Hard to breathe the next day. Why?
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by BellyInflator
on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 at 20:54
BellyInflator said on Wed, 24 Jul 2013 at 20:54...
Has anyone else experienced this before?
It's always hurting me to take deep breaths, the morning after I do poppers. I thought it was just that I had overdone it one time, but I gave it a good two months without any poppers to heal, tried again last night, and I can't breathe properly today.
I've experimented with 3 different brands, and they all do this. It started when I bought the three. the first two bottles I ever did (before I bought these three) didn't seem to have this effect. I need to try the first two again, but I thought i would post here to see if anyone knows about why this happens. Are some people more sensitive to a certain kind of popper (active ingredient)?
PJ said on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 at 07:20...
When you say "the morning after I do poppers" do you mean that it is a major event? I was wondering if perhaps you might be a bit excessive. No offence please that's up to you but in my opinion, given that in the historic form they should really only be used once at a time, I wonder if this poppers effect might be down to that. Really if you have such a reaction you should ask yourself are poppers that important?
BellyInflator said on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 at 09:34...
Thanks for the response.
Yeah, when i do poppers, i generally do them at night. I wake up in the morning with difficulty taking deep breaths, and it lasts all day. usually back to 100% the day after that or the third day.
I usually only use 1 popper bottle (not the whole bottle, I mean to say one kind) per night. Idk if this is excessive: About 4-5 deep sniffs with nostril against the rim of the bottle. I might do that 2 or maybe 3 times in one night, separated 10-15 min apart. What do you think? Too excessive? One night, for testing, I only took 3 sniffs the whole night, and had the problem the following morning, but it was very very mild.
Are poppers important? I'd give them up if I can't figure out this problem, but they are a lot of fun.
I'm just wondering if maybe these three new bottles I got use a different active ingredient, and my body doesn't like it. Probably gonna order some more of the stuff i bought the first time.
Let's see here... first two bottles I had were Rush (Isobutyl), and Taiwan Blue (Isobutyl). Had no problems with those.
The other 3 give me problems: Jungle Juice Black Label Extreme Formula (Alykl), Classic English NPR (Isobutyl), and Volt Electric Blue Formula (says mix of Isobutyl and other nitrites)
Damn, I was hoping the 3 bad ones had different ingredients from the first two i tried without a problem... but no. Still thinking about ordering Rush again right about now..
PJ said on Fri, 26 Jul 2013 at 20:36...
IMHO 1 bottle is excessive, yes. You may of course you may even have an underlying health problem and they are exacerbating it. I have no idea, sorry. I can tell you though I once had an iron deficiency and that caused exactly the same thing you mention.
To be honest I was never a fan of isobutyl nitrite. It is the aroma of 1980s clubs....I remember the rooms being pungent with it. I have never heard of Classic English NPR (what does NPR mean?) or Volt Electric. When you say mix...does it say it contains cycohexyl?
BellyInflator said on Sat, 27 Jul 2013 at 06:30...
Sorry, no... I don't do a whole bottle in a night, lol. I do only one type of popper per night.
Iron deficiency, huh.. Hmmm. Seems most of the stuff I've got is isobutyl nitrite. Which do you like best then?
NPR = Nail Polish Remover. Volt doesn't say what other nitrites it has in it, but what's the problem with cycohexyl?
Guyz4fun said on Sat, 27 Jul 2013 at 16:26...
what's the problem with cycohexyl?
newbie nasty...like isopropyl nitrite. old skool like harding street Quicksilver + Bolt now that is pops!!
PJ said on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 at 15:21...
Nail Polish ah! They are all IBN IMHO (abbreviations are cool) All of the stuff is isobutyl...alkyl nitrite is just a word that covers the class of nitrites. Trust me iron deficiency is a real pig of a condition....breathless, very tired etc.
As for you Mr Popperhead ...Harding St is a ref to the old PWD of years gone by? Is it true that one of the Rush USA offshoots is a mix of isob & cycohex now? Someone here was saying so and was not overly pleased. It always seems to me that there are formulas some people like and some people hate. There aint no standard, i.e thats good, that's bad...except if the bottle is off, or just badly made. Some people say that Chinese poppers are wonderful and some say they are a lot of...well...you know
Marshall said on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 at 18:47...
Wow! an ordinary conversation...
BellyInflator said on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 at 23:03...
Haha, ordinary? Is that sarcastic, or are most conversations on this forum weird or not ordinary?
Anyway, I did poppers last night and can breath. It was the English NPR. I sniffed really lightly from about 2 inches away. Maybe I have been overdoing it. Do you guys put nostril against the rim of the bottle?
Marshall said on Tue, 30 Jul 2013 at 20:03...
Everything in moderation Yep I meant weird...there are some personal fights which spill over here and get real weird
There will be side effects it stands to reason, right? I can see Pac West is reaching legendary status, nostalgia??
Wheezer said on Wed, 4 Sep 2013 at 08:17...
Please stop abusing your lungs.
From personal experience, I have reduced breathing capacity after using poppers due to my lungs and air passages swelling as they do during an asthma attack.
The worst time, after visiting an adult book store and sniffing a lot of Rush, I had to rush to a local CVS pharmacy and plead for an asthma inhaler. Luckily I had a prescription on file, otherwise I would of ended up in the emergency room.
...enjoy. Or better yet, don't.
Punkah Wallah said on Sat, 7 Sep 2013 at 15:57...
Thanks. Just goes to show if you have asthma, or any other serious illness, it is not a good idea to start using "a lot of Rush" in a "book store" Who would have known! The other day I went walking on a cliff edge after drinking two bottles of bourbon. It amazes me that there are no warnings put up in public spaces like "Don't go walking here if you are shitfaced" or "If you go into the backroom and bomb yourself up with recreational inhalants you might not feel so good afterwards"
Solomon said on Mon, 9 Sep 2013 at 17:55...
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Wheezer was only sharing his concerns in a polite manner. Now you just crawl back under whichever rock you came from, thanks.
zhabit said on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 at 20:10...
I'm a regular user of popper's. and when i say this, i mean been using a couple of bottles every other month. about 5-6 years ago, me and a former partner would be clapping our hands with excitement after we obtained a bottle, and have one of our most amazing sexual connections with each other and have no problems at all afterwords. But nower days, after sniffing popper's, i too have trouble breathing for a couple of days. I put it down to them changing the ingredient to 'isopropyl'. It hardens any mucase in my lungs, and for the next 2 days i'm coughing up a lung. This also leave's a not too pleasant aroma within my synesis (My spelling is atrocious). I'v just thrown my latest purchase away because i cant put up with it any longer. Does anyone know how to obtain the old skool ingredient, like Amyl?
zhabit said on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 at 20:19...
secondly, Which nitrite were they using about 5-6 years ago?
Miss Mint Julep said on Fri, 18 Oct 2013 at 20:36...
Where do you hail from, zhabit?
NoButReally said on Mon, 21 Oct 2013 at 17:03...
I'm having the same problem as the OP. For a few months (when I started) poppers caused me no problem, but now even with light use (3 light hits in a night) the next day or two are hell.
I suspect that this is an additive, and not the chemical itself. Has anyone found a brand that is good, or a way to purify the liquid?
Popper Expert said on Sun, 9 Feb 2014 at 20:16...
I have been making and using poppers for over 3 years....and I have developed the delayed breathing difficulties as well. I am a medical lab tech and as such, have periodically tested my blood since I starting using poppers. My red blood count has dropped significantly, from 4.5 to 3. Normal is 4.5 to 6.5. A low count causes anemia, fatigue and shortness of breath. Nitrites act as free radicals and damage RBCs. The spleen can cause further damage to RBCs when it tries to recycle the damages ones. Other popper ingredients, such as acid and nitrogen dioxide, can cause respiratory tissue inflammation and distress. So when you combine all the side effects, you will be feeling quite tired and breathless after a session, usually the following day. Minimize duration and frequency.
Monique said on Mon, 10 Feb 2014 at 18:21...
Thank you all for the information. I am new as a Popper Girl and absolutely love the effects. I gave myself a serious asthma attack and have been struggling for 4 weeks to get my lungs back to normal. Damn it!
Junglejuicer said on Wed, 19 Mar 2014 at 23:43...
Hey everybody, yea this sucks. I've used poppers with my ex in the past with no problems but after having night were I've used it excessively I had serious issues breathing the next day and felt like I was going to pass out. This has happened on one other occasion before.
I loved poppers but after I did some light research I didn't think there were any major side effects. I've learned 1st hand that there are and now I'm hesitant to use them lightly since ultimately they're doing no good. It's like having one cigarette a month, it's still not good for you when you do it, and the short euphoria of the poppers is not worth it in my book. I also have this productive cough afterwords for the next two days where I can taste what the poppers smell like, which is telling me it's getting trapped in the mucus somewhere.... no good.
Thanks everybody for posting, I'm glad that I've been able to confirm my suspicions.
Disher said on Fri, 21 Mar 2014 at 01:48...
I'm having pains in my chest and coughing a lot even after 2 weeks of not using it. It started a couple of hours after using it. Wheezing at first then finding it very difficult to breathe. Thought it would have cleared up by now. I read on the NHS website that inhaling toxins etc can cause emphysema. Obviously everyone's body's are different. Gonna have to go to the docs if it doesn't clear up. Becarefull with it people.
Pops said on Wed, 7 May 2014 at 16:48...
I agree poppers are causing more damage than good. I have experienced bad wheezing and breathing problems which lasted a few days following use. The thrill which only lasts a minute or two is not worth all the discomfort and agony you have to face afterwards and talking about sleepless nights. Difficult to breathe as it is let alone when lying down in bed. I'm done with it since the consequences are bad enough.
Popperfan said on Tue, 13 May 2014 at 18:04...
I used poppers frequently between 1991 - 1996 and never had any problems (apart from when I was taking them laid down and spilled half the bottle up my nose - I kid you not, was disgusting and gave me lockjaw for a few mins whilst my ear popped). I would consider myself a heavy user getting through a bottle a weekend no probs maybe 20-30-40 nose to (bottle) rim both nostrils a night.
A few years ago they changed the formula and were much weaker which meant I was having much harder more frequent blasts. Eventually I started getting really wheezy and chesty caughs and loads of mucus for next few days. I also smoke a lot and am not the strongest physical chap in the world and eventually I naturally lost interest in them and quit. Chest killing me. Ended up pouring all my Ottawa away to avoid temptation and never went back.
Last week got myself a bottle and was all excited with my partner. Had a few blasts and they were really good. I mean WOW!!! Reminded me of the old days but without any headaches. The next night I had maybe 20 heavy blasts. The following morning my chest was in agony. Coughing, wheezing, short of breath, ticklish caugh, mucus. My sleep was constantly interrupted for a couple of nights, coughing every few minutes. I held off of them for a couple of days but felt a little better and the next night had three small blasts and boom, back again.
It's definitely something in the poppers that I don't think used to be there. As I say I did them frequently (almost every night and long weekends) for many years with the only effect being a headache (same as you would get if you had too much booze) but now I literally can't touch them without my chest feeling like it's collapsing on me the following day. The problem for me is I love them. I will defo check the iron deficiency aspect , thanks for that info! It's typical though.. They change the formula to protect us from ourselves and end up making them worse.
Swim said on Sun, 1 Jun 2014 at 16:46...
I think ur spot on popperfan that they fucked up the formula..... Used to sniff poppers before 2010 which I think is when they banned the isobutyl and others in the US, and never had a single problem. Stopped using for a year or two, and it was only recently when I tried it again that I've started having respiratory problems with the new ones.
paininmychest said on Mon, 2 Jun 2014 at 13:45...
Just coming in here to chip in that I recently ordered some Amsterdam Special poppers and started to experience some chest pains this morning.
I made my order a few months ago and used it without any issues. Some nights even inhaling more than usual. I normally don't jerk off with poppers but have been doing so more often for the past few weeks, but I have never experienced this chest pain.
That is, until I started to put my poppers in the freezer. I noticed that the Amsterdam was losing it potency and I read up that putting it in the freezer would make it last longer.
last night was the first time I took my poppers out of the freezer. Waited for it to reach room temperature before I went to town and then noticed the tightening chest pains and shortness of breath this morning.
Has anyone who experienced chest pains froze their poppers?
Something's going on said on Thu, 19 Jun 2014 at 21:19...
I've tried 10 different types of poppers, I've experienced the same breathing issue as mentioned above. I take Mucinex for two days after to break up the mucus.
The formula is definitely different and it SUCKS! Anyone know of alternatives. All are bad! PWD companies are the worst.
This never happend with old formulas.
chest hurty said on Mon, 7 Jul 2014 at 20:11...
Im glad I found this site, I used to use poppers in the clubs end, late 80's to end of th 90's, always good ,cheap ,instant high... But not nowadays!... Had a blast the other night, felt good at the time, untill I looked in the mirror, I looked dead, blue lips nails, and face!!!... Felt fine though... Untill the next morning... Can't breathe out, withought almost coughing a lung up, constant wheezing, and fuck me, sod even trying to ride a bike, withought coughing so much, I fell off my bike, in a coughing pile, I actually thought I was going to die ant one point.... What the fuck have they put in it, what was wrong with the old one?.... Anything that does this, is a serious concern..... Think its time to forget poppers now, its got to be a health risk..... Never before have I been so ill....was it with it?....it would of been ok ,had it been the old type.....
chest hurty said on Mon, 7 Jul 2014 at 20:16...
People should be made aware, that this is not the proper poppers, just some new chemical that is making people very ill!.... P.s. Tried again to make sure... Not worth it, cant breathe out again, with blue lips and nails!...
chest hurty said on Tue, 8 Jul 2014 at 23:13...
Went to see GP.... 2 days after session, bronchitis, and severe lung infection.... Fuck this isopropyl crap......
midsy said on Sun, 13 Jul 2014 at 10:05...
Very interesting read.
I only discovered poppers about twelve months ago and have had some amazing masterbation sessions edgig using poppers. Some of the orgasms i have had have been earth shattering.
Some poppers agreed with me and some not but Quicksilver was incredible. I could sniff this for hours and not have any problems. The last month or so my supplier has stopped supplying Quicksilver so i ordered a bottle from a German company.
First thing i noticed was that the label was a darker blue, hmmm i thought maybe fakes and the other difference was that the top had PWD inscribed on it. Then when i opened the bottle it hissed for a second which had never happened before. When i sniffed it it made my eyes water and i could feel the inside of my nostril burning. I had a couple more goes before i gave up and the next morning i had a tickly cough that lasted nearly a week.
What's the deal with poppers today? I may try another brand but caution is the word.
KWT said on Thu, 24 Jul 2014 at 17:02...
So the summary of this thread seems to be that something in poppers has changed that causes more breathing problems than they used to. But some people using some poppers don't have a problem. I wondering if it is clear that it is specific base ingredient that is common (isopropyl) or just some brands. (bad mixtures) Europe banned IBN as a carcinogenic, but they did not mean to promote a substitute. It is irrational to restrict common substances in society so that more harm is occurring than less, but until we all get big brother to pursue a rational policy toward all recreational substances we will have to figure out how to protect ourselves
marcus said on Fri, 22 Aug 2014 at 00:26...
In America they had to change the formula a decade back and I have the same lung reaction with this new concoction. If you buy them from overseas (UK/Netherlands) they are the original formula (or close enough) and I have no problems.
Bearilyyours said on Tue, 26 Aug 2014 at 20:04...
"Old" poppers were amyl nitrate. They'd been prescribed for many years as an emergency vasodilator - in the form of a small glass bullet in a tight fabric sheath that one snapped with their fingers in order to release the vapors - not unlike the "smelling salts" of old.
In the early days of the AIDS epidemic (early 80's) they were (mistakenly) thought to cause the 'gay cancer' - (Kaposi's sarcoma) associated with AIDS. They were found in some research to be carcinogenic and were made illegal in the U.S.
This is when isobutyl products were developed and marketed as room deodorizers, liquid incense, etc. to get around the new law which made selling poppers as an inhalant illegal.
I am not a chemist or scientist but I suspect that all forms of poppers are highly toxic to lung tissue. I have developed COPD (Emphysema) - I was a heavy smoker for many years and also smoked a lot of pot. I used poppers with my sex partners heavily throughout the 80's and early 90's. I'm versatile but always used poppers when bottoming.
One string I noticed through many of the posts is the simple aspect of cumulative use - everyone seemed fine at first, regardless of the poppers' ingredients...but all have reported breathing difficulties after some point of time. This is why I think that they harm lung tissue off the bat, you can tolerate it at first (like smoking), even though damage is being done. Also like smoking's cumulative effects, once you experience the symptoms the damage has already been done.
Plumage said on Thu, 4 Sep 2014 at 01:16...
I stopped using poppers because I had difficulty breathing the next day which usually lasted about 3 days. Along with this was a lot of congestion and coughing up phlegm.
Kimberley said on Thu, 2 Oct 2014 at 10:51...
I think that this new version of poppers is really dangerous. The old stuff (amyl) wasn't as bad the day after( you can still get this it is retailed as leather cleaner from Amsterdam). Today is three days after me and my boyfriend brought two bottles of 'KING' poppers. We did go a bit hard on it, I am still coughing and finding breathing difficult. Noticed someone said Blue fingernails and lips in comments-glad im not the only one. I think after reading and contributing to this post im still gonna do poppers. Just now a hell of a lot less and a hell of a lot les
s often. Please be careful xxxx
Tuber said on Fri, 10 Oct 2014 at 18:13...
Like to post several coincidences that I think are the result of poppers. I've used poppers for 20 years, but started heavier about a year ago (large bottle every 3 weeks). Started experiencing shortness of breath, getting "winded" doing normal things like cutting the grass, dancing.
Go in for my yearly physical and have my blood drawn. Later notice the dried blood on the gauze is black, not the usual red.
Call from doctor that I am verging in anemia.
Google search "poppers and shortness of breath" and find this site in addition to another and see this disturbing information.
The reason is that the chemical converts the red haemoglobin in the blood into methemoglobin, turning the blood chocolate brown. Haemoglobin is needed to deliver oxygen round the body, so the result of severe ‘methemoglobinemia’ is oxygen starvation
Damn!! Exactly my symptoms. I'm laying off poppers now.
Dave said on Wed, 22 Oct 2014 at 15:29...
My fist partner has suffered all of the effects that everyone is mentioning and we recently ditched the pops in favour of mixing clove oil in the lube.
It was fantastic at first and we were o re the moon to have found a natural alternative. However, he seems to have developed some sort of resistance to the effect of the clove oil and we are now searching for any other natural products.
Can anyone recommend a natural substitute please??
Mike said on Mon, 10 Nov 2014 at 06:09...
Wow... Thought I was going crazy. Thanks for talking about this. Won't admit to how long I have been using poppers, but the last year or two has definitely been difficult. Always have a persistent cough. Dark circles too. Wondering if anyone has found any websites that give access to amyl or any of the old popper formulas?
J.T. said on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 at 00:10...
Yeah, I'm here because I wanted to see if it was just me. I was a heavy user for years and now I can't touch them due to the after effects, not being able to breathe is no fun. I'm sure there is something in the bottles that never used to be as I never had issues until the last few months or so. No more poppers for me.
Mike said on Tue, 11 Nov 2014 at 05:03...
I used to call the guy who sold me poppers at a local shop here in NYC ... My Popperologist... The place recently closed... I'm sure there are experts out there who can guide us to better products. There has to be a website that sells the real stuff. For years we were able to get decent poppers and now they are all just crap. Anyone got some info?
popperbob said on Sat, 15 Nov 2014 at 21:00...
I agree with all the above I started using poppers for the first time a year ago they were fantastic and my boyfriend and i had great sex and climax ... however since April I have had chest infections and every time I chance using them again I can't breathe properly for a day or two . my bf has no ill affects .... I had a break for a botu and month but last week in a moment of sexual pleasure I tried them and boy the next day headaches and chest problems please please please someone please give us all an alternative
Mike said on Sun, 16 Nov 2014 at 06:24...
I am trying a trusted source as we speak... English online... Dick in hand and hope I can report a good source ... Cheers...
popperbob said on Sun, 16 Nov 2014 at 10:20...
Do you get breathing problems after using them?
heard the Jungle Juice or Real Amsterdam? have also heard that poppers containingAmyl Nitrate and better
I'm not going to use what I have in stock for fear of not been able to breathe the next day. which was the case on thursday after my man and i made love
popperbob said on Sun, 16 Nov 2014 at 10:20...
Do you get breathing problems after using them?
heard the Jungle Juice or Real Amsterdam? have also heard that poppers containingAmyl Nitrate and better
I'm not going to use what I have in stock for fear of not been able to breathe the next day. which was the case on thursday after my man and i made love
Mike said on Mon, 17 Nov 2014 at 03:17...
No luck... The English was strong when first opened, but lost potency fast.
Ruprect said on Tue, 18 Nov 2014 at 04:30...
After reading all the posts it seems that there may be something in the theory that the ingredients have changed or that prolonged use causes harm to the respiratory system. Has anyone had respiratory problems then found an alternative that doesn't? If so please tell us what it is! Also, are there any alternatives to poppers that give the same effect - lube and clove oil worth a try but what lube? Mrs R and I used to love poppers (at first) but now we cough so bad that it's not worth it.
iLOVEmeSOME said on Sat, 29 Nov 2014 at 14:31...
i am a heavy poppers user and after 12 years i am devastated that i should stop now due to breathing problems. I have had some TERRIBLE nights after using it so short of breath that anybody would have thought i was suffocating. I KNOW that it is a combination of smoking heavily and poppers which has done this to my lungs, i cant believe i was so foolish to think that poppers weren't dangerous!
I will still use it for pulling because i can and because i feel like i need it for pulling to be fun, but no more taking it when drinking and smoking.
Its scary, i know they are going to f*ck me up but i think im still going to use them for sex fantasies!
Popsornotto said on Fri, 19 Dec 2014 at 22:08...
I have had many problems with poppers. I used to live using them. Now I have to be so careful as my lungs have suffered. If anyone knows of a good alternative share the knowledge
Steve P said on Sat, 20 Dec 2014 at 15:55...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and poppers are a big NO NO. If you have COPD what's left of the air sacks in your lungs are further damaged by nitrates.
Love poppers, love sex on poppers, but now I've gotta stop.
Nyc athlete said on Wed, 31 Dec 2014 at 10:33...
I have the same thing only I also cough up tons of mucous!! I RARELY use poppers but when I do the following day my chest feels restricted, I wheeze and I cough up tons of mucous!! It's awful!! I've spoken to my doc about it (specializes in gay men's health) and he never heard of anyone with my reaction. This is all brands across the board as well. No respiratory issues and a very fit guy. They are fun but I HATE them.
JJMelbs said on Wed, 7 Jan 2015 at 09:23...
Have to say, had a few weeks of taking Jungle and a few others and chronically out of breath as well. Stopped to help clear it up (had a cold as well so bit confusing to pin point the root cause). Its a pity as its sooo much fun and made me very randy but its not worth it.
SammiNaqqi said on Sun, 11 Jan 2015 at 01:52...
I hate my ex-boyfriend. Who gave me poppers for the first time ever two and a half years ago and ruined my life for ever. I can't even live without it and can't even breathe after taking it. I face breathing attacks every night when I take poppers. None of the brands suit me. I feel like killing myself for taking them. I wish I could breathe the same way I used to breathe two and a half years ago. Please ban poppers and please ban petophylism. I beg. So that boys of my age can atleast breathe properly.
TryBiGuy said on Sun, 11 Jan 2015 at 14:17...
I recently started casually using poppers; I'm still on my first bottle of rush. No headaches or breathing problems, just the wonderful warm euphoria of desperately wanting cock for a few moments.
I've tried to read what I can online to hopefully make informed decisions, and while forums like this are very helpful there seems to be little or no scientific research available.
Is anyone aware of any research? How about facts regarding the products themselves? It's annoying to look over the selection available and see absolutely nothing listed as ingredients. I'd love to see some ingredient info if anyone has it. (But of course there's the problem of fakes out there.)
Can I suggest that when discussing any problems you've had that you include specific brand info? At least we can watch for trends that way.
kingping said on Sat, 24 Jan 2015 at 07:32...
have the same problem, thanks for info!
Chrony Bronky said on Sat, 14 Feb 2015 at 21:17...
I recently tried this stuff from USPOPSHOP where they disintegrate the pill into the entire liquid making it cloudy. Usually the pill is a solid pill and is put in the bottle to maintain its freshness. Inhaling the liquid also had me inhaling the particles into my lungs and it cause me to have short breaths. I didn't realize it at first, but it also cause me to get chronic bronchitis.
Poprsick said on Sun, 15 Feb 2015 at 00:59...
I am 58 started using poppers around 1977 when I was about 20 practically every night for a year or so during a big cocaine period really enjoyed it with coke and booze. Quit coke and booze in 1980. But still did poppers over the years on a weekly bi weekly basis. Often would be just tired a few days after. In my late 40s I noticed that I would sometimes catch colds or flu more easily if I used them to more heavily. heavy would be 10-15 big long hits over half hour period.
Now within the last year or so I tried a new method where I put poppers in a plastic squeezable bottle with a paper towel to soak it up. I really liked not spilling the stuff or burning my nose trying to get close to a good hit. Now I have a constant cough and whenever I use poppers heavily 20 hits within 1/2hr I catch cold and get thrush or candida. ( it's a bacterial type yeast infection in the mouth.)
I am convinced from lots of trial and error over the years that the newer stuff is really bad for you. Especially as you get older. When I was in my 20s I could bounce back from anything. Anyhow I am totally convinced that the new rush out there will really screw your lungs up if over used. As much as I like rush/poppers I hardly ever use it any more. To enjoy sex I just learned to go real slow be and gentle and relax. Basically that's what poppers did. With practice and self discipline you can enjoy sex without that shit messing up your lungs. I am also a former smoker so that may have had some effect also.
I wish I knew where to get the old formula. Think about it, if you spill that new stuff on your skin it can cause burns, so basically your putting something that burns your skin into your delicate tender lungs.
liz said on Sun, 22 Feb 2015 at 09:33...
I accidentally got it in my eyes and possibly in my mouth. I woke up this morning with server stomach cramps and nausea and feel so shit should I be worried
Whisper said on Tue, 24 Feb 2015 at 13:31...
These new enlarged bottles of Rush and Man-scent which is even more expensive is really not worth-it!! Once the bottle is opened, it doesnt last for long. We through away more than half a bottle at a time. We only use it like 3-4 times a month, but after every session I seem to breath difficult, now I have also developed chronic bronchitis. Why are we in SA not getting the old makes of Rush made by PPP? Why was this banned in SA? What else can we use that has the same effects?
mj9 said on Sun, 1 Mar 2015 at 06:28...
got a bad coughing fit once but that can happen with a ton of stuff even cooking with a wok!
Stevie B said on Wed, 11 Mar 2015 at 21:13...
For a very short buzz the after effects are just not worth it.Ive also suffered from wheezy chest constant cough and loads of brown mucus that has gone on for a week or so after sniffing GOLD.No more for me.
Lee said on Fri, 27 Mar 2015 at 00:07...
I have concluded from self experimentation that the new formula Isopropyl Nitrate poppers cause delayed serious breathing difficulties, (for me, about 4-6 hours after use) and I have had to go to hospital twice when I could hardly breathe. These also caused me retinal problems and I was subject to investigation from Moorfields eye hospital. Ceasing use reversed these symptoms after months. The older Isobutyl Nitrate formula never gave me any problems. The Isohexyl's are much better, if you know where to get them. I would never use Isopropyl formulas again.
Samehere said on Tue, 31 Mar 2015 at 18:00...
Relieved to know I'm not the only one that's having this problem.
Like many of the other posters here, I used poppers for years and never had an issue but with the changes in formula that came about in recent years I have the following problems next day after either a) moderate usage for more than 2 consecutive nights b) heavy usage in one night
- blurred vision
- deep mucous cough
Both symptoms will generally take 3 days to a week to go away.
However, I do not get these symptoms if I use moderately, and never on consecutive nights.
Look after your health, guys.
Stymie84 said on Tue, 31 Mar 2015 at 21:44...
I'm in my mid 40's and have been using poppers since sarly 20's. I still enjoy them, but I gies with older age more worries arise.y main concern is has anyone out there Haard of anyone getting lung cancer from using poppers???
love.thee.rush said on Sun, 12 Apr 2015 at 03:04...
True poppers may have a bad side effect,but then again, what drug doesn't have a side affect. They all do, so if we wish to continue doing it, then we just need to learn to deal with the side effects. Just like alcohols give you a hangover. Poppers also have their bad side.
They have come a long way, and many ingredients have changed. Mostly in order to keep it legal in the shops in which they are sold. No drug is worth doing, for nothing good comes of it. In the end we just have learn to enjoy the rush it gives and the pleasure it provides us with, and understand and be willing to accept that there is a bad side to it as well. Just like alcohol give hangovers, cigarettes cancer, poppers too have a bad side.
poppers can be very dangerous in the long term said on Mon, 27 Apr 2015 at 11:11...
Like many others, I have used poppers recreationaly to heighten the senses during sex. I also smoke cigarettes and suffer with asthma. The asthma diagnosis was arrived at around 3 years ago. It is widely believed that the poppers, as well as the smoking, probably together with a predisposition to this disease are all contributing factors. I Have tried poppers 3 times now since my asthma diagnosis, which is stupid I know, I don't require a lecture. However, each use has resulted in a chest infection, twice requiring hospital admission for treatment with IV steroids and antibiotics. On the last occasion I was treated at home with amoxicillin and prednisolone as well as my inhalers. I suppose some people are more prone to problems than others, and many millions will use poppers with no resulting respiratory distress. I will never use them again. But I will always remember how good they felt. Although with that in mind, I am a 40 year old man and they have at the very least contributed to a lifelong respiratory illness.
Zeca said on Fri, 8 May 2015 at 13:02...
Depois de mais de 5 anos a cheirar Poppers estou tendo muita dificuldade em respirar e tenho de usar óculos para ler ao perto porque o Poppers danifica a retina... Mas parece que esses danos podem reverter (pelo menos em parte) se deixarmos de usar poppers. Mas é tão dificil faze-lo e basta usar 1 única vez mesmo depois de não o fazermos durante meses para que tudo volte ao inicio. E infelizmente ainda não consegui ficar longe do Poppers durante o tempo suficiente para poder reverter alguns danos. Porque depois que a gente se acostuma com Poppers nunca mais consegue evitar usar porque é muito, muito melhor e sem poppers é muito frustrante! Mas quando penso no tempo em que não usava Poppers e nas minhas melhores fodas eu concluo que era muito melhor antes de começar a usar. Só que o Poppers cria habituação e perdemos a sensibilidade (sobretudo a anal) e passamos a acreditar que uma foda só pode ser realmente boa com Poppers! Mas valerá a pena pagar tão caro por isso ? Eu acho que não porque os efeitos colaterais não duram só uns minutos (como uma boa foda) e vão-nos destruindo para sempre!
JJ said on Thu, 28 May 2015 at 07:31...
I'm having the same problem as everyone else. I've been using super rush lately and have noticed respiratory problems ever since. Right now it's 330 in the morning and I can't sleep because I'm coughing my lungs up. This has happened twice in a week. Granted, I'm also a smoker, and I do tend to use poppers and smoke, but I've NEVER had a problem like this until I used the super rush. My advice? Stay away from this "new formula." I seriously think it may be deadly. I've poured my supply down the toilet!
Kelbert said on Thu, 28 May 2015 at 07:37...
I'm now 60, and have quit smoking when I was 45,
I have not found anything bad about aymyl nitrates. I continued to use it until I was 58,
Big fucking mistake, as the last 4 years have been negative.. The bastards that made this chemical change should be eliminated.
woodnuts said on Sat, 30 May 2015 at 20:53...
i been useing poppers for clp of years now but of late found the same feelin like crap the next day couging my lungs out but like most at the time of sniffing them just love the feeling gone on to one name of kink now so sore nose good feeling .and not so bad the next day
benadryl said on Sun, 31 May 2015 at 16:05...
I have the same coughing problems after use. Hard to breath, and really had to sit up at night to try get some sleep. So I started looking for something to open up my breathing passages. I started taking benadryl (diphenhydramine) directly after using poppers. It greatly eases the bad effects, and allows you to sleep. I usually pop 2 pills after or during using poppers and in the morning after. Benadryl will make you drowsy though. If I'm using poppers heavily, I will pop a benadryl every 3-4 hours. It does counteract the breathing difficulties, but watch out - it will make you to sleep.
Double d said on Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 01:36...
I had been taking poppers for about 2 years but off and on never had any side affects but in the last 6 month I have had trouble breathing and a pain in my chest so i have put this down to the new poppers ingredient
Can someone tell me is there some sort medicine that can ease the affects from the poppers
canadaguy said on Thu, 25 Jun 2015 at 11:07...
hey everyone. i've been ordering poppers from all over and they all seem to be giving me the same congestion + breathing problems, especially at night.
maybe it would be a good idea to share WHERE we are getting them? i'm getting mine from amsterdam-poppers and they all seem to be giving me the same issue regardless of what brand i use.
Regretful said on Sat, 27 Jun 2015 at 23:27...
I never did poppers until a couple weeks ago. Bought a bottle of Jungle Juice. Used it pretty steadily for about a week, several times a day, with anywhere from 15 min. to several hours in between sniffs (one or two in each nostril).
4 nights ago, an hour or two afterwards, as I was going to bed, realized I was havning great difficulty breathing. Just like no air getting into my lungs no matter how hard I tried. It was terrifying and I almost called 911. Took a Xanax to calm down, finally fell asleep, but I've been going through it ever since. 4 days now. I do think it has gotten better, but very scary. I feel is I had to really exert myself, I'd be in serious, serious trouble. Went to my GP yesterday, he knows little about this. He prescribed a Ventolin inhaler. Not sure it's helping, or if I'm just slowly recovering anyway.
I'll NEVER do poppers again, under any circumstances.
My question for anyone: Is this nightmare going to end? I read where people have this for a day or two, or three, but it's gone by then. I'm into day 4 and it's still totally screwed me up. Does it get better on it's own???! Has anyone heard of this being permanent? If you go to the hospital, is there an antidote/treatment? I'm very worried and scared, could use any helpful information or advice. (I'm thinking of picking up some iron pills, I just read about that in a post ^^^^). Hope to hear from someone asap, thanks.
DelNaga said on Sun, 28 Jun 2015 at 20:49...
I had the same experience. For quite a while I was a big fan of poppers. Until one night, it all changed. I took a few big whiffs of poppers, and later that morning, at about 01h30 the morning, I woke up, feeling like I had a ton of bricks on my chest, coughing and coughing like mad, spitting up phlegm by the mouths full, then my breathing was okay for a bit, until the phlegm built up and my breathing got heavy. At first I went to my GP, he prescribed antibiotics thinking I had bronchitis. A week later I felt better, tried the poppers again, and wham! Same result! Couldnt sleep, coughed up phlegm, and next day back to the docter. He said the bronchitis was back. A week later, I felt better again. And that night, same story. So the next day I reckoned maybe I should stay away from the poppers for a while. I did for six months, and all was fine, although every now and then my chest would get tight, but not like it was with the poppers.
So one night I tried it again, and eveything was fine. It was about a week, using every night, and about after 10 days, it was back, worse than ever before. I made an emergency appointment with a pulmonologist, and the tests came back, I had asthma. 24 years of living healthy, no chronic diseases, and now I had asthma?! I swallowed my pride and told him about the poppers, and he said I was not the first with this problem. The amyl nitrite had a tendency to irritate the walls of your lungs, and with continued irriration, could lead to a type of asthma where the lungs produce phlegm to stop the intake of harmful chemicals.
So in a nutshell, go have yourself tested to make sure you havent developed any respiratory issues.
Regretful said on Sun, 28 Jun 2015 at 21:17...
Thank you for writing. I did the stuff for a week, about 2/3 of the bottle. That's all. I'm hoping I haven't done enough to cause the condition you describe. I'm not coughing up phlegm, it's the constricted breathing that is the problem. I think it's getting better on it's own, but I'm worried about permanent damage. I'm getting chest x-ray tomorrow, not sure if that would reveal any type of asthma. Maybe I need to see a pulmonologist.
I've been a longtime marijuana smoker, that hasn't been doing my lungs any good to start with. (don't smoke cigs) The marijuana suppresses migraine headaches for me, but now I wonder if I'll be able to use that again if I have lung issues.
Really hoping 2/3 bottle over a week isn't going to result in long-term problems. I'll certainly never use the stuff ever again, that breathing problem is terrifying.
I'll check in here again for any more info and to post an update on my situation. Thank you.
Regretful said on Sun, 28 Jun 2015 at 21:20...
I forgot to ask: How are you treating your asthma? Meds? Inahler? Are you able to do any type of physical exertion without problems? What is your long-term prognosis, any idea?
Regretful said on Mon, 29 Jun 2015 at 10:10...
Anyone know the ingredient in USA-sold Jungle Juice? Much confusion on this. I don't think it's amyl, but rather is butyl or one of the others. The bottle had a grey label. Any help? Thank you.
Regretful said on Fri, 3 Jul 2015 at 22:43...
I wish some more people who've had breathing problems (dyspnea) would write in. I'm 11 days after using it (I believe it was isopropyl nitrite), and STILL having breathing problems. Screwed up my whole life so far. Went to the ER four days ago, one week into the problem. They said my chest x-ray looked normal, all blood was normal (and no clot), and the EKG was normal. ER doc said she thought I'd return to normal. But I haven't. It's gotten a bit better, and certainly better than the days immediately following ( see above ^^^), but I'm not over it. Most people here seem to have gotten over the breathing problem within a few days.
Anybody else here have longer recovery experiences? Please write and tell you story, if you can. I don't seem to have mucus, phlegm, no coughing, etc. Just the problem taking a deep breath, and chronic shortness of breath. Getting better, but not nearly as quickly as most seem to recover.
Would truly appreciate more input, thanks so much.
dboykinky said on Sat, 11 Jul 2015 at 15:37...
I'm glad I found this forum. I only recently discovered poppers. Last week I used them for two extended masturbation sessions within a twelve hour period. And - when I say I used them - I inhaled them continuously to give myself a strong high - and some unbelievable orgasms!
Unfortunately - the next morning - I woke up with asthma like symptoms. I am familiar with them - because I have asthma - although have not had an episode in a about a year.
It's been a week - and I have had to use my inhalers regularly. Seems to be lessening - but still a problem 8 days later.
Hoping to feel better within the week.
Not using poppers again. Too bad - because the experience is awesome.
regretful said on Sun, 12 Jul 2015 at 00:48...
Thanks for posting. I'm 3 weeks into this, and still can't breathe right. Youre breathing problems went away? For sure? Which brand were you using? I was using Jungle Juice, which I think was isopropyl nitrite. I THINK mine is getting better, but it's VERY slow. And very scary, and causes tremendous anxiety. I went to a pulmonologist a couple days ago...he couldn't find anything wrong with me, did some elaborate breathing tests, checked out my ER xrays, blood work, EKG, everything, and couldn't find a problem. Seems to think it will go away. But reading this forum the past few weeks, it seems it goes away much faster for most people. Wondering how long this can go on. Pulmonologist said I might have some scarring in the airway, but it should heal.
Any of this sound familiar?
Dboykinky, please keep me posted on your recovery, I'll be very interested to know how it goes.
I'll NEVER do them again, or anything like it.
regretful said on Sun, 12 Jul 2015 at 00:49...
Sorry, I didn't read carefully enough.... I see that after 8 days, you still have problems. Are you as freaked out about it as I've been?
Never again said on Wed, 15 Jul 2015 at 19:55...
Never again said on Wed, 15 Jul 2015 at 20:10...
I have used poppers for a few years now but not excessive use. At most a couple of times a month and always chuck the bottle away after a few sniffs. The past few months I have had horrific side effects. Starting off with really bad coughing, chest pains, runny nose, constant sneezing, vomiting, headaches. It takes me about 1 week to fully recover and even at that I sometimes still have a lingering cough.
Basically the poppers attacked my whole immune system and in some cases I got severe bloating and many trips to the toilet. Don't even get me started on the sleepless nights and all night wheezing and bringing up loads of mucus.
Even if I so much as think about putting my head on a pillow, yes the coughs start. Even if I try to eat something, Yes I vomit it right back up.
One I vomit most of the severe symptoms die down and feel better but no I will not be taking them again and hope they ban the fu#king things.
One last thing...I promise you everything I have posted is true and when posting this it was more than 24 hours after taking poppers and I feel like death warmed up and can hardly move. It's like having the flu.
Never again said on Wed, 15 Jul 2015 at 20:15...
I should add the brands I have used are Rush and Liquid gold. I also found if I hadn't eaten anything hours before taking poppers and hours after taking them then the side effects are not as bad but trust me, no matter what the brand is it pack my whole immune system in and basically wrecks your life for a few days.
Anonymous said on Wed, 15 Jul 2015 at 22:05...
Sorry for not jumping back into the conversation sooner.
I am feeling better now. ON Sunday, I went to the urgent care and got a breathing treatment and a steroid injection - along with an RX for 5 days of steroids. Breathing is better. Went from asthma like conditions to more of a bronchial cold - with congestion and phlegm.
I used Super Rush the first time - but it was Jungle Juice that did me in. Still - I'm done - not using any brands anymore.
dboykinky said on Wed, 15 Jul 2015 at 22:07...
Oops - that last anonymous post was from dboykinky!
Horaciio said on Sun, 2 Aug 2015 at 18:46...
There must be a source of better stuff online that is not filled with junk. My thoery of original use was based on the medicinal qualities of the original formula.
Asthma sufferer, beginning to wonder if occassional use monthly for one off sessions has cause it.
Great posts
KEEPING ON - WITH CAUTION said on Sat, 12 Sep 2015 at 19:36...
I'm 59 and have used poppers for about 2 years. Every two months I might go through a week of using them to masturbate with or realtime play with a partner. I would have a next day headache and usually get an increase in chest congestion and cough for a couple days until it cleared. And then things would be fine again. As of this date, no breathing issues noted.
I normally order online from Poppers-R-Us, usually PWD product. Small bottles. Brands I've used, and my personal, purely objective take on them, are:
- Rush (smooth, effect fades quickly, potency would drop substantially after 3 or 4 days from being opened, headache the next day, chest congestion which cleared in a couple of days)
- Super Rush (no real discernible difference than regular Rush for me, but a higher pricepoint)
- Amsterdam (smooth, on the same level as Rush for me, light headache the next day, chest congestion which cleared in a couple of days, slight nausea when used, potency drop after about 4 days)
- Jungle Juice Black Label (more intense than Rush, a bit more chemical aroma, not as sweet smelling, potency dropped after 3-4 days, headache the next day)
- QuickSilver (intense, very strong, potency dropped after 3-4 days, headache the next day, nausea when used, chest congestion which cleared in a couple of days)
- English Royale (intense, sweet smelling, potency was longer--maybe a week or so with on/off use, slight burning sensation when inhaled deeply, nausea when used, chest congestion which cleared in a couple of days)
- Locker Room (was my favorite because it didn't smell as sweet, but had a burning sensation when inhaled, headache the next day)
- Hardware (very intense, knocked me on my ass with several deep inhales, burning sensation when inhaled, sweet chemical smell, nausea when used, chest congestion which cleared in a couple of days)
Net from all this:
I love poppers and the sensation of randiness it provides, if ever so fleetingly. Definitely puts me in the mood for being in a man's arms. I prefer poppers having a less-sweet smell as I associate the more sweet-smelling ones with increased sense of nausea during the effect. That nausea obviously tempers the romance for a several seconds off and on. The key seems to be inhaling just the right amount to get you randy, but not enough to cross over into nausea. Unfortunately, the line is very narrow and I wind up on the other side more often than not.
I know from the burning chemical sensation of certain poppers that they cannot be doing my lungs any good. Likely the same effect is happening with the smoother ones as well, just not as noticeably.
The CHANGE in formulas has from what I gather, made something potentially bad to worse. Will I still use poppers? Yes. But now rarely...maybe three times a year. Special occasion sex, if you will. The risks, for me, are too great to use more regularly unless something changes in the chemical male-up or natural alternatives are realized.
runnergirl said on Sat, 12 Sep 2015 at 23:42...
I have used liquid gold several times with my partner and sniffed from the bottle quite a few times. The effects at the time are amazing but i am also always left with the most awful tight wheezy chest, hacking cough and cannot breathe properly. It is taking weeks for me to get better. I am definitely not going to use poppers again.
hey there said on Mon, 21 Sep 2015 at 00:15...
Just a general note, I find that the only way I will use them is to pour the bottle into an empty jar (jam, salsa, whatever) screw the jar lid on and then remove to sniff... the distance to the nose makes all the diff, great inhalation I think they evaporate faster ha but worth avoiding nose burns, also I think headaches are bypassed, have some phlegm but incidental... hope that helps
Jungle juice platinum said on Thu, 1 Oct 2015 at 20:21...
I used poppers for the first time one week ago and had a great experience with no side effects afterward. I think they were some kind of jungle juice. My man said they were older and the potency was weaker.
I bought a bottle of jungle juice platinum 2 days ago and had a solo session with them. I inhaled proabaly 15 times. It burned a lot more then my previous experience. The last two days my chest has been extremely tight and I've had troubles breathing. I love the effects. I don't think I will be using them again unless this clears up quickly.
Grandpa said on Sun, 18 Oct 2015 at 05:12...
Good posts!
As the name says, I am a grandpa, 68 and have used poppers on and off for 20 years. My use was quite intermittant, maybe a bottle every 3 or 4 months, meaning I would use it for 3 weeks, then not for 3 or 4 months. I started using it more frequently over the past 3 years to where I sniffed two or three times per day, every day. About a month ago, I noticed breathing problems and coughing. I stopped for a month and it cleared up. I started again a week ago and all hell broke loose! I cough almost constantly, I have difficulty in breathing and am short of breath even walking up the stairs. One of my mentors, Dr. Al Sears, says, the longevity of your life is dependant upon your ability to breath. I believe that. This stuff is deadly! Stop it! A short high is not worth it.
Hope to be reading this blog for the next 20 years or more. God bless you all.
DelNaga said on Mon, 19 Oct 2015 at 23:07...
Hi Regretful,
My apologies for only replying a few months later after my initial post.
To be honest with you, if I could share my deepest wishes with anyone so they do not walk into the same trap as I did, I would say, stay away from poppers. The poppers has quite literally f***ed up my lungs. I am now on chronic asthma medication, including Ventolin (for use during the day when my chest gets tight), duolin (which tastes like a donkeys arse and makes me quite nauseous) and alvesco (which has so far given me the most painful oral thrush I have ever experienced).
I have stayed away from the poppers, but it has been hard. Look, we are all adults (or semi adults) so let me be honest...sex and masturbation just isn't the same without it. Orgasms are mediocre...but my question is why are they mediocre? Because I have forgotten what its like to enjoy an orgasm without poppers. And thats why I am recommending you stay away from it, before you start yearning for it, whether it be when pleasing yourself or a partner or jumping around on a dancefloor.
Getting back to my lungs. Right, my asthma is under control, however as I am lying in my bed typing this I have a constant crackling sound emanating from my lungs when I breathe. Now this crackling noise, as far as I could research is called the death rattle...not too comforting. I have kicked cigarettes for vaping, and I cannot stand the propylene glycol the add to the vaping juice as it causes even worse havoc.
So my jogging in the mornings and gymming in the evenings have come to a halt, as I cannot handle the pain in my chest when I am physical, and sex has even taken a bigger tumble, because I cannot even bring my gf to climax before I keel over and have a coughing fit.
What started out as symptoms that happened after huffing poppers are now a regular stumbling block in my life. Whether it was the poppers thats caused it, I dont know, but one thing is for sure, it played a helluva role in destroying my lungs the way they are now.
So, I'm not telling you what to do, but just be smarter than me, and heed the warnings your body is showing you. The human body is very clever, if it doesn't like something, it'll tell you. If only my brain was smart enough to listen to my body...
Dave said on Tue, 20 Oct 2015 at 07:42...
I have had the same breathing problems, remember having them briefly WAY back in the 1980's, and after some VERY intermittent use.
Honestly, I think it's from doing too much at a given sitting. It can cause some pretty severe acute bronchitis, which in my case took, without medical treatment, took about a month to resolve. The stuff is an irritant and can irritate lung tissue, precipitating bronchitis or asthma . In my experience the secret to avoiding these unpleasentries is to use an inhaler to administer the fumes, and watch how much you do at a sitting. It took two large bottles of BluBoy, taken about a week apart, to precipitate that most uncomfortable bout of bronchitis.Don't hit it so hard and/or so often, and you can keep the discomfort to a minimum. And remember, some will be MUCH more succeptable to bad affects than others, especially those with pre-existing respiratory conditions...
Ventory said on Fri, 30 Oct 2015 at 11:02...
My name is Ventory Ariel
Popper tv said on Thu, 5 Nov 2015 at 12:44...
I have tried poppers 4 times now over a period of say 3 weeks
1st - a few hits at home - amazing. Bit of a headache, went out for a run after no reaction.
2nd - away for 2 days dressed, coupl e of dates, using off an on started getting chesty on 2nd evening. Didnt effect my sleep but next day bad cough lots of mucus, temperature and doctor said chest infection so antibiotics. Assumed it was down to illness. Cleared up in 2/3 days
3rd - At home again bought 5 bottles to sample various types. Started using cotton wool in plastic bag - effect amazing. Believe it or not went out for a run afterwards and no reaction.
4th - An evening away dressed in a hotel room 3 bottles to play with , plastic bag with cotton wool, lots of hits, amazing effects , some smoking then tight chest at around 11pm. Result worst night sleep i have ever had ( not sure i slept at all). Out of it completly next day, went to docs - temperature, chest infection, now 2 days later starting to calm down just a nasty cough.
Conclusions - Whilst i love the effects its the poppers that caused the infections / reaction, they really do screw your lungs. Interesting that a lot of fresh air after a session seems to mitigate the breathing probs but wouldnt want to relay on this after every session. In short im not using ever again - ever. Shame but not worth the health damage.
Kriskid said on Mon, 16 Nov 2015 at 23:28...
Started using poppers regularly a few months ago. Have to say now never again! These things are bad! It was ok for the first few months and I really enjoyed their effects of total randiness and being caught up in the moment. However a few weeks ago I developed this horrible hacking cough and wheezing which often kept me awake at night. Sometimes my chest felt tight and constricted and it was difficult to breathe. I don't smoke and am otherwise fit and healthy. At first I thought it was a chest infection and didn't make the link with poppers so carried on using. The symptoms lasted for at least a month before I finally twigged. I stopped using right away and symptoms cleared up in a couple of days. After a break I tried using again and also changing the brands. I tried 3, sometimes only taking a couple of hits. All had the same horrible after-effects which come on a couple of hours after using. Gees, what is this stuff doing to your insides?! It's inflaming your breathing tubes and filling you with toxins. Sometimes I had a bit of phlegm too which tasted disgusting. So in conclusion, for a few moments of pleasure it's just not worth it. These chemicals are poison, make no mistake.
paulatv said on Wed, 18 Nov 2015 at 11:22...
Hi Kriskid
Interesting that even a couple of hits after a break the symptons returned. I havnt used for a few weeks but have a hot date with my BF next week who wants me use with him and was considering a few hits to spice things up. Will tell him to leave them at home.
These things are nasty
Tries said on Thu, 3 Dec 2015 at 16:37...
Please avoid poppers since Sunday till today being Thursday I am very weak and difficult to breath
Tries said on Thu, 3 Dec 2015 at 16:41...
Don't even know what to do I tooknow kamgra and poppers please someone should help me out should I go for antibiotic
Sessionmeister said on Sat, 26 Dec 2015 at 16:46...
I came to Google poppers and breathing problems and found this page ... had cough for nearly 7 weeks after doing poppers more frequently with trainers etc and huffing rather than just snorting. In the end the doctor diagnosed asthma and prescribed me an inhaler. I like doing poppers but the occurrence of these symptoms among others makes you think twice.
Olivia said on Sun, 27 Dec 2015 at 10:16...
Greetings to the general public,I am from Philadelphia,i want to inform the public how i was cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a Doctor .i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking
#Goodbyepoppers said on Sun, 3 Jan 2016 at 12:17...
have been doing some of the newer poppers....have been taking hits a couple to three times a week. I developed a hacky cough, chest tightness and pain, more in the upper lobes of my lungs when breathing in, bending over or sudden position change and could not walk my normal pace due to the pain it would cause in my chest, and have had no energy. This has been going on since Thanksgiving night I visited the Emergency Department where I work. I wasn't able to stand up straight due to the pain I was having across my chest, which inhibited me from breathing properly-thought I was going to die and still question it to this day. Didn't tell the ER staff or Doctor about the poppers. EKG, chest XRAY and cardiac enzymes where ok, my red blood count was down to 3.3 and my leukocytes were also low at 6 and my WBC was 13.6....diagnosis-Bronchitis. I took antibiotics and a prednisone dose pack. I did get a little better. Was a little confused and not sure if the poppers really caused this, so I took about 3 or 4 hits of poppers last week and the pain in my upper chest is worse, which makes very hard to breath and at times I feel as if I'm breathing inside a plastic bag, and can't find a comfortable position to ease the chest pain and when I get out in the cold air and breathe in, It causes me to have a bronchospasm (my chest gets real tight, pain increases and I can't get any air). I ordered these poppers on-line and can't read the label on the brand that I have been using, but does have "PWD" on the bottom of the bottle....the only thing I can say is "Goodbye poppers" and I hope that I get better!!!....Will provide an update when I'm over this crap. I have thrown all poppers out!!!
Felicia Baldwin said on Sun, 3 Jan 2016 at 13:28...
I was diagnosed of Emphysema, i was told the toxins in cigarette smokes caused the damage and it has no permanent cure but i was given medication to ease it, it affected me badly, my doctor suggested LVRS as i was constantly out of breath, this continued till i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from South Africa.
Bi Guy said on Sat, 9 Jan 2016 at 03:59...
Hmmmm this interesting.
I now know what's causing my issues.
I'm 39 and reasonably fit.
Don't drink or smoke, no other drugs...except poppers.
Been doing themfor many years with a few other guys....and girlfriend.
Been amazing.
Bought a new batch of poppers lastweek......Bloody hell.
My chest feels like I'm being stamped on. Coughing up mucus and hard to breath.
Thought it was a chest infection....due to working out doors in cold weather.
But I rarely get I'll or suffer colds and infections.
These new poppers are obviously the issue.
Poured them away and disposed of the bottles.
Never again. To risky.
Shame though
As sex work poppers is amazing.
But not at a risk to one's health !
Take care of yourselves xxx
grace said on Tue, 12 Jan 2016 at 02:13...
I am from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been diagnosed with Genital Herpes… I though about my Family, I know my Family will face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one day I was surfing the internet I found
4. ALS
5. Arthritis
6. Shingles..
teacher said on Tue, 26 Jan 2016 at 07:46...
I have been using poppers for 52 years. And yes they have changed the chemical make up and they are dangerous. However I have done a little research about how to monitor your oxygen levels while doing poppers. Buy a 02 monitor from your local drug store. On an average a person's 02 level will be around 98 to 99 to 100 % saturation before use. On using the new chemical makes up on any brands, after just a few sniffs, my 02 levels dropped significantly down to as low as 85% which is dangerous and it takes about a week for the 0s levels to return to normal readings. The new chemical makeup inhibits your lungs from performing an intake of oxygen by coating the intake receptors with a form of gel (for lack of a medical term) and result in a bacterial mucus. This is what causes chest pains, weakness and coughing. So can poppers cause COPD....the answer is yes. The best thing to do is go cold turkey and get off of them.....depending upon whether any damage is done, there is a possibility that the body will heal itself when you stop, but it may take up to 4 or 5 months. You be the judge. With age, it gets worse. The best treatment to speed up the healing process without ingesting more medicine is to force cough, and perform long deep breathing techniques, one of which involves inhaling as much air as you can slowly.....then hold it in a few seconds, and then very very slowly let it out to where you feel there is no more air in your lungs, and at the last moment when you think you have no more air, force a cough.....it's uncomfortable, but it works....to prove my point, wear the 02 meter I previously mentioned and experiment with it in this manner and watch how your body responds......regardless either way, get off of them and get healthy.
The Teacher.
asianbottompopperpig said on Sun, 31 Jan 2016 at 19:39...
used some poppers the other night and woke up with a hacking cough.
does anyone get weird specks of phlegm?
Bigirl said on Thu, 4 Feb 2016 at 21:34...
Absolutely gutted at these posts but have confirmed my fears. I love poppers for self play and at swingers parties, have had some amazing times. usually use gold as didnt get the same hit from anything else. I tended to use them every month for 2-3 nights, 1 bottle then throw it away. The last year i have noticed that after every session get a really bad cold within a couple of days which lasts about a week. I also get the blue lips and nails and this can sometimes last into the next day. I dont get too bad a chest more streaming eyes, itchy sore throat and runny nose but feel tired, weak and bloody awful. The last few months i was starting to make the connection but couldnt find any information until tonight. Am so disapointed about giving them up but its not worth the pain. I have had a cold all week since last friday and look terrible. Imwondering about the anaemia /oxygen as my face looks blotchy/pale and bloated. Not quite the sex kitten i felt i was last friday night thats for sure. Will have to stop 😞
servgwfon said on Thu, 3 Mar 2016 at 19:30...
sadly, yes, having consistent experiences with above; i think it's the contemporary formulae for poppers at least in the US
most recently i think the stuff is better than back in 2014, so it's probably evolving to be not as bad, but still congestion issues; i think it can be alleviated by quite spare use, but then of course just not as fun/worth it
(a few times i've been over in Amsterdam have not had the same issue, though much more limited usage those times as only brief stopovers)
AB RSA said on Mon, 7 Mar 2016 at 18:23...
Jep you have a prejudiced site, so just like my previous comm which was not published, this one will not also make it. Nothing positive and all negative so where do you come from? I been using it for years and none of this shit besides the only really negative aspect of "dont remember" how good it was or even anything else the morning after. It has enhanced my marriage and stopped me going elsewhere for sexual highs besides with my wife. Every time I use it when making love to her makes it feel like the very first time we had sex together. This after 36 years together since we met, with poppers happening from more than years ago
Viva la Poppa!
AB RSA said on Tue, 8 Mar 2016 at 19:00...
Ok, so I apologize about it being a negative site and maybe I pushed the wrong key, but seriously, I am cautious and that is why I found my way to this site, appreciate all the feedback and look for all the warning signals from others experiences.
Besides "not being able to remember how good it was the following morning" I have no other side effects that I am aware of. We been married a long time together and she has become a bit cool, and once again, poppers to the rescue even if I got to do it myself in between. Much better than pulling on a condom and being unfaithful with something else and no intimate satisfaction.
I still say:-
Viva la Poppa
Rtpbbcub said on Sun, 3 Apr 2016 at 13:57...
What I have found on the breathing issues and the worse upset stomach can't breath panic attack /asthma attack issue.
Before the problems start:
After using and thirty minutes before going to bed. Take two Excedrin. This tends to, in addition to preventing the headache, avert respiratory issues. Basically you're getting in front of the irritation and reducing the swelling and pain before it gets too far ahead. Most of the breathing issues tend to be related to excess phlegm and swelling, and once those two get going, yeah, hard to go backwards.
If things go bad (upset stomach, spastic coughing fits, or both) :
Two Benadryl, wait 30 minutes, chew three Tums, wait another thirty minutes. Typically this is the wake you up kind. Like you thought you were good, or you were too tired to care, so you went to bed. Couple hours later, wide awake, can't breathe, coughing, feel like you are about to hurl.
At least that's my experience.
The next day is usually a couple strong rounds of coughing, and a sort of tired feeling. Nothing too extreme. As the day goes on I will have some phlegm to clear, and maybe some hiccups. But all in all, nowhere near as bad as if I skip the Excedrin.
Hope this helps!
JT said on Fri, 20 May 2016 at 22:20...
I've used poppers in the past, like 5+ years ago, and sometimes if I used them a lot my nose and throat would feel irritated but it would get better after a day or so. But the past three times I've bought poppers — different brands each time, in the last few months — my lungs have felt like crap for several days after using them. After this third time it's obviously not just a coincidence, so I'm going to swear off using them any more. Apparently isobutyl nitrate (or nitrite? whatever it was that used to be in Jungle Juice Platinum) isn't a problem for me but the new formulas are terrible.
I haven't had problems with mucus, but get a dull pain in my chest when I breathe deeply, and I feel like I'm not getting as much oxygen when I breathe. Walking up a relatively gentle slope gets me winded pretty quickly and I'm getting generally fatigued more easily. It's been almost a week since the last time I used them, but today I'm still feeling bad. I just coughed up a bit of blood which freaked me out and a google search led me to this page.
No more poppers for me. This sucks, I'll have to toss in the trash a multipack that I just bought from uspopshop.com, thinking that they sold "the good stuff". Apparently there is no good stuff anymore.
Dacapt said on Wed, 1 Jun 2016 at 00:16...
Yup.....same here. Woke up in middle of night and couldn't breath (sounded like asthma attack) had to go to ER.......and also persistent cough and weeziness.......which comes back with popper use.
Sorry poppers......we can't be friends anymore......it's not me it's you.......
Thanks for great advice gang. Captain.
Andy said on Sun, 3 Jul 2016 at 08:45...
Same problem, Tickly cough and a thick foamy yellow phlegm after poppers, tight lungs and problems breathing that last a couple of days, never used to get it years ago. I have had this from all of the french brand poppers I have tried. I think less of, and less often is wise. I have gone quite hard at it on prior sessions and some have a very good effect but all now seem to produce these unpleasant side effects. Moderation, moderation, moderation.
Wake Up said on Wed, 27 Jul 2016 at 18:20...
Poppers is a vile toxin that mutates your genes and causes the OG "AIDS-DEFINING ILLNESSES"
Stop using them immediately if you want to remain in good health.
Fuckpoppers said on Tue, 2 Aug 2016 at 23:48...
So I'm a bit of a sexual deviant, tried all sorts over the years, I'm partial to anal play so I thought I'd try poppers for the first time so I bought some and received it yesterday, went at it last night and again this morning and now my left lung feels tight, I'm struggling to breathe properly and there's a stabbing pain whenever I breathe/cough/sneeze, after reading this there seems to be a lot of people blaming "new" poppers, Isopropyl namely, which is what I have and as I said this is FIRST TIME use (wasn't heavy use either) so you can cross prolonged exposure off the suspect list, this stuff is just straight up bad for you, steer clear of Isopropyl.
Steve said on Wed, 3 Aug 2016 at 13:18...
I read through all these posts and have seen enough people posting the same symptoms as me. I've been trying them for about 3 weeks 2-5 sniffs every other day and have uncontrollable coughing, mucus and have had enough of it....ive tried them and can now say I don't like them and don't know why anyone would. Everything I had was dumped in the toilet and flushed. I felt better about it as soon as they were flushed.
Charlotte said on Thu, 4 Aug 2016 at 00:17...
I was diagonose of Emphysema in 2010 and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 3 years ago, our family doctor told me there was no cure but it can only be controled. Ever since then i have been running heather scepter looking for a solution to my problem because i was going to lose my Job if i dont get better, until i ran into this online testimony of Dr Lusanda who have been curing people of COPD with his herbal remedy i immediately contacted him via their email, to God be thy glory i bought this COPD herbal remedy and was cured within 3 weeks of usage, at last this is a break through for all COPD/emphysema patients.
Derek Taylor said on Thu, 18 Aug 2016 at 20:12...
I’m Derek Taylor from Ohio,am so happy to say DR Abumere has done it again,he cured me and my wife from hepatitis b,now he just cured my uncle from COPD ,My uncle is now living COPD FREE, me and my wife was diagnosed with Hepatitis b in 2011,then my uncle was diagnosed of COPD 2013, my doctor said there’s no cure for Hepatitis b and COPD.we spent a lot of money on medication till one day , I saw someone post about Dr Abumere,so many people was talking about His herbal medicine that he cures different kinds of deadly diseases including hepatitis b and COPD,so decided to try ,so i contacted him via his email:abumereherbalcentre(at)gmail(dot)com,so he replied me,and told me that he will cure me within 4 weeks ,then i purchased the herbal medicine and he sent the herbal medicine to me via courier service,which i received within 2days.so after 4 weeks of usage ,then we went for check-up and doctor confirmed we are totally cured. The medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT, there’s no special diet when taking the medicine.please viewers out there this post is 100% real ..he also cures HERPES,ALS,MND,EPILEPSY,LEUKEMIA,ASTHMA,,GONORRHEA,,EMPHYSEMA,GENITAL WARTS,PARKINSON”S, and lots more.
keith said on Wed, 24 Aug 2016 at 19:48...
what a load of rubbish biggest crap I have ever read get a life
Mrs Mandy said on Thu, 8 Sep 2016 at 22:45...
Nik Al Mil said on Tue, 13 Sep 2016 at 09:48...
1st off, wtf is with all this spam shit? Claiming to cure incurable diseases, gtfo here.
Anyways, used poppers on 2/3 occasions now, spent the next 24-48 hours coughing a lung up, with a heavy metallic tang in the back of my throat too. Also have a lot more mucus than usual. Been using Pure Gold XXL. Just discarded remainder of the bottle as I'll no longer be using them. Glad I came here to see I'm not the only one with a fucked chest from taking poppers. Shame as I enjoy them at the time of taking, just can't cope with the next few days
Christoff said on Tue, 13 Sep 2016 at 21:58...
What can you do if you develop wheezing symptoms
jane c said on Tue, 20 Sep 2016 at 13:53...
dick said on Tue, 20 Sep 2016 at 13:59...
keep it to yourself, Jane.
Laura said on Thu, 29 Sep 2016 at 09:47...
OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimony.
msrglobal said on Wed, 12 Oct 2016 at 05:02...
Let's get this stream back on track. Quit the crap Charlotte, Derek Taylor, Mrs Mandy, and Jane C. Puh-leeeeeese. There are people posting in this thread that are genuinely looking for relief from this real issue. Don't kill this!!!
Okay then.
I'm a 54 y/o male, former NCAA d3 athlete and marathon runner, was still playing soccer until @ 2012 2x per week. Discovered poppers in 2010 thanks to a hot tranny friend and was lost to them ever since. Used them nightly - countless times in an evening while masturbating and with all sessions with my friend. In fact, wanking and poppers were melded together into the same thing - never one without the other.
My weapons of choice were (in order) Jungle Juice Platinum, Fist, and Super Rush.
I bought them from sex shops and online and found the online vendors provided - in general - a superior and stronger product than I'd get from sex shops. Probably freshness, but who knows. In case you're wondering, I don't work for consumer reports... NYC sex shops vary, but I have to say have never trusted the product I was getting at these shops...
At first I started buying them one bottle at a time at sex shops, but once I discovered the online option, 5 or 6 at a time so as to avoid the inconvenience of running low on stock. Hell, sometimes the online vendors would even throw in a bottle or two for free... Once or twice a month, 4 or 5 bottles at a time... I'd generally go through about a large bottle a week in total. I'd enjoy them immensely when first opened, then compensate for their increasing weakness by pouring them onto rags and holding them up to my nose constantly for minutes at a time to extract whatever buzz I could as they degraded to useless over time.
The sad state of affairs is that it would not be unusual for me to end up in front of a porn computer screen at night with 3 or 4 of the trusty popper bottles in front of me (for variety and strength), a triple whiskey, and a pack of cigs, plus an ecig as well... Nightly. No kidding. 4 to 5 hours at a go. Think about it - 365 days a year, from 2010 - 2015: no issues at all. Life was good. Life was a haze...
I did notice shortness of breath playing soccer after a particularly heavy binge, but I didn't lay down any scientific controls to test it all to validate what may be causing it. Reading from above, I can't say I readily identify with the "chest stiffness" a number of the posters mention. Certainly I was tired the next day, but I attributed most of the tiredness to staying up until 2am regularly and wanking while drinking copious amounts of whiskey while doing so. I never really blamed the poppers.
From 2010 to 2014 my ability to play soccer competitively for 90 minutes was dropping like a rock...
Then in 2014 I moved across the country and had to quit playing soccer for lack of having a team to play on. So, the soccer ended but the poppers/masturbating sessions did not, nor did the smoking or drinking while enjoying the poppers. If anything, things on that front picked up.
Late 2015 things started degrading more noticeably... I developed a cough which I then attributed to smoking (cigs and ecigs). So - on a regular basis when I'd develop a cough - I'd quite the ecigs, reduce the classic cigs, and in a few days or so I'd be back to a tip-top state and revert to the poppers+cigs+ecigs+whiskey routine...
Over the past 5 months I've finally admitted to the likelihood that the cough is not from the ecigs/cigs, but rather from the poppers. In fact, I deduced the direct connection between the cough and the poppers when the cough became really REALLY bad about 6 months back.
I'd notice that after a fresh batch I'd develop a phlegmy cough which got worse if I carried on with the poppers - especially when I doubled up when they got weak...
Lately I've noticed that the cough would take longer and longer to go away. Normally, if I stopped for about a week, I'd be good to go again after that. The last two times, though, it has taken much longer for the cough to cease. In fact, right now I'm still coughing after almost 8 days with no hits at all...
I know what the answer is: QUIT POPPERS. I'm loathe to see a doctor about the symptoms I'm having... Generally if I quit the poppers for a while the symptoms recede.
Admittedly this understanding about the need to QUIT POPPERS will be 100x easier than quitting smoking, but how will I manage the temptation when the poppers shop I use is on my way home from work...???!!!
As for now, I've had a chronic cough for about 3 months now. So I need to quit and stay quit from poppers for, say, 6 months and then determine if I've quit forever, once and for all.
I tried playing indoor soccer about 6 months ago and could hardly last 5 minutes on the short field. Not good. I blame the poppers and the lack of exercise...
I'll report back in 2 or three weeks with a progress report.
Wish me luck!
nicky said on Sat, 15 Oct 2016 at 18:22...
Good luck, msrglobal. Look forward to hearing your news!
Onyx said on Sat, 15 Oct 2016 at 21:17...
The crap about cures and spells is ridiculous!
matricia said on Wed, 16 Nov 2016 at 05:31...
2015 my mother was diagnosed of COPD/Emphysema ,i spent a lot of money on her medication till a point i even lost hope.
Popperexpert said on Thu, 17 Nov 2016 at 04:34...
Been making poppers since 2010....right after Joe Miller(PWD) died. Prior to that, I bought OTC poppers at least 20 times in 2009. Never once did I experience any noticeable side effects with those 20 poppers. It wasn't until I started making my own and then buying POST PWD poppers OTC that I started having lung/breathing issues. This is my BEST GUESS as to what the problem is: poor quality poppers loaded with IMPURITIES!!!!
The sodium nitrite, a raw ingredient needed to make poppers, is VERY oxygen sensitive and if not stored properly ALL the time will degrade to sodium nitrATE, and if used to make poppers, will introduce all types of impurities. I have made hundreds and hundreds of small brews and there is MUCH variety in odor and effects possible...using the SAME ingredients. Mostly, I attribute the variability to sodium nitrite that is not pure enough. Other factors causing impurities can be poor mixing technique when making poppers.
Popper-stim said on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 at 09:26...
I have been a popper user for over 20 years, (I am now in my late 60’s) and gradually became a dependent user over this time where I could not really enjoy or reach a DIY climax without a few snorts. I then found I needed more for the same effect and ended up burning my nose where the top of the bottle touched me when sniffing. So being a ‘clever’ guy I modified dust masks with a tube so that I could get a good hit by placing the tube in the top of the bottle (not in the fluid!) and sniffing. The hit was amazing – but I don’t recommend this, see below. I have been getting my kicks from intense e-Stim which when used with Poppers sends me in to orbit.
But like many things in life there is a price to pay and I have been suffering various symptoms in the last year or so. A chronic cough, breathlessness, chest ache, exposed veins in my nose, heart palpitations, greatly reduced blood pressure making me nearly pass out and headaches.
The sad thing about poppers is that although being a great stimulant and sex aid, they are very addictive. I have vowed to give up many times through negative effects, then when feeling better again slipped back to using them again. I think one can also get hardened to their use and thus take a bigger dose over time for the same hit. I HAVE TO STOP!
If only someone can investigate just how poppers do what they do but to create the same effect with a harmless chemical that can be used regularly over long periods without harming the user. Come on you chemists who make your own! Maybe readers of this may have the answer.
Now I am worrying that I may have COPD which I why I read this blog. Does this herbal remedy really work, there are some many hoaxes these days..
Rock said on Thu, 24 Nov 2016 at 19:48...
@ Popper-stim - do not take any notice of these testimonials that appear sometimes regarding COPD.
You need to STOP using poppers NOW, Bro. Recreational occasional use :OK, but not for you. The underlying issue is the connection you are making between the scent / effect and pleasure. Replace that with something else is my advice and not some other stimulant. It is up to you but poor health is not a good return on a few moments of pleasure, so stop, OK? Not preaching, just sayin...
machunarium said on Thu, 24 Nov 2016 at 22:29...
I ve just discovered poppers for myself a month ago, really liked the effects and first bottle went away just after two nights but....I m a heavy smoker and after three or four days I statred coughing as hell during the nights and literally thought that I m gonna die as those chemicals inside which were inhaled were coming out of me, I used Liquid Gold one, first I thought that it is just because of the cigs, but after I used two more bottles in the next three weeks I realised the real cause which was poppers. The effects are great but the sideeffects outweigh them, I wish there were other ingredients in that liquid, which wouldnt be so harmful)
Popper-stim said on Fri, 2 Dec 2016 at 09:07...
Hi Rock and other readers
It is amazing, I have been off poppers for two weeks and I feel SO much better; heart, BP, Palpitations gone, breathing easily, more energy and general well being. I have been a long term user as I said earlier but maybe once or twice a week, of late it has been several times a DAY! I was slowly poisoning myself. I have also found that a fresh bottle (with no odour) is much better than a half used bottle where the air has got to the liquid. This seems to confirm what was said earlier about the chemical composition changing to a more damaging agent. Sadly it meant throwing half used bottles away. So if you have to use Poppers then only use fresh bottles is my recommendation.
But for me using STIM getting to a climax without them is different but more intense. I will admit though that I miss the heady buzz that they give, but at what price. Hopefully I will not have done too much long term damage. I used to be a proud smoker and eventually gave up and now
can't imagine why I smoked and coughed in the first place. But maybe some genius wil invent e-poppers, that are just as satisfying but TOTALLY harmless.....in the meantime STOP is you can as I have.
don said on Fri, 2 Dec 2016 at 20:19...
poppers WILL agitate the membranes in some folks...if you smoke then yep you can get coughing fits, it is agitating an underlying condition.
Popper-stim said on Sat, 3 Dec 2016 at 09:06...
You may find this helpful and saying that they are harmless....
msrglobal said on Mon, 2 Jan 2017 at 21:51...
Reporting back in, as promised. Following my October '16 post above, I decided to give it one last try to confirm the connection between poppers and coughing. A purely scientific exercise he says, smiling coyly...
3 strikes and you're out. Connection confirmed. A cough developed on day-2 after purchase, full recovery from the chronic cough took about a month. I still hack every now and then - usually after first laying down at night when I'm going to sleep.
Good luck all! I'm sure you will all draw your own conclusions. As for me the answer is as clear as anything ever is for me.
in agreeance said on Sun, 8 Jan 2017 at 16:24...
I have had similar sensations recently. Poppers are getting flushed right now. I've always know they were not healthy, but they were fun and great for a good cock sucking frenzy....
I found this site as I was looking for natural alternatives to poppers. Some essential oils are meant to be europhic. So I'm going to blend up some nice oils and see how I go. First ones to mind are Ylang Ylang and Clary Sage, though they are likely to be similar to weed rather than poppers...
Jg vegas said on Sat, 21 Jan 2017 at 15:33...
What up guys simple post here hopefully it helps u out, Everything everyone stated here is true, simple remedy go to ur local doctor tell them u think u might have waking phneoumonia, and ask for the the steroid shot, which they will give u right then and there also a breathing treatment, hopefully they will prescribe u pretnazone and another anitbiotic, clears the lungs within in 10 days and make sure to ask for a chest x Ray hopefully this helps
LIHotGuy said on Sun, 5 Mar 2017 at 22:24...
I went on a popper binge went thru 1 1/2 bottles in less than a week and now
feeling the respiratory and even worse central vision issues. I know the respiratory issue will go away as ive had it before, but am concerned about my vision. its only been 3 days since i stopped poppers. lets see how it goes over the next week.
Sid said on Sun, 12 Mar 2017 at 18:26...
Used them on and off for couple of years. Effected my rowing fitness badly. Time to stop.
Pops said on Mon, 13 Mar 2017 at 20:21...
I have been using poppers for like 5 years now.I remember when I first tried it with my ex years ago the feeling was so awesome ,the ultimate orgasm but few years ago I noticed the original rush was out of the market,We couldn't get supplies for months on end . then suddenly this big bottles of manscent & rush was in the market.Sad to say that after a week or so when opened it gets so stale & pointless to use.I use to just throw I it away, now theres other brands ,and sizes but they all the same. There is something bad mixed in poppers now days.Because I have picked up asthma suddenly
Sissypops said on Mon, 20 Mar 2017 at 16:24...
I just came to chime in that there's definitely something harmful even in isobutyl formulas. My lungs/chest/cardiovascular system was in ruins after using isobutyl rush and super rush bought from a local sex shop in southern California. I quit them for an entire month, then broke down and bought a 30 ml bottle this weekend. I had a few amazing sessions on Saturday. First session I only took 2 hits and came immediately. Second session I lasted longer and took around 10 hits. By the 3rd session, now late in the evening, my chest was already getting tight. I took another 10 hits and was done. Took some aspirin and a Claritin and some benadryl and went to bed. I woke up barely able to breathe. Sunday was hell. Now it's Monday morning and I feel a little better. But my lungs and chest are so heavy, I can barely go up stairs. I'm just sitting at work now drinking hot tea and trying to focus on steady breathing. I feel like I need to dump that bottle and never touch this stuff again. It's the most amazing stuff in the world when I'm in the middle of a session and that's why I keep coming back to it, but all of the chest congestion just isn't worth it.
oola said on Tue, 21 Mar 2017 at 21:24...
Stop already, Sissypops! butyl is probably agitating your membranes, it can do that.
Its addictive said on Sun, 2 Apr 2017 at 23:15...
Hands up for suffering from the use of Poppers! I haven't been breathing well for a few years now and it's only getting worse for me. My breathing gets better the longer I stay away from poppers then I think I can get away with using and like everyone above relates after one night of use I can't breath well for days. I have tested the different name brands and formulas and one sniff or two sniffs of poppers and wham I'm fucked in the lungs. I knew right away that the breathing issues I was experiencing was due to the use of poppers (new formula or old formula long term use could be the problem)? As much as I love the use of poppers without the old formula available I can not and should not ever use again. It is too painful and scary to thing how much worse it will get. The first time I ever used Amyl Nitrate back in 1986 I thought what the holy hell was that... loved it but wouldn't use frequently because just the reaction it had on my brain and body I knew it couldn't be a healthy choice. At last I have used poppers in my relationship to have sex once or twice a week for over 15 years. Not all the time but more frequent than we should have. My partner doesn't have the same degree of breathing issue I have but his is getting worse he reports. I'm writing this as a declaration of my story that whatever the formula is now it is killing me as I can feel that I have permanent damage to my lungs. Someone said to me that "since you quite smoking 10 years ago and all of the studies on quitting show that you may not see any health problems due to smoking 10 years after quitting" So I can't blame my current lung difficulties on being an ex-smoker for over 10 years. I hope that my addiction to poppers since it's only a weekly - bi-weekly or quarterly problem that crops up I can just quite for good. Breathing naturally again is my dream. breath in breath out don't use poppers. I want to breath in and out and not have to be embarrassed that I can't finish a sentence without losing my breath and coughing up a lung. FUCK ME!!! Life is to short to live with this problem. I'm now an ex popper user!
sam C said on Tue, 4 Apr 2017 at 08:24...
I am so glad I found this site and can relate to everyone's experiences with poppers. I love the effect and it makes sex SO hot, especially when alone to be honest when you're in complete control of the timing etc. One post above is just the same for me.....enjoy the porn vid, with cigs and poppers for hours! But I have had an off and on wheezy throat, cough, mucus especially after many inhalations. Once I had too much and had a white-out in one eye....which remained continuously blurred - that took 6 months exactly to clear which it did by itself. The times when I really over do the poppers is when I get home from the pub or having had a drinking session and then want to play music - on with the headphones and out with favourite CD's...and a little bottle....and that's the start of a session which can go on for hours - replaying the same track over and over sometimes with another flush of poppers every time....a real high buzz but it slows down the bod next day.
I'm in Scotland and there's a new brand called Potent Blue..fuck me it's industrial in strength and can blow you away...need to control it.
Having read all of the above I'm gonna cut right down - like another guy here I thought it was the fags but as has been said the body is very good at telling us it's not happy.
Thanks everyone this is so helpful.
Deathdeal said on Mon, 24 Apr 2017 at 22:17...
Looks to me that I don't need to try poppers and the new formula is trying to cut some of the population down I was really going to go buy some until I read all this thank you
Bi_Guy said on Tue, 16 May 2017 at 18:16...
I thought it was just me that suffered these problems.
I am 49, and started using poppers earlier this year. I am reasonably fit, slightly overweight and haven't smoked for 10 years. At first it was AMAZING! Such a rush, edging was the best experience I have ever had.
Using them a couple of times a week at first, everything was fine. After about a month of using them (English) I started getting a tight chest about six hours afterwards, with symptoms reminiscent of asthma. After a couple of episodes I dug out an old Ventolin and that made me breathe a lot better.
I used them for the last time a few nights ago. I had quite a big asthma attack, and ended up pouring my remaining bottles onto the garden. I cannot keep using them. I so, so want to but am sure this is going to end up killing me.
The latest formula for English is definitely suspect. I would recommend to anybody wanting to try them not to. They are psychologically addictive and likely to make you ill.
garce said on Wed, 17 May 2017 at 07:08...
After having a persistent cough for over a year, I was diagnosed with COPD in March 2015. In 2016 my COPD got worse to the point where not only do I have trouble sleeping at night, I also struggle to get air into my lungs. I read in a health forum of a herbal centre (Traditional Herbal Healing Centre) who have successful treatment to COPD/Emphysema, i immediately contacted the herbal centre via their website and purchased the COPD herbal remedy, I used the remedy for 2 weeks, all my symptoms were reversed, i did another test for confirmation, i was declared COPD free. Visit (www.traditionalherbalhealingcentre.webs. com) or email (traditionalherbalhealingcentre@gmail.com) if you want to conform more about it whatsApp me at +1(856)402-1198......
Dicey said on Fri, 19 May 2017 at 07:18...
Guys if your inhaling toxins then of course it's going to damage your lungs. Problem is there's no evidence into the long term effects. Much like smoke was back in the day.
Gas mask poppers said on Sun, 28 May 2017 at 02:29...
Please stop this advertisment bullshit!
Back to topic: I'd classify myself as pretty heavy poppers user. I'm in my 30s right now and have been inhaling this stuff for 9 years already, often 3 to 4 times a week for 2 to 3 hours. Due to some incidents (see below) I sometimes paused for a few weeks/months before continuing again. I don't count the hits, because I usually don't hit the bottle directly, but inhale through a gas mask putting a soaked cotton ball in the filter. This gives a nice and steady stream of poppers fumes and keeps me in the 'zone' for hours. Plus, you don't burn your nostrils. Unfortunately, the bottles empty pretty quickly, sometimes I go through two (small) bottles in one session. For me, masturbation and poppers are deeply linked. Every time I try to do without poppers, it just feels awfully bland, barely scratching the surface of the kind of amazing orgasms that can be possible when using the vapor. Even when having sex with other guys I have the feeling 90% is missing when not taking any poppers.
I've experienced all kind of bad side effects, including heavy coughing, shortness of breath, blue lips and fingers, degradation of central vision, and headaches of course.
I started my 'career' with Isopropyl mainly. Great feeling, but even from the very beginning I had vision problems that usually went away after a few hours (yellow spots, degraded visual acuity, walking 'ants' when focusing on straight solid lines on screen or paper, light sensitivity at night). One day after an exceptionally long and deep poppers binge the vision problems persisted, never going back to normal. I had a hard time accepting that, and stopped taking poppers for a while before returning back to them, promising to myself to be more careful. Well, yeah. This was seven years ago.
Sometimes I experienced heavy coughing and mucus approx. three days after heavy use, that would stay with me for a week up to ten days. I'd say this happened once every two months and was a clear signal to me to temporarily stop taking poppers. So I stopped until the symptoms were gone, then started again. One day five years ago coughing wouldn't go away, making it difficult for me to sleep, breath and even speak because every breath ended with a severe cough. A chest x-ray didn't reveal anything suspicious. Coughing got better after three months and was completely gone after six. Back to normal (except for my eyes), and I also ramped up poppers usage again, now promising to myself to be extra-extra careful.
Bad as it is, I mainly sticked to Isopropyl. I didn't like Isobutyl because it seemed not as strong and just thinking of inhaling a known carcinogenic through a gas mask gave me the shivers. I tried Isopentyl a few times, but had to cough immediately when inhaling this stuff. So given my previous experience with coughing I was not eager to use Isopentyl at all. However, with time Isopropyl had more and more side effects on me: For the last few years I turned blue (blue lips, blue nails, blue everything) every single time I inhaled it. Often I had congestion even after a single hit, so I continued to inhale through my mouth. I virtually always ended up with strong headaches, usually a few hours after end of session and lasting for 8 hours or so. Usually I would have my session before going to bed, have my color restored over night and sleeping over the majority of my headaches. Coughing was under control but usually I was short on breath and kind of weak the day after a session (so actually a majority of days...). I'm a pretty fit guy, but poppers threw me out of my gym routine, so I adjusted poppers use and gym use so that they don't interfere too much.
Due to another poppers binge with subsequent vision degradation I tried to switch to Isopentyl more often although it gave me a bad cough. Probably I was thinking I'd rather cope with a cough than being blind. I learned to suppress the immediate cough reflex and actually enjoyed pentyl a lot. But roughly a year ago I started to get chest pain that would not go away (interestingly no coughing though). I began to develop a chronic inflammation of my voice chords, which also resulted in episodes of strong breathing difficulties and wheezing. Sometimes I feared not being able to suck in enough air and almost panicked. To this day I still have these symptoms, often finding it difficult to speak for prolonged periods of time or in a loud crowd. I stopped taking poppers half a year ago and seem to recover very, very slowly. Vision seems to get better (or maybe I have learnt to live with it) and even the chest pain seems to get weaker every month.
So now that I feel a bit better again, I think of getting me a new batch of poppers, promising myself to be really really super extra careful. Do you see a pattern there? I know this stuff is doing harm to me and it already has done some irreparable damage. Yet I still think about getting a few bottles just to feel the amazing orgasms again. Half a year without poppers and I still miss it. Sex and masturbation was dull and boring the last six months and now I fear the day I'm horny enough to click the 'order' button in my favorite online poppers shop...
So my advice: Stay away if you haven't started yet. Try to get away if you already started. If you can't, then at least try to moderate yourself, listen to your body and pause for a week or two. If you already have symptoms: Most of them are temporary but you may not notice the day when they become permanent, even if you think you have yourself under control. Don't take it for granted that you have good eyesight, don't take it for granted that you can breathe freely. Both can be over sooner than you think.
PQ said on Sun, 11 Jun 2017 at 08:45...
I've been an on and off user of poppers since about '88. I've tried many of the changing formulas over the years, and never had a problem until sometime in 2015, when I started having a near-constant sore throat, and experienced episodes of shortness-of-breath. The breathing-problems weren't all the time... it would just show up unexplained. I'm a walker, and can easily go for 5-6 miles. One time, I went for a walk and, after only 20 minutes, had to sit down on a street-corner to catch my breath- very scary! Finding the cause was driving me nuts... was it a food-allergy? Was it the new FSC papers used for cigarettes? I started eliminating things... and discovered it was the latest popper formula. I don't think it's the active chemical common in the US right now (isobutyl-), as I've been using this for years... but rather the inactive carrier used to dilute it that seems to be the problem. The latest bottles I've got are noticeably weaker, and have a slightly-different odor... I can't stand these symptoms, so I'm going to lay off for awhile. Yesterday, I took only 2-3 whiffs total, and today my throat feels swollen, sinuses are plugged, and my lungs are tight. This is NOT fun. I'm starting to entertain bad conspiracy theories and it gives me anxiety to go there.
Sam said on Wed, 14 Jun 2017 at 21:10...
I'm worried. I just started trying poppers without doing much research and I did it two days in a row in three separate sessions. I already smoke cigarettes and weed moderately. I never plan to do poppers again after hearing what it can do to your lungs. If I throw the stuff out and take it easy on my lungs for a while, will I be fine? Or am I permanently damaged?
PopperButt said on Sun, 18 Jun 2017 at 08:33...
Sam, you're fine. Generally what happens is that there are no symptoms at first, then, weeks later, after heavy usage you'll feel the effects on your lungs within a few hours to a day. It can be real bad for about 12 hours then begins to clear up. the problem is that when it gets bad, it's nightmare bad. You can just read all the descriptions above for more info on that. For you though, having only done it a couple times with no symptoms means you'll be fine.
Even so, GOOD CALL on not doing it anymore. I ignored some of the early warning signs and tried to tough it through and ended up getting addicted. I'm trying to wean off but I'm, constantly dealing with coughing, not getting enough oxygen when I sleep, being out of breath all the time, and having a heavy feeling on my chest, like I'm being sat on, every time I get the addiction craving and over do it. I wish I had stopped after the first weekend.
mystory said on Sun, 18 Jun 2017 at 19:19...
Well I've used poppers too. Read every one of the posts before this. I started using them in the '70's. Saw people have blue lips and finger nails even back then. The one's that sniffed and sniffed and ,,,, etc. I also smoked cigs. 'Til '99. Had pneumonia then and went on the patch for about 3 months to get free of my nicotine addiction. Got sober in '90 and quit pot for over 20 years. But did poppers the whole time. The last thing I had left. Well sex too. But it was PCP pneumonia in '99 (AIDS marker). Yep I was dying. Wouldn't go to the hospital til I was dying. Thought that was what I should do. I was thrilled to find out that lack of oxygen makes you crazy. (oh is that it?) ok So why do we turn blue? Lack of oxygen. That is what poppers do to us. Don't know exactly how but the evidence speaks for itself. Loved poppers. Started staying "off" for longer after the last snort. Had to lay on the bed or when recovered a little sit in a chair. It was causing a rapid heart beat making me feel out of it. Near the end of my use I too would turn blue in the lips and nails. Didn't like it much but was not shocked by it at all. Then June 7th and 8th 2015 in the morning I woke up gasping for air. I had shortness of breath for years before that. I would have gone to the ER but I had Dr. appointment that day. They sent me to urgent care. They did an xray and blood tests, gave me a breathing treatment and put me on oxygen. Prescribed some meds that I picked up at the in-house pharmacy and off I went. They came that night to set up the oxygen machine and tanks in my apartment but I wasn't ready for it so they gave me a fresh tank of oxygen and came back the next day. Been on oxygen 24/7 since then. They said I had asthma and emphysema. Hadn't smoked for 15 years but was doing poppers the whole time. Found out I had skin cancer in Oct. of 2015 too. Like tanning beds? I loved them. I'm not claiming cause and effect for any of this but with that countless strings of posts here it seems obvious something is up. Don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about my post so I'll end with this. Every day I wake up in the morning I feel that I'm the luckiest man on earth. God loves everyone of us and I'm alive to say so.
Sissypops said on Mon, 26 Jun 2017 at 17:14...
I've never in my life been so addicted to a substance as I have been to these stupid poppers. I successfully spent the last couple of weeks clean, but then got an idea to try again. I got a bottle of super rush black label from a local shop and went hard all weekend and here i am at work on Monday, once again, barely able to breathe. I cant think, every breath is painful, I'm starting to wonder if I'm not getting enough oxygen to my brain. Even my legs and arms hurt. I hate this stuff so much. I wish i never ever tried it. Im so addicted, and it's obviously killing me. I don't even know where to get help. I've ruined myself.
Luke said on Tue, 27 Jun 2017 at 23:40...
The isopropyl formula in uk poppers gave me long term vision problems.
Footluv777 said on Wed, 5 Jul 2017 at 01:13...
I will never do poppers again !!!!!!
I went a little too heavy the last time and took about 20 hits from the bottle.
Later that night I woke up and could barely take a breath. It took me several worry filled hours and trying to relax to start getting even a half a breath.
The next day was a little better but still had a really hard time breathing. My chest was very tight and my airway felt very restricted.
It took two weeks to finally start feeling better.
I was beginning to think I did permenant damage, but it seems ok now.
I recommend we all just stop using them, even though it feels out of this world its just not worth it. I don't want to end up like some old person dragging an oxygen tank around everywhere.
The brand I use was fist to cuffs from sanfrancisco poppers. I think it is made with isobutile nitrate.
Again just stop using these things !!!!!!!
Iam sure they can cause irreversible damage if abused for too long. Just stop !!!!!
justsayno said on Mon, 7 Aug 2017 at 18:58...
Guys, just flush the stuff. I never used to have problem with the old formulas, but this new shit is really bad for you. I don't smoke and I still get a deep mucous cough for 2 - 4 days the next day even after moderate usage. Heavy usage gave me blurred vision which took weeks to go away... nasty, horrible stuff. Avoid!!
Sissypops said on Mon, 14 Aug 2017 at 20:34...
After a month and a half of recovery i finally have been feeling like i can breathe again and am back to my old self for the last week. So... That's about 5 weeks of total recovery time. The first week was the worst, and then the next two were ok with a persistent cough and tightness in the chest. The next two weeks after that I felt ok but it was still hard to exercise and take very deep breathes. Then for the past week or been fine. Now today i am back to normal, the craving to do poppers has returned with a ferocity. It would be so easy and i really really want to do them again. I guess the question i have to ask myself is: do i want monster orgasms, or do i want to feel good amd breathe easily? Apparently it can't be both. Egads, what a frustrating addiction.
GG said on Tue, 15 Aug 2017 at 04:53...
Thanks Sissypops have been following your story and am glad you are recovering.
I acquired a bottle of Rush on the weekend, and I have only done poppers a few times in the past, very intermittently, with no side effects. All I did was two or three hits, and about an hour after I felt short of breath, dizzy, which caused a bit of panic which probably made things worse. I went to ED as I was having all symptoms of an asthma attack. They calmed me down and all my tests, blood ecg, chest X-ray etc were fine, but I was still short of breath. I followed up with my doctor the following day after still struggling to breath, he prescribed me some xanax to calm me down, which did work, and I thought I was getting better until I became breathless again and went into another panic attack and hyperventilating. My shortness of breath is yet to clear up, albeit it has only been two days since the inhalation. In my case my doctor thinks my anxiety is driving my symptoms up and making them worse, so really trying to relax and restore my breathing to normal.
Will not be trying poppers again after this, I'm sure the initial
Symptoms were caused by the rush, but they have opened up anxiety and panic issues for me too.
It was a brand new unopened bottle of Rush, which I have used in the past, this one felt different during use and brought on all of the above so would assume there have been changes in formula.
brutus said on Fri, 8 Sep 2017 at 20:01...
the uk isobutyle was the best, but no more, to make it legal was adjusted to what you buy now from UK, shite...it was put through the legality system by a gay mp, i'm straight but the intense orgasm is addictive!!! I had breathing problems after 10 sniffs a night whilst knocking one out, and had breathing problems throughout the day. You need to do one night and leave it for 4 nights to get the same high and let your lung or lungs to recover depending on what nostril your sniffing from, recover on the non UK stuff.
Ive bought the UK stuff from uk sex shops and don't get the same breathing problems but the hit is gone the second time you sniff it, so Europe imports are more potent but not as regulated as much as the uk I'm confirming..the EURO seen is more potent as sold as leather cleaner but it will fuck your breathing up..
Bring back 1997 extasy blue doves! same hit as the first hit but chilled all night dancing and no one fucking died!
Sissy hypno popper addict said on Wed, 13 Sep 2017 at 07:25...
Guys im 2 weeks in and im struggling out if air mixing with the fluid is the problem ? New bottles dont give me any breathing probs but the half full ones seem to wreck my breathing for 2 days . These hyno popper vids are so fuckin brainwashing if done on poppers .
Sissypops said on Thu, 28 Sep 2017 at 16:18...
I think air mixing with it might be PART of the problem, it seems like it's s not that bad with fresh new bottles, but I've had the breathing problem happen even with a fresh bottle. Admittedly, i always go hard, even on a fresh bottle, but what fun is limiting yourself to just one sniff? Anyway, i think the main problem is with the new formulas themselves. After struggling with this addiction and the breathing issues for a full year I've decided that i just can't do it unless they fix the formula. It sucks, and i have to fight the urge to go buy a bottle EVERY DAY. I'm able to abstain by taking big breaths and feeling how nice it is to breathe painlessly, and i also look at this thread a couple times a week to remind myself how bad it gets. I loved how fun the hypno vids are with poppers and i miss it so much, but it was literally a choice between breathing or not breathing. Such a crazy situation.
Anthony said on Mon, 2 Oct 2017 at 23:47...
Dr. Todd, I can’t thank you enough for the laughs we have had at my ex’s expense. She was NOT a good girlfriend by any means and did a lot to hurt me. By the time we were separated there was so much pent up frustration that I had to do something. I sought you out to curse her for her wrong doings. The weeks that followed I would get the occasional report of bad things happening to her. Nothing harmful but amusing (at least to me). The most memorable one was that she was showering and the side of her house fell off, literally fell off, strong gust of wind. This included the inside of the shower wall as well. Upon further investigation they found a serious leak that had rotted clear through the walls and the glue that was holding on the shower surround just wasn’t enough to hold the whole wall anymore. I would have paid to see that! Who does that happen to??? I still can’t stop laughing about that one. E-mail:manifestspellcast@gmail. com or manifestspellcast@yahoo. com
Thanks! ~Anthony, United States, Los Angeles, CA
Saintmarks said on Fri, 6 Oct 2017 at 06:47...
Read the whole thread. Just started back with gay sex a year ago. Messed around with guys in college but left it totally at grad.
Didn't take too long to come across guys using poppers. Took a light sniff a couple of times and didn't like the smell so no interest. Finally had one guy show me how to close off a nostril at a time and take a big whiff. Oh my, the pleasure for those 2 to 3 minutes while he gave oral was better than any orgasm.
Still used them sparingly, usually when a partner had them and while being orally stimulated. Then i tried them while giving oral stimulation and oh my! I became one with the member! Ecstasy!
Well maybe 6 months into using every coupler of weeks, i developed a really wet cough that lasted a couple of days. Got some cough syrup at the local CVS and thought little of it. Next time i used maybe a couple le of weeks later, same thing
In the space of two months, i have had coughs for a couple of days afterward. Last night tried a different brand.... my friend's favorite, Jungle juice black platinum i believe. I had hoped the change of brand would help (used Rush before). It was worse. Today experienced a much tighter chest with a persistent but less productive cough and have felt general lethargy.
Decided to Google and found this forum. Enough warnings and similarities to go pour the bottle of rush from my fridge down the drain. No more.
One observation, i noticed a similarity in the posts here but have many friends who use these without these symptoms. I wonder if certain ones of us are more susceptible but it sounds more common because all of us are finding this site by googling our symptoms while those that can use without these side effects have no reason to find this site and leave their comments.
I have used no other recreational drugs and rarely drink. Pretty straight laced otherwise. I suck dick and do poppers. Did. This site is too eye opening to continue. And a damn shame cause that 2 minute rush with a dick in your mouth or a mouth on your dick is something else.
Sissypops said on Mon, 9 Oct 2017 at 21:43...
Good for you, Saintmarks. Best decision you could make. I agree that it seems like only a portion of us get the breathing problems, and it's quite a shame, but as you've read the quality of life decrease for those of us affected is pretty huge. I'm constantly fighting the urge to use again but I know from experience that if i do the after-effects are going to be terrible. At this point, it takes me about a month before I'm breathing normally again. One weekend of fun = one month of misery.
Matt said on Thu, 12 Oct 2017 at 06:07...
DAMNIT!!! I tried these in May 2017 and had an incredible experience with my girlfriend. Brought the same batch home from vacation and experienced solo popper use with porn. Wow! I've never felt so good. I experienced no negative side effects. The product was rush. So a few weeks later I bought some more rush locally. A very small amount destroyed my lungs. Also wasn't as strong. I could tell it was different than the first batch. I tried again several months later. Destroyed my lungs again and poured it down the drain. I WANT TO FEEL THAT AGAIN but I like to breathe. Someone please advise where to get old school poppers.
Popped said on Sat, 28 Oct 2017 at 23:16...
The rather fetching deathly palour and blue lips effect from Poppers that some posters have mentioned is called ‘methaemoglobinaemia’. The LGBT Foundation Webpage about poppers says this:
Extremely high doses can cause the potentially fatal ‘methaemoglobinaemia’ whereby the blood is unable to carry oxygen to cells in the body (similar to what happens during Carbon Monoxide Poisoning).
I used to get this if I'd had a proper porn and poppers edging binge, I would be exhausted and lethargic and my bones would ache that night and the next day. I would write the day off and pour the bottle of poppers away...fall into shame feelings...and vow never to buy them again...until...
More recently I've had what I thought was a month long chest infection, but it is now looking more like asthma like symptoms. After binging 4 evenings in a row I ended up in A&E at 4AM with severe breathing difficulties - tightening of chest, wheezing, etc.
This never used to happen before 2012 but has regularly since so I do think the change in the formula as other posters have mentioned is a big aspect. Recently I've used Amsterdam Gold, O-Juice, English and Xtreme. Whenever I've used in the past 2 years I've been chasing the old style hit - though with the new formula in these brands - sometimes the immediate rush is intense but then wears off really fast.
Also with these new formulas, sometimes I've held my thumb over the top of the open bottle whilst edging - and been alarmed to see that my thumb has developed a nicotine like dark brown stain - I used to think...if it is doing that to my thumb, what is it doing to my lungs? I would leave off for a bit, and then find myself buying a bottle for a 'lost day' of edging or a sauna visit with edging to follow. Old habits!
I've used poppers on and off for 10 years, and stopped using altogether 2 weeks ago. This thread has helped immensely with that decision. My chest is much better, my breathing feels normal. My self esteem is higher - I'm not cheating myself for a quick buzz, even though I do miss that buzz.
Feelings of shame are also why I haven't sought advice before, but this information and these symptoms need to be more widely understood. The labels say 'room odoriser' but everyone knows how they're really used.
I've given up for good and the new formula should be banned IMO. I'm hoping I've had a lucky escape.
It's addictive said on Sun, 5 Nov 2017 at 18:50...
Returning to post update (last posted April 2, 2017).
I haven't used poppers since March-2017. I found this webpage and all of the stories here because I was experiencing the same scary shit all of you are reporting experience with from abuse of poppers. It was really hard when the breathing issues first started and worrisome to say the least. I must say I believe that it was the change in formula sometime in 2015-16 that caused the problem (whatever it was they did to change the ingredients at this point really fucked a lot of us and more will experience this before they are through). We as a couple started experiencing breathing poorly - real lung problems, poor vision, lethargy and overall coughing with little to no production of mucus in 2016 and took awhile for us to get off the poppers as we were addicted to using them. Couldn't breath right afterward and then the wheezing started. Just couldn't breath well at all...
It's been 7 months now since we stopped the popper use and we both still have breathing issues... Shortness of breath and wheezing at times. My breathing has not cleared up to my satisfaction at all. I can say it is better than if I hadn't stopped popper use. I'm certain of that.
When I started experiencing breathing issues I went to the doctor I couldn't tell them that i had been using poppers - just couldn't bring myself to do that. So i just talked about having breathing issues and they thought possibly allergies were the culprit. I had a pulmonary lung capacity test done and found that I could pass that within the range of an average 50 year old. So I had some hope... I also started to snore... so was given a sleep apnea test and found that I had moderate to severe sleep apnea this cropped up or got considerably worse in the last two years. I have been with the same partner for two decades and never had a problem with snoring for either one of us. So now I use the CPAP machine and am sleeping 20% better than I had been and so is he. I know this because i have monitored my sleep on a smart phone app for almost 4 years now and the percent of better sleep has increased in the last 4 months. It took time to get through all of the doctors visits and analysis.
We did try smoking pot before sex and that was an eyeopener - (wow) who knew... But the smoke is harsh on fragile or damaged lungs so we have taken to eating pot brownies and that way the smoke doesn't harm the lungs and the effect is good.
I wish that I could report that the lungs were totally back to normal after 7 months but they are not. We are both hiv negative, rarely drink or smoke pot and get some moderate exercise. The smoke from wildfires was also a huge problem this year for me...
To your good health I hope that you find a way to stay off poppers, get a lot of oxygen from the forest and excise and with any hope in six more months I can report the breathing is much much better than it is now.
The weirdest thing for me is that we used poppers from 2001 - 2015/16 without any issues or serious problems to report. The FDA outlaws ingredients in poppers in 2015/16 forcing the manufactures to change the formula of ingredients. SO Now 1000's if not tens of thousands of popper users are experiencing the harsh reality of damage to the lungs do to the new formula forced on us by the FDA restrictions of what was working for enhanced sexual pleasure for many years (moderate use for sure).
Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis said on Wed, 8 Nov 2017 at 00:41...
Could it be your lungs are now permanently scarred from the use of poppers? Could you end up losing a lung and then being diagnosed
with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis?
The doctors don't know what causes it. Only that it is environmental. Makes me wonder if Poppers could be one form of the environmental culprit for some sufferers. It would seem that the my lungs most definitely feel scarred. Best to not sniff. People diagnosed with IPF die within 3-5 years. Dang shame!
Moni said on Sat, 25 Nov 2017 at 12:06...
The night Ofelia hurricane passed through London, carrying Sahara dust particles, I choked while asleep, waking up to a suffocating nightmare. That night I've been smoking solids outdoors , I smoke weed regularly, 4-5 joints a week. 2 cigarettes a week in them. So I went for asthma test a month later and results came back with a mixture of asthma and COPD, a permanent damage to lungs, which may progress to a terminal stage. The damage is irreversible. I never thought I could get any lung condition as I don't smoke much, also I ride 10-15km daily, practice JuJitZu, do boot-camp and box-fit training once a week. But have also been using poppers for t last 10 years, once or twice a week, 2-3 whiffs each time.
I do not know about names, I just buy whatever in the off-licence... yes they available in the corner shop now.
I guess my sexual life will never b the same anymore, or else embrace death penalty...
anton said on Tue, 5 Dec 2017 at 13:22...
I have the tight chest and cough symptoms mentioned above after just using the Isopropyl nitrate formula they favour in the UK. I was a habitual user of real Poppers made from Amyl back in the day - we all were! I cannot remember any complaints of side effects apart from the burning nose when you spilt some. I only remember the instant and powerful hit modern 'poppers' do not contain. When they ban stuff perhaps what they replace it with contains far more damaging ingredients in the long term? If your young/fit your body should process it - some of my mates over 40 do not seem to be able to. I remember plenty of people well over 40 (into their 60's) easily sniffing Amyl Nitrate with no such complaints.
Spooky said on Tue, 12 Dec 2017 at 09:56...
a. " I smoke weed regularly, 4-5 joints a week. 2 cigarettes a week in them."
b. "I never thought I could get any lung condition as I don't smoke much"
These two statements do not make any sense. You smoke nearly every day! You think that inhaling herbal smoke is good for you? Surely not. You also live in London.. so pollution?
@ Anton: amyl nitrite (pentyl nitrite) is used in snake poison kits and is a cure for angina. Isobutyl nitrite, and the dreaded isopropyl nitrite, or worse still cyclohexyl nitrite, are all manifestations of the historic clampdown on the amyl family. They agitate the lungs for sure. Stick with the pentyl nitrite and see if that helps, or give up the poppers! They are hardly an essential part of a full and happy life.
Dexter said on Wed, 24 Jan 2018 at 21:45...
Hy guys. I'm 38.
Used poppers (Rush) with my boyfriend. He had used it already, I hadn't, so we brought it from the US, as it is illegal in Brazil. The bottle was done nearly 1 1/2 month later. We just used it for sex, and not really for every single time we had sex.
This was about 6 months ago. Everything was perfect. Such a great pleasure. I spent good days craving for more.
Time has come and we bought it again last week after a trip to NYC. Same brand (Rush). For God's sake I felt like crap the next morning after using it. And for the next 3 days suffering with coughs and short breath. Ended up in the ER, done a slow 20 minute shot of intravenous injection + corticosteroid inhalation.
I don't smoke. I do pot once in a while. I run, swim and lift weights.
So angry I have to stay quiet for the next 10 days. My lungs are better after injection and inhalation, but I still feel crap.
My boyfriend is only 26 yo. Had no side effects. But seeing my condition, he got rid of the bottle immediatelly.
I will never do this shit again!
Such ephemeral pleasure is not worth the lingering side effects.
casual said on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 at 21:49...
I get the tight chest symptoms and washed out feeling after using. Other than recommending to stop, the best way I found to get rid of the breathless tight chest is long bouts of walking, filling the lungs with cold fresh air. It alleviates the awful symptoms. Also moderate use. Do not binge day after day. Be really moderate and stay in control.
Mart said on Fri, 23 Feb 2018 at 23:44...
Hi I'm 60 and have been doing poppers for 20 years and I can honestly say they have really damaged my lungs it's said they are not addictive but I think they are . The effect is just not worth the sleepless nights gasping for breath. they ripp the crap out of you .its bad news....
Fairweather Friend said on Wed, 18 Apr 2018 at 18:23...
I'm a 39, soon-to-be-40 y/o white male, and I first discovered poppers in 2007. Back then I used them sparingly on occasional outings to the dark, dingy video booth or arcade sections of adult bookstores, but then around 2011 (3 years into failed marriage) I started using them more in conjunction with sex with men and found it very satisfying with no ill effects. I've tried almost all varieties, but my brands of choice have always been Hardware and Jungle Juice Black Label, or Amsterdam if neither of the first two happen to be available. Sex with men became to difficult, because I was doing it behind my wife's back and it was difficult to find quality opportunities, but I continued to use poppers periodically for masturbation - as many of you have, with long edging sessions culminating in volcanic orgasms.
In 2016 I met my current girlfriend, who embraced my desire for sex with men (or bisexuality, as society would call it), and in 2017 I left my marriage - shielding my ex from knowing the dirty details of the things I'd done, for the most part. There was no shielding her from my HIV diagnosis in Oct 2016, although thank god I have passed it on to no-one as far as I know. Fast forward to current, I'm divorced and living with my girlfriend, and my HIV is controlled by meds with an undetectable viral load and normal CD4 levels (upper 800s at last check). Now, back to the poppers.
While with my new (not so new anymore) girlfriend, I've continued to have sex with men - much to her delight and with her blessing - and as such, have continued to use poppers. Actually, my use increased, as well as my smoking pot and newest addiction - adderall (prescribed). A typical night of fun may include recreational over-consumption of adderall, copious bong hits of strong weed, varying amounts of alcohol, and poppers. A daytime session consists of basically the same, except minus the alcohol (I don't day drink). Oh, and I almost forgot, I take over-the-counter male performance enhancement pills - currently Wicked Platinum 2000 but before that Master Zone and various others (the FDA periodically bans them and then the manufacturer re-brands it under a new name) - about twice a week, to assist in maintaining erections and being ready to fuck my girlfriend when called upon. My popper use has gone from moderate to heavy, and up through Summer 2017 I still did not really attribute any negative physical effects to poppers in particular.
I've always been strong, healthy, and active. I played basketball and other sports growing up, and since 2010 I've fallen in love with tennis and have been playing competitively in leagues. I had sinus surgery in 2012 to correct my deviated septum, open passageways, and alleviate chronic sinusitis. In 2016 I was diagnosed with mild asthma but was told that an inhaler was probably not even needed, and I've also been anemic off and on, but was told that it was not dietary and the specialists couldn't find the root cause of the hemolytic process. I had a few bouts of bronchitis, which I mostly blamed on the pot smoking, and then of course the HIV - sexually transmitted. Gradually, my overall energy level has plummeted over the last 10 years, but I just chaulked it up to getting older. But now, let me tell you about the past several months.
Last summer I had incidinces of stomach sickness (violent vometing) and high fever, both of which required trips to the E.R. Last Fall I noticed that I was losing tennis matches that I should have won simply due to running out of gas - and by gas I mean oxygen. Since my season ended last November, I haven't picked up my tennis racquet at all - after having played at least once a week for 6 or 7 consecutive years. I've had a nasty, persistent cough since then (6 months ago), and have once again fallen victim to stomach sickness (apparent food poisoning) and just this past weekend, the flu. I can never recall ever having the flu in my entire life before now. I also used to go to the gym twice a week to help maintain core strength, but last year I noticed that I would feel extremely nauseous each time I finished working out, and since November when my cough took over I haven't been to the gym at all. My weight has dropped from around 205, which is what I consider to be my healthy weight at 6'2", down to about 190. Everyone says that I look thin/skinny/frail.
Reading through this thread, a few things are crystal clear. (1) I'm a heavy popper user. Some recent "vortexes" as I call them, have lasted 5-6 hours, with nearly constant popper use during that time. I can use up 2 large bottles, or 4 small ones in one week. Poppers are attached to my sexuality like barnacles on a ship, and my ship is constantly setting sail to escape reality. Presumably, the reality of living with the decisions I've made - the decision to destroy my marriage and let go of the most wonderful woman that a man could ever hope for. (2) Despite my predisposition for good health, popper use has contributed to some degree to the downfall of my overall health and well-being. (3) It is necessary for me to immediately cut back on my use of poppers, and most likely will be necessary for me to quit them entirely in the near future.
I'm scared, of my own demons I suppose. I'm addicted to large-scale releasing of dopamine in my brain, and I tell myself that it's how I get through the mundane routine of my boring job. Without poppers, I think it's unlikely that I can enjoy sex with men, and maybe not pornography either. Without sex with men or pornography to fill the void, I'm worried that more pressure will be put on my girlfriend to help sexually satisfy me, and she's already under a lot of stress. If this relationship fails, and I end up all alone, a single 40-something guy with HIV in a boring job, my depression will be likely to run rampant. Part of this is that I needed to vent, and I love all of you reading this who can relate to any of it. I'm going to attempt to moderate and limit my use of this toxic substance, and will report back. I'm simply not ready right this second to quit cold turkey and pour my bottles down the drain, nor am I ready to give up the sexual lifestyle that I sacrificed so much in order to have. But, I can't keep coughing like this. I can't keep struggling. I can't keep blowing my nose a million times a day because there's mucus coming out of my nose and throat constantly. I can't keep getting bronchitis, and going to urgent care for fevers and bacterial infections. It's unsustainable, and not conducive to a healthy life. Especially since my girlfriend and I would love to get married and have a child.
casual said on Fri, 27 Apr 2018 at 14:47...
Fairweather. Be tough. Stop. Experience life without all of it and you will get equally high albeit in a different healthy way. I did.
Adam said on Wed, 2 May 2018 at 15:38...
Does anyone know if you can get the old style?
Daisy said on Thu, 3 May 2018 at 11:58...
I am a straight 50 year old woman. My friend told me about rush and what a pisser it is, so I said-I’m in. Let’s go get some. We got super rush at the sex shop. Omg, we laughed our asses off all night. Sorry guys, no sex, just getting high n drinking. Hysterical! Like, where have u been all my life? I have struck gold here. So over the course of next week I was inhaling it a few times a day. Then, all of a sudden, cough, sinus problem, etc. really bad, went to doctor finally. Did not tell him about rush. I smoke so, I don’t no, he didn’t give me inhaler? Said sinuses all inflamed. PRescribed nose spray. It worked immediately. I no longer sounded like “The Nanny”. I hadn’t done rush for about a week, but the instant i felt better I had myself a popper party. It was awesome, but I woke up in the middle of the night once again with a coughing fit, which had gone away. So it was definitely the poppers. This morning I smoked a cigarette w my coffee n it was just bizarre-impossible to smoke. Would just cough like crazy each time I inhaled. Never has happened to me before. I walk, have no problems breathing, lungs clear, no copd. I can’t believe I inhaled half a bottle of rush n this is what happened. Very dissapointed cuz pot is illegal where I live n I’m not big into drinking. I’m chucking the stuff.
popper addict said on Mon, 7 May 2018 at 05:48...
I'm not sure if it's the poppers or not but I have been using poppers REGULARLY now for almost 3 yrs... When I say regularly I mean about 5 or more nights a week. I go until I'm about to pass out then let off for a few mins and go again. I love them.
Though I have noticed the last few months my O2 sats have dropped A LOT!!! I had an issue yesterday and had to be taken to the ER, after being knocked out with morphine, some antibiotics and a breathing treatment I learned I had developed a mass of pneumonia in my right lung. So now I'm stuck at home taking more antibiotics for a week.
Of course I am married and my wife does not know about the poppers so I didn't mention them but I can't help but think that my sex/popper addiction is the reason I'm laying here short of breath and a deep pain in my chest typing this on here.
Jacobis London said on Thu, 10 May 2018 at 09:01...
Sniffed a fair amount of cheap poppers from a sauna Sunday night - yesterday, Weds, had to finally go for help. Coughing and tight chest and pain from coughing so much. Diagnosed with acute asthma and given an anti biotic for treating lung infection. Happens every time - don’t know why I should ever take poppers again. I quite like sex and edging without it.
jyrez3 said on Wed, 16 May 2018 at 18:40...
I have been diagnosed with COPD recently which I know was caused by years of smoking pot and cigarettes and now reflecting on my heavy popper use for last 4 years I realize I have had chronic mucus and coughing for last couple YEARS... increasing amounts of popper use and watching sissy hypno videos seems to have contributed to my lung issues... guess I'll give them a pass from now on... gonna try to just smoke or vape weed for the horny buzz... no more poppers... I want to be able to breathe well enough to have vigorous sex and if it comes down to choosing between good real sex versus hot JO sessions, I'm choosing the real thing... my advice is avoid anything but a couple sniffs here and there or NONE if you want to be able to have good real sex...
Matt said on Thu, 17 May 2018 at 04:15...
Update: I recently found a different store that carries rush. Told the owner my story and begged him to be honest about this product. He assured me this was good rush and he has a ton of regular buyers. He's a liar. I used lightly last Friday night, today is Wednesday (almost Thursday) and I still have terrible symptoms. This rush was the worst I've ever tried. I've never had these types of breathing issues. Never coughed so hard, never been so sore from coughing. I'm very angry with this guy but keep reminding myself that I knew the risk. I've bought rush about 6 or 8 times now and the only batch that didn't cause problems was the first time I tried it. That first batch was also the most potent (it was awesome). I'm pissed at the FDA and frankly am perplexed at the lack of info online. The info is also very unclear. Isobutyl /isopropyl /nitrite nitrate blah blah. There are so many opinions on what the source of the problem is that I'm beginning to wonder with the rest of the conspiracists. PLEASE NOTE THAT I USE A JUUL ECIG. I'm unable to use it for up to a week after using rush. Pot also seems to have no effect for a week or so after rush. I hardly can take a hit of weed anyway but if I'm able to get it down it has no effect, like my lungs aren't intaking the thc. I'd love to know if anyone else having issues is also an ecig smoker? Maybe that is the link that's causing the problems. The store I bought from is in Greenville SC and is called "OUT OF BOUNDS" the owner is a liar who chose to make me deathly ill or a 4 dollar profit. When I'm well again, I may help him understand that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. He is so "gay pride" yet that dude is killing his own kind. Anyone that sells this poison potion will be dealt with now or later. All actions have consequences.
Matt said on Thu, 17 May 2018 at 04:19...
Do not purchase from "OUT OF BOUNDS" in Greenville SC. I am lucky to have survived and still am having tremendous breathing issues.
Space Noodle said on Thu, 17 May 2018 at 14:37...
Strong words, Matt. But what makes you think that this guy has any idea about the provenance of his stock. For sure he buys from a wholesaler he trusts. He is probably not an expert on poppers. Sounds to me like you had a particular reaction, unique to you perhaps? So lots of folks buy rush from him, therefore he is happy with the product.
Why don't you describe the bottle? What does the label say exactly?
Matt said on Thu, 17 May 2018 at 16:49...
Space noodle, the guy seems super gay and I would imagine he's tried poppers back in the day but quit when the iso was introduced. Did you read my earlier post? Are you currently able to use poppers with little or no bad side effects? If so, please tell us all about it. This particular bottle was brown with a rush label on it. Looked like all the other bottles of rush I've seen. I don't believe anyone could possibly be a repeat customer after trying his bull shit. I'm never buying poppers again unless someone can prove its the old amyl formula.
Morbeus said on Sat, 26 May 2018 at 21:01...
I've been using poppers for over 20 years and for the first ten i never had any problems (apart from the blue face effect) and the high i got was fantastic. But since the formulas has changed the highs have diminished so much that sometimes it's like sniffing a bottle of water. And then there's the exorbitant price hike. But like everyone else I've noticed the ,sometimes severe breathing problems ; shortage of breath, wheezing and coughing up phlegm. I use them about twice a week while watching pork but am now "trying" to give them up as I'm sure I will end up with chronic problems if I continue
G Man said on Wed, 6 Jun 2018 at 07:15...
Anyone with experience with Mr S Leather Brown Bottle Leather Cleaner? Anyone know which nitrite they're using? Was my first foray into poppers. Went through 4 vials in about as many weeks and ended up with a cough and shortness of breath for several days. Had one real miserable day with coughing fits and struggling for a full breath. Took a break and toned it way down. Stuff is strong and is quite the ass opener. Got 4 more, lol. Got some Amyl coming from France. Hoping for a better experience.
Mikeb said on Wed, 13 Jun 2018 at 13:53...
Spilled some on my ittalian leather couch. Took the finish off and ate into the leather a bit. Nuff said.
Jason said on Sat, 16 Jun 2018 at 04:50...
Wrongly sipped from the poppers bottle, drinked a lot of water after that a 12 hours had past already, any Advise will i have a future side effect? Anyone had a similar occasion?
Jonny said on Sun, 17 Jun 2018 at 01:41...
Likewise used poppers on/off for years, however certainly noticed getting chest infections more on more when using them.
On plus side chest infections usually so bad that that you can't smoke, so keep sniffing if you're planning on quitting.
Tom said on Tue, 19 Jun 2018 at 21:35...
I tend to use them ocasionally (once a month), usually go for RUSH. Never had issues with them until recently. Every time I take them now I end up with cold, blocked nose, not a runny nose but like others pointed out here , they must have changed formula.
Has anyone else tend to suffer with blocked nose/cold and sore throat once taking them ? Not cough symptoms here . Haven’t been to GP yet but I think I will pour this shit down the drain and enjoy sex penetration without them.
Red Ice Radio said on Fri, 13 Jul 2018 at 04:31...
Poppers are an immunosuppressant and the original poppers are known to cause cancer. Just search flu, influenza or cold in this thread to read how people notice their health tanks with continued long term use.
There is no AIDS.
And there is no real disease such as HIV that causes illness.
Crappy shitty lifestyles (poor nutrition, poor sleep, partying too much, chronic recreational drug use, overuse of antibiotics to treat STDs etc)
Listen to this interview with David Crowe on Red Ice Radio.
Ask yourself about the chosen tribe that controls medicine and profits from the suffering of the goyim while promoting degenerate lifestyles and destruction of the family unit, and now the destruction of white nations.
worshiperofmen (Bator) said on Sun, 29 Jul 2018 at 14:07...
I've been using pure amyl nitrate for 10 years and now daily for 5 years. I live in Europe and it's available. All other new formulas I've tried have been absolutely VILE poison for me, I've thrown them all away immediately after one hit. However as I am now passing my mid 30s I have found that I will get serious chest infections about 2 times a year... I also smoke... If I am in a period where I'm not smoking and I give the poppers rest for a week or so, then when I do them; one small wiff is really all I need to get me there and no side effects, when I'm doing it daily I sit there and huff the bottle to try and "get there" which often doesn't work, sometimes losing my hard-on. And then the chest pains... If it lasts more than 5 days I immediately take a strong 5 day antibiotics plan or I will get awful bronchitis... So my advise for batetards and gooners like me is ONLY order pure amyl from poppers.eu they ship worldwide... and go really easy with them, save for special ocasions and it will feel much more potent with the fraction of the chemicals, and also don't fucking smoke... ever!!!!
MikeUK said on Sat, 4 Aug 2018 at 16:20...
tried poppers once every blue moon, maybe couple of sniffs every 6 months. no particular problems.
Bought bottle of Rush, had a few sniffs over a couple of days. now suffering with tight chest and annoying hacking cough. past week. lots of mucus too. Truly wish I'd never bought it.
SteveOttawa said on Mon, 6 Aug 2018 at 18:07...
I started using poppers as a joke with a buddy of mine about 3-4 months ago, mainly to relax my anal muscles when bottoming.
Amazing sensation. Great sessions. Best feeling ever!
I am a very light user.
Maybe 3-4 hits during one session a week ... nothing really!
I used Jungle Juice platinum.
Since I started, I had
2 bronchitis,
2 tonsillitis,
1 cold,
consistent shortness of breath,
endless sore throat,
vision change
- Been to the emergency once
I had to take antibiotics multiple times + ventolin + other medications to help me recover... missed work a few times because of my inability to function! Tired, unmotivated, no energy!
This stuff is a killer.
I am stopping right now. Never again. Ever.
No poppers no more said on Wed, 22 Aug 2018 at 18:58...
After months of abstaining from poppers and feeling great i broke down and went and bought a bottle of super rush locally. Used it friday night for an amazing time and woke up Saturday morning barely able to draw a breath. Poured it all out into the sink saturday morning. It's now Wednesday morning and my chest is STILL tight and my breathing is labored, but it's improving. This stuff just isn't worth it. I'll never buy it again. A week of my life spent in misery just for a fun friday night? This is stupid. Getting hooked on meth would be healthier.
Popperuser7 said on Mon, 27 Aug 2018 at 02:04...
I’ve used poppers on and off since 2010 or so. But it was very rarely. Once a year maybe. Once Prep came out, I started going to bath houses more often and discovered Hypnosis popper trainer videos. I loved them. And my popper use increased significantly. I’ve had irregular heartbeat issues and am on beta blockers. Breathing issues, tight chest, dry cough, bloating and chest pains. I thought it was my gall bladder at one point but MRI and CT scans and heart tests show that my heart is in perfect condition as well as all my other organs. The only thing I have yet to check is my lungs. I have a feeling that the poppers are the culprit for my unexplained irregular heartbeats and the chest pains. I will be going to a pulmonologist next to see what’s going on with my lungs. I stopped using them about a month ago and my situation has improved greatly, but there is still dull pain on my left lung. And now the beta blockers have created side effect of their own, such as low blood pressure, dizziness and feeling out of breath during position changes (sitting/standing etc). Ugh. Never again. I’m done with poppers especially after reading this. I can’t believe it took my this long to reach this conclusion. I just hope I didn’t cause any permanent damage to my lungs.
Popperuser7 said on Mon, 10 Sep 2018 at 19:11...
Update: I did a tilt table test and it came back positive for Orthostatic Hypotentsion caused by the poppers. Basically all nitrates and all poppers are vasodilators which lower your blood pressure. In fact, poppers were initially a prescription med for people with heart problems. Well...it turns out that the poppers are making me have a sudden drop of blood pressure whenever I change positions. For example, when I stand up from a sitting or laying down position. It is also causing my heart to not be able to pump enough blood to my brain and causing my blood to pool in my legs. So the tilt table test forces you to remain standing still strapped to a table in a standing position. I fainted and lost consciousness just from standing still within a matter of minutes. I will never take poppers again for as long as I live. These things have messed my blood pressure really bad and I am afraid the problem is now irreversible. This is the reason I get lightheaded when getting out of my car etc. And it’s also the reason for the irregular heartbeats.
Popperuser7 said on Mon, 10 Sep 2018 at 19:22...
For those of you that don’t know what a vasodilator is, it is basically a medication that causes the arteries and veins in your body to become less constricted. This causes a drop in blood pressure. Which is why you feel that high on your head when using poppers. The problem is that if you have normal blood pressure, poppers can cause low blood pressure problems. This is great if you suffer from high blood pressure, but people with normal blood pressure may end up causing themselves to obtain a low blood pressure problem like mine. It also causes irregular heartbeats, and increases the risk of a stroke. When I did the tilt table test, my heart rate went down to 30 beats and my blood pressure went down to 50. This is extremely low and I fainted. The doctor’s almost had to use a defibrillator machine on me because my heart almost stopped. But they used medication that has the opposite effect of poppers, constricted my veins and my blood pressure increased and I woke up. Keep in mind, all I did in this test was stand up and stay still for less than 30 minutes. I don’t think people realize how dangerous poppers can really be.
Eddie said on Tue, 11 Sep 2018 at 22:20...
I love poppers and I tried every different bottle. They all are the same and they all couased the same side effects. Funny I thought I was only the one experiencing these problems but I am not. I only bought a few time a year and after using two nights in a row I disposed the bottle by empty in toilet. The addiction is so high and I can't control myself. I did suffer from shortness of breath and vise-ling in my longs. But I've been on Ventolin daily since I started smocking after my husband passed a way. Eventually I quite last night after a few times I tried last few months. I can't breath and my throat is producing too much cloud in my air way and longs and killing me. Also I did experience the very high heart beat and that was very uncomfortable. Scares me. I thought I'm going to have an hearth attack right middle of sex. Lol. I had to just totally stop and ask my daddy to stop and let me to calm down first.
Tlock said on Sun, 7 Oct 2018 at 16:54...
I’ve had the very same issues with poppers. I’ve been using them for about a year now. The first few months no problem. But more recently I find it difficult to breath for a couple of days after using them. I’m in perfect health and have no underlying health issues (PJ from above comments) This is a side effect of popper usage, nothing more. I’ve been off poppers now for 3 weeks now and my breathing has gotten almost completely normal again.
WTFMan said on Sun, 17 Mar 2019 at 14:04...
As a recent diagnosys of Asthma I wonder if Poppers was to blame.
I am an ex smoker sure, so COPD and Asthma is likely that as I am later in life, but either long term use, or change in ingredients seem to be causing me some issues. ...or both?
If I am really fit, swimming and healthy, a small session with them has no affect. If I am tired, run down or cold and have a session I can bring on a nasty chest infection requiring anti boitics.
I am lonely and fall into a cycle of sexual deviance involving poppers as a release, a buzz or an urge, or as a celebration of anxiety sessation. Its escapism. I also because of my illness in my lungs find it a release of depression when I am down, i.e. something I can do that entertains me.
Its interesting to read your thoughts and experiences here, as this helps me note that Poppers are bad. Regardless me telling myself there is no correlation to the asthma exascerbations. Its phsycological, when we addicted - we make excuses. Same with smokers, they will say that its not really damaging them because the addiction is talking.
I am going to follow some notes here and rest the poppers - who knows it might improve my sexual habits and health!
Hal said on Sat, 6 Apr 2019 at 19:45...
Had a popper blowout this week. It was sex with chinese prostitutes. Shameful really,, I suppose. At night as I tried to sleep, my lungs clicked and purred..Nasty. Need to get a grip.and change direction.
Donkeydan said on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 at 16:00...
For all of you with breathing problems right after , try guaifenesin, the active ingredient in Musinex, and diphenhydramine an antihistamine. The first is pricy , the second very cheap. You can get both at Dollar Tree. Take before , and after if it doesn't help enough. You can't overdose, but the diphen can cause dry mouth. Tussin helps while using.Drink carbonated right after and eat something to clean throat. Take deep breaths and exhale completely right after. Do all these things for best results. Been using since 70's while stationed in Berlin. Amyl was the best. Good luck!
Nomfundo Zulu said on Mon, 17 Jun 2019 at 13:58...
My husband was diagnosed several years ago with emphysema. He was able to quit smoking and we stayed on top of any illness. He has been hospitalized with pneumonia every year. His breathing has been getting worse but oxygen levels stay in the 97 to 98 range except when he's in hospital. For a year now he has been passing out. It is only for 1 to 3 minutes and was only when he would start coughing. The doctor changed his medications around but he passes out when breathing a bit hard. Also his feet swell up and are numb all the time. He then started using a cane. i searched for alternative treatment before i was introduced to Solution Health Herbal Clinic by a friend here in the UK, she told me this clinic have successful herbal treatment to Emphysema and other lungs diseases. I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in UK and they all gave a positive response, so i immediately purchased the Emphysema herbal formula for my husband and he commenced usage, its totally unexplainable how all the symptoms totally disappeared, his cough was gone and he no longer experience shortness of breath(dyspnea), contact then at their E-mail info@solutionhealthherbalclinic.com Or visit their website www.solutionhealthherbalclinic.com Herbs are truly gift from God
RC said on Wed, 17 Jul 2019 at 07:20...
Does anyone besides me think that think it bizarre, that these negative comments are displayed on web pages festooned with popper advertising?
thebtheb said on Thu, 1 Aug 2019 at 02:31...
Interesting because I have been buying poppers from France for months and have had no problems with them. I decided to try some of their other brands I'd never tried before. I got three different kinds. One was fine. The second one was nice but gave me that telltale yellow spot in the vision. I tried it two days in a row and the vision thing happened each time. So I tossed them down the drain. The third bottle has no vision thing and seems fine. A day or so after trying all of these I've been coughing a lot - some crap down there like I have a chest cold. It's almost gone after 2 days, but that's never happened before. I do wonder if it's certain brands.
Billo Jenkins said on Sat, 3 Aug 2019 at 00:15...
I have used poppers regularly for around 15 years. On and off. The head rush and temporary loss of control is the desired effect
Then I started to turn a greyish blue in the face after use. This was embarrassing.
I also had a build up of phlegm as a slide effect. These things did not put me off but we're worrying signs that there were potentially serious things going on
I have glaucoma (inherited) and am talking drops to reduce the pressure. After a period of regular popper use the glaucoma pressure increased. I read about the connection between popper use and glaucoma and reduced the popper use immediately.
But I continued to use poppers.
Then after a night of heavy use I was unable to walk more than a few feet. I was breathless and fatigued and my legs felt like lead. After an hour I recovered.
A week later I went for a run and after 5minutes I almost collapsed through lack of oxygen. I had lost lung capacity. This was shocking and very serious because I couldn't breathe. As a previously active man who considered himself fit this was a huge problem
I hoped it wasn't permanent.
If you take poppers and recognise any of the above then be warned. The chemical make up of the high street popper has many side effects. They are not the popper that were around in the 80s when I first used them
The danger is that popper use can lead to chronic lung damage. It's a life reducing condition.
I'm now walking around and just functioning with a tight chest and an inability to exercise. If I ran for a bus I'd have to take 5 minutes to recover. Sad for a Man who could run 100metres in 11 seconds at one time
If you are a regular poppers user then consider stopping before the damage is done. Lung damage is irreversible. Long term you will need a pump and eventually an oxygen mask etc
Concerned said on Mon, 14 Oct 2019 at 17:52...
Hi, Folks!
I tried "poppers" earlier this year. I ended-up in the hospital on supplemental oxygen and IV antibiotics for 5 days. Now, I may have had a compromised immune system due to extreme prolonged stress, but, the poppers sure didn't help.
Admittedly, upon recognizing the "high," it's hard to not want to do it again - especially in conjunction with sexual stimulation. I'm pretty certain that I over-did it.
A couple months later I tried mildly inhaling and found not only that the lung irritation caused remarkable and immediate coughing - but that trying to get to sleep that night was impossible - because I felt so physically horrible... I can't describe it - just horrible all over... I suppose like a really freaking bad hang-over.
After scouring the internet looking for similar hospitalizations for extremely low oxygen level - followed by life-threatening blood infection - connected to "popper" use, I am surmising that the medical community doesn't have much documented on this - and maybe my case was special - maybe it wasn't "poppers," per se, but a high stress level, low exercise, poor nutrition, high caffeine and nicotine.
Oh, also: No alcohol - and No drugs of any kind - aside from caffeine and nicotine.. I'm in recovery. In all honesty, I didn't think "poppers" were a big deal. I just though it was used as a sexual enhancer/vasodilator - and not a "drug" at all... I now feel otherwise.
I did end-up telling the medical staff during my hospitalization that I did experiment with "poppers" a couple days prior - and that it could have something to do with my condition. They actually discounted it.
I feel very strongly that my "popper" experimentation may have resulted in my hospitalization - and I'm really surprised that this is the only discussion thread I've found where folks are reporting some of the same symptoms/problems I experienced.
Admittedly, the "high" is a really good feeling, but, fortunately or unfortunately, I cannot do "poppers." And - I kind of feel that there needs to be more prevalent information on use/overuse of the inhalant... not just on this one discussion thread - heavily laden with "popper" adds...
Thankfully I'm completely healthy now - but I seriously though I was going to die.
Concerned for Others
Katieprice said on Tue, 15 Oct 2019 at 16:32...
Hi I've used poppers and gasped for breath any idea on how to stop this or any alternative for poppers thanks
Wayne said on Fri, 25 Oct 2019 at 17:48...
So I've followed this thread and thought I'd add my notes. I have used poppers maybe once a week for about 10 years. A few puffs a night. It is taking me days to recover. About 3 years ago I went to a lung doc because my oxygen level kept reading around 90. They put me through the entire battery of breathing tests and his line to me was:
You have the perfect lungs....for someone 10 years older than you. I don't know why you have such diminished lung capacity.
He of course told me to stop sniffing as it "doesn't help" but he said he wasn't sure this was all of the explanation. I'm so freaked out that I've done something long-term to my lungs.
Teldar said on Tue, 12 Nov 2019 at 22:55...
Wayne, like you I've been using poppers for roughly 10 years. Until fairly recently, the only effect I ever noticed was a dull headache a little while after usage. Now in the last 6-9 months, I've noticed cold symptoms, runny nose, sinus issues, watery eyes, blurred vision, and Bronchitis. No mucus or phlegm, but slightly itchy throat with a cough that only comes if I force myself to. My last hit of Poppers was 2 weeks ago.
I wasn't sure if Poppers were the cause for all of this BS I'm going through, but now after reading through all of these posts, I'm pretty darn sure! NOT GOING BACK! NOT WORTH IT! Still have mild symptoms, and it seems like it's taking forever to get back to normal. Hopefully, this will pass over an extended period of time of non use.
Emistewart said on Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 06:55...
I am 81 years old and have been using poppers for over 25 years very successfully to help me jack off. Over recent years I too have suffered the same symptoms experienced by others is difficulty breathing, bad cough particularly when trying to take a deep breath. The use of poppers also lowers blood pressure dramatically and has caused me to faint although this has been rare. Embarassing when others ask why you have blue lips etc. I used to get "Rave" in trays of 20 about every three months. I have run out of them about 4 weeks ago and have no plans to replace them in view of the effect they started to have on me. Not easy to give them up but have been off them for the past month and I no longer cough and wheeze. My advice, stay away from them as you are inhaling a powerful (flammable!!) Chemical the fucks up your lungs.
Man said on Sat, 7 Mar 2020 at 12:02...
Stopt said on Sun, 8 Mar 2020 at 01:13...
I am glad to find this site and thankful to all who have shared their knowlege and experience here. I, too, have experienced problems with congestion and coughing after using poppers, as well as a tight feeling in my throat.
I am 61-years old. Used poppers (Locker Room or Rush) off and on for a few months when I was in my 20s to enhance stroking to porn. Never had any problems with it. When the sex shop where I bought the poppers was shut down, I simply forgot about them.
Recently, I bought a couple of bottles of Rush from a local vape store. Thought I'd try it out again for old times sake. My technique was to take three or four quick inhales then one long deep one, which I would hold in for about 15 seconds. I would do this about every 15 minutes while edging to porn for a couple hours. The effects were as pleasurable as I remembered.
After the first night, I noticed a bit of coughing and lung irritation the next day, which did not concern me. I attributed it too too much smoking. I tend to smoke more cigarettes (as well as weed) during these porn sessions. But a few days later, I tried it again. The next day, I had horrible coughing. There seemed to be a thick sticky layer of mucus in the bottom of my lungs that was difficult to cough up. After about three days it cleared up. But then I caught an actual cold. Sore throat first, then runny nose, then coughing... my usual cold pattern.
While I was sick, I googled "are poppers bad for you?". What I read gave me very little to fear about poppers. Some websites claimed there were no harms at all. No mention whatsoever of lung problems. So...
I convinced myself that the coughing was all just due to the fact that I had been catching a cold which took a couple of weeks to completely shake. After I completely recovered from the cold, I did the Rush again. And again, much deep coughing and lower lung congestion for about three days. Embarrassing coughing fits at work.
But this did not stop me. The power of the porn goddess compelled me to return to the vape shop, where I bought two of the smaller bottles of the allegedly stronger version of Rush, which provided a few more sessions of sexual highs followed by three or four sessions of sexual highs followed by horrible days of coughing and thick lung congestion.
I was using Mucusin and Bynadryl to liquify the congestion so Icou ld cough it up, which seemed to help.
It has been about four days since I last used Rush and my lungs are feeling back to normal. Today I Googled "poppers and lung problems" and found this website. So glad I did. It is relief to confirm that I am not the only one with these symptoms. I done with poppers. I am convinced they are poison.
Fleurry said on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 at 15:53...
Just to add to everything that's been said above. In my case in ended up on one occasion going to an emergency doctor at 2:00am because my trachea started to close up after a session earlier in the evening. Like some others above, I then systematically tried each of the different formulas in turn to see if any of them had a better outcome and have now been through them all - pentyl, propyl, butyl, amyl as available over-the-counter from retailers here in Ireland. The story was the same in each case - coughing usually starting about 2-4 hours after taking the first snorts and days to recover. When I first started, I didn't have any of these problems and this suggests to me, as it has to others above, that there these products may (and in my case have) caused long term damage to the respiratory system.
I have now quit completely and suggest it's up to the manufacturers to do something about this or face up to the fact that their products as they stand should be banned from sale. Calling them room odourisers or leather cleaners is clearly a cynical attempt to evade responsibility. Right now in the middle of the Covid crisis, it's sheer lunacy to contemplate using these anyway. Terrible pity as I enjoy using them and would love to do so again.
Blurred vision said on Tue, 26 May 2020 at 00:28...
I have used poppers from approximately 2018- March of 2020. Almost 2 years. Not daily but frequently. Friday-Sunday every other weekend. For the past 6 months, I’ve noticed my vision getting worse little by little. I had lasik surgery done 16 years ago. I thought it was just that the lasik wore off and I was due a retouch. I’m still not sure if that’s what it is or if it’s as a result of poppers. I’m very scared that I’m going blind. Has anyone experienced this? And if so, did you restore your vision and how long did it take to gain your normal vision back. Please let me know. As of now, I think I’m never doing poppers again. Please help me know.
PopperSlut said on Tue, 26 May 2020 at 18:29...
So I have heavily used poppers over the last 3 days. I turn up the bottle in a dust/N-95 Mask and wear the mask until I’m supper high and will reappear that several times while getting my hole pounded. Blue lips and fingers- yes. Spots in eyesight-yes. Incredible Massive Orgasm-you bet. I awoke with shortness of breath, phlegm, lungs burning, so with the Chinese CCP Virus going around thought I’d get checked out. Immediate care guy wanted to send me to hospital via ambulance because my pulse oxygen level was at 88% (normal should be 98%). He took Chest X-Ray- All Clear. Calls ambo. I’m googling poppers and thinking, “Oh, this is great, my body is completely shaved because I was dressed up the night prior bouncing up and down like a good sissy boi on a big black cock, and I’m on the DL.” So ambo arrives takes me out of there and says Dr. Called for his liability if I drove away and you’ll be charged a lot even though I have insurance and if you decline ride you can drive yourself. So out of the ambo I go and into my car leaving the scene. Now I’m sitting at home typing this and I think I’m going to jerk off. I don’t know if I can say that I’ll give up poppers, but I should because I lack ummmmm control issues.
PS. Oh yeah clear chest x-ray should be a sign I don’t have covid-19. The test will come back in 2-4 days and I work at a prison so I can’t go back to work until cleared. So the moral of the story is doing poppers and bouncing up and down on a black dick might just get you a week off work.
PopperSlut said on Sat, 30 May 2020 at 18:16...
Update: I was prescribed antibiotics and an inhaler by my PCP. I quit smoking because it was causing me to cough, couldn’t fully inhale and pain. Almost back to normal. The inhaler was albuterol
Sulfate a bronchial tube dilator. PopperSlut Out!
Hacking said on Tue, 28 Jul 2020 at 21:44...
I’m a 45 year old male. I consider myself a pretty healthy and in shape human. Often surf twice a day. professional vocalist and horn player....great lung capacity. I’m known to get after in life. Started doing poppers two months ago when drinking with my GF. Amazing and insane high...holy shit. Laughing our faces off. Epic dance sessions in the house. Best rides ever in an Uber, laughing. Drivers either thought we were the craziest folks ever or the happiest couple ever. Woohoo!! Woke up a few weeks ago in the middle of the night gasping for breath and felt this ton of bricks feeling in the chest for a few days. Heavy and deep cough. Had never felt something like this in 45 years. These symptoms went away after a week. A few weeks go by and we Partied on Saturday night. Drinking, a little blow and popper hits. Danced our faces off, laughed and had a rad time. It’s Tuesday and holy Moley, my lungs are ripped up. Deep gnarly coughs, tightness in the chest. Shallow breath. I can now imagine what emphysema or COPD feels like. I can’t imagine living like this the rest of my life. As much fun as we had on our popper adventures, I’m NEVER EVER doing poppers again. Ever. Ever. Be safe everyone. X
under 30yo, two bad trips said on Sat, 8 Aug 2020 at 14:12...
I've had two really bad medical experiences resulting from poppers, the latest happening yesterday.
The first was the worst: back in summer of 2018 I'd bought some unlabeled "brown bottle" poppers from a leather shop in SF that supposedly were the original amyl formulation. I hit them pretty hard, maybe 10-12 deep hits over the course of an hour session bating alone. After I came and cleaned up I went back to my computer and found that the words in all the sentences seemed to be in the wrong place, when I spoke aloud I was transposing syllables and getting words all out of order, and I was doing the same when I tried to type out what was happening. (This is called aphasia, it was exactly like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC2nC6NPYp4 .) I started panicking and began to walk over to the ER but then my arm started feeling numb (could have imagined it) and I thought I was having a heart attack (though no chest pain), so I called 9-1-1 and stood on the corner until a firetruck full of men arrived. I explained what happened and at that point to my surprise, my language had more or less come all the way back, and they said I was fine (and were clearly annoyed that they'd rushed to help a person who'd just got freaked out over a drug they did...). I had one of the worst headaches of my life that day, and it still hurt the morning after. I made a followup appointment with the doctor a few days later because I legit thought I'd had a stroke, and she declined to do an MRI because I "seemed fine" and thought it wouldn't show any issues several days after the event.
I threw those poppers out and didn't do them for a long time, but maybe six months later I hooked up with a guy and tried his Double Scorpio poppers which are weak, weak, weak. So to me those seemed "safer" though I knew it was still a risk. And in my head I was creating a narrative that the off-label "poppers" were some bad formulation, and that was the whole problem. I went really easy at first, and seemed to have no real issues, and in the end I used poppers on an off again for about 15 months after that (until present), both Double Scorpio and eventually bodega brands like Iron Horse and Jungle Juice.
When coronavirus started I couldn't go to the gym or exercise like I used to, and I started eating and drinking a lot to cope with all the stress. I also used poppers 2-3 times daily during this bad lapse period of mid-March-to-May where everything felt so hopeless. I gained a bunch of weight and began having gut issues and chest pain that got better but didn't completely resolve when I stopped drinking and started losing weight. The chest pain came and went, and usually only lasted for about 10-15 minutes before going away, but still really freaked me out. It didn't occur to me that the chest pain (felt sharper when I took deep breaths or was lying down) was related to the poppers because I thought it was related to the gut issues, and in addition the chest pain wouldn't start immediately after poppers use but some hours later. In fact, because nitrates are used to treat angina, on some level I thought that the poppers were probably helping! It also didn't occur to me that the pain in my chest might not be related to my heart at all, but my lungs.
Two days ago, I did a bate session over Zoom that was pretty mild (using Jungle Juice Gold from poppersbymail) around 5-6. At 10pm I felt a very prominent discomfort at the base of my left pec. The scary thing was that it didn't go away, and I basically didn't feel any relief until after 11:30. Then, yesterday morning when I woke up I was still feeling the pain, even though it was less severe. I was able to schedule an appointment with the Dr that morning and she did an ECG (normal) and pulse oximetry (97-- just below normal) and tested blood pressure (130/70, a little high). I'm having more blood work and a follow up with a gastroenterologist to figure out if something else is wrong (with my gut specifically), but once I told her I'd done poppers the day before (and after she looked up what poppers were...) she felt pretty confident that I'd hurt the muscle wall around the breastbone (not the heart itself) or lungs due to changes in blood pressure.
Her dismissive manner was a little annoying. Once she heard there was a drug involved, she seemed absolutely sure it was poppers related, even though she'd never heard of poppers until the minute I told her about it. Moreover, so many people use poppers with none of these issues (though until I found this thread I didn't realize how many *are* having issues similar to mine...), so I am still worried that the poppers are only revealing or exacerbating some other underlying cardiac, lung, or musculoskeletal problem specific to my body.
I put the poppers on ice for now, and will probably throw them away if I get the overpowering urge to use again, even though I only just bought them. I think they're definitely psychologically addictive to me (the idea of masturbating seems less exciting without them), but I never have any actual issues quitting cold turkey. (Staying away for long stretches though... that's a different story.)
Realistically, I know I just shouldn't be doing them because they seem to not agree with my body, specifically. But it's also been really disheartening to watch medical professionals go from curious and engaged by my issues to immediate condescension and certainty when I bring up poppers use, since how could they know! There's so little medical evidence of harm and most of the evidence points towards general safety. I'm telling my stories here because even though I have believed "poppers are safe" to be a true statement, for me they seem to have caused some problems.
under 30yo, two bad Trips said on Sat, 8 Aug 2020 at 15:15...
@G Man, just noticed your post from June 2018. The formula I mentioned above that gave me stroke-like symptoms was Mr S Leather Brown Bottle Leather Cleaner that I acquired in June 2018. If you see this, I'd be really careful with that stuff...
Aspen said on Fri, 18 Sep 2020 at 03:06...
It’s quite interesting and comforting on some level to learn of the various responses to poppers which the contributors of this channel have expressed over the years. Also it’s amusing how rarely people have mis-typed poopers (which immature or otherwise, is a shame). It seems that there are some commonalities but I feel my symptoms are more immediate and regular than those shared by others. I used poppers in my early 20’s as part of a heady combination of drugs common with the chemsex scene in South London. There was no immediate or obvious impact on my breathing or congestion and any immediate illness I put down to a the combination of pretty much everything. As a smoker also this has steadily weakened my lung capacity so I had always thought that any post-session coughing fits had Ben down to this. It was in my late twenties, however, that I would use poppers, usually the cheap gold and rush brands you get in prowler etc. to help me masturbate. It quickly developed that about 5 hours after heavy use (5-6 heavy inhalations) I would awake immediately and begin to cough up a thick mucus which would lay on my lungs until i had been up for an hour or so of coughing and wheezing. I would then experience a day or so of light wheezing. This became so regular that I would regularly wheeze when lying down or when exercising. I consulted my doctor about a return of childhood asthma (I found their ignorance and dismissal of poppers quite frustrating ) and was prescribed both brown and blue inhalers which were useful as I was also, at that time, having regular anxiety-driven asthma attacks. It’s been two years since this particularly rough patch, and though I still smoke, regular exercise and binning my poppers habit have rid me of the attacks and the difficulty breathing. I still wheeze at night time however and occasionally, during sex, I inhale poppers once or twice if my partner has it. It seemed to me that I’d overcome this but I recently bought a bottle of gold and low and behold 5 hours after my common use during a popperbate session, I’m up, in my bathroom, coughing to high hell. It’s a real shame as I love the intensity it gives both during sex and when I pleasure myself. I think it’s time for me to draw the line under this and likely smoking. Best of luck to all of you suffering with this, I’d sing the praises of a wholesome lifestyle but I’m not one to preach that and have too deep an appreciation with oblivion.
Katie said on Sat, 3 Oct 2020 at 18:09...
Since I switched to Rush Ultra strong no problems at all - bought from Amsterdam
Hank said on Wed, 11 Nov 2020 at 03:56...
Guys and gals- I love poppers and the early months of use were amazing, with no apparent harm or consequences. After about a year of occasional use- once a week or once every two weeks, 5-10 hits off a bottle per session, my lungs slowly and insidiously became fucked. I tried to ignore or deny it, but eventually could no longer. Coughing, wheezing, significant trouble breathing at times. I now walk around with a Primatene mist OTC asthma inhaler in my pocket, which helps. But my lungs are not recovering yet, and it’s been over a month since the last use. I poured out my poppers and said goodbye to them forever. I believe they are not benign, but dangerous. I hope I have not done permanent damage. And I will miss poppers every day. And I hope I have the strength to stay away.
Jay said on Thu, 12 Nov 2020 at 09:17...
Heavy popper user here. WARNING don’t sniff into or close to middle part of nose / the septum or it will weaken your septum and potentially could collapse over time. If there is one nostril or exact position you like to sniff in, that’s an issue. Use a diffuser instead of sniffing straight from the bottle, it also stops spills and burning skin. I found a good video on YouTube showing how to easily make a diffuser at home. It’s a game changer: https://youtu.be/yPFGXUMK9lI
No It’s not my video and I don’t know him and am not sponsored by this guy. Happy sniffing. Let me know if it’s helped you.
Michael said on Fri, 25 Dec 2020 at 21:00...
"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results." -- Albert Einstein
I've read many of the seven (!) years of posts here with feelings of both relief and sorrow: relief to know that I'm not the only person who's been chained to this madness (misery loves company), and sorrow that many others have fallen into a similar trap. I wish I'd have discovered this site years ago. I would have kicked this destructive habit much sooner than I did. I thank you all for sharing your stories and perspectives, whether they agree with mine or not. So I'll share my own story with the hope that it might prevent at least one other person from making some of the mistakes I've made. If you choose to remain in denial, skip this post.
I'm a 61 year old gay man from the US: happy, reasonably attractive, educated, and successful by most of the conventional definitions. My love affair with poppers began in 1986, when I was introduced to them by an early boyfriend. Oh, that feeling of euphoria, of being this amped-up sex freak! At the time, the worst it would (seem to) do is burn the outside of your nostrils if you weren't careful. But this isn't the 70s and 80s anymore. The reality is, boys and girls, that as the "manufacturers" began modifying the formula to get around governmental restrictions, they started dumping any sort of bathtub crap into those little bottles. And don't even get me started on the money I've spent on poppers after 30+ years. For a long time, it was a regular thing with me. From a purely financial perspective, what was once $7 a bottle is now, in some cases, $20 or more. For what? To cook your head, blood, eyes and lungs?
I began to notice a difference in the 90s, when I occasionally started getting muscle twitches, the whole blue skin thing, the black spots in my central vision, and just a general feeling of being poisoned. Also, the “rush” wasn't nearly as good, except for once in a while when I'd buy a bottle of the "Purple" brand. I'd peel the wrapper off of it and if the stuff was cloudy, I knew it was party time, though it evaporated quickly. Holy Mother of God, the orgasms. In the age of safe sex, this stuff BECAME sex for me, creating a hallucinogenic state that proved to be fertile ground for my masturbatory fantasies. I justified my behavior by telling myself it was better than sleeping around with a lot of strangers and losers, not realizing that I was the biggest loser of them all. I'd abstain for weeks, and then one night, the bell would go off, and I'd be driving to the book store at 2 am. How sordid it all felt. It began to sympathize with people who had much bigger monkeys (heroin, etc.) on their backs. If something like this could happen to a seemingly squeaky-clean professional like me, it could happen to anyone.
Now for the real drama:
Shortly after 9/11, for no *apparent* reason, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Two operations and a round of specialized chemotherapy later, I recovered, but did I put two and two together? Of course not. Denial is a stone-cold bitch. I suspect that some of the poppers formulations then were carcinogenic. I have no clinical evidence that poppers caused my thyroid cancer, but there was no obvious reason for an otherwise healthy 42 year old to develop this disease. Still, as soon as I was up and running again, I was back to my old tricks. I understand the appeal, believe me. I'm the last person to judge anyone here.
Into my third (!) decade of using, I began to develop the breathing problems. I was a mild smoker (no longer now), and had mild asthma, yet I persisted in using. I read some of the stories here with tears in my eyes. The ordeal I endured, repeatedly, was EXACTLY the same as what I was reading. Sleeping upright in bed, the mucus, the wheezing, the exhaustion, the many days (and nights) of discomfort. In my case, I was also experiencing severe nausea and vomiting, with distressing frequency. We're starving our bodies of oxygen, and refuse to admit there's a correlation to poppers. I don't even want to think about the brain damage. I'll probably be a drooling idiot by the time I'm 70. The septum on the one side of my nose has started to collapse. I've had the pain in the left pectoral muscle. It's all there, right under my (collapsing) nose.
The worst part is, I became so severely anemic I was under the care of a hematologist. I believe that I abused poppers so badly I ended up damaging my bone marrow. After thousands of dollars of blood work, the hematologist still couldn't figure out why I was anemic. I, of course, knew why, but was ashamed to tell him. He wrote it off to a "transient infection." and I saw no reason to challenge him. Gradually, after nearly six months of not using, my blood counts (RBC, WBC, platelets) began to move back within normal range. Thank heaven, because I did not wish to undergo the extreme pain of a bone marrow biopsy. My skin lost its greenish/yellowish hue and developed a healthy-looking ruddiness, especially in the palms of my hands and the soles of my feet. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to look “normal.” Our bodies have an enormous capacity for healing, but they won't forgive bad behavior forever.
Poppers may not be physically addictive, but they sure as hell are psychologically addictive. Beyond the physical toll, they robbed me of years I could have spent cultivating healthy sexual relationships with others, instead of being a coward and getting my jollies in private. As is true for most people, I had to get the shit scared out of me before I finally cleaned up my act.
Now, for some good news. After a year without the stuff, my breathing has improved exponentially. I can walk up hills/stairs with ease, cycle, run the treadmill without undue exertion, swim, etc. When your breathing is good, you don't even notice it. I'm sitting here at my desk and find that I don't have to take a breath except every few seconds. So please, realize that your breathing WILL improve if you give yourself time and love. Then, don't delude yourself into thinking that “the next time will be better.” It won't be. After only a few hours, you'll be back at square one, gasping for breath and chasing sleep. Take it from one who's been there, dozens of times. It's absolute insanity. It was fun in its heyday, but no longer worth the long-term consequences. I'm now at that stage where I'm telling myself, “had I known I was going to live so long, I would have taken better care of myself!”
Remember that COVID-19 attacks the lungs. Don't be your own worst enemy. Get out of denial, forgive yourselves, love yourselves and heal!!
Data said on Fri, 1 Jan 2021 at 23:30...
This gave me deja vu, it made me cry, I am only 20, 21 soon. I don't have a big issue with poppers, but I have an addictive personality, and watch a lot of porn and like everyone does them and I get hard mucus, I have a deviated septum and have a scar on my left nostril that hasn't healed (after 3 months) because of using them only in that nostril. But everyone here, Michael who has been hurt and almost corrupted because of these chemicals; by the level of abuse we put on ourselves; you are all so strong and brave for being honest and have made effort to stop - if you haven't that is up to you. Regardless, life isn't about coughing out everything you loved for some clubbing chemical, and it sure isn't about sex. I think if anything this thread has reminded me that life is not being alone and that there are millions of people who know where I am and are fighting this for so long. I hope everyone stays safe, and loved, and love yourself! RuPaul literally been telling us this for decades and taking poppers is just loving poppers (and dick). It isn't fair on yourselves, it isn't on me to myself.
If you read this, please DO NOT BUY A DISEASE! I love you (look here is a heart 4 u <3). Love and Light.
MIchael said on Sat, 9 Jan 2021 at 03:51...
Thank you for reading, Data. I'm glad my story inspired you to commit to less self-destructive behavior. Best of luck to you on your journey!
formersniffhead said on Thu, 18 Mar 2021 at 02:16...
I have read this entire forum and having stupidly bought 3 bottles in Jan and played with them when I am alone in private and edging it out, was good at the time but since full mucus cough spit every day. thrown all away, PLEASE DO NOT BOTHER, ALL SHIT, NOT WORTH IT. all I do is cough thick brown shit, horrible, I will never do it again. period
Man said on Tue, 23 Mar 2021 at 06:05...
Stupidly huffed for first time after having given up for 7 months. Indonesian gf offered me a huff from a bottle she had. A lot of huffing over a morning. No adverse symptoms. I put that down to healthy lifestyle and having a long break. I will not be going back. However I am convinced the problems are caused by not having long breaks from it. In the past I had been a weekly user over periods of 6 or so months. That led to a lot of the symptom described on this board.
R Don said on Wed, 7 Apr 2021 at 13:19...
Be very wary if you insist on huffing iso propyl nitrite. Do not, I repeat. Do not have a session in a poky bedsit with the windows and doors shut. If you do you suffer from breathless and mucus for days after. You need ventilation, loads and loads of fresh air whilst huffing.
GuyCT said on Sat, 10 Apr 2021 at 19:29...
I’ve suffered from pneumonia type symptoms 2-3 times now after using Jungle juice platinum. I’ve been a regular user of poppers for 3yrs now but all of the sudden my lungs cannot tolerate them anymore. I’m curious if the product ingredients have change? I’ve pitched them all and won’t be using them again.
Thanks for all the posts here guys, it was an education reading all of this.
GuyCT said on Sat, 10 Apr 2021 at 19:49...
I should add to this - I was actually hospitalized once because of the chest /lung pain I experienced after a night of using poppers.. It took that to learn my lesson!
R Don said on Mon, 12 Apr 2021 at 08:43...
I was very nearly hospitalized. I spent 3 days in bed once struggling to breathe after huffing two different types of popper. i.e. Iso propyl nitrite and pentyl nitrite.
Never again.
H said on Thu, 13 May 2021 at 23:42...
Thanks to all posters. What an informative and sometimes emotional read. I have been experiencing breathing problems related to poppers and with your strength will stop completely.
Take care everyone now more than ever. It's good to know there are so many of us in similar situations. Sending out positive vibes to you all xx
Popperotica said on Mon, 21 Jun 2021 at 07:57...
A hetero couple here agrees on almost everything posted above point for point. Given the timing and preponderance of anecdotal evidence, we have a couple of thoughts:
1. It seems to me the 1980s formulas were much stronger, in other words a greater concentration of nitrite per ML. Today's seem very weak on first huff and really don't get up to speed until 5 or 10 sniffs of the bottle, at which time the bottle is almost shot for vasodilation effect.
2. As in any chemistry, it's logical to assume that dilution of a "not as effective" ingredient means the bottles are subjecting users to many times and more concentrated exposure to "fillers" like alcohols, oils, desiccants or whatever the vapor pressure will allow. Who knows?
I know its nearly impossible to produce an absolutely pure product, But what content labels I have seen lately say 1% (varying) nitrites. That means 99% crap.
Facts will lag because it'll be labeled a "gay" issue (which it isn't) but serious research is needed for the whole community, which by the volume of posts here seems legion. We need to lobby for laws to bring back original formulas to facilitate safer recreational use.
Ex user said on Tue, 6 Jul 2021 at 14:19...
In my humble opinion, the extent of feeling rough from use is the result of frequency of huffs per session X number of sessions over a given period. This may sound obvious I know. I would have at least 6 to 8 week breaks and when I did use it would be once to get the wheel spinning and a final as I get close. That way I could manage moss of the ill effects mentioned in this thread. I gave it all up eventually as I considered the short term thrill is not worth the longer term grogginess and snap, crackle and pop wheeziness.
Hipno said on Wed, 4 Aug 2021 at 14:26...
Hi guys,
I have the same problems : short breathing , dry mucus , chest pain after using poppers.
I was thinking that all theese years They are gonna do something to change theese side effects , but nothing and the poppers are getting whorst day by day. How is possible ?
Have you found any new poppers better without breathing problems?
Happy if you share with us.
Poppers said on Tue, 10 Aug 2021 at 15:56...
Yes I've literally got this now. Opened a cheap Isopropyl Nitrite - 541-42-4 at the weekend, it had gone stale within 2 days and now I'm real suffering with an awful chest. Even took a covid test just to be sure because the coughing is bad!
Scot Popper said on Mon, 23 Aug 2021 at 16:53...
I am so moved and relieved to find this site. Thank you everyone for sharing! I just spent a weekend with a man I want to partner up with. We're still getting to know each other, and Im new to gay relationships, rather than gay encounters. So, I buy myself a sexy jockstrap and for the first time my own super strength poppers. I feel so turned on by the prospect of sniffing during sex. I am not a regular user, but other men have brought poppers along to encounters, and I associate them with a trangressive thrill, and with letting go. Both days, in the mornings I went for a decent run, and for two nights I used Isopropyl nitrate (potent Blue). The headache I could deal with. I could run it off. But the asthma attack... coming on slowly and destroying my days and nights.
Now I associate this entirely with the effect of the poppers on my lungs. It cant be anything else. Im not sure Im strong enough to refuse them in the future, but it seems the only way. 48 hours of being unable to breathe OUT, is too heavy a price. And this came on with someone who rarely does poppers.
Im relieved to read that for many others that it will clear up after a few days, I dont think I'll go to hospital but try to let it pass. I also wondered if it might be Covid... But eight years to sharing and I at least find the thread these wonderful men have written. The case is proven. Poppers, and Isopropyl nitrate for sure - seriously fuck up your bloodstrream and your lungs. There must be better ways!
Scot Popper said on Thu, 26 Aug 2021 at 09:41...
So... ever since July 2013 when the 1st person on this string posted it, the question has been in the air, and unanswered: hard to breathe next day - why? I think our common experience shows that there is a link between poppers - isopropyl nitrate in my case - and lung irritation sufficient to cause severe COPD and asthma attacks... but why? How is it happening? This must be a widespread health problem that no-one is addressing, even though many thousands of us experience it.
I guess that those of us that contribute to LGBT health and welfare groups, in one way or another, have to bring it up, and to make pressure. Not talking about it not only threatens lives, it maintains a stigma about gay sex. Let's get talking and lets answer this eight year old question... why? Should these products carry a health warning... has anyone died? Do they make for long-term lung conditions?
clean from poppers said on Thu, 4 Nov 2021 at 08:11...
Glad to see everyone freely sharing their experiences. Mine was similar.
In 2020 Summer-Fall I used poppers "Jungle Juice" brand probably several dozens of times (50-60?) and stopped after using for 3-4 months because my intuition felt like this was toxic. Very shortly thereafter I began to not be able to breathe well.
Every night I would sit up in my bed and could not get air in, very concerning. I went to the pulmonologist and they did a airway function test (PFT) which I failed (as lifetime never smoker) so they did a CT scan which came back no COPD --> meaning asthma. I bike to work every day, healthy 30s never had any breathing issues. Thats when it clicked to me as poppers as the likely cause and discussed this theory with my doctor who said it is definitely possible considering our lung tissues have irritant receptors which trigger inflammation response as a defense to keep toxins out, leading to mucus build up and the traditional symptoms of asthma. It also makes the liver work harder to detoxify radicals formed by interactions with oxygen gas in tissues. It also compromises the blood brain barrier which can lead to systemic infections and immune cell function irregularities.
I am now on daily regimen of 4 asthma medications to just try and breathe normally. Will probably monitor my lung capacities for the rest of my life and all because I just had thought that poppers were "less addictive and low concern for health risks and abuse", which I believe is a lie. I won't ever be doing poppers again and have let my support system know that.
Cad66 said on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 at 10:15...
I see that I am not alone with my symptoms. I started Rush in February 2021, side effect was tinnitus and a few seconds of yellow spot when seeing. I am 35 an healthy, make sport and live a healthy life.
2022 June Amsterdam Black Label extra strong, it was the super kick and you just wanted sex, had it 4 to 5 times in the Used summer and again in September, was worried about my eye for a long time about 2 to 3 months because my left eye was slightly blurry in long range vision. I also developed shortness of breath, but with a delay of a few days, everything was ok at the ophthalmologist! I went to the pneumologist, x-ray lung test everything ok! I was still mentally down and afraid that Poppers would destroy me, the doctor said it was functional shortness of breath. After 3 months until December 2021 I felt perfect again! So I bought it so stupid I was Amsterdam Black again... took it out of the car cold and pulled it in the evening. The next day around noon the shortness of breath came back, after 2 days a burning in the lungs which lasted a week. There's pentyl in that stuff, not isopropyl like in the rush. I now have the connection to shortness of breath, it's the poppers.
I think I'm having an allergic reaction or irritation, you google a lot and it can be anything, COPD, exogenous alveolitis etc etc..I was at the ER there the pain scared. I take a corticosteroid inhaler plus prednisone to reduce any inflammation, after 12 days I feel like it's slowly improving, but slowly. It continues to burn but only slightly, I can breathe easier but still feel a tight one. Folks, I want to tell you mur, as good as poppers are. THE STUFF IS POISON! It's not worth kicking for a few seconds wasting your health like that. I'm out forever and I'll never take it again. Some may take forever but the reports are piling up. Eyes, lungs break, I've been drawing in 3 episodes for 1 year, always 3 to 4 sporadically and not exaggerating normal draws. And look at it, that's enough. I think and hope that in another 2 to 3 weeks I will be fully recovered and my lungs will have recovered from the irritation. It's a bad feeling, especially when you have responsibilities in life. Better switch to other things, smoke a joint, pull your nose, yes, I don't know everything well, but it's certainly easier to control than the side effect of these nitrite gases that are in your lungs and ruin your eyes!
slbbc said on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 at 21:50...
Thought I would throw in my two cents here. I have noticed that isobutyl formulations and isopropyl formulations seem to carry the greatest issues. I have used them and off for two years now. The isobutyl poppers cause more side effects the less fresh they are. Amyl poppers on the other hand (like Everest from poppers aromas) don't seem to cause me the same issues but the rush is not as euphoric. From the first time using to the third I didn't notice a marked negative effects on lung function using amyl, whereas isobutyl (and I've tried butyl from multiple vendors). Always gives me an issue after the first use. I just bought Double Scorpio's valentine's day deal combo set which are all isobutyl. Hopefully these will be as fresh as possible as I bought them directly from the company.
Practice Risk and Harm Reduction-Check Blood Oxygen Levels said on Sun, 13 Mar 2022 at 01:18...
Your worrisome symptoms after using poppers, are almost certainly from hypoxia. Amyl nitrites act as oxidizing agents which can cause methemoglobinemia. As a result, tissue hypoxia occurs from decreased oxygen binding capacity of methemoglobin.
Check your pulse oxygen measurement and practice risk reduction and harm reduction. A low oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry after doing poppers is an indication of methemoglobinemia and tissue hypoxia, hence the blue tint to your skin, shortness of breath, headache, and other unwanted symptoms. The lower the measurement, the greater the danger from hypoxia.
For most healthy people, upon cessation, these symptoms will resolve on their own as your body returns to homeostasis, although some will not, and anecdotal reports suggest some accumulative affect. The use of Vitamin C and E can reduce the oxidative induced methemoglobin, although it may need to be intravenously to achieve medical efficacy Doe the most azure cases, intravenous (IV) methylene blue is the first-line antidotal agent.
Life is full of risks and also rewards, and finding the best balance requires consciously being aware of the risks, and rewards, and making informed choices. It always makes sense to reduce risk and harm though knowledgeable choices that also allows for the maximum reward.
Anon1 said on Thu, 2 Jun 2022 at 16:46...
Hello, anyone here have any updates from 1,2,3 years from now? I've used on and off for the last 10 years. Before I had no problem or issues. Now I'm in my early 40's and I have developed a chronic cough, and sinus issues. In the morning I have to force my self to cough up mucus that is dry and slimy. It's been 2 months now with no use and I'm certain I'm done with the forever. I never smoke cigarettes but did smoke pot for about 8 years daily. Any past posts would be great with an update. Thank you
AdamBator said on Mon, 1 Aug 2022 at 19:52...
I'm glad that I'm not the only one. I ha e found that every time I nasal inhail poppers, the next day I am stuffed up and blowing out yellow mucus. It feels horrible for several days afterwards. It was suggested that I try the sock method inhailing from the mouth.
Flameguy said on Fri, 24 Mar 2023 at 02:29...
Lower back pain, joint pain, stomach bloating, indigestion along with heartburn (due to nerve damage), constant sneezing and swollen eyelids...
Yo said on Mon, 26 Jun 2023 at 00:34...
Not a heavy user but I have noticed side effects of late...if I am hooking up I would say 4 to 5 inhales, that would be most. Last three days wheezing, coughing that doesn't allow the phlegm to come up. No vision issues or turning blue, yikes. No chest pain, but the cough is annoying.

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