US made poppers
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by popeye
on Wed, 6 Jul 2016 at 09:55
popeye said on Wed, 6 Jul 2016 at 09:55...
Right just wanted people's opinions on poppers made is America compared to European Formula's , seems there made from isobutyl but I've read in posts people looking for good poppers in America before , does this mean there unreliable or weak ? Do they prefer European formulas ?
beer chaser said on Wed, 6 Jul 2016 at 14:33...
I have read that poppers sold in many stores might not made in the US, but in China. It seems their r a whole bunch of people claiming that they should make Rush:
The legal stuff is confusing so I am not sure what it all means.
Mothers Polishes Waxes Cleaners - could be the guys behind the solid rush in the tin?? If you go to the old site it sells incense sticks and shirts.
SureValley said on Wed, 6 Jul 2016 at 21:13...
The solid Rush in the tin is made by Push Productions in Austria Europe and has nothing to do with the real Rush from PWD, After PWD closed in 2010 a pharmaceutical company in Prague Czech Republic registered the name Rush in the EU again, they started the production of Rush EU formula made of propyl , in 2013 they moved from Prague to Push Prod. in Vienna Austria, For the record: All the Rush that is available in the EU is not genuine PWD Rush.
Velvet Master said on Sat, 9 Jul 2016 at 09:52...
It is not just from China...and those guys have an inventory that includes just about any brand you can think of and then some! There is also a lot of a formula called cyclohexyl (?) and that is widespread in the is total garbage and widely recognized as the very worst. I think that it has some of the qualities of old poppers like really strong smelling and such. Like a 10 dollar ho dressed up as Britney Spears Probably some of the bottles that say isob are actually this...or a mix! It is a cheaper type of chemical and there is something about the alcohol base that is beyond my understanding that guys mention as well.
Han said on Sun, 17 Jul 2016 at 09:31...
I have tried several websites, and turn out that when my skin touched by the liquid, buring and peeling will happen after.
Any suggestion for real isobutyl that can ship to US?
Poppers said on Sat, 19 May 2018 at 14:15...
In the USA poppers are only IBN and cyclohexyl/ you can buy them only as Solvents, Clock Cleaners. Not Liquid Incense, which was the original Rush from Pac-West Distributing. They are sold as not for human consumption, i.e inhalation, as this is prohibited via The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. Older popular formulas were banned.
@han said on Fri, 18 Oct 2019 at 13:44... is a USA company that sells USA isobutyl products. I’ve purchased from then many times

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