Gave Liberace "a voracious appetite"
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Billy Joe
on Mon, 6 May 2013 at 07:00
Billy Joe said on Mon, 6 May 2013 at 07:00...
Here is a nice mental image to think about:
"I was living with Liberace at the time...One night Siegfried and Roy invited me over for a party without Liberace. During this time Liberace and I were fighting all the time."
What a life!
The passage goes on to say that "Liberace used amyl nitrate "poppers" that gave him a voracious appetite for sex"
The Secret Life of Siegfried and Roy: How the Tiger Kings Tamed Las Vegas By Jimmy Lavery, Jim Mydiach, Louis Mydlach, Lou Mydlach
To start with he didn't...use any nitrate, I know that. I was just a bit surprised that these poppers made him so "voracious" is that what they really do....not for me they don't. Just curious as I am a Liberace fan and love all the camp frivolity of yesteryear.
equestrian mistress said on Tue, 7 May 2013 at 21:58...
The thought of Liberace and a bottle of Rush makes me laugh! What an ourageous old queen!
Marshall said on Mon, 13 May 2013 at 18:37...
Scott Thorson? I think there is some movie coming out about all that. The poor guy is a jail bird now I think...
GRAND COQ said on Wed, 15 May 2013 at 08:45...
Behind the Candelabra starring Michael Douglas as Liberace!!! OMG! I simply can't wait darling! Even thinking about it gives me a fit of the vapors! pass the smelling salts, they are just over there next to my Louis XIV commode.
Anonymous said on Mon, 20 May 2013 at 08:52...
Gordon Gecko does Liberace! Should be a laugh!
PuzzleMaster said on Tue, 21 May 2013 at 08:07...
Did you see Money Never Sleeps.....that was Wall Street camp...notice how Gecko changes his hair style from wispy bookish to oil back slicker. I was expecting there to be a scene where the trading floor all burst into song....
GRAND COQ said on Tue, 21 May 2013 at 18:03...
I love movies that have a distinct moral message. Better than those depressing nihilistic ones from Sweden. I saw one about a family of whale fishermen living in a remote cottage, all shot in black and white! Hollywood is so much better as the good guy always gets the girl, and the baddy gets his just deserts.
equestrian mistress said on Wed, 22 May 2013 at 07:07...
"one of the greatest performances the 68-year-old actor has ever given" and other rave reviews!
PJ said on Thu, 23 May 2013 at 09:51...
He is an excellent actor you know! I do not think anyone can say his ACTING in that sequel was bad....the script was naff though. I am wondering what the point is about "moral message" - we are not mind readers, being all "ironic" is OK, but not if the reader is left clueless!
jian8 said on Thu, 23 May 2013 at 11:12...
cool guy...i like the old Miami Vice )
Marshall said on Sat, 25 May 2013 at 08:46...
Yey!! Those were the days! Did you like Golden Girls? Liberace loved it!
PJ said on Sun, 26 May 2013 at 14:27...
I am interested to see this film after I read the following:
"Liberace's gaudy Las Vegas mansion in 1977...the ceiling was a reproduction of the Sistine Chapel with Liberace's face painted among the cherubs."
"Early in their relationship, Liberace plucked an oil painting of himself from a room in his Las Vegas mansion and asked a visiting doctor to reshape Thorson's face to look like Liberace's as a young man."
If I was the director I would have added an element of Wilde's Dorian Gray. A very weird, and perhaps disgusting, individual or maybe he had a diagnosed condition? It has shades of 1970s African dictator as well.
equestrian mistress said on Mon, 27 May 2013 at 15:21...
The director is Steven Soderbergh and guess what! "some of the sex scenes between Douglas and Damon might be eye-popping (complete with poppers) for some." Ahhh!
iPop said on Tue, 28 May 2013 at 12:46...
What has Liberace got to do with African dictators! I suppose you mean his OTT style. He was rather tongue in cheek about that, yeah? He gave a lot of pleasure to lots of people, more than can be said for some old poppers anorak who hangs about in the library ('cus he is too tight to buy magazines)
Jez said on Wed, 29 May 2013 at 10:32...
Rude as @#$% as always! he always gave me the creeps!
equestrian mistress said on Wed, 29 May 2013 at 17:47...
Liberace or PJ? Wait until you've seen it and then have a brouhaha / hissy fit.
Marshall said on Mon, 10 Jun 2013 at 14:51...
There is indeed a scene in the movie where Liberace's lover turns down the chance of some poppers, it is definitely played for comic effect. The movie is really good! Worth a look.
PJ said on Wed, 12 Jun 2013 at 11:10...
I'm not too tight to buy magazines I have subscriptions to various publications. Who wants to know!
HungXL said on Wed, 12 Jun 2013 at 21:08...
Liberace was a weirdo for sure. No surprise he tried to have the dudes face changed to look like him.
Orinoco Rising said on Fri, 14 Jun 2013 at 07:58...
"Hollywood is so much better as the good guy always gets the girl"
Not always. If you are making some point about the formulaic nature of modern Hollywood movies then you should not just consider the big hype tickets. There is a world of great movies waiting to be enjoyed.
Anonymous said on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 at 07:43...
"I thought he was much more than just a camp figure. He set trends that continue today."
Some guy from UK who bought his mansion...
Punkah Wallah said on Sat, 7 Sep 2013 at 15:42...
What trends? Las Vegas tacky?
Anonymous said on Tue, 8 Oct 2013 at 10:02...
Catflowers basking in a white serenade
Lovers marching in the plastic arcade
Hope is yet frozen in an elderly frown
Mustard stains on Mama's ball gown

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