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Yellow/Sun spot with isoamyl, isopentyl and butyl

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Someguyidk
on Tue, 25 Jun 2024 at 21:28

Someguyidk said on Tue, 25 Jun 2024 at 21:28...

So ive tried popper for the first few time last week, I love the effect they have on me, but it seems i have intolerance to poppers or is it normal? Basically after a few hits i start seeing a small-ish yellow spot in the middle of my vision, my firend gave me to try diffrent types but all have the same effect. I assume my body just not made for poppers?

stay away said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 03:52...

I would say stay away from all types of poppers but amyl, but amyl is such poor quality trash now I would say give up poppers altogether, they are crap nowadays, I just got an order from twisted beast and its one of their own supposedly infernal strength poppers.... It was stale on arrival and went down the sink.

Phil said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 05:19...

@stay away: Thanks for your comment and assessment of the inferior popper product you received from Twisted Beast in the UK.
The Twisted Beast order processing, product packaging, and customer support and assistance are excellent; but most of their product formulas appear to be very similar to those sold by Poppers-Aromas in France.
I agree that the popper products being advertised as "amyl" are not real amyl and the formulas are very weak and mostly ineffective.
I have now significantly reduced the frequency that I use poppers (amyl and pentyl), because all of the product formulas are inferior, weak, and very disappointing.

poop said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 08:51...

@stay away
isn't isoamyl/pentyl/isopentyl the same thing as amyl? i think some european companies even just lable amyl as those for legal reasons

stay away said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 08:59...

isopropyl in particular damages the eyes and causes macular degeneration and affects central vision, I have heard report of issues with other formulas of poppers but there isn't conclusive research or studies online to support this, only user experience.

I found twisted beast customer service excellent when issuing a refund on a leaky bottle, their packaging is great nd the shipping is fast, but when I reported a bottle that was very weak and lost all potency in 4 days with minimal use. I was met with an email to say you should keep it upright in the fridge, which I do and responded to it by email, I was then ignored and no response, no apology, no refund.

I have also left 2 negative reviews and neither were published, and looking at many of the reviews it's clear to see some are just totally made up, like the guy that is a dominant crawling on his hands and knees in various cruise bars and being out of his mind all week on 1 bottle of bitch juice lol....I think they report their range of products as being out of stock on a routine base to give the appearance that their poppers are SUPER FRESH, but the reality is they probably have a stuffy hot little shed with a load of poppers cooking in the sun and all probably months old, most is stale on arrival and does nothing but makew your heart pound slightly and no sexual feelings at all........I also noticed varying quality of the same brands, different feeling every time and mostly negative, after a few months dabbling i'm done, I say get out while you can mate, who needs poppers for a wank or a shag ?????

stay away said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 09:05...

not sure about the labeling thing,its a shady business really all of it when you think about it, no quality control and the chemicals are volatile and unstable at best. I recently had a bottle of twisted beast gold and it made my heart pound really bad and made me feel on edge, no sexual feelings remotely, and although in a bottle with a good seal it rapidly evaporated like 10mm a day stored upright in the fridge with no use, as it evaporated the buzz became less unpleasant and more of a headrush but still with no sexual feelings at all and killed my erection, it also went totally dead afternight...the last of the amyl clearly evaporated and left me with the nitrite base......dead after 5 days

mUcKy mIkE said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 11:46...

isn't isoamyl/pentyl/isopentyl the same thing as amyl?

pentyl/isopentyl correct...... isoamy nO

stay away.. chuckleheaded bad mouthing BS



Someguyidk said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 13:14...

So is yellow spot is me problem or the poppers? 🤔

stay away said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 16:55...

mucky mike I am entitled to an opinion you nasty choad gargling fucktoilet

mUcKy mIkE said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 17:42...

unsanitary toadsucker with your windy pottymouth spew blabber

poop said on Wed, 26 Jun 2024 at 19:56...

what in malicious gay faggotry...

stay away said on Thu, 27 Jun 2024 at 00:25...

lmao quality comeback, may your balls be infested with the fleas of a thousand camels and your arms be short to scratch them

. said on Thu, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:12...

i have similar experience no matter what poppers i use green/yellow blob right at the center of my vision, it normaly goes away after few minutes

Sheik Bin Dogging said on Thu, 27 Jun 2024 at 11:57...

@Blessed Brother .said, you must stop from the poppers then. not good for you, innit.

@All other infidels: May your rectums be ravaged by the larvae of multitudinous pinworm! A thousand curses on your toenails!

dildoslut said on Fri, 28 Jun 2024 at 17:00...

isopentyl = isoamyl
Pentyl = Amyl = 1-Pentyl = 1-Amyl

Mystery solved forever.

Sheik Bin Dogging said on Sun, 30 Jun 2024 at 15:08...

@Blessed Brother dildoslut, may the gentle rain cool your brow, may the perfume of a 1000 golden wattle blooms grace your venerable abode.

Amyl specialist said on Sun, 7 Jul 2024 at 21:27...

NOBODY should be seeing spots when using good amyl. This is caused by impurities from the beginning or after bottling.

What you should see is tunnel vision when looking at an erotic image. The erotic image becomes amplified, more clear and a slight color change. It's a very cool effect.

You won't get this from crap poppers.

Isopentyl poppers are NOT nearly as good as N-amyl poppers made from one pentanol. Isopentyl poppers degrade into a funky scent very quickly.

LockerRoom in Canada makes decent amyl BUT they have to be super fresh...based on their printed codes on bottles.

Amyl specialist said on Sun, 7 Jul 2024 at 21:31...

You have to have access to lots of top quality one pentanol and have a recipe that works. Chemicals have been restricted for decades. Second hand alcohols are SHIT.

The authorities do NOT want good amyl to hit the streets because they every latent bottom because a hopeless bottom slut spreading all manner of diseases. Hello...anyone remember AIDS!!!

anon said on Wed, 10 Jul 2024 at 02:13...

I have probably bought somewhere around 60 bottles in the last 4 years, and none of them were nearly as good as the ones I got in the beginning of 2020.

poppersx.com said on Fri, 12 Jul 2024 at 02:07...

Try mine, see post about a FREE bottle (just pay shipping).

I have n-amyl and isoamyl (same thing as pentyl).

I can make plain amyl but I would like to sell what I have in stock first

Anonymous said on Wed, 17 Jul 2024 at 02:10...

@someguyidk, I to have noticed a white or yellow circle. And recently I saw where someone said they saw a “anal rosebud” and another say they saw a “gaping asshole”. Which sometimes after a hit I see what looks like a gaped hole. Really weird.

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