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poppersx mixes and other brands

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by AnonOP
on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 at 13:13

AnonOP said on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 at 13:13...

Ok so it's definitely the butyl and N-Amyl mixed that gives the crazy high. I think the iso-amyl is similar to N-Amyl in regards to the slutty feeling but i got fucked up last night and mainly did N-Amyl and butyl so i'll have to report back on that one.The butyl is what loosens the muscles up the most and the N-Amyl gives you the slut feeling. combined you get a really fucking nice slutty high that surpasses any of the isobutyl main brands out there right now. 100% this is the best experience I've found so far and I think it's because of the overwhelming slut feeling you can get from the N-Amyl. The body warming sensation goes hard. btw one of the bottles was marked 06/03 and I tried it on 07/19 and it still worked very well, granted I keep my bottles cooled.

a few exceptions to the main brands is the brown bottle, that says isobutyl but it's really fucking good. at least the ones that I've gotten. I don't get a cough from it either unless I really go fucking nuts on it.

VHC is also very fucking good but despite being butyl I don't get the looseness that I got from poppersx butyl so i definitely think they're mixing something else in there, just don't know what it is. VHC's high seems to last longer too and honestly it's THE longest lasting high. sometimes I just have to lay there in a slutty mess because I'm to high to function, not in a bad way I would say, but it definitely makes your brain flip out lol.

Double scorpio is pretty good too, but if I'm going to buy premium shit I'd rather go with VHC.

Rush is garbage now, i've had three orders of rush that are just shit.

Jungle Juice is also mostly garbage with the exception of the platinum one, it still seems to do pretty well, but even that feels like it's lost quality with their new branding and whatever else the fuck they're doing.

Popperspig brands are decent but they're all isobutyl and they're hit or miss. keyhole was decent.

English is decent but I'd rather get brown bottle.

Bolt is just rush bs all over again.

I do poppers once a week while eating healthy and exercising. I take methylene blue to negate any next day headaches. Got a few more poppers to try which I keep stored in my fridge with a silicone pack to keep moisture down.

I'll keep reporting on poppers to help people searching for those mind breaking orgasms. There are alot of shit poppers out there, but there are some fucking fantastic ones too. I know the old heads say the golden days are gone, but where there is a will there is a way. And by god I'm cumming.

Aurora said on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 at 14:30...

Hey thanks for your post ! :-)
I look forward to hearing more about your experiences

I’ve got some twisted beast “amyl” iso-amyl at the moment
It been nice !

Starbug said on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 at 14:49...

Poppersx has, when don send something, online junk products....

Erwin said on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 at 14:52...

Keep the hands off These poppersx - that is garbage

Pastor V de Gato said on Sat, 20 Jul 2024 at 19:59...

he says "Rush is garbage now" " just shit" and the word "fuck" and "fucking" appears a lot. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina has an ordinance that makes potty mouth profanities like this punishable with fines of up to $500 and/or 30 days in jail.

The words that cannot be spoken on radio are:

2. piss
3. fuck
4. cunt
5. cocksucker
6. motherfucker
7. tits

I mean they will fire you if you say any of these! AnonOP uses 1 and 3 and is obviously a 4.


Elvis said on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 at 12:11...

I can vouch for VHC. They really have their formula figured out. It's a bit pricey at $30 but really worth it. And it does have a somewhat paralyzing affect for me. Jerking my cock with it is pretty fucking amazing. Especially with a soft cock. I prefer jerking my cock when its soft. The orgasm is much better. I can jerk my cock like a motherfucker when its soft. Shit, I can edge for hours watching " my style" of porn on my tablet with VHC. The chick that I normally jerk it to, has a nice fucking set of tits. It usually takes me a few minutes to recover and get my head straight after I dump my load on my white belly.

I used to get Flamin' from Artisanal Cleaners. But they only offer two payment options. And I use neither.

Double Scorpio White Gold is decent.

I ordered some PWD products from MainLabWebsite too. They were also pretty decent. I think the key to getting good PWD products is to get them fresh. Which MainlabWebsite does. They claim all products are fresh. But sadly, PWD ( RUSH, Bolt, QuickSilver, etc ) just aren't what they used to be.

I tried the butyl poppers from poppersx last year and was Not impressed. The product arrived just fine. Shipping was good too. The butyl was just weak. Maybe it was old.

And speaking of Myrtle Beach, it's turned into a crime ridden shit hole. Nothing but a tourist hell hole. Plus, who wants to even set foot in the ocean now days ? Sharks are everywhere. Biting just about anyone who gets in the water. Every day you hear about a shark attack. I watched a documentary last week about a big huge fucking shark that was attacking a bunch of swimmers. A few guys went out to catch it and it even attacked their boat and pretty much destroyed it. Even bit one of the dudes. Luckily they were able to kill it. It had a big propane tank in its mouth and one of the dudes from the boat shot the propane tank with a rifle. And blew it up. Blew the shark up too. Lucky shot for sure. But at least thats one less shark biting people. Why did god even make sharks ? Or mosquitos for that matter. At least god helped with snakes. Did you know that snakes used to have legs. Satan put legs on snakes but god removed them. Pretty sure it said that in the bible somewhere.

Gaylord Kvetch said on Mon, 22 Jul 2024 at 17:53...

The Gay Dolphin Gift Store offers great deals...check out the Bob Ross socks next time you visit Cackalacky Beach.

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