what happened with PWD
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Porcino
on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 at 15:19
Porcino said on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 at 15:19...
you guys know what happened with pwd out of indiana? i bought poppers from for years and now nothing! what gives
The Rush Hour said on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 at 17:43...
Short version. Owner committed suicide. Another online retailer took over. Online retailer had some issues dropped PWD(As of right now PWD brands are defunct - very few sites have PWD brands left) and started a new line called Get Smart that no one likes because its not isobutyl but cyclopentyl or something. The rest is just fluff but that's the basic run down on PWD.
Jako said on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 at 19:43...
Sadly, Joe Miller ended his own life after USA laws changed in 2010 when butyl was banned and his business 'PWD' was shut down.
Since then The Get Smart Brigade have tried to cash in on the void by selling garbage like: Propyl, Pentyl in order to cash in.
Sven said on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 at 21:39...
USA laws changed in 2010
what laws were changed?
The Rush Hour said on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 at 00:28...
The laws never changed and isobutyl was never banned. Where do people get this stuff? Do they blatantly just make it up or what?
Blue Moon said on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 at 07:36...
after USA laws changed in 2010
when butyl was banned
his business 'PWD'
PWD was NOT his business then
Do they blatantly just make it up or what?
Sure. Since the dude checked out he has many new friends who know stuff. Other bullshit: J sold rush brand to china
Jako said on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 at 09:01...
Butyl was indeed banned by the European Union in 2007 after scientists tested it on rats (one of them eventually died).
This conclusion must have influenced the US government, or was the forced closure of PWD in 2010 a coincidence?
Skeet said on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 at 12:00...
Ahhhh I see what happened here. Jako just turned his speculation into fact.
The EU ban "must have influenced the US government"?
I'd like a source,unless,its just an assumption you made.
The Rush Hour said on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 at 16:50...
Surely you must have documentation for all these fun facts or were you just blowing people in the Harding Street Bathroom and over heard some things in the next stall?
First US Laws changed. Then got called out then switches well EU Laws most certainly did change! Same story with the banning IBN You can not make this stuff up folks!!
Jako said on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 at 19:56...
Rush Hour:
Glad you agree with me on the Transatlantic law changes. Some people here don't, and still think butyl is still legal and above board. ???
The documentation is not visible, as it is suppressed information which is not available to the public and could upset the gay community.
The Rush Hour said on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 at 20:50...
I haven't agreed to anything you said. Mainly because you what you say is not happening. US laws never changed. Isoboutyl Nitrite was never banned for uses such as cleaning supplies in the US. Your the one who brought up US situation then it was funny how you switched from US to EU-- You got called out pure plain and simple!! Nod and move on!
Spittin' Hick said on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 at 21:08...
The documentation is not visible, as it is suppressed information
true! it's writ in code like them hiroglifics in macho pichoo
Five-O said on Wed, 23 Apr 2014 at 21:18...
Well, something has changed, hasn't it?
"Someone" forces the manufacturers to produce a different formula, don^t "they"?
IBN is now a hard to find product, isn't it?
In the end, it doesn't really matter who did what, or who was first.
It's as simple as that, innit?
The Rush Hour said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 05:19...
IBN is not hard to find : ) He is talking about the US read the 3rd post. Typing in all caps really doesn't change facts he stated IBN was banned in the US due to US laws changing. Have a good day now. : )
The Hush Hour said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 05:21...
5^ Spitting get out you secret decoder ring!
Jako said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 08:57...
Five-O: Absolutely right, something has indeed changed.
If people were not having extreme difficulty getting hold of butyl this forum wouldn't exist, as everybody would be happy.
Also the multitude of 'scam popper sites' wouldn't exist.
Five-O said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 08:58...
Oh, I read all the posts. And the one line in capitals was to emphasize the foregoing lines in that post, whose statements I call facts, thank you very much. I live in Europe, so the situation is pretty clear isn't it? As for those who live in the US, well... Reading this forum, there seems to be an awful lot of people in the US desperately looking for IBN.
Please tell me: why's that?
"5^ Spitting get out you secret decoder ring!"
What does this line mean? I do understand the words, but I can't seem to comprehend the meaning. Any thoughts?
Five-O said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 09:15...
Ta, Jako
101st Chairborne said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 11:03...
Jako said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 08:57.. <-------------<
Five-O said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 08:58... <------------<
You guys live together? like Batman and Robin? I live in Europe: in a cave or what?
Jako said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 11:29...
101st Chairborne:
Nothing wrong with guys pissing in the same pot.....
Roughy647 said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 12:01...
"Reading this forum, there seems to be an awful lot of people in the US desperately looking for IBN. Please tell me: why's that?"
My guess is they're not very good at shopping around,maybe ordering from EU sites that only carry propyl? Isobutyl is legal but the US market is still flooded with the other nitrites.
One of those people with shitty shopping skills would be Five-O. I read in another post you're trying to buy pentyl from some place who specifically states they sell isopropyl. Genius
Five-O said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 12:40...
Roughy647: about your last passage; please do your own research on the subject matter, before you call someone genius, genius! I may have my reason of insights, as to do so.
Oh, and let's not forget, you opened your first original passsage with: "My guess is...", which isn't very convincing...
Besides, why sould the US market be flooded with other nitrites, when the presumable majority of users prefer IBN? Especially with IBN's availability, all other nitrites sooner or later would be rendered obsolete, wouldn't they? That would be how markets work, if I'm not terribly mistaken. BUT instead, all other formulas entered the stage when IBN got rare.
Therefore: the original question still stands!
101st Chairborne: I saw that the moment after I posted that, er, post. Seems like we were simultaniously writing/posting the obvious.
Funny, innit? I'm laughing my arse off - really, I am...
Blue Moon said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 16:38...
all other formulas entered the stage when IBN got rare.
That's complete bullshit to start with.
The Rush Hour said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 17:33...
Fact remains you can buy IBN from many retailers in the US. I can name five without even looking around. Really people can't find IBN in the US, really? I think some people are just too daft to continue debating this with.
This is comical though so please continue so we can least get a good chuckle?
Aroma Boy - Jen Ray
Rush Poppers US
PWD Polish Remover
Real Poppers
saggyballs said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 17:37...
All I want to know is, if IBN was never banned here in the US, why are the majority of US poppers makers turning out such lousy product ?
saggyballs said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 17:48...
If nothing has changed. And nothing has been banned. Why is all of this supposed IBN based product here in America weak garbage ?
Blue Moon said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 17:51...
Where you from, saggyballs?
saggyballs said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 20:00...
Jako said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 20:16...
Beware the 'get smart brigade' with their Propyl and Pentyl formulas hidden on the label.
When it arrive you will flush it down the toilet where it belongs.
Something has changed said on Wed, 18 Jun 2014 at 17:34...
Cost has gone way up and the quality way down. Get really bad headaches, runny nose, and product goes to shit after one use
Dannyb0i said on Wed, 23 Jul 2014 at 01:38...
The Rush Hour said on Thu, 24 Apr 2014 at 17:33...
Fact remains you can buy IBN from many retailers in the US. I can name five without even looking around. Really people can't find IBN in the US, really? I think some people are just too daft to continue debating this with.
This is comical though so please continue so we can least get a good chuckle?
Aroma Boy - Jen Ray
Rush Poppers US
PWD Polish Remover
Real Poppers
So, Rush Hour, if I buy from one of these companies, are you gonna refund my money if they turn out to be Cyclo-headache-nose blistering-hexyl bullshit? As mentioned before by everybody, if Isobutyl was readily available, this forum would be quiet. The only bottle I have seen labled IBN in several years was one particular USPS formula, and It didn't pack the punch that the old PWD IBN stuff did.
Confused said on Fri, 15 Aug 2014 at 01:48...
It is really odd that there is so much animosity here. It seems like most people just want to know where to buy stuff that isn't so shitty. It has definitely become clear that getting a good bottle of poppers here in the USA is quite difficult. Can anyone please list where to get anything that is actual quality poppers? Thanks
OT said on Thu, 21 Aug 2014 at 06:56...
Our theatre has not been able to get anything other than that Get Smart crap for a few months. I think our distributor is taking advantage of the long standing arrangement with us to foist off the remaining fake crap in his inventory because I had a customer the other day who said he had just bought some real shit. He had it with him and said it was available again as of a few weeks ago. Ideas?
PWD Brands said on Fri, 19 Sep 2014 at 23:25...
Beware of the flood of fake China product. Genuine PWD will have a 2014 copyrighted label.
DeeStack said on Thu, 2 Oct 2014 at 14:47...
if Isobutyl was readily available, this forum would be quiet.
IBN is available and the world is full of big mouth dickwads so wrong twice
lina said on Mon, 4 May 2015 at 17:06...
Hi dear friend ,
Hope you have a nice day .
I am original rush poppers with Hologram supplier from China.
Rush poppers 10ML is $1.52/bottles for USA customers which ship by HKEMS.
If you need to wholesale ,pls contact me .i will give you a lowest price
my skype lina.lin1203
my email:512388976@qq.com
my Viber is 8613028870585
It will be my great honor to be your rush poppers supplier.
Diesel said on Mon, 24 Aug 2015 at 20:04...
Rush seems to have a red cap now??
XtremeSupremeMegaMaximusTurboPowerBottom said on Fri, 19 Feb 2016 at 16:51...
Anyone know where I can get a good deal on decent poppers? Site, price range and brand. Thanx studs
cherry said on Sat, 27 Feb 2016 at 09:41...
cherry said on Sat, 27 Feb 2016 at 09:42...
Check It said on Wed, 16 Mar 2016 at 19:09...
Straighttranny&faggotluvr said on Fri, 8 Apr 2016 at 18:22...
Hey fellow popperbators and cock lovers. I have a dilemma...no clue where to get legit poppers in Orlando, Florida. I used to get good ones at sex shops or head shops but only one head shop in casselberry still carries and its def not the original formula, ingredients are not even listed and its noticeably not the same.
Please please please help, my cock and asshole ache for good poppers!
Duardo said on Thu, 14 Jul 2016 at 10:14...
Try epoppers.com (diverts you to their new website). They are in Texas and have PWD brand. (They even ship out of the same post office that I use...LOL!) Hardware is my personal favorite. If you buy 1, they send you 1 free....your choice...so try something different unless you know what you like. If you buy 4, they send you the one freebie you want, plus a freebie of their choosing. Actually makes better sense to just order 1 at a time since you get 2 for the price of 1....and not 6 for the price of 4. Their new site is up and running. No credit cards, but they can do echeck.
SAURABH RAJ said on Fri, 9 Sep 2016 at 14:48...
knock said on Fri, 27 Apr 2018 at 08:28...
I do not think so. You are more likely a poppers dealer from India. PWD are now in Nevada aren't they?
ANON said on Thu, 3 Oct 2019 at 16:08...
www.thepopperking.com sells PWD products and they are very good to deal with.
Anonymous said on Fri, 22 Apr 2022 at 20:51...
Hey ANon I just ordered from them after they merged their toronto poppers website with thepopperking. I ordered their party pack 4 days ago and just got it. I am almot certain this is genuine Isobutyl and it had PWD company labelling as well as the red cap for small bottles and the holographic for 30ml bottle caps. 4 bottles for $100 and no sketchy overpriced vendor these guys are legit.

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