Best place around to buy Poppers
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Poplover
on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 at 12:14
Poplover said on Tue, 16 Jul 2013 at 12:14...
Check out they ship worldwide and they have "REAL" poppers!! I had the greatest experience with them and just wanted to share
Arbothnot Grimm said on Mon, 22 Jul 2013 at 12:04...
I have no doubt about that. Only the other day I was wondering where to purchase a length of rubber hose, two buckets, and a traditional gentleman's truss. I discovered that the best place by far is Arbothnot Grimm & Co of Cleethorpes. I whole hardheartedly recommend their wares to discerning gentlefolk who, by God's providence, find themselves abiding in that Earthly paradise that is the Humber estuary. Visitors to this Lincolnshire Eden may also be interested in visiting Maud Grimm's tea rooms where they will find refreshment at attractive prices.
Rob said on Thu, 25 Jul 2013 at 12:53...
Tezzer said on Sat, 27 Jul 2013 at 18:24...
"Maud Grimm's tea rooms"
Oh yes! Any relation at all!
Marshall said on Sun, 28 Jul 2013 at 18:46...
I think it is called irony.....or is it satire?
Jeff Thumpstone said on Wed, 31 Jul 2013 at 16:31...
Maud Grimm's tea rooms! I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the poster, Arbothnot Grimm, is in some way related to Arbothnot Grimm & Co of Cleethorpes. I agree with you, Tezzer. Can we have a beer sometime?
Maureen said on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 at 14:36...
Why do you want to drink beer with him? he don't seem very sharp. There was a lad called Norris, used to hand around near the library. My friend Mrs Reilly said he wasn't to be trusted with cats or any pets for that matter. Apparently he used to try to dress them up in suits and stuff and hold mock trials. He made a gallows out of a lego set and the rope was from his dressing gown. He was a right weirdo really; he went to live in a home out in Essex somewhere. He used to say that Joseph Stalin made him do things like shoplifting in Woolworths. They had enough of him when he started pinching flowers from the church.
PJ said on Thu, 5 Sep 2013 at 17:11...
Stalin was certainly a great manipulator, Mrs M. I think he was probably brown bread by the time of Woolworths though.
LoveNPeace said on Sat, 14 Sep 2013 at 09:25...
oh wow real poppers ! as opposed to unreal ones...ones that like totally do not exist. <greatest experience> awesome dude AWEsome. this maybe the sign of the new yeeeey!
Standova said on Sun, 13 Jul 2014 at 06:44...
is this a place for others to share their experiences or be made fun of by moronic fools who sit behind their desks with their little dicks in their hands jacking off with glee at how smart they think they are because they just shot someone down for having an opinion or having the guts to share that opinion in an open forum???
NOT COOL Arbothnot Grimm and your other little minions who follow you blindly with even smaller dicks with no balls.
Got something to say now ??? how bout I shove that piece of hose and those two buckets up your arse and see how smart you are then dick head
Jeff Thumpstone said on Sat, 4 Oct 2014 at 16:10...
Yes ineedie! or promoting themselves like what that scoundrel Arbothnot Grimm done! As everyone knows the very best rubber hoses, buckets, and truss-wear can be found at Thumpstone's Emporium on Frottage Street. I noticed while passing said establishment (by chance) that they were offering suppositories at attractive discount...but this week only!
Arbothnot Grimm said on Mon, 20 Oct 2014 at 18:36...
Got something to say now ???
I have. For retention use only Mother O'Reilly's Patented Suppositories. Distributed exclusively in the North by Grimm & O'Reilly.

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