rize - 4poppers USA
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by saggy balls
on Tue, 29 Apr 2014 at 13:42
saggy balls said on Tue, 29 Apr 2014 at 13:42...
Greetings fellow Americans. I'm planning on giving rize - 4poppers another try. Can any of you recommend some quality brands that they are putting out now ?
Delvecchio1981 said on Wed, 30 Apr 2014 at 03:51...
Plain Brown, Locker Room, Hardware, and Jungle Juice. Probably in that order, too.
saggy balls said on Wed, 30 Apr 2014 at 12:34...
Thanks dude. It just seems like its hard to find consistantly good product anymore. Brand A might be great the first order. And then extremely weak the next order. That's just the way it is I suppose
. But thanks for your suggestions.
Delvecchio1981 said on Thu, 1 May 2014 at 03:09...
I first ordered from them in 2010 and have never had a bad experience. For the past year, I've been getting stuff from uspopshop and have not complaints there either.
NY health shop said on Wed, 7 May 2014 at 13:30...
email me ny.health.shop@gmail.com.... I have for sale...
chris said on Thu, 15 May 2014 at 21:13...
I just got a big bottle of english popper pretty good have not got into the bottle of xtc pop
Zoey said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 16:41...
Hello everyone,
I am original rush poppers with Hologram supplier from China.
Rush poppers 10ML is $1.55/bottles for USA customers which ship by HKEMS.
I hope you can buy my products .
Please add my skype:linlicai406700424
my email:406700424@qq.com
It will be my great honor to be your rush poppers supplier.
Wholesale said on Tue, 26 May 2015 at 18:54...
Hello Everyone!
Genuine Isobutyl Nitrate, not that cheap china stuff.
We sell directly too stores and now are able to take customer orders!
We carry all the popular brands! Rush, Super Rush, Jungle Juices, Amsterdam, Pig Sweat, Blue Boy! And we also can take special orders for other popular items such as Locker Room, Quick Silver, HardWare, Bolt, Crypt Tonight and much more!!!
We are located in the US.
We ship to U.S & Canada
If interested in hearing more drop me an email;
kristiankaras@rocketmail.com or give me a call!
knottyfellow said on Thu, 7 Jan 2016 at 02:13...
You shouldn't order jungle juice black in the small bottles, I'm sure that they used a generic recipe, every small bottle I have isn't very potent, yet their other jungle juice holds their own vs original jjplat. JJblack has always been strong if it was legit, but those small black bottles... I cannot speak for. I haven't been feeling their potency.
I wouldn't recommend hardware or any generic brands that are bundled along major names, like jjplus, or anything not rush. Just go for the ones that are name brand. Feel free to test out the lower brand stuff though as I can't speak for those off brands, some might have higher potency but be wary.

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