real poppers?
Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum
Topic created by Chan
on Tue, 6 Nov 2012 at 20:31
Chan said on Tue, 6 Nov 2012 at 20:31...
which one is the real popper...I try already some bottle of RUSH and IRON HORSE
Papa_Pop said on Wed, 7 Nov 2012 at 19:51...
Rush Liquid Incense? Where did you get your poppers, Chan?
Chan said on Sat, 10 Nov 2012 at 11:21...
From a store's no incense only for nails
BD-Ralph in KS said on Tue, 13 Nov 2012 at 20:36...
What did you think of Iron Horse??? Are they not all the same? That is what I find anyway. Although one guy said they made Hardware with an added essence. All poppers are something different from what they originally were, so I don't think you'll find the real old type.
Carter said on Sun, 2 Dec 2012 at 19:30...
Never tried Iron Horse (weird name) although I can tell you that there is a difference between Rush and Hardware (in my opinion anyway)
Tommy said on Wed, 5 Dec 2012 at 13:33...
The difference is the label.
The Lizardmen said on Tue, 5 Mar 2013 at 10:24...
difference is not label, back in the day they used to put extra in Hardware and it was some kind of essence. today it is prob all the same though
PJ said on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 at 12:51...
I find the question odd. What is meant by "real"? I guess you mean original and that means amyl nitrite aka amyl nitrate! Well, good luck finding that! The notion of real in the context of poppers is rather absurd. If you think about it, was the original Ford motor car "real" and the models sold now unreal (or by implication...fake)? I would suggest not, or you would be driving round in an old bone shaker and being laughed at by your peers. Are the new formulas rotten? Some of them are for sure, but not all. In any case surely it is a question of preference, some people for the sake of pretension or regression, like driving around in old cars, yah? I cannot abide that rawhide poppers that they sell in the States as "Nail Polish Remover" as it gives me coughing fits. Perhaps some folks swear by it? I lurv some isopropyl nitrite poppers, but dislike the burning sensation.
Iron_Rod said on Sun, 24 Mar 2013 at 15:59...
Isobutyl nitrite poppers make you cough! Are you sure they were real!
PJ said on Thu, 30 May 2013 at 14:23...
Yes. They had that cough drop type smell which I recognize as that formula. The other ones, which are usually described as alkyl nitrite, smell of a tropical fruit basket...isobutyl aroma smells more like a basket of washing (not necessarily in a bad way...just a grasp at description)
isukblakok said on Mon, 5 Aug 2013 at 18:34...
Back before the owner of Rush put a bullet in his head, real poppers were so strong they could make me nearly faint. I once popped while on my knees and stood up suddenly when the men's room door opened and I lost my vision (completely) for about 5 minutes. I could get so wasted on poppers I felt like I was having an out of body experience. What is sold now doesn't even give me a buzz, just the smell. Don't compare to a Model T Ford, compare to a Ford GT 40. Today's cars pale in comparison. Today's poppers just make you feel sick.
Maureen said on Tue, 17 Sep 2013 at 12:41...
What were you doing on your knees in the khazi with poppers, luv? Were you looking for loose change? I knew a old gentleman (Polish he was I think) he told me in that you can often find coins on the bog floor. Perhaps you got banged and didn't realize it. If you were kneeling down and someone suddenly opened the door I think that might be what it was.
isukblakok said on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 at 00:00...
big time for that answer, Mo.
Actually, I had just begun to eat a huge blood sausage
from one end when the door swung open and I thought
it was the authorities come to warn me of the prohibition
on eating in the loo.
Linda4656 said on Tue, 16 Jun 2015 at 16:03...
isukblakok, I too use to get like that. The old Rush use to make my sack would draw up and I loved the feeling. I would get so horny I would get out of control, I miss the old Rush.
Nosey P said on Fri, 4 May 2018 at 07:38...
The owner of Rush "put a bullet in his head"?? What is that all about! I do not believe it. Talking about real, I do not think that is real at all! The sack shrink now that is something I remember. Wow fun days, eh!
Horny guy said on Fri, 22 Mar 2019 at 01:43...
I've tried iron horse ok dont last as long as rush
isukblakok said on Sun, 12 Jul 2020 at 17:45...
@Nosey P- A bullet, it’s true. He was hounded by the government in the most horrific ways and his life was falling apart. Once he was gone all the counterfeiters stole his label art and product names and made a really shitty product that the government didn’t care about any more. Nobody there to sue about copyright infringement and no courts to care.
It’s Chinatown, Jake.
Nonsense! said on Mon, 3 May 2021 at 14:09...
No... it is not true. The story is quite different and is not the business of some gossip monger on here. RIP J.F.Miller
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