Poppers in Canada
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by MtlPopBator
on Tue, 11 Jun 2013 at 06:01
MtlPopBator said on Tue, 11 Jun 2013 at 06:01...
So, poppers are apparently not sold in Canada anymore. I am uncertain as to if it is "illegal" or if the specific formula is.
Anyway... we need to find some of the good stuff. Any supplier online that would deliver ?
Colby said on Wed, 12 Jun 2013 at 10:20...
Taken from the shelves in many Canadian provinces it seems. Nothing really new there, it has been happening for years.
HungXL said on Wed, 12 Jun 2013 at 21:10...
Pride Toronto June 21 thru June 30. Nice timing!
AustinTop said on Thu, 13 Jun 2013 at 14:31...
When they banned poppers in Texas, around about 1980, the witch-hunt chief said one of the reasons was because they caused "violent crime"! Like lets go kick the crap out of Bud and don't forget the amyl....yeah right.
Hotdog said on Mon, 1 Jul 2013 at 17:26...
"Singer Rufus Wainwright says he introduced his mother, Canadian folk musician Kate McGarrigle, to alkyl nitrates — a chemical inhalant commonly known as “poppers” — inside a seedy New York gay bar."
There's a great idea for Mother's Day. Hey mom! I'm just going down to Sleazy Mike's wanna come? He's got a whole bunch of Rush there we can try! My treat...like WOW!
Hugo said on Fri, 5 Jul 2013 at 19:36...
Who he? Never heard of him. Poppers do not exist in Canada anymore so I heard. Queer thing is they are all the rage in France now...and that is not just isopropyl either.
Hornydvl said on Sun, 25 Aug 2013 at 02:49...
No shortage here in Montreal, never has...
29JDNA said on Thu, 5 Sep 2013 at 17:11...
Further to MtlPopBator's question; is there any source for poppers in Toronto? Will any online service deliver?
Lex said on Thu, 12 Sep 2013 at 13:57...
Where, Hornydvl? all poppers have been removed and no longer sold across the land!
Cleancut said on Tue, 8 Oct 2013 at 03:43...
Has anyone found an online retailer that will deliver to Canadian addresses?
miked said on Wed, 9 Oct 2013 at 16:43...
to the person that says there is no shortage in Montreal , i have been looking everywhere I could not find any.
Miss Mint Julep said on Fri, 18 Oct 2013 at 21:17...
A friend of mine in Toronto told me that this big drama is because of someone spilling it at work?
Raz12 said on Sun, 9 Mar 2014 at 03:47...
In moderation I enjoyed poppers , to bad the complaints of a few have taken away our personal enjoyment of the many users.
Jcf said on Wed, 26 Mar 2014 at 23:00...
Help. I really wat to find some in canada. Or a source that I can order from. Powerpopers is a no go. Anyone?
Revulous said on Thu, 5 Jun 2014 at 05:37...
Why would powerpoppers be a no go?
Uberman said on Thu, 19 Jun 2014 at 01:53...
I have a bottle of popper Jungle Juice Gold Label. If someone wants it, I will trade it for something. I want a good set of panties from a beautiful girl. Not my own girlfriend. For the details of what I want and expect from the panties, you can email to me at c5eb566b@opayq.com. There is no fraud here. This is a masked email so I don't have to post my real email in the forum, so that no one else can use it, or no bots can take it for more spam.
I will have rules about what I want for this bottle, but I am a good guy, who believes in karma. I won't defraud anyone, because I believe fully what I do to someone, will also be done back on me at some point. If you think you can trade the panties that I specifically am looking for, and with the restrictions of what I want, then I will mail you this bottle. I have more coming too, so when I get them, I may have 2 more bottles I can trade for more. If you're interested contact me, and I'll give you all the details. Remember, c5eb566b@opayq.com
Math said on Sun, 18 Oct 2015 at 15:03...
I'm looking for poppers in montreal ? Anyone knows where i can find
Josh said on Wed, 14 Dec 2016 at 06:39...
Safest way to order Poppers if you are in Canada.
Lots of brands to choose from.
Regular or Xpresspost shipping.
Christopher said on Mon, 18 Dec 2017 at 09:13...
My vote goes to Canadapoppers.com also. Been using them for 7 months and they are awesome. They ship really quick too and have express post
BottomBoi said on Sun, 7 Oct 2018 at 00:09...
CanadaPoppers.com is awesome. They got all my favourite brands and imy order arrives pretty quick too. Very happy dealing with them
Jungle Jim said on Sat, 17 Aug 2019 at 19:05...
Here you go - your welcome !
Canada Poppers Sites
POP-CANADA.com $38 each W/ 18 shipping. Accepts e-transfer.
Popperscanada.com $28 each W/ $25 shipping. Free shipping with $96 order. Accepts e-transfer.
Canadapoppers.com $40 each W/ $20 shipping. Accepts e-transfer.
Torontopoppers.com $28 each W/ $20 shipping. Free shipping with $100 order. Accepts pay-pal and credit cards.
JJpoppers.com $50 each W/ $15 shipping. Accepts e-transfer. ( sorry but this site just looks like im throwing money down the drain )
Anon said on Wed, 18 Sep 2019 at 10:43...
Thank god for T.O. Poppers. Tried finding a way to buy poppers for months and was always to afraid I was gonna be throwing away money.
T.O. King said on Tue, 24 Sep 2019 at 21:49...
@anon agreed. Two orders that were easy AF. Got my second order the next day
Tesla Boy said on Thu, 3 Oct 2019 at 15:57...
Ive dealt with Toronto Poppers and nobody can touch them for buying in Canada. I wish amazon.ca had there kind of service......
@Tesla Boy said on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 at 03:16...
HAHA! Agreed. Amazon needs some work, at least in Canada.
Anonymous said on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 at 20:06...
I use shinypoppers.ca they are super legit and have good quality products. Ship within Canada for all Canadians who want a reliable source
xyz said on Sat, 3 Jun 2023 at 19:30...
Hi there,
I sell poppers within Canada (mailed from Vancouver). This is the Telegram link:
Mostly American-made (Alkyl and Isobutyl) and sometimes I have Canadian-made (Pentyl/Amyl) in stock.
Planning/thinking of having a website soon.

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