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what was 1st poppers called

Posted on Poppers Guide's Forum

Topic created by Terry
on Sat, 10 May 2014 at 12:38

Terry said on Sat, 10 May 2014 at 12:38...

like i mean what was the name on the label? it was rush or someone told me it was Purple. I am curious as I just found a load of old poppers in the garage last week dunno if they will be any good

FistBud said on Sat, 10 May 2014 at 15:00...

Amyl nitrite was the first name and poppers were snappers or glass capsules in a box. I do not think there were any brands before 1970s

Fletch said on Mon, 12 May 2014 at 04:43...

The first poppers was called 'Joe', the second one 'Bill'.

equestrian mistress said on Mon, 12 May 2014 at 11:44...

Maybe they are still OK if they were kept cool...what are they? Names of poppers change every month it seems to me. Rush, Jungle Juice, Liquid Gold are the old timers :-)

Jako said on Mon, 12 May 2014 at 14:06...

I can't honestly tell you name of the 1st Popper, but I can tell you the name of the latest Popper. It's 'Electrical Contact Cleaner'.


Mr Mick said on Mon, 12 May 2014 at 15:56...

You wouldn't be much good in a pub quiz, Jako. Q: What's the name of capital city of Bhutan. A: Dunno, but Eskimos live in an Igloo.

PS. Johnny Vegas to return as The Oracle..oh yes! :-)

Jako said on Mon, 12 May 2014 at 20:27...

Mr Mick:
Just stick to what you do best, and don't try to get clever even though you are clearly a crack head.

Eastie69 said on Mon, 12 May 2014 at 21:51...

Earliest I remember was an ad in the back of Hustler for 'Liquid Gold", Early 80's :-)

Maureen said on Tue, 13 May 2014 at 08:17...

Life was so much simpler then! The music was better too...Maggie and Ronnie...Wimpy not McDonalds...bring back the early 80's! Adam Ant. Memories are nice...please tell me some more.

They used to be sold with little paper stickers first. Maybe some will turn up and I can start a Poppers Museum. Like Jako I can't recall the name....was it Ram or something in a long thin bottle?

Jako said on Tue, 13 May 2014 at 10:55...

UK's 'Liquid Gold' has sprung to mind, it's still going after 30 years, but now it's that dreadful Propyl - yuk.

Timmy said on Fri, 26 Sep 2014 at 23:59...

Liquid gold - standard issue and probably one of the first in the uk when poppers became one of the first legal highs sold in a bottle not capsules intended for medical use
Before they were marketed and branded they were probably sold in descreate brown bottles passed round in the back of clubs - happy days

Do your research! said on Fri, 10 Oct 2014 at 11:29...

To answer the question: the first Popper's were called Franz and Leo; in the sense that these were the first progeny after the family name was changed from Popovski. As is well documented the Popovski family ran a famous gravy factory in Minsk. They fled Minsk in 1814 after a dispute with Tsar Nicholas. Nicholas I of Russia did not like their "Friday Night Dinner" gravy as it contained sage which he claimed caused infertility. The Popovski - Popper family then settled in Strasbourg and were the founders of the famous "gravy train" along with Baron Paresseux -Batard.

Don said on Tue, 6 Jan 2015 at 16:36...

I should think they were originally a patent medicine of some kind. Lots of things that we enjoy today started like that!

motorhead said on Thu, 9 Apr 2015 at 22:41...

poppers were not quack medicine they were formulated (amyl) to relive angina. only around late 50s some guys find they are handy for other purposes :-) that word "poppers" is slang anyway. the original amyl was a glass tube and the name of the pharma company, only later stuff like Rush, and even then it was liquid aroma i think, not poppers!

OrSum said on Tue, 19 May 2015 at 10:44...

The OP asked a question! he gets ads and bull about "Popovski" The original poppers had no name, come in a box with glass and metal wire.

Doctor Fanny's Antiscorbutic Droplets said on Sun, 20 Dec 2015 at 20:29...

May I recommend Doctor Fanny's Antiscorbutic Droplets? Efficacious against the scurvy, dropsy, ailments of the hand, leg, neck and feet, proven to calm the fires of the captious, pugnacious, combative, antagonistic, contentious, bellicose, belligerent, and cantankerous.Proven remedy against the gout, and "pheasant breath". Available to discerning gentlefolk who choose to call at Dr Igantius Bartholomew Fanny's renowned apothecary at Greasemutton Street, Westminster (when shut up ask for Mme Merrie de Baucha at The Rose & etc)

"I taketh of the droplets and was cured of all ailments arising from turtle distemper and surfeit of the nostrils" H.K.L.N. Willberfort, Gentleman.

Major B, Newmarket said on Mon, 21 Dec 2015 at 15:50...

What about "Tartary Thumb"? I have that disagreeable affliction and was told by one learned gentleman of my acquaintance that Sister Angelica Dewdrop's "Revalenta Arabica" was a sure cure for my woes. Is that so, Sir? I have never heard of any Dr Igantius Bartholomew Fanny and suspect chicanery and sophistry is afoot!

Major B.

My circulation (available on request only) lists many splendid equestrian facts that are proven to be most advantageous to those of a sporting disposition. I also offer a coach and four for elopements and "les affaires de coeur" in the Newmarket area and beyond. Discretion and smelling salts are offered at no charge.

Cloudesley said on Mon, 4 Jan 2016 at 10:45...

Tartary Thumb is indeed a most disagreeable malady. A tincture made thus is most efficacious:

"take smallage seed, apple seed, peppers of ye marsh and salt, and grind them well together and temper them with malmsey wine and drink it, for it is good for dropsy, bellicose humors in the gizzard, the liver and the wickedness of wandering hands. Also, it is good for wounds and for ranklings and to cease the burning and aching and to bring them to their kind again. It cureth the ailment known as Tartary Thumb which cometh from the handling of water fowls"

Butter Box said on Fri, 8 Jan 2016 at 09:04...

It is my privildge and honour to introduce to your esteemed readership Elizabeth Bonniface's Carbonated Electro-Magnetic Bath Salts.

Containing salts gathered from the temple of Ephesus imbued with hydrated thespian and irate of zinc.

Effective, competent and virtuous in pursuit of re-medic action for the following:

Cools, soothes and cures joint fever and joint settling, nervous arches, lime crusting, rheumatic joints, and induces groin swelling. Dispels sarcastic rheumatism, throat aches, fever sores and scrofula, back and kidney aches, bone swellings, withering muscles, palsied limbs, shrunken cords, crippled fingers and toes. A proven source of relief from night terrors, turtle breath, croup and ailments spread by Irish linen.

Mountebank & Sons said on Sat, 9 Jan 2016 at 13:47...

Elizabeth Bonniface's Carbonated Electro-Magnetic Bath Salts are available only through Mountebank & Sons, Dupe Street, Bristol. NEW! We are delighted to offer The Boniface Electro-Concussion Bathing Probes (a portable device made from Bakelite and the modern marvel of asbestos) to be used in conjunction with the salts for miraculous results.

"My complexion resembles that of Mrs Wallpaper Simpson thanks to "The Boniface Electro-Concussion Bathing Probes." Constant P, Marleybone.

Many women report interest and proposals from their social superiors after just three days: "I have dined with a haberdasher and received a billet-doux from a Laird" Miss Moibeal, Hebrides

DinkleTree Syrups said on Thu, 21 Jan 2016 at 11:59...

Those that have sustained injury or insolence from others turn to Mother Majorie in their hour of need!

"Mother Marjorie's Dinkletree Powders are a modern marvel" S.C. Rotum, Lytham St Annes

"I was cuckolded by a tree surgeon in Kidderminster, Mother Marjorie's Extract of Chintz was the best remedy for my affliction" Slee Z. Gitt, Den Haag

"During an summer outing I was hoisted by my own petard, only Mother M's Liquor of Senna-pod offered release" Miss P.A. Lott, Danzig

Testimonials from across the world in perfect English cannot fail to impress upon the infirm of mind the daily benefits of Mother Marjorie's beneficial range of powders, liquors, lozenges, and metallic instruments for the relief of tonsured chilblains.

Exclusively available by the post. Inquiries to Mother M. c/o The Olde Wishing Well Inn, Blasted Heath, Near Dinkletree, Yorkshyre.

Mrs T. Antrum said on Mon, 25 Jan 2016 at 10:33...

The Electro-Concussion Bathing Probes are most incommodious! They produce vapors of a stringent and disagreeable quality that contend with rotting oysters in their singular putridity.

M. Uttonchops Esq. said on Thu, 17 Mar 2016 at 14:18...

I keep a small flask of aromatic liquids in my clutch bag when traveling on the roads. If I encounter an uncouth immoral personage (porter, working man, or similar) I produce the flask to revive my spirits. At once I am reinvigorated! Thereafter I often retire to a discreet place and read the miscreant an improving text. Mindful of the spirit of charity I supply the wretch with coin and send him on his way. It is my opinion that immoral womenfolk do not respond to this form of kindness, and I am not inclined to discover whether it be so or no.

P. Culiar, Gentleman. said on Mon, 21 Mar 2016 at 14:10...

I refer to the above missive by M. Uttochops Esq., I suspect the author is in fact Brother Methuzelah Uttonchops late of Winklebroth Abbey! Rather than show kindness to the working man of Shropshire this gentleman is known for sermonizing in thickets, committing "acts of irreligious peculiarity" at public gatherings, and "exciting others to commit an unnatural offense at a threshing barn"

Captain L.I. Bertine, Somersetshire said on Mon, 9 May 2016 at 06:31...

A villager of mine, whose particulars are known to myself, is suffering from the night terrors. Do the learned gentlefolk hereon have a proposal regarding a curative lotion that might be applied forthwith? Following the advice of an improper bawd: I offer this lady my walnuts as a Yuletide treat, since that time there has been much commotion and unseemly rumpus. I am much perturbed and walk often in stormy weather across Cliff Heath in a moody and poetic manner.

Your advices, Gentlemen, are eagerly sought.


Dr Dick Stroker said on Sun, 14 Aug 2016 at 13:41...

Put M' Ladie in sack cloth and deny all form of merriment and frolicsome diversion. Mix one part fat of a hog with the herb known as Old Maid's Whimsy which grow upon the river banke. Apply this medicamant to
M' Ladie's ham hocks and give doses of antimonial wine to induce The Purge. Taketh one sprig of Fillamore's Whicket and a bank note and a cutting from the Ladie's night shawl; send the same by the Post to Percival W c/o (and speak of this matter to no man) Hermann Smutz Continental Copperplate Engravings, Lewd House, Wanton Lane, London.

The ladie will be cured by Whitsun.

Fustylugs (at the sign of the pink pineapple) said on Wed, 18 Oct 2017 at 13:45...

M'Lord complaineth most vehemently of vexations of the periwig. "Tis the adulterated powders of Messrs S.C. Ratcher of Throgmorton Street sayeth he! What fancy! 'tis the pox! for he layeth with wench most oft in Catbox Alley; at that bawdy house curated by ye notorious Auntie Doris. For cleanliness and fine hock he should take a carriage to Clapdrip Lane and ask for Mistress Fustylugs.

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