I got a crazy DIY trick for a super strong hot with zero burns. Take some cardboard tube (like from a toilet roll), cut it in half. Also cut a groove out for your nose, as you’re going to apply this tube to your nose. Now take one of those mask we have to wear now for COVID, and dab some poppers on it (still working on the best way to do this, maybe pipette?). Apply the mask over the your face with the tube on it, harnessing the mask behind your ears as normal. When you breath through the tube, you’ll get a strong hit, and won’t stop til you take the mask off. The point of the tube is to keep separation between the poppers covered mask and your face. Probs should say I’m not doctor and do not recommend people try this... but god damnnn
John said on Thu, 17 Dec 2020 at 17:13...
Just tried the spice jar it works so well.
Breathe straight into your mouth...know more nose burn
Juan said on Tue, 26 Jan 2021 at 03:16...
My concern is - i don’t get burns. pig juice has touched my nostrils and spilled on my fingers but i don’t get injured. is this an indicator of fake poppers (though they work on me good). should they always burn in contact?
UglyNose said on Fri, 19 Mar 2021 at 04:58...
I have a bad nose rash and I’m sure it’s because of poppers. I’m using cortisone10 to treat. Anyone know how long it will last before it’s gone?
Cay said on Wed, 28 Apr 2021 at 22:11...
Hey guys so just a tip from a little ol NY gay but I just put a condom over the bottle and cut the tip off. Get the non lubricated kind. It will keep the bottle from making contact with your nostrils and will catch any splash back
Gla_lnr said on Tue, 18 May 2021 at 19:26...
Similar to the condom method- cut the neck bit off a balloon (about 2cm of it) to create a ‘tube’ and put it over the opening of the bottle. Done. Fits tightly, cheap/reuse-able and you can still grip the bottle no problem. Totally changed my poppers experience, would recommend.
El Ree said on Tue, 27 Jul 2021 at 11:13...
@NotADoctor I had to read three times to get the gist of what you were trying to say. But I get it now; and it sounds like an idea! I like the 'hands-free' aspect. Nothing worse than having to mess around with a unscrewing that bottle when you already got your hands full.
P4u2 said on Tue, 31 Aug 2021 at 11:58...
Hey guys got online and buy the flip top for poppers and or the nostril extender - they are inexpensive and solve all the problems
Adrie said on Wed, 1 Dec 2021 at 01:58...
How about throat burn or pharyngitis due to nasal inhalation? Any remedies, please?
Adrie said on Wed, 1 Dec 2021 at 01:59...
I did not have nasal irritation/dermatitis. But my throat, the base of the throat really hurt. I've got difficulty swallowing due to pain.
420Poppers said on Sat, 12 Mar 2022 at 01:01...
Its weird I used to get burns ALL the time on my nostrils and after years of use I no longer get them. I don't have callouses or anything like that either. Poppers just dont cause the skin on my nose to burn anymore and I'm not exactly sure why. I still huff the same way too. Anyone else experience this?

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