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Poppers Aroma package is held in Mumbai Customs

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Max
on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 at 21:18

Max said on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 at 21:18...

Hi All

I ordered a 15 ml bottle of Rush poppers from poppers aroma EU site and teh current status shows it is with the Mumbai Customs. I received a letter at home from the APSC , customs to provide documentation on - end use of the product, invoice, etc.
I am bit worried now whether I should really go to the Santa Cruz Customs area where it is held and provide these documentation Or I should just ignore this whole thing? What if I don't respond and collect my package, will they pursue me legally?

bit worried so any response helpful will be appreciated.

Assman4U said on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 08:42...

Id ignore the whole thing. They prolly just want to get you there in person and ask yoi dumb questions....and if you even do provide proof or documentation....they still may not give it back to you.

That's the problem with order over seas...and from that place. I mean you could try again....let the company know about your order....or if your in the US.. order within the US. Safer. Just saying

Max said on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 11:01...

@ Assman4U Thanks for your reply. I actually willing to let this whole thing go and ignore it, my concern is that they already have my address and sent me a letter, if I don't react/respond will they take any legal action on me.

Assman4U said on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 15:52...

They won't come after you. You technically ordered cleaning solvents which say that on the bottles. They wood hand to go after 1,000's of people. You didn't anything wrong. Just forget about it. Again....I'd let the company know.... and try again. Depending on your location id try somewhere inside your country if your US or whatever so you don't have to have it cross customs.

Yfronts said on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 16:32...

Mumbai is in India, not the USA. There are other countries in the world apart from the United States, not sure if some Americans realize that? What Mumbai customs will do, or not do, is probably for an Indian national to say.

Max: are poppers illegal in India or not?

Assman4U said on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 16:46...

Thanks for the update. Didn't know that. Thanks. Yes you would have to find out of they illegal in India first off. Still don't think they would pursue you. Just a letter trying to scare you.

Max said on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 17:14...

@Yfronts - Not sure if it is illegal in India. I tried researching on the internet, but no information or clarity. I am though assuming that it is illegal and maybe an issue for me now. In case they won't let it go and pursue me then I will be in trouble.

Yfronts said on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 18:13...

Assman4U is probably right, they would not make a big deal about it. But heads up: they do in Japan, so it is not unknown. Your man Narendra Modi is not exactly a very respectable person, so who knows?; he is promoting discrimination, licking Putin's butt, and claiming to be the leader of The Global South. If this translates to crack downs on poppers, or anything else, it would not surprise me. India has a poor record on the treatment of many of it's people, including LGBT. I personally would leave it alone, as I would be concerned about an opportunistic shake down. But don't get paranoid about folks showing up at your door, as Assman4U says poppers are not a big deal really.

Max said on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 19:22...

@ Yfronts - I hope they don't come knocking the doors, I also think it is far fetched, but like you said who knows what they can do given the situation here. Hope they don't put a Mark against my name in the immigration system and then every time i go in and out of india, I get quesitoned. Hopefully not a big deal, maybe I can lawyer-up and see. I know I am being paranoid but for a reason i guess :-(

Yfronts said on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 at 23:30...

>being paranoid

Yes, you are. Chill.

Max said on Sun, 18 Feb 2024 at 09:35...

Yfronts - thanks !! I will try :-)

Your Genie :) said on Tue, 27 Feb 2024 at 14:59...

Guys... we'll handle that part for u going forward! We take stock from Europe and distribute it locally through reliable sellers.

We cater to almost 900 clients across the country... so don't worry.. we don't scam! If u still wanna speculate.. u may!

For the others...

If you require genuine European Poppers, PLS SHARE UR TELEGRAM ID on the link below;

We will get in touch with you!

Pls send your Telegram ID, ONLY! No msgs.

Susie - Aromas Customer Service said on Fri, 22 Mar 2024 at 12:24...

Hello guys !

Each customs have different rules. If the order is held, ignore it and please contact us so we can offer the best option possible.
It's actually easier to discuss a second shipment than contact carriers and customs which takes forever :-)

We hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,

Max said on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 at 13:15...

@Susie - thanks , so to confirm - I can request an a;ternate shippment from poppers aroma EU site?

Max said on Sun, 24 Mar 2024 at 13:16...

@Your Genie - i left my telegram id on the link you shared. will wait for your response.

Susie - Aromas Customer Service said on Mon, 25 Mar 2024 at 17:21...

Hello Max !

Our solution will depend on the situation (number of bottles in the order for example), that's why it'll be easier to help if you contact us and share the order reference :-)

Looking forward to your reply,

Max said on Tue, 26 Mar 2024 at 18:23...

@Susie - how can I reach out? I mean what email I can?

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